Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 286 Rowling's First Show!

Chapter 286 Rowling's First Show!

The chat group of Glory players is also very lively at the moment.
Huang Shaotian (Troublesome Rain at Night): How is it?

Li Xuan (Devil May Cry at the Mountain): I don't know, just ask her and you'll know.

Huang Shaotian (Troublesome Night Rain): @风花雪月@风花雪月@风花雪月!

Chu Yunxiu (Feng Hua Xue Yue): Who beat me?I don't know the situation either, you have to ask the people from Misty Rain.

Fang Rui (ghostly and suspicious): Hahahaha, that's right, Young Master Huang, don't forget that sister Chu is a member of Baihua now, so you asked the wrong direction.

Huang Shaotian (Troublesome Night Rain): Oh oh, @风曟慧剑, are you there?
In fact, everyone in the group wanted to see what was going on, after all, it was related to Fengcheng Misty Rain's appearance, it was not a trivial matter.


Crows flew by in the group, and several minutes passed, but there was still no response, and Yu Feng himself didn't stand up to say anything.
But after thinking about it, it's normal. After all, it's hard to talk about it. Even if Yu Feng knew about it, he didn't want to talk about it. What's more, the higher-ups had ordered the contestants not to reveal anything about Rowling in advance. information.

Therefore, when Yu Feng faced Huang Shaotian's @, he naturally pretended he didn't see it.

At this time, Blue Rain Club,

Seeing that there was no response from the group after shouting for so long, Huang Shaotian also put down his phone, turned to the person next to him and asked, "Captain, what kind of medicine is sold in Yanyu's gourd? Why did an elemental mage operator pop out all of a sudden?" , Never heard of it before!"

Yu Wenzhou turned the pen in his right hand, making a rustling sound. After thinking for a while, he said slowly:
"The high probability is a smoke bomb. Considering that Yanyu's opponent in the next round is Baihua, and there is Chu Yunxiu in the Hundred Blossoms formation, the senior management of Yanyu used this method to increase the heat of this match, as you can see. Glory The popularity of Misty Rain in Fengcheng remains high on the forum."

"On the one hand, it can increase the popularity, on the other hand, it can confuse Baihua's sight, killing two birds with one stone. I think this is Misty Rain's motive."

After listening to Yu Wenzhou's analysis, Huang Shaotian nodded in agreement.

"Okay, eating melons is over, let's continue preparing for the battle, the next round of reincarnation will not be easy."


Not only Yu Wenzhou, but also the captains of the other major teams, Wang Jiexi, Zhou Zekai, Han Wenqing... all agreed that Misty Rain's operation was just throwing smoke bombs.
After all, in my impression, Misty Rain doesn't have another good elemental mage other than Chu Yunxiu...

However, on the next day, the day before Misty Rain vs. Baihua,
Glory Forum once again ushered in a "blockbuster"!
Misty Rain officially released two announcements in a row,

One: After discussion between the club and Glory officials, Fengcheng Misty Rain officially changed from a male account to a female account.

Second: The simple information announcement of the operators of Fengcheng Misty Rain,
Name: Rowling,
Gender: Female,




As soon as these two pieces of news came out, the popularity of the Misty Rain incident in Fengcheng once again ushered in a wave of climax.
First of all, it was changed from male to female, which is not surprising. After all, many fans suggested changing Fengcheng Misty Rain to female, but that would be rejected by Chu Yunxiu. The reason for the refusal was to respect the previous operator.

The most eye-catching is the second notice,

Misty Rain officially announced the operator of Misty Rain in Fengcheng!
It doesn't matter what the name is.

The point is that this shows that Misty Rain is not throwing smoke bombs, but a real person!The successor of Misty Rain in Fengcheng!
As for this Rowling... Not long after the information was released, it became the key research object of the major teams.

Hundred Flowers Club,
"Is there such a person?" Chu Yunxiu looked at the name, searched for memories in his brain, and then shook his head firmly, "I can say for sure that I have no impression at all."

"Could it be... Dongchuang signed in?" Yi Tianming murmured, then clicked on the official website of Yanyu, searched down and found useful information, and said in surprise:

"It's not a signing...but a promotion from the youth training camp!"

"That's why I don't have any impression." Chu Yunxiu shrugged,

With so many people in the youth training camp, it's normal not to remember their names, not to mention that the Misty Rain youth training didn't produce any great talents.

