Chapter 285

This round of confrontation between Hundred Blossoms and Thunderbolts was a wake-up call for all major teams in the alliance.

As for Lei Ting... it's a bit like the miserable sight of an experimental mouse.

The score was 9:1. Zhang Wei lost a point against Xiao Shiqin in the singles match. This point was not unfair.

And this round of the league, Samsara is also 9:1, that is to say, the point difference between the two teams has not been narrowed, it is still 6 points, a stable batch...

However, the post-match best in this game is not Yi Tianming, but someone else—Su Mucheng,

Dancing Rain's artillery bombardment in this match really created a lot of favorable conditions for Baihua, and to a great extent stifled Thunder's chance of a comeback.
According to the post-match statistics, Dancing Rain ranked first in terms of output. After all, the gunner's artillery bombardment is a range of damage.In other words, as long as the opponent gets too close, one cannonball can cause damage to two or more enemies, which is why Dancing Rain's output is the highest in this field.

So Su Mucheng's mvp affiliation should be taken for granted.

After the game, Baihuafen also praised Su Mucheng's performance all the time. Among them, the most liked one was: "After playing the sixth man for so long, I didn't expect to win an mvp as soon as I started. It's really good!"

Another point, Su Mucheng's temperament of not grabbing and making trouble is also worthy of praise,

With her status and qualifications, it is more than enough to start any team. Baihua let her play the sixth man for the sake of the tactical system. Su Mucheng didn't complain. She worked hard and worked hard, which is really good.

And so far this season, Su Mucheng is also the sixth player with the best performance among the major teams in the league.

Maybe...can get a "Best Sixth Man" award this season?

Well, the probability is not small.

Keep going, sister Su.


Looking beyond the professional league, the Challenger League is also in dire straits. Xingxin stood out from the top 32 and successfully advanced to the top 16. If it goes well and wins 4 more games, it will be able to get a ticket to enter the professional league.
If Xingxin can win the final championship of the Challenger League, it will really set a new record in the league. Xingxin will also become the first grassroots team to go from the "resurrection match" to the main match. This has never happened before. Condition.

Judging from the remaining 15 opponents in the Challenger League, Xingxin's possibility of setting a record is really not small. After all, there are veterans like Ye Xiu, Wei Chen, and Sun Zheping in the team, and there are rookies with good talents.

Hmm... Xingxin's alliance road is worth looking forward to.

Back to the professional league, Hundred Blossoms still couldn't relax after the battle with Thunder. After all, there were two powerful enemies behind, Misty Rain and Void.
If there is a little carelessness, the car may be reversed, so the training of the Hundred Blossoms team is still going on normally these days.

The camera showed Baihua's opponent in the next round,

misty rain.

in the training room,

Kaka... Kaka... Kaka...

The sound of typing on the keyboard keeps coming, there is no other superfluous sound, the needle can be heard,
Every figure is busy,

Not surprisingly, Misty Rain has been "cracking up on homework" for the past few days, arranging different solutions for the three situations of Berserker, Tactics, and Ammunition Expert overnight. Can not be done……

Tian Sen and Li Hua are quite busy, because their identities in the team have become different now. One is the main conductor and the other is the deputy commander.
This is also the biggest tactical adjustment that Misty Rain has made in the near future, changing command authority,

Simply, after the change of command, the last round and the Void Fighting achieved good results, and the last round and the Heavenly Sword Fighting also won a big victory,
However, Yu Feng knew that he could not relax,

Because the real opponent will be ushered in soon, and the most difficult opponent——


The next battle with Baihua will be the real test.

Yu Feng is the main attacker, Tian Sen and Li Hua complement each other, and are in charge of the command.

When facing Hundred Blossoms in the first round of this season, Misty Rain lost,

This time, Yu Feng didn't want to lose again! !
Just as he was thinking, there was a knock on the door of the training room, and then it was slowly pushed open,

A figure walked in, it was the manager of the Misty Rain Club, his arrival also interrupted the Misty Rain players who were busy training, the sound of typing on the keyboard also stopped instantly, everyone looked at the manager,
But soon, these people continued to work again, because they were not the ones named.

"Yu Feng, come here, the management has something to say to you."

Manager Yanyu pushed the glasses frame on the bridge of his nose, and a faint "smile" appeared on the corner of his mouth, which seemed ominous.
This come there is a feeling of déjà vu?

