Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 183 Yi Tianming As Temporary Captain!Tiny Herb battled fiercely in overtime!

Chapter 183 Yi Tianming As Temporary Captain!Tiny Herb battled fiercely in overtime!
Boom boom boom! !

The battlefield was full of gunpowder, elemental magic was supporting teammates, and the generals of Misty Rain had already surrounded Tyranny's two remaining people.

Battle situation on the field: Misty Rain has four players left, while Tyranny has only two players left:
The lonely smoke in the desert, the stone does not turn,

Tyranny's flag was crumbling in the gust of wind, as if it was about to fall in the next second.

That's right, Tyranny faced a crisis again in the team competition,

Han Wenqing's Desert Dust used up some of his stamina in the group arena, and in the team competition, Li Hua from Misty Rain harassed him from time to time, which made Lao Han's stamina almost exhausted.
As a result, there was a disconnect between Han Wenqing and the rest of his teammates.

This is exactly what Misty Rain wanted. Before the start of this match, their tactic was to consume Han Wenqing's physical strength, so as to defeat them one by one!

Now there are only the most difficult ones left on the field, Desert Dust and Stone Buzhuan.

Tyranny, danger!

Turning the angle of view,
Before Shibu turned around, Damo Guyanhu faced the pressing force of the four of them,
Han Wenqing understands that this is the last chance!
Damo Guyan rushed out as usual, as usual, vicious and decisive!
And Shi Buzhuan also threw the last big healing technique of this game on him, a layer of green light lit up, and the life value of Da Mo Gu Yan got a certain recovery, but...

Very helpless, Han Wenqing is no longer the person he was at his peak.
If it was the peak period, facing the siege of the four people like Yan Yu, he might still be able to fight his way out.
But after all, people still can't match the knife of time...


Da Mo Guyan swung out a mighty punch, as if about to burst, whistling in the air!

It was also his last punch of the game.Desert Dust’s statement stated that

After that, a magic circle rose under his feet, and the remaining HP of Desert Guyan instantly cleared to 0...

The game was over, and the precious 5 points in the team competition also fell into Misty Rain's pocket,
At the same time, Misty Rain successfully reversed the score and won the first round with a score of 7:3!

"Congratulations to Yanyu, congratulations to them for winning a home game!" The commentator shouted, pushing the atmosphere of the audience to a climax.


"Long live Misty Rain!!"

The smoke and rain fans at the main venue started to carnival, and the venue has become a sea of ​​joy exclusively for them!

What does the score of 7:3 mean?
It means that as long as Misty Rain continues to maintain this state, even if they draw in the next round or even lose 4:6, they will be able to advance to the next round, the semi-finals!

Top four! !
The Misty Rain team has never made it to the semi-finals in history, and the previous best record was only the quarter-finals.

And this year, that record is likely to be broken!
In the VIP box,
Clap clap... clap clap...

"Not bad." Boss Misty Rain was also watching the match.

After seeing the team win, they also showed a "gratified" smile.

Judging by the team's state and score today, it shouldn't be a big problem to reach the semi-finals.
And once it enters the top four, many advertisers will definitely come to their door, and Misty Rain's advertising revenue this year will double again!
If it happens to be in the finals, and accidentally wins the championship or something, it will not be profitable...!
Thinking of this, Boss Misty Rain smiled from ear to ear,

But soon he changed into a sad face,
The reason for worry is that my family's big money tree has not renewed its contract,

Chu Yunxiu debuted in Misty Rain in the fourth season, signed a four-year contract, and the contract just expired this summer.

If she doesn't renew her contract, then she will be able to return to her free agency in the summer, and she will be signed away by other teams without even requiring a transfer fee.
Neither retaining people nor leaving transfer fees,
In this case, Yan Yu really lost his wife and lost his army...

Having said that, Chu Yunxiu didn't take hard and soft things, no matter what the top management said, she just didn't renew the contract.And now she doesn't allow the high-level officials to talk too much. Whenever this matter is mentioned, she ends the topic with the excuse of preparing for the competition...

"Hiss... How can I get her to renew her contract?"

Thinking of this, Boss Misty Rain rubbed his temples with a sad face.

