Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 293 Brand new points competition system!

Chapter 293 Brand new points competition system!
"Gravity acceleration shot! Is Sen Luo going to take the initiative to attack!"

Pan Lin looked at the arena in disbelief, and the audience also had surprised expressions on their faces.
Before the match, everyone predicted that Zhang Wei would avoid fighting and try to use defensive methods to delay the time. After all, the opponent is Han Wenqing, and there is really little hope for a rush...

But a scene that surprised everyone happened. Not long after the start of the match, Sen Luo, the character manipulated by Zhang Wei, directly hooked up with his opponent, Desert Guyan,

Choose to be tough!

This situation is really unexpected, and there is a lot of discussion in the audience,
"He's crazy!"

"Fighting against the Korean team, isn't this courting death?"

"Who knows...?"

All the comments were negative and doubtful of Zhang Wei's approach, and even Baihuafen held a pessimistic view, thinking that confronting Han Wenqing was quite irrational.
Because in the first round of the battle between the two teams this season, Hundred Blossoms relied on their stamina-strengthening tactics to seize the opportunity and finally win a big victory.
The most correct approach today should be to copy the tactics of the first round, to exercise energy and delay time. Only in this way can there be the greatest hope of repeating a victory.
However, Zhang Wei chose to rush to attack at this moment!
"Are you attacking...?"

Zhang Xinjie was a little puzzled by this, obviously this was a situation that surprised him,
However, doubts are doubts, he has absolute trust in Han Wenqing's methods,
No matter what the situation is, the point is settled.

At this time, Pan Lin sighed:
"It's a pity... This star ray failed to hit, and was dodged by Desert Guy."

On the field,

Smoky and dusty,
A high-pitched hawk's call pierced through the dust,
With an eagle step, Damo Guyan lightly dodged the opponent's star ray, which drew cheers from Tyranny's fans off the court.

"Nice!" "Nice!"

In the next second, the situation on the field changed again.
Taking advantage of the opponent's inflexible stage, Da Mo Guyan leaped behind Sen Luo,

Then Da Mo Guyan waved a punch indifferently, as if he didn't use much force,
But it was this calm punch that sent Sen Luo several meters away!
Boxer skill - Overlord Fist!

The balance of victory also began to tilt completely from this punch,

Originally, Desert Guyan had an advantage in blood volume, but after this punch, he and Sen Luo opened up a nearly 35% difference in blood volume.

"Winning the victory is only a matter of time." Zhang Xinjie said in his heart, but another scene on the field made his expression slightly stagnant,

Sen Luo turned from offense to defense,

Started flying around the edge of the arena on a broomstick,
"Have you started procrastinating...?" A white light flashed on Zhang Xinjie's glasses,
Although Han Wenqing is sure of winning the game and it is only a matter of time before he wins the game, Zhang Xinjie still thinks about this detail in his mind.
In the end, Baihua still chose to procrastinate, but why this time point?
Since sooner or later it is time to delay, why not start the game?

Zhang Xinjie clenched his fists and covered his chin, thinking about this question while watching the game,

Even if it is the slightest detail, Deputy Team Zhang will firmly grasp it, and then minimize the possible risks,
Too cautious!

However, the game is still going on.

Ever since Zhang Wei started to "grind" time, the rhythm of the game has slowed down.
Sen Luo rode a broom with sparks and lightning all the way, dodging the iron fist of Da Mo Gu Yan several times in a row, and the Tyranny fans off the field were a little anxious,

At a time like this, you can't be led by the nose by your opponent!The last time I lost the game was because I was exhausted too much energy!
Zhang Wei wants to be slow, but his opponent will not allow it easily!
Soon, Da Mo Guyan used his pair of iron fists to help Tyranny smash the anxiety in his heart,
Han Wenqing's touch was very hot. After Zhang Wei successfully dodged a few times, he was sanctioned by Lao Han.
With a "boom", a pair of iron fists knocked Sen Luo off the broom, and then Han Wenqing didn't give his opponent another chance to stall for time. A set of extremely aggressive explosive combos resolved the battle .

The first solo race,

Desert Dust, win!
The guys at Tyranny's home court began to cheer:
"Tyranny! Tyranny! Tyranny!!"

"Tyranny will win! Long live Han Wenqing!!"