Yu Feng briefly recalled it, um... indeed, it was the same way the last time we saw each other. He walked into the training room with a smile, then brought himself to the office, and said in an almost "commanding" tone, "We must Arrange for the sisters to play."

"Alas..." Yu Feng let out a deep breath, and prayed silently, "I hope this time it's not some bullshit arrangement."

Then he stood up and walked out with the manager,
But soon, Yu Feng will regret it,

What a great arrangement!

In the high-level office, the manager, Yu Feng, brought the real person in front of him - Boss Misty Rain.

"Captain Yu, the team's performance has been really good recently, and it is in a period of obvious improvement. You have contributed a lot to this!" Boss Yanyu showed a "smiling" smile, rubbed his hands together, and looked straight at the team. by Yu Feng,

"The team is currently ranked eighth, 13 points higher than the ninth Void. According to this situation, the playoffs will be no problem!"

"Well, the boss has won the award." Yu Feng smiled slightly, and didn't say much, but he felt a little bad in his heart.
Praise first and then order, the leader's consistent routine.

"By the way, Captain Yu, which team are you going to play against in the next round?" Boss Misty Rain asked pretending to be puzzled.
"Hundred flowers."

"Hiss... Hundred Blossoms... former captain Chu Yunxiu's team." Boss Yanyu hissed, as if thoughtful, "Hundred Blossoms are currently ranked at the top of the points list, so it's hard to deal with...!"

"So, I think." Boss Misty Rain clicked his tongue, "Maybe we can make some lineup adjustments in the next round."

Good guy, it really is this set again, lineup adjustment!

I knew it was okay!

Yu Feng was already galloping in his heart, but he still maintained his composure on the surface, and asked, "I don't know what kind of arrangement the boss is going to make?"

"Cough...Manager Zhang, show Captain Yu the things." After finishing speaking, Manager Yanyu handed over a piece of surprise paper, which introduced a female player who was very unfamiliar to the league, a well-known face.

Yu Feng took it, and then glanced roughly,
From the information paper, there is no special name, but there are bright spots that attracted Yu Feng's attention.

The first point, this is an elemental mage player,
The second point, ahem... he looks pretty good, although he doesn't say that he is beautiful, but he is at least the kind who keeps turning heads when he is placed on the street.

After all, he is a man, so I understand that.

But Yu Feng quickly withdrew his "appreciative" gaze,

"Is this...?" Yu Feng asked in a deep voice, feeling more and more uneasy in his heart.

Boss Misty Rain and the manager smiled at each other, and then the latter gave an explanation: "Captain Yu is really forgetful, you forgot, this is our team's new player who was just promoted from the youth training camp in winter."

After such a reminder, Yu Feng finally recalled that such a thing really happened. Back then, during the Spring Festival at home, Misty Rain’s executives called Yu Feng and said that Dong Chuang would promote a young female player from his own youth training. to the second team
But Yu Feng didn't take it to heart at the time, the second-tier team was nothing more, and this matter just passed away.

But I didn't expect the high-level officials to bring up the old things again.
"Then... what does the boss mean?" Yu Feng asked,
Manager Misty Rain continued to explain, "In the next round against Hundred Blossoms at home, it will definitely be a big gimmick for Misty Rain in Fengcheng to be ranked against Chu Yunxiu."

Hearing this, Yu Feng understood the meaning of the higher-ups and wanted to make a stunt!Letting a young female contestant play the role of Fengcheng Misty Rain, and then meet Chu Yunxiu's Baihua, this sounds really "attractive"!


As the captain, Yu Feng never considered gimmicks, but how to score points.

You put a member of the second team on the field, isn't that obviously nonsense!
The team has finally recovered from the turmoil and has just gained a firm foothold in the playoffs, so your management made such a move?
At the beginning of the season, let me arrange sisters to play, but now even the second-tier teams are randomly arranged on the field? !
Yu Feng's face had become quite gloomy. If he hadn't got a contract, he wouldn't have been the captain on the spot!

It's completely "a layman but an insider"!What is the future for such a club? Entering the playoffs is an insult to the three words playoffs...!
It's really just getting a little achievement, and you get carried away!

