Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 182 Hanawa Chapters both exert their strength, showing their champion demeanor! !

Chapter 182 Hundred Blossoms Reincarnation Both Unleash Their Powers, Showing Their Champion Demeanor! !


Everything is fake.

In fact, long before Dazzling Flowers found out about sweeping the floor and burning incense, the sharpshooter teammate on the top of the mountain had told Tian Sen of his opponent's whereabouts.
In other words, Tian Sen already knew the opponent's itinerary,
And the way he ran away in a hurry was just a fake, that's all.

Can't bear children, can't catch wolves.

If you don't act like a little bit, your opponent won't be fooled.

However, I have to say that Tian Sen's behavior was very bold and risky, because he was only a little bit close to being caught by Dazzling Hundred Blossoms,

The Huangfeng teammates on the top of the mountain were also sweating from the bottom of their hearts, but fortunately, the plan finally succeeded.

Tian Sen's superb acting skills also reaped rewards. The sharpshooter teammate on the top of the mountain sniped with Barrett.
Although Xiao Shiqin made a reminder as soon as he noticed it, he was still a step too late.
With a roaring gunshot,
boom! ! !
This lure war officially kicked off,

Barrett's sniping speed was so fast that only a phantom was left in the air.
In an instant, the bullet flew to Dazzling Bai Hua's eyes!

Did you win? !

The Huangfeng fans in the auditorium stood up nervously, held their breath and looked at the big screen, so did the Baihua fans.
Generally speaking, if Barrett hits the head with one shot, the second shot will also hit the second shot nine times out of ten.
Coupled with the doubled damage of Barrett's head shot, the power of these two shots should not be underestimated.

While all the audience held their breath and waited for the result,
Zhang Jiale gave his answer,

At the moment when the bullet was about to pour into his head, Dazzling Hundred Blossoms rolled from side to rear,
Hide away!

The bullet hit the ground behind him naturally.

"Hand speed is so fast!" "Team Zhang, come on!!" Baihuafen's cheers resounded throughout the main venue, and Zhang Jiale's performance was like a seasoning, arousing the audience's appetite.

But I have to say, ginger is still old and spicy,
After all, Zhang Jiale has been around since the second season, so how can he do it without any real skills?

The dodge just now is the dual embodiment of his hand speed and experience,
He has been on guard!
Think about it, suddenly bumping into the captain of the opponent halfway, it doesn't make sense no matter how you look at it, so Zhang Jiale also kept this in mind early.

The Baihuafen outside finally felt relieved, now it should be Huangfengfan who needs to worry, because sweeping the floor and burning incense to seduce him failed, and instead put himself in a disadvantageous situation.

back on the field,

After Dazzling Hundred Blossoms finished rolling, he quickly got up and continued chasing towards Sweeping the Floor and Fenxiang, but the latter could only run away in a panic.

Tian Sen understood that at this time, any hesitation for a second could ruin the game.

And the four contestants on the top of Huangfeng Mountain could only stare blankly, except for the sharpshooter contestant who could take a few shots to cover, the others had no choice but to go round and round.

It can also be seen from this that the serious problem that Huangfeng is facing now is: there is no command.

Tian Sen is being hunted down now, and he may be caught up at any time. He has no time to type now, let alone command his teammates.


The Royal Fans in the auditorium let out a sigh. According to the current situation on the field, within ten seconds, sweeping the floor and burning incense will be caught up, and then the picture will be...

But the more critical the moment, it is up to the key players to stand up,
The sharpshooter in the Royal Wind Team stood up!

As the only remote occupation in the team, his advantage is that he can better observe the overall situation on the field.
"Swordsmen and boxers go to meet the captain! The priest finds something to protect himself!" After the sharpshooter gave instructions in the channel, he set up Barrett again and aimed!

Of course, the skill cd is not so fast, he is using the skill dual control!
All of a sudden, the conductor came, and Huangfeng and the others knew what they should do.
The swordsman and boxer rushed down from left to right, and just as Dazzling Hundred Blossoms was about to catch up to Sweeping Fenxiang, Huang Feng and the other two also arrived!

As a result, a situation of imperial wind three against one was formed locally.
But even if it was three against one, none of the three had the courage to face it head-on.
Because the Hundred Flowers style of play bloomed in an instant,
For a moment, Guangxuanliai's skills were released one after another, and the big screen was also covered with light.