"Congratulations to Tyranny for scoring the first point! This is a good start, and I hope they can continue this momentum."

"Looking at the first singles match, from the first duel to the slow pace at the end, there was a change in rhythm, but it's a pity that Zhang Wei's goal was not achieved, and was broken by the fiery Han Wenqing. "

"All in all, this game is very exciting. I would like to thank the players from both sides for presenting us with a wonderful game! Next up is the second single match, please get ready!"

Pan Lin was doing the commentary, and the players of the two teams also completed the alternation at this moment.
On Tyranny's side, Qin Muyun took Han Wenqing's stick, stood up and walked to the stage,

Hundred Blossoms sent a star player—Su Mucheng.

Rookie VS star player!

"After more than half of the season, Qin Muyun has shown us his calm mind and extremely talented position selection ability, and in this game he is facing a gunner who is also a gunner, and is a gunner The star character in the movie, Dancing Rain!"

"Let's look forward to this match of the same class!"

As soon as Pan Lin finished speaking, the two contestants had already stepped onto the stage, and extended their hands of friendship to each other.
"come on."

"Thanks, you too."

The two didn't communicate much, Su Mucheng was not familiar with Qin Muyun who had just debuted, and the gap between them was a bit long, five years.

Due to Su Mucheng's status as a former member of Excellent Era, the Tyranny fans at the scene didn't show any sympathy, boos burst from all directions of the venue.

Su Mucheng glanced at the venue, um... these Tyranny fans have not changed, they are still so full of "hostility"!

However, these boos have hardly affected Su Mucheng.

If it had just debuted, Su Mucheng might still be nervous because of the booing,
But, not now, she is no longer the shy rookie girl she was back then.

Perhaps in the hearts of many Glory fans, Su Mucheng is still the young golden generation, the rookie girl who has amazed the whole summer,

In fact, it is not the case. If you think about it carefully, Su Mucheng has long since left the title of "newcomer".

She debuted in the fourth season, and this year is already the sixth year of her career, so she can be regarded as an older generation!
Excluding the golden generation in the fourth season, how many "old guys" who debuted in the first, second, and third seasons are still standing in the professional arena now?
There are only a handful of them!
When those old guys really leave the stage, the golden generation will also go downhill.

In fact, the golden generation is well aware of this problem.
The change of old and new is inevitable and cannot be avoided.

But at least, it's still at the top, and that's enough.

Do it right now!

After entering the war room, the boos in my ears have disappeared,
What Su Mucheng is about to do is to turn these hisses into motivation, into gunfire in Dancing Rain's hands,
Take this point!

In the second single match, Dancing Rain won!
The Tyranny fans at the scene quieted down.
Su Mucheng played really well. Although Qin Muyun had the advantage in selecting the home map, he was still a bit lacking in experience. Su Mucheng seized an opportunity and won the second single match!


The two sides returned to the same starting line.

Yi Tianming and Zhang Xinjie each hold a son, and right now white and black are evenly matched, but it's hard to say what will happen next.
Following the referee's order, the game between the two continued,
Tyranny sent Guo Mingyu!A real veteran, a real first-generation player!

On Baihua's side, Song Xiao was arranged to play,

There is no doubt that this is another game between rookies and veterans.

"I'm going." Song Xiao stood up, clapped hands with all his teammates, and walked to the stage.

"Pay attention to his weapon." When passing by Yi Tianming, Song Xiao received a reminder.

"Yes, yes." Song Xiao nodded, rarely said a few words of jokes, his face was a bit serious, and then stepped onto the stage,

Obviously, Song Xiao felt the pressure, the pressure from the ancient gods,
When Guo Mingyu was the master of online games, Song Xiao hadn't debuted yet, let alone a professional player, but one of the many little karamidi in online games.
At that time, he looked at this great god with a posture of looking up.

But now, the two are both professional players, and Guo Mingyu rejoined after retiring for many years, so there is no such thing as whether to look up to them or not.
However, the pressure is still there.

Song Xiao knew that this scene couldn't be sloppy, he didn't relax because of Guo Mingyu's "advanced age".
Be afraid of the opponent's experience, be afraid of the weapon in the opponent's hand,
High attack speed scythe!And it is currently the weapon with the highest attack speed in the professional league!
This match was really stressful for Song Xiao.

Analyze the professional characteristics of both parties,

The scythe of the exorcist has a fast attack speed and a wide attack range.