Seeing that Yu Feng's expression was not right, Manager Yanyu hurriedly changed his words, "Of course, Captain Yu, the club will also consider the actual situation. After all, Hundred Blossoms is strong. It is enough for this female player to appear in the single competition. As for the team competition, I won't intervene, because the captain decides."

After hearing these words, Yu Feng's expression eased a little, but it was still rather gloomy. He just nodded and said "I see", and there was no more to say.
"Is there anything else? If it's okay, I'll go back and continue training."

"No, oh yes! The staff will bring the players to the training room later, um...Captain Yu remember to take care of the newcomers." Manager Yanyu patted Yu Feng on the shoulder, and then watched the new captain walk out of the office.

With a bang, the office door was slammed shut, Yu Feng used this to express his dissatisfaction, but this was the only way to express his dissatisfaction.

Only the manager and the boss were left in the office, and the two were still talking.

"It seems that Yu Feng is very dissatisfied with this arrangement..." the manager said.

The boss snorted coldly, "Oh, so what if you are dissatisfied, in front of the club, personal rights have to stand aside."

"What the boss said is true." The manager nodded and bowed, "By the way, boss, I have another question."


"What if... this Rowling doesn't meet Chu Yunxiu in the solo event?"

Luo Lin was the girl who was promoted from the youth training, and the original goal of Misty Rain's boss was to let her use Fengcheng Misty Rain to create a "chance encounter" with Chu Yunxiu in the single player competition, so as to bring a wave to Misty Rain. Large Flow,

At the same time, it will also allow Misty Rain in Fengcheng, which has not been released for a long time, to reappear in front of the audience.
That's right, since Chu Yunxiu left Misty Rain, this former Glorious No. [-] Elemental Mage has been sealed up by the Misty Rain Club, and has not appeared on the stage so far this season.

"If you can't meet in the individual competition, you can definitely meet in the team competition."

"But... didn't you just promise not to participate in the team competition?"

Hearing this, Boss Yanyu showed a sinister face, and said slowly: "I agreed, but you didn't."

"I understand."


The next day, there were still two days before the battle with Baihua,

A big piece of news was released from Misty Rain, and it quickly hit the headlines of the Glory board.
The original text is as follows:

"In the next round of the league, Fengcheng Misty Rain is about to play. At that time, all fans are welcome to come and support our Misty Rain. Team players will definitely go all out in the competition."

As soon as this news came out, the Glory circle quickly exploded.

Misty Rain in the Windy City? !
I haven't heard of this name for a long time. Ever since Chu Yunxiu left Baihua, this former "Glory First Elemental Mage" seems to have lost its former glory and plummeted.
There was no successor in the Misty Rain team, and Misty Rain's executives refused to sell it to Hundred Blossoms, and ended up staying in the warehouse to eat the ashes for most of the season...

And now, is Misty Rain finally letting him go out of the mountain? ?
On the online forum, the fans of Glory were also talking about it, and the popularity remained high. It rushed to the top of the popularity list less than an hour after it came out.

"I haven't heard that Fengcheng Misty Rain has an heir before, why did one pop up all of a sudden!?"

"Is this the secret weapon of Misty Rain? Use the secret weapon to deal with Baihua!"


"Is Fengcheng Misty Rain going to face his previous master?! It seems that this match is not to be missed. I must watch the live broadcast on time!"

"I want to watch it too! It's so exciting!"

The excitement of these Glory fans is understandable. After all, professional players usually use one card until they retire. Those like Chu Yunxiu who switch to an account card during their service are indeed a minority.

After switching to an account card, there are only a small number of people facing the old account card. It seems that only Guo Mingyu and Tian Sen have experienced this feeling so far...

However, compared to Chu Yunxiu's popularity, there is a gap between the two of them.
As the No. [-] female contestant in Glory, Chu Yunxiu's popularity is considered among the top in the circle. Every time she shoots an advertisement, she can sit at the top of the popularity list for several days.
At this moment, the "participant" Chu Yunxiu also saw the notice,

"Could it be that...Yanyu is good at playing elemental mages?" Yi Tianming asked,

Chu Yunxiu thought for a while, then shook her head, "At least not when I was in office."

"Then maybe it's a smoke bomb?"


Not only Hundred Blossoms, but all the major teams of Glory are discussing this matter in full swing.

From the point of view of popularity, Misty Rain's top management has indeed achieved its goal...

 At the end of the month ≈ monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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