The boss is in a bad mood, so of course the subordinates run over wagging their tails and smelling the smell,

Of course, Manager Yanyu knew that his boss had a headache because of Chu Yunxiu's failure to renew his contract, so he would like to offer a note here.
He lay next to Boss Misty Rain's ear, and whispered: "Boss, I have a solution."

"Tell me."

"Let the Shu sisters take the time to apologize to Chu Yunxiu, maybe she will agree to renew the contract when she is in a good mood." Manager Yanyu talked eloquently, thinking that he had come up with a good idea.

"You arrange this matter. No matter what, we must try to get Chu Yunxiu to renew his contract." Boss Yanyu waved his hand, and the manager turned around to handle the matter.

"Wait!" The boss suddenly called out and stopped him.
"If Chu Yunxiu refuses to take the hard way, try to find another home, at least you can keep a transfer fee."

"Yes, I understand."


So far, the four games of the first round of the first round of the playoffs are over.
Hundred Flowers 9:1 Royal Wind,

Reincarnation 9: 1 void,

Blue Rain 6: 4 Tiny Herb,

Tyranny 3: 7 Misty Rain.

After these four games, it can be said that some people are happy and some are worried.
The fans of Baihua Samsara are naturally happy, and it is almost a certainty that they will enter the semi-finals.
Yanyu Fan is also in a good mood, but there is still a small part of worry. After all, the second round is away against the veteran team Tyranny.
And speaking of it, Misty Rain's victory over Tyranny in the first round had a lot to do with the tactic of "consuming Han Wenqing's stamina".
But don't forget, there is a master tactician in Tyranny's formation,
He stumbled here once today, and it will not be so easy to use the same tactics to trap him in the next round.

After this defeat, Tyranny will definitely make some adjustments. As for how to make adjustments, it depends on Zhang Xinjie's arrangements...

Therefore, the duel between Misty Rain and Tyranny cannot be said to be without suspense.

If Misty Rain is a little careless, Tyranny is likely to defeat the general and turn defeat into victory.
The same is true for Tyranny, if they don't adjust their state properly, Misty Rain will send them out without hesitation.

In the second round, Misty Rain Tyranny's match was a highlight.

Similarly, Blue Rain Tiny Herb's group is also full of highlights. The score of 6:4 is very subtle, almost equal to a draw.

Blue Rain only had an advantage by one point.

Of course, every point is a point, no matter how small a fly is, it still has meat.

With a small advantage, Blue Rain can hold more initiative in the second round of home games, which is invaluable.
And Tiny Herb couldn't hold back anymore, they had already lost one round, they knew very well that if they lost again in the next round,
This year, I can only drink and hate the top eight...

Tiny Herb's generals were naturally unwilling to accept such an ending.

So in the second round, under the leadership of Wang Jiexi, Tiny Herb's entire team is bound to launch a fierce counterattack.

Blue Rain, who has won a game, can't be proud, because a proud soldier is bound to lose...

As for whether they can defuse Tiny Herb's counterattack, it depends on the arrangement of Yu Wenzhou, the master tactician.
Similarly, Wang Jiexi's tactical quality is not bad, and the two captains will fight again in the second round!
In general, the second round of the duel between Tiny Herb and Blue Rain is also very interesting!

Lounge, the second round of the first round of the playoffs has officially started! !

As expected, Hundred Blossoms, who were leading by a large margin, started their rotation. Veteran Zhang Jiale got a chance to rest, and Xiao Shiqin also entered the rotation list.
The two young main players, Yi Tianming and Tang Hao, came on stage.
As expected, even with only two main players, Baihua still won the game lightly,
Yi Tianming and Tang Hao helped the team score 2 points in the first and second singles matches,
So far, the total score of Hundred Blossoms is 11:1, ending the game early.

Be the first team to advance to the Final Four!

Soon, good news came from the next door,

Samsara is also 11:1, ending the suspense of the game ahead of time, and entering the ranks of the semi-finals!

As a result, Hundred Blossoms and Samsara had already occupied the second place in the top four.

However, it is worth mentioning that in the second round, with Zhang Jiale and Xiao Shiqin resting in rotation, the temporary captain of Hundred Blossoms fell to Yi Tianming.

Although he is a temporary captain, he still attracted the attention of the media.
The title has been prepared, "Yi Tianming becomes the captain of Hundred Blossoms, is this a sign of the captain's succession?" "

There are plenty of gimmicks, and it will definitely earn enough traffic.