Qigong masters are short-handed occupations, so they don't have much advantage in terms of occupation.

And the more important point is that Song Xiao is a typical slow-paced player, which is closely related to his background,
Produced by Blue Rain, House of Slow Pace.

And when a slow-paced player meets a fast-paced professional, what kind of sparks will be created?
Which one wins and which loses?

Only in the game can we find out!
inside the arena,
The exorcist and the qigong master have launched a head-to-head confrontation,
The map was chosen by Guo Mingyu, so he naturally chose the one that would benefit the exorcist.
This is one of his great strengths.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Song Xiao has no advantages at all.
One thing is more obvious, that is, the level 75 banning talisman of the exorcist has no effect on the qigong master.

Qigong masters rely on the palm to gather Qi, and the effect of the banning talisman is to block the opponent's weapon, and it doesn't matter whether it comes or goes.

Of course, even if this piece of talisman paper doesn't work, the other talisman papers of the exorcist can still work against the qigong master.


On the field, the two players exchanged moves, and the balance of victory was constantly shaking.

But after all, he gradually moved towards Tyranny's side,

With a high-speed scythe and a map advantage, Guo Mingyu fought steadily, taking the situation into his own hands step by step.

At this moment, Song Xiao really wanted to borrow a sentence that former teammate Zheng Xuan often said:


Off the field,

The shouts from Tyranny's fans are getting louder and louder. It is obvious that they are a little upset that Baihua has won back a victory just now, but after this victory, they will be in the lead again!

And the result of this third game was soon made public,

Xiao Guan wins when the time comes!

In the war room, Guo Mingyu took one last look at the fallen Qi Chongyunshui, and was filled with emotion in his heart.

He is no stranger to the role!

Back in the first season finals, they had already fought each other, but the operator behind this character was not Song Xiao, but the first generation member of Excellent Era.

Now, time has passed, and the first-generation operator of Qi Chongyunshui has long since retired.
And I am still in this professional arena, is this also a kind of luck?
Guo Mingyu smiled. Fortunately, he couldn't tell, but at least he won this single match. For a professional player, this is enough.

2:1, Tyranny takes the lead again!
"Tyranny's players are really resilient! The scores of the two teams are chasing to death, and no one can completely close the gap! Let's see how it will develop next." Pan Lin explained.

On the seat of flowers,
The players are not too depressed because the current score is behind, they know that this is only temporary,
In the next team competition and group arena, there are 7 points worth of points waiting for them to fight!
At the same time, this is also a test for the two conductors.

The old coach Zhang Xinjie, the young coach Yi Tianming,
on the huge chessboard,

Zhang Xinjie's black stone has already surpassed his opponent's half stone. This is the advantage he has obtained in the singles match.
But now it's Baizi's turn to attack,
Let's start with this group arena!

After a brief adjustment, the group arena continued, and the lists of the two teams also appeared on the big screen.

Hundred Flowers: Zheng Chengfeng, Chu Yunxiu, Yi Tianming.

This arrangement was not surprising, Hundred Blossoms heavily guarded the group arena, this configuration also made Tyranny fans gasp,
It's not easy to fight!

What was somewhat surprising was that the three words Lin Jingyan were not seen in Tyranny's appearance list.
The only answer is: rotation,

The veteran's rich experience is an advantage, but the short board is also obvious, that is physical strength,
Lin Jingyan was full of attendance in the previous rounds of the league,

So Zhang Xinjie didn't arrange for him to appear in the group arena, but reserved it for the team competition. This is a back card.

At the same time, this also showed in a disguised form that Tyranny gave up the two points of the group arena,
Baihua naturally accepted it unceremoniously.
The score was rewritten to 3:2 in an instant, and Hundred Blossoms took the lead again!
Then it's the last moment to decide the outcome of the game. The team competition worth 5 points, whoever wins will be the winner of this game!

However, this competition system made some audiences dissatisfied, and they vented it in the auditorium.
"It's like this again, every time you have to go to the team competition to win the game, and no matter who wins, the point difference can be widened...!"

"It is strongly recommended to change to a points competition system!"

For these things that the audience doesn't know, regarding the competition system, the Glory official has already made drastic preparations.

The new competition system will make its debut in the playoffs of this season!
(End of this chapter)

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