In the light, the sight of the three of Huangfeng was disturbed seven or eight times, and the only thing they could do was to try their best to run towards the top of the mountain.

The three of Huangfeng didn't dare to stay for a while, because they knew that if it was a little later, Baihua's large army would rush over, and what greeted them then would be the ruthless word "lose".

At the same time, the sharpshooter on the top of the mountain set up Barrett's sniper again, intending to cover the retreat of his teammates.

By this time, both sides hadn't confronted each other head-on, and Huang Feng was still avoiding the battle.

Just when everyone thought that the two teams would not officially meet, suddenly, two words popped up on the Royal Wind channel,

Command from: Sweeping the Floor and Burning Incense!
Immediately afterwards, there was a loud noise, and the sharpshooter on the top of the mountain acted as the fuse of the team battle,

Barrett sniper!
boom! ! !
This loud noise was like a turning point. The instant it sounded, Huangfeng San at the foot of the mountain also set fire to Dazzling Hundred Blossoms! !

Sweeping the floor and burning incense was the first to bear the brunt. The moment he swung his scythe, he used his strength to turn around and head down the mountain. The four of them rushed out.
One person confronted the four of them head-on!

Is he looking for death! ?

At this moment, not to mention Baihuafen, even Huangfeng fans were completely shocked, and the commentator also had an incredible expression on his face.
In the eyes of everyone, such a move is no different from courting death...

But careful people soon discovered that Bai Hua Dazzling was motionless, and a fixed amulet was quietly pasted on his back!

The skills of an exorcist!Apart from sweeping the floor and burning incense, no one else can use this skill!
But how did he do it?
The whole process is silent!The audience, the narrator, and even Zhang Jiale himself didn't react. He didn't know that he was hit by the talisman until Dazzling Hundred Blossoms couldn't move!

The director sensibly cut out the replay just now:

The moment Sweeping the Floor and Fenxiang used his strength just now, it seemed ordinary, but it actually had a hidden reason. Sweeping and Fenxiang "hidden" a body talisman on the scythe, and hit it silently!

Royal wind strikes back! !
Moreover, Tian Sen also keenly caught a glitch in Dazzling Hundred Blossoms' skill tree, and only then did he have this counterattack!

At this moment, Dazzling Hundred Flowers remained motionless, completely immobilized by the Immobilization Talisman, and Huang Feng's two attackers quickly moved close to him, releasing their skills mercilessly, trying to end Dazzling Baihua's life before the effect of the Immobilization Talisman expired!

Sweeping the ground and burning incense, he moved forward without hesitation, and rushed towards the four of Baihua with a scythe! !

One husband guards the gate, ten thousand husbands don't open...!
That's right, Baihua took sweeping the floor and burning incense as the primary target.Correspondingly, the tactical deployment Tian Sen made before the match was: take Dazzling Hundred Blossoms as the primary attack target!

In apparent weakness,
He wants to fight against the general! !

The royal wind beats the flowers,
The standard weak team beats the strong team.

And Huangfeng's style of play at this moment is even more slanted. This is the only way for a weak team to challenge an enemy that is several times stronger than itself.

Royal wind is betting,

Everyone is happy if they win the bet, and they understand everything if they lose the bet.

Judging from the current progress on the field, Dazzling Hundred Blossoms was pinned down, and the four of Huangfeng were frantically attacking him.But sweeping the floor and burning incense alone faced four opponents,
This play is like...

Nuclear for nuclear!

right!Huang Feng has already seen it!It is to replace the opponent's core with your own core!

This style of play is especially common in team competitions, and it is one of the standard tactics for weak teams.But strong teams don't need it, because they are overwhelmed by strength, and they can eat away at their opponents step by step without forced substitutions, thus winning.

back on the field,

Knowing the tactics of the imperial style, Tian Sen can be said to have the determination to fight to the death.
Because he knew very well that his sweeping the floor and burning incense would become the primary target of the opponent's attack, so he simply didn't do anything else. He was being besieged anyway, so he might as well attack on his own initiative and use his life to delay time, one life for another!
Replacing Dazzling Hundred Blossoms was the greatest contribution Tian Sen could make.

Looking at it this way, the situation on the field became favorable to Huang Feng, because Dazzling Hundred Blossoms couldn't move.

Sweeping the floor and burning incense can at least move and attack at the same time, and still has the determination to die, which will definitely cause Baihua a lot of trouble.