But... the media's attention to this side has to be stopped for a while, because the other two groups of competitions are also full of gimmicks!

The members of Hundred Blossoms Samsara, who had ended the match ahead of schedule, also turned their attention to the other two battlefields.


Blue Rain Home,

The Blue Rain fans at the main venue gave out bursts of cheers like a mountain roaring and a tsunami, directly hitting people's hearts

The score written on the big screen is 4:1!

Blue Rain has a huge advantage!Just one more point to end the game,

It's just a pity that there are only team competitions worth 5 points left.
But 5 points is 5 points, let's have a 9:1 victory!

This was the inner thinking of many Blue Rain fans. They were full of confidence, thinking that it was only a matter of time before they entered the top four.

As everyone knows...

As soon as the camera turns, the team competition has progressed to a feverish stage.
When Blue Rain and Tiny Herb fought, the sky was dark and the ground was dark. The two teams had their own injuries.

And Tiny Herb lost Gao Yingjie and another sharpshooter player, leaving four of them.
The field is currently a four-on-four situation. At first glance, it seems to be a balance of power.

If you analyze it carefully, it's not hard to see that Tiny Herb has the upper hand,

Although they both lost two players, Blue Rain lost two absolute main players, including an All-Star player, while Tiny Herb only lost a rookie main player and sixth player.
And still in the case of an unfamiliar map,

From this point of view, Tiny Herb has unknowingly gained the upper hand.

Yu Wenzhou's title of Master Tactician was not earned for nothing.
He chose this picture, and there is a reason for this picture.

Just when there was a glitch in the connection between Priest Tiny Herb and the knight, Ye Yusheng suddenly rushed out from the flank, tearing the distance between the two completely apart.

At the same time, Yu Wenzhou released the skills he had planned for a long time,
Warlock level 70 skill - Death's Gate!
Source: Soksar, the number one warlock of glory! !
A black door formed behind Tiny Herb Priest Cordyceps, and a tentacle condensed by black air protruded from the door. This hand seemed to be navigating, and it automatically found Cordyceps.
The next second, the black hand began to slowly pull the Cordyceps sinensis into the black door, and at this time Troubling Rain was also scurrying around beside him, but he was not in a hurry to attack, the main thing was to harass,
But anyone who knows a little about Glory knows that Troubled Rain is waiting for an opportunity, waiting for the moment when the death gate pulls the opponent in, and then pops out to make up for the damage.

As for Yuan Baiqing, who had already been caught by the gate of death, he was already a little flustered, and another Troubled Night Rain was jumping left and right in front of him, which made him even more flustered.
If you panic, your mind will easily become confused, and your operation will easily make mistakes.

The body of Cordyceps sinensis was pulled into the black door little by little...

Tiny Herb, danger! !

Hundred Flowers Club,
"Wang Jiexi, this move...can you handle it?" Zhang Jiale murmured with his hands crossed in front of his chest. He was watching the duel between Lan Yu and Tiny Herb.
In fact, to him, it doesn't matter who wins Tiny Herb and Blue Rain, because the winner of the two teams will fight against Samsara, not Hundred Blossoms.
Therefore, Zhang Jiale watched this game purely with the mentality of watching the fun and watching the tactics. As for who wins and loses, it depends on the performance of both sides.
Lao Zhang only asked for one thing, the game should not be too boring.

However, it seems that Team Tiny Herb's situation is not good at present, because Cordyceps sinensis does not have much HP left. After eating this Death's Gate, if they face Troubling Rain's personal attack, they may not be able to last long. g,

And once the pastor is killed, Tiny Herb will fall into a big headwind, and if he wants to make a comeback, it will be even more difficult...

back on the field,

All spectators were surprised to find one point,

In such a time of life and death, Captain Tiny Herb has disappeared...!
Where did Wang Jiexi go?Where did Wang Buliu go?

This is a point that all viewers are paying attention to,

Due to the limited broadcast screen, it is impossible to show all aspects of the battlefield at the same time. Most of the time, only one of the scenes can be selected for broadcast. (For this problem, Honor officials have studied a technology called holographic projection , can help the audience know the all-round battle situation on the battlefield, and it is expected to be officially put into the game next season)

As if aware of the audience's thoughts, the director pointed the camera at Wang Buliuxing on the stage,
He's hitting two! !