Unless you can stand out and be talented in a certain field like Qiu Fei and Fang Rui, otherwise it will be very difficult to get ahead in the youth training, let alone be known by the team captain, and there is no chance to even meet each other.

"Hiss... that Misty Rain's operations are really confusing." Yi Tianming frowned slightly,

A player who has just been promoted in the youth training not long ago is in charge of an account card of the level of Fengcheng Misty Rain. If he is said to be extremely talented, it can be explained in the past. The main reason is that he has never heard of the name "Rowling" before. , not to mention her talent,

Could it be that he suddenly became enlightened?
Apart from this explanation, Yi Tianming couldn't think of a second reasonable explanation...

"No matter what, we will go all out for tomorrow's match against Misty Rain, everyone continue to train."


The reactions of the other teams were also similar to Hundred Blossoms'. After thinking about it for a while, they didn't care too much. After all, tomorrow is the match day, and the most important thing is to actively prepare for the match, and there is no time to take care of other things.

However, there is one team that is more "idle",

That is Xingxin who is still in the Challenger League,

As the challenge progresses, the schedule becomes looser, mainly to cater to the progress of the professional league. There are only four rounds left in the challenge, so at this stage, we only play once every half a month.
Xingxin's team had plenty of time to prepare for the battle, so they were naturally at the forefront.

"Ye Xiu, have you heard of the name Rowling before?" Chen Guo curiously approached Ye Xiu and asked.

Ye Xiu, who was drinking coffee, paused, stopped what he was doing, as if he was thinking, and after a while he said slowly, "Uh...no."

Then, he picked up the cup and continued to drink coffee.

"It's really strange..." Chen Guo murmured while searching for something on the computer.
After 5 minutes, she really found some information, and hurriedly called Ye Xiu to eat melons together.
It's about the video of Rowling's battle in the youth training camp, but...it's a bit of an exaggeration to say that the video is a bit exaggerated, because the number of her appearances is so pitiful, there are only a few flashes before...

"Hmm... videos with almost no substantive content, I suggest you don't watch them." Ye Xiu showed a look of "seeing idiots", and then continued to go to Glory, and then turned around to remind Chen Guo, "By the way, boss lady , don't worry at all, the match between Misty Rain and Hundred Blossoms will be tomorrow evening, we can watch the live broadcast then."

"Oh~ That's right, anyway, the competition is not far away." Chen Guo said in her heart,
As soon as I closed my eyes and opened them again, it was already game day.

"Miss Boss, what are you still doing in a daze, come quickly and sit down, the competition is about to start, they are all waiting for you." Ye Xiu patted the stool beside him, motioning for Chen Guo to sit down,

The rest of Team Xingxin had already taken their seats, and they were all looking at Chen Guo, expecting her to join in and watch this extremely hot "firework" battle together.

"Oh! Here we come!" Chen Guo greeted and hurriedly sat down.

in the TV,

"Hi, everyone in the audience. This is the scene of the Misty Rain and Hundred Flowers Battle. I am Li Yibo, today's commentator. Thank you for your support. Let's enjoy this wonderful match together!"

"The weather in City S makes me feel the four words, the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming! I believe that the viewers and friends have the same thoughts as me. Not long after the new year, the spring breeze is blowing, and the old is ushering in the new!"

"However, whether today's game will be as warm as the spring breeze, that's for sure!"

"Okay, the contestants from both teams have already stepped onto the stage, and we can see that the contestants from both teams are shaking hands and doing the final part before the match."

"Well... I believe everyone has read or heard about it. Recently, Team Misty Rain has made a small adjustment to the first-team personnel. It is about the adjustment of the users of Misty Rain in Fengcheng. Rowling, the newcomer operator, will appear in this game."

"This is Rowling's first appearance. I believe this is a relatively unfamiliar name to most viewers including myself, so let's look forward to her performance today!"

At Misty Rain's home stadium, the audience shouted "Yanyu! Misty Rain!", and there was also a small group of Hundred Flowers fans who came from afar. However, they did not have an advantage in numbers, so their shouts were drowned out by the home team's Yanyu fans. up.

at the player channel,
Yu Feng stood at the front of the team and shouted to the back: "Are you all ready? Get up!"

"Understood!" "Understood!" Team Misty Rain responded loudly,

Although the opponent's strength is very strong today, this is his home field after all, so no matter how you say it, you have to play with the momentum you should have.
As for winning or losing... do your best!Anyway, losing to the first place is not ashamed.

