Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 294 The Team Competition Between Hua and Tyranny

Chapter 294 Team Competition Between Hundred Blossoms and Tyranny

"The reason for attacking rather than defending with abacus is because you are still needed in the team competition."

Sitting in his seat, Zhang Wei would think about the words Yi Tianming said to him before the game.

It was also the reason why Zhang Wei had a head-to-head confrontation with Han Wenqing at the beginning of the first single match.
He is still needed in the team competition!

Therefore, the single player must warm up the feeling,
If you blindly defend, the mentality of the players will be affected, and the performance of the team competition may go wrong.

At this time, a burst of radio brought Zhang Wei's thoughts back to reality,

"Please get ready, the team competition is about to start... Please both players..."

On the seat of flowers,
"Come on." Yi Tianming stretched out his right hand, and other team members put their hands on his hand one after another.
"Hundred Flowers, come on!!"

A burst of loud unison shouts resounded from here, startling all Tyranny fans who were close outside,
Is this the momentum of the championship team?

Afterwards, the 6 contestants who appeared in this game lined up and walked towards the field.
The leader is Yi Tianming, followed by Chu Yunxiu, Mo Chuchen, Song Xiao, and Zheng Chengfeng. These five are the starters, and the sixth is Zhang Wei.
When the audience saw the starting list, they couldn't help being slightly taken aback,
There is no Su Mucheng?
A star player who helped his team score a point in the individual competition did not appear in the list for the team competition.

Such an arrangement is really incomprehensible.
Including Zhang Xinjie, they were all a little surprised. Some star players were not used, but a veteran was sent.

Hmm... an invisible move,
Yi Tianming made this move well, and it was Zhang Xinjie's turn to make a move.

For Tyranny's home game, they used their more commonly used set.
The starting lineup is as follows: Han Wenqing, Zhang Xinjie, Guo Mingyu, Lin Jingyan, Bai Yanfei, and the sixth player is newcomer Qin Muyun.

So far in this chess game, Zhang Xinjie and Yi Tianming are almost [-]-[-]. Although Baihua has a one-point advantage, it's not that big. The next team match will be the highlight.

The players of the two teams shook hands and said "Come on" to each other, without too much trash talking, and then walked into the war room,

However, the cheers from Tyranny's fans in the entire venue kept going,
"Come on, Tyranny! Tyranny will win!!"

"Tyranny! Tyranny! Tyranny!!"

Tyranny fans are extremely excited today,
We're a point behind now, but so what?
Last time it was you who brought down the Korean team by using your physical strength tactics, but today the Korean team's physical strength has not been greatly affected by the single player event, he will definitely lead us to victory! !
With such conviction, the Tyranny fans in the stands roared from the bottom of their hearts,

Of course, Hundred Flowers fans are not vegetarians. What storms haven't you seen in the past two years?

The bigger the storm, the more points!

That's right, the number of Baihuafen is not dominant, so the voice of shouting is temporarily suppressed, but they are not discouraged,
Recharge your batteries first, and then unleash all your roars after winning the game! !
Amidst bursts of shouts, the much-anticipated team competition officially started.
Ten characters are refreshed on the map at the same time,
The map for this game was "carefully" selected by Tyranny.
The home field advantage can't be wasted. Zhang Xinjie's consideration for this map is also due to many aspects. Whether it is the entry point, team fight point, offense or defense, etc., he has made a very detailed strategy.

It can be said that it is very thoughtful,
Deputy Zhang's determination to win is also very strong! !
Presumably, the loss in the first round also planted a thorn in Zhang Xinjie's heart. As a master tactician, he was put on the back foot by a surprisingly exhausting tactic. Can Zhang Xinjie feel at ease?
Certainly not!
So, now, it's time to pull that thorn out!

Come on, Master Tactician!
In the war room, Zhang Xinjie slightly moved his hand joints, making a slight "click" sound,

Manipulating the character stone without turning, after simply observing the surrounding terrain,
A simple command popped up from Tyranny's internal channel. The very concise command was to direct the team's next move.
The other four Tyranny members didn't hesitate in the slightest. After receiving the order, they quickly adjusted their formation and set off! !

Tyranny's team is like a tiger descending the mountain, unleashing its aggressiveness undisguisedly, and is about to show off its momentum at home!