With brilliant skills and unpredictable operations, Wang Jiexi used the long-lost magician style of play!One hit two is not at a disadvantage at all!
When Wang Buliuxing caught Lan Yu's guardian angel and qigong master, he beat him up. Wang Jiexi didn't hold back any more this time. He knew very well that if he didn't break the seal, Tiny Herb would be eliminated...!

Exchange one's own priest for the opponent's guardian angel + qigong master, one for two, Wang Jiexi's deal,

But of course Yu Wenzhou would not agree. After using the door of death, Suokesar turned around and started reading the article in the direction of Wangbuliuxing.
Warlock skill - Rain of Chaos!
Skill effect: There is a chance to make the character's operation chaotic and irregular.

If you are hit by this skill, even a magician will find it difficult to continue outputting efficiently in the chaos...!
Soksar is about to finish reading the article,

At the last moment, Wang Buliuxing commanded in the channel:
"Battle format!"

Hearing the command, Qiu Fei immediately turned around and pointed the spear at Soksar,

Under the closeness of the battle format, it was difficult for Soksar to read the second skill after releasing a Chaos Rain, and Yu Wenzhou had to do his best to deal with the tactics in front of him.

Even though he was facing a rookie, Yu Wenzhou didn't dare to neglect him at all, because he saw the shadow of the former fighting god from this rookie, and his style of play was very similar!It can be said to be an ultra-low configuration version of God of War!

Over there, after Wang Buliuxing was hit by Chaos Rain, his output dropped by a notch, and Blue Rain's guardian angel and qigong master also fled to safety.
In this way, Wang Jiexi's son exchange plan could not be carried out.

Tiny Herb's situation began to change slightly,

Meanwhile, on the other side,
After Tiny Herb Cleric Cordyceps sinensis was pulled into the black door by the door of death, his health plummeted a lot, and he was in danger!
At this time, Troubled Rain, who had been strolling around before, suddenly rushed out, and went straight to the bloody Cordyceps sinensis!
"Danger!" The commentator exclaimed, pushing the atmosphere of the audience to its climax.

Who is Huang Shaotian?The most famous opportunist in glory!
Of course he would not miss such a good opportunity like now!As long as we get rid of Priest Tiny Herb, it's a certainty that Blue Rain will win this match!

But games are always full of variables.
At the critical moment, Deng Fusheng's knight rushed to his teammates alone, and rushed to his teammates in time. A shield wall of sighs pushed back the sound of the rain, and protected the bloody priest behind him.

The task Wang Jiexi arranged for Deng Fusheng before the match was: protect the pastor.

Now at this critical moment, he did it!He lived up to Wang Jiexi's expectations!

Duhuo and Troubled Night Rain started a confrontation,
Troubled by the rain patiently hovering left and right, waiting for the opportunity to move,

Suddenly, he kicked off the ground suddenly, trying to get through the gap.But it's a pity... His intention was seen through by Deng Fusheng, and Duhuo raised his shield high to block Troubling Rain's attack!
Alone once again protected the pastor!

But soon, a more cruel test came,

Blue Rain's qigong master and guardian angel were rushing this way, forming a three-person encirclement with Troubling Rain,
The intention is obvious, three against one!Strongly kill unihuo and Cordyceps sinensis!
And Wang Buliuxing just broke free from the control of Chaos Rain, so it will take some time to arrive here.
What Blue Rain hit was the time difference!
On the other side, Fighting Format and Soksar are still entangled.

In other words, Duhuo and Cordyceps will not have any help in a short time!
Deng Fusheng immediately felt the pressure, and for the next period of time, he faced the attacks of three opponents alone...!
it's hard
Deng Fusheng knew in his heart that he might fall...

For a moment, a huge sense of gap and guilt enveloped his heart,

The task Wang Jiexi assigned to him this time was to protect the priest, that's all, and he didn't even ask for offense.

But now... I can't even complete this only task well...

The powerful offensive formed by the three of Blue Rain caused the scene to be filled with yellow sand and dust.

"It's over..." Just when Tiny Herb Powder was in despair,
Suddenly, a layer of golden light burst out from the yellow sand, causing the three of Lan Yu to pause at the same time.
With a cry from the depths of the soul,
"I'm also... the number one knight of glory!"

(End of this chapter)

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