However, in Misty Rain's queue, there was a relatively "twitchy" contestant who was very uncomfortable with the majestic atmosphere of the scene.

He is tall and slender, with good looks, and a shy blush appears on his little face at this moment,
This person is Rowling, the "mysterious person" who has caused a lot of heat recently.
Of course, the mystery mentioned here is for outsiders, these Misty Rain team members, after getting along with each other for a while, have a certain understanding of Rowling herself.

She is introverted and good-natured, mainly because she looks good. In terms of appearance, to be honest, there is no need to take the road of e-sports. Being a model or anchor or something is completely popular.

As for why I play Glory... Maybe it's because I love it.

However, this love is relatively deep, because she is really not good at playing. Through these few days of training, Team Misty Rain has a simple understanding of Rowling's strength,

Hmm... how should I put it, I can't say it's not strong, I can only say it's too good...

"Don't be nervous, just remember the arrangements I made in advance." Yu Feng walked up to Luo Lin and comforted her softly.
Considering that she is a pure rookie girl,
Moreover, it is Yu Feng's principle to be right about the matter and not about the person. Although he extremely does not want to arrange for such a rookie to participate in the official competition, this is not what Rowling meant after all, but the operation of the higher-ups.
Therefore, Yu Feng didn't put on small shoes for Rowling. Instead, he treated her as a newcomer with an extra layer of care.
As for whether the game can score...Let's leave it to fate, Yu Feng knows that there is a high probability that she won't score...

Just at this time, the broadcast sounded,
"Okay, the first single match is about to begin, please enter the field!"

"Invite Zhang Wei from Team Hundred Blossoms to play on the field!"

"Team Misty Rain please...

Enter Rowling! "

The personnel arrangement of Hundred Blossoms is normal. Zhang Wei has played many times as the first pick in the singles competition this season. This is a very common personnel arrangement.

As for Misty Rain's side... it's hard to calm people down. The first thing they do is "Wang Zha", and Rowling, who has been very popular recently, is sent on stage.

Yu Feng didn't intend to procrastinate, anyway, he was giving away a point, so he might as well give it away in the first game, so as not to hang around all the time.

Misty rain player seats,
"Captain, do you think this Rowling is deliberately hiding her strength during training, and then amazed all of us on the field?"

Yu Feng coughed lightly, "If she is really hiding her strength, then it really surprises me. I hope she is hiding her strength."

"That's right."


The director of the broadcast was also very "sensible" and pointed the camera at Rowling, which caused the audience in the stands to talk a lot.

Of course, the first thing to discuss is her appearance,

"This is that Rowling! Looks pretty good!"

"It's alright, alright, let's see how she's doing in Glory! After all, she's using Misty Rain in Fengcheng, so I wonder if she can perform as well as Chu Yunxiu!"

At first, the audience didn't realize the "specialness" of this game, until Rowling and Zhang Wei both entered the game and had their first confrontation, the true level of this duel gradually surfaced...

"This... what is this hitting!?"

"Is this still Fengcheng Misty Rain? This rookie's operation is completely insulting this god-level card!"

"Ah bah! I take back what I just said. This Rowling, let alone Chu Yunxiu's god-level operation, is lucky to have one percent!"

Without exception, these comments came from the audience, and those Yanyu fans who were about to go into a rage were already on the verge of "collapsing".

Because Rowling's operation is really...too eye-catching,

Facing Zhang Wei's sorcerer, Fengcheng Misty Rain's defensive skills didn't hit any of them, and they were outrageously biased...

Not to mention the audience, Zhang Wei was dumbfounded. He was a little nervous before the match, fearing that this was some kind of secret weapon of Misty Rain, but after seeing it now,
This...is a complete rookie! ?

Just like that, Misty Rain in Fengcheng was hit close to her body, and then she had no ability to resist. She had no chance at all, and was beaten by a wave.
It caused misty rain fans to wail continuously. Is this still the former Glorious Number One Elemental Mage? !I can't stand it at all!

And the ending of the first episode was not as expected.
Rowling/Misty Rain in the Windy City was completely defeated. When she fell, Sen Luo still had a full 93% of her health left.

Seeing this result, the audience was silent for three seconds, and then there were boos all over the sky...

(End of this chapter)

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