Command after command, Commander Zhang Xinjie vividly interpreted his cautious and careful character,
Even if he is fighting at home, even if he is fighting on a map he is familiar with, he strives to make every detail perfect,

It depends on his innate tactical literacy as a tactical master. It may be "excessive" to say that he is born with it, because the acquired efforts of Deputy Team Zhang also accounted for a very important part.

But at least, this prudence was born with him, and he relied on this prudence to help Team Tyranny overcome each difficulty,

Today, can Baihua overcome this test?
This question is still unknown,

However, the fans of Tyranny outside have already completely boiled over, this kind of caution is worthy of the last victory!Tyranny also needed this victory! !

Even Baihua... was a little taken aback by Zhang Xinjie's cautiousness and Tyranny's team's tiger-like aura.
This one won't be easy, I'm afraid.
This is the thought in the hearts of Baihuafen,
Hmm... a little flustered,

At this time, it would be a lie to say that you are not nervous. After all, you are facing Tyranny, such a well-established team, and there is the F4 combination in the team.

Nervous and hasty emotions quickly spread among Baihuafen,
However, when they saw the character whose ID was Blossoming Chaos standing on the field,
The tension and haste in my heart disappeared,
This is the sense of security that Blossoming Chaos brings to people, and it is also the sense of security that the captain brings to people! !
Even if we play away games, our own players are not vegetarian either!The captain can also lead us to this victory! !

All of a sudden, the cheers of Baihuafen in the stands resounded.

The game has not yet started, and the fan level of the two sides has reached a point of tension.

Very exciting!

During the singles competition, there have been duels between new and old players. At that time, more attention was paid to the individual ability of the players.

Now it's the team competition, most of the old and new members of the two teams remain unchanged, but unlike the single-player competition, the team competition is more about testing the cooperation between the members and the commander's scheduling ability.

At this time, the commentator Pan Lin started to comment on the situation on the field in real time.

"Okay, ten members from both sides have all walked out from the refresh point."

"From the point of view of the holographic projection, this is a map that does not occupy a large area. Presumably, Tyranny also considered Baihua's desire to spend time, so he deliberately chose such a medium-to-small map. He wanted to fight quickly. A quick way to carry out this team duel."

"Of course, I personally think that Hundred Blossoms would not be vain if they confronted each other head-on.

Today Baihua's captain, Yi Tianming, chose a Berserker who had been useless for a while, the No. [-] Berserker in Glory, Blossoming Chaos, I think his ability to face pressure is needless to say.In the first game of his debut, he showed the four words of personal ability in front of all the audience. "

"Well... I'm really looking forward to the head-to-head confrontation between the two teams, and I think you are too!"

As soon as Pan Lin finished speaking, the audience couldn't wait to turn their attention to the holographic projection.

There is an old saying that "seeing is worth hearing a hundred times" certainly has some truth to it,
Some things, no matter how much you listen to others, are not as intuitive as seeing them yourself.

"Before the two teams start playing, hurry up and take a look at the specific terrain of this map!" In the stands, a neutral fan with a small back murmured,
The first thing that catches the eye is the name of the map: Dunes of Despair,
Through holographic projection, the whole picture of this map also came into mind:
The endless golden desert has some "small grooves" that are unevenly distributed, but overall it is relatively "flat".

In the center of the map is a pyramid,

The four sides of the pyramid have ladders to the top. Unlike the sand on the map, these ladders are paved with mottled stones, and there is a small platform on the top of the pyramid, which can accommodate 5 characters.

And with the passage of time, the situation on the field has also changed, and the two teams have appeared in their respective sights!

The five of Tyranny transformed into a long snake formation, and Da Mo Gu Yan was the first to bear the brunt. Behind him were: Leng Anlei, Xiao Guan Fenghou, Shi Buzhuan, and Luo Ta.

On the other hand, Baihua used the regular 212 formation.

Blossoming Chaos, who is also the main attacker, is at the forefront, but standing beside him is Qi Chong Yun Shui,

Song Xiao's performance this season is remarkable. Although he made some mistakes, he played well in many big scenes.
He was playing a supporting role, which was not much different from his status in Blue Rain's time. The overall style of play hadn't changed much. This may be one of the reasons why Song Xiao was able to integrate into the Hundred Blossoms system so quickly.

And behind Luo Hua Chao and Qi Chong Yun Shui, it is not the pastor who is arrogant and remnants of flowers, but Chu Yunxiu's romance,
This was a signal, and Zhang Xinjie understood it instantly when he saw this scene. The center of gravity of Baihua's command in this match had quietly changed from Yi Tianming to Chu Yunxiu.

Obviously, with Blossoming Chaos, Yi Tianming has to take on the role of the attacker and the opponent, so the command cannot be well taken into account. Handing over the command to Chu Yunxiu, who has command experience, is the basis of Baihua. One of the common routines of the season.

"Beware of Chu." Zhang Xinjie quickly conveyed this small detail to the four teammates, reminding them: Hundred Blossoms' commander is Chu Yunxiu!Pay attention!

Zhang Xinjie glanced at the lineup of Hundred Blossoms. After seeing clearly the positions of Blossoming Chaos, Qi Chongyunshui, and Feng Huaxueyue, he knew without thinking that the last of the team were Priest Aofeng Remnant Flower and Knight Tide.

However, due to the angle problem, Zhang Xinjie couldn't fully see the specific situation of the two behind.

But this doesn't affect Tyranny's layout. Right now, they are playing against Baihua before a time match. Both teams' goal is the pyramid in the center of the map!
This is a very important point that needs to be occupied!

Of course, the importance of this point is currently only clear to Tyranny.

Because at the top of the pyramid, there is a substitution point for this map,

This is an information gap. If Tyranny can make good use of this information gap, he can definitely catch Baihua by surprise.
Of course, there are also many experienced players on Baihua's side.

Both Yi Tianming and Chu Yunxiu noticed the top of the pyramid, and when they saw Tyranny's five rushing towards the pyramid at full speed, they probably understood something.
This may be a substitution point! !
If that is the case, then we must strive for it with all our strength.
"All speed up!" Yi Tianming gave the command immediately, and the five of Baihua started to increase their speed as a whole.
Baihuafen outside the arena also silently prayed in his heart that the team could reach the pyramid one step faster,

They, who have the perspective of God, clearly know that this is the point of substitution,
Needless to say, the importance of substitution points,
Tyranny was fighting at home, and the top of the pyramid was an easy-to-defend and difficult-to-attack position.
If Tyranny were allowed to occupy this position again, there would be too much room for tactical maneuvers, and using the "substitution play" would probably grind Baihua to death...!
"Hurry up! Hurry up!" Baihuafen prayed silently in her heart...

But the situation on the court is not optimistic for them.

Tyranny obviously had a special arrangement, and the characteristics of the Long Snake Formation could be clearly seen at this moment.
Desert Dust, who bears the brunt of the blow, is extremely fast, and the shaking of his legs even shakes the yellow sand under his feet into the air.
Moreover, Desert Dust has more of a feeling of "acting alone", as if to leave the team,
...As for Baihua, it still maintains an overall operation,
One side acts individually, the other side works as a whole,

It is clear at a glance whether it is fast or slow.

"If we continue at this speed, I'm afraid Han Wenqing will take the lead...!" Bai Huafen was very anxious,
Who is Han Wenqing?
The veteran of the nine dynasties who has fought since the first season, is even more unambiguous at critical moments.

If he was allowed to occupy this point, it would be difficult for Hundred Blossoms to attack again...

The commentator Pan Lin also hissed, "If the development continues at this speed, I'm afraid Baihua's situation will be quite unfavorable. I think...they should make some changes?"

As soon as the words fell, Baihua really made a change,

It is also a member who breaks away from the team and acts alone,
Qigong Master——Qi Chongyunshui!
Baihua's method is simple and easy to understand. As long as you climb to the top of the desert, I will use the "cloud catcher" to catch you. Simple and rude, use violence to control violence!

The thing to catch is that the distance between Damo Guyan and Shi Buzhuan is out of touch. After all, Damo Guyan acts alone, and the distance between Shi Buzhuan and him is not within the effective range of "purification", so there is a cloud catcher. Opportunity to take advantage of!

Simple and efficient coping solution!
At this moment, this pyramid seems to have turned into... Chu River and Han Realm,
The two sides are eyeing each other!It depends on who crosses the river first!

(End of this chapter)

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