As the saying goes, the timid is afraid of the daring, and the bold is afraid of dying. Now, sweeping the floor and burning incense and rushing into the group of Baihua, it is bound to turn the world upside down, until the fish dies and the net is broken...!
It was also a partial four-on-one, and the four of Huangfeng were confident that they could kill their opponents first.

Dazzling Hundred Blossoms' health began to drop rapidly, and before long, he would become a cold corpse lying on the ground.

The HP of Sweeping the Floor and Fenxiang also decreases, but the speed is slower than that of Dazzling Hundred Blossoms, because the former can move and dodge, while the latter can only stand still and get hit.

According to this situation, Dazzling Hundred Blossoms would definitely die first.

In this way, the question was thrown to Xiao Shiqin,
Should I save my captain or...

Dazzling Hundred Blossoms' health was dropping very fast, and it was about to drop to less than half!
There is not much time left for Xiao Shiqin to think about it!
"Change!" Xiao Shiqin commanded methodically in the channel,
The meaning in his words is obvious, don't worry about Dazzling Hundred Blossoms, just kill them first by sweeping the floor and burning incense!

After finishing speaking, Life Extinguisher suddenly blasted out a mechanical fist, and the blows swept the floor and Fenxiang's body was beaten. Immediately afterwards, the attacks of Blossoming Chaos and DeLillo followed one after another,

Now that the command has been issued, they will output without restraint, and there is no need to hold back any more.

Sweeping the floor and burning incense's HP also began to drop rapidly, and soon caught up with Dazzling Hundred Blossoms' decline.

The corner of Xiao Shiqin's mouth curved slightly, because everything was under his control!
Don't forget, Xiao Shiqin used to be responsible for defeating the strong with the weak!When he was in the Thunder, he led the team to defeat many strong teams.

As far as Tian Sen is concerned, he knows it all!
And this kind of desperate substitution might be beneficial to Huangfeng at first glance, but it's actually the opposite, because their opponent is Baihua, who is almost fully equipped except for priests!

If it is an opponent of similar level or slightly stronger, Huang Feng may still have hope of defeating him in this way.

But using this tactic to fight against Baihua is completely useless.
Because, taking ten thousand steps back, even if Dazzling Baihua was swept away and burned incense to exchange his life for his life, at best, Baihua lost one core.

But Hundred Blossoms is far more than just this one core!
Dazzling Hundred Blossoms and Blossoming Chaos are missing, and even DeLillo can stand alone,
Therefore, against an opponent of Huangfeng's level, one less Dazzling Hundred Blossoms would not be fatal.
But this is not the case for Huangfeng. Without sweeping the floor and burning incense, Huangfeng's combat effectiveness can be said to have plummeted, dropping several notches!

Maybe someone can stand up and command a few words, but without the imperial style of sweeping the floor and burning incense, it is impossible to defeat the opponent Baihua in terms of hard power!
Therefore, for Hundred Blossoms, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

This is why Xiao Shiqin dared to say "change" without any fear.

And the situation on the court began to develop as Xiao Shiqin expected,
Dazzling Hundred Blossoms and Sweeping the Floor and Fenxiang fell one after another, and the time difference between their deaths was no more than three seconds!
After killing sweeping the floor and burning incense, Xiao Shiqin quickly made the next deployment,
Life Extinguisher: "Go!"

After the command was issued, the whole Baihua team quickly rushed towards the opponent on the top of the mountain. The whole process was orderly, like a group of well-trained executioners, about to execute the criminals on the top of the mountain!
The remaining four of Huangfeng seemed a little at a loss. They, who lost their captain, were like a mess of loose sand at the moment, and it was difficult to gather together in a short time...

The remaining four of Huangfeng became flustered and panicked...

The sharpshooter who commanded once just now failed to stand up this time. He had no choice. He was also very nervous, so nervous that his palms kept sweating.

After sweeping the floor and burning incense, Huangfeng lost its backbone, and it didn't take long for Baihua to take it down!

9: 1.

The score was fixed at this moment, and Hundred Blossoms won a big victory in the away game. This victory made it easier for them to deal with the second round of the duel, and even allowed the main players to rest.

Because as long as they get 2 more points, they can end the game early.

However, Huangfeng failed to overthrow the "behemoth" Baihua at home, and they will only be more passive when they play away in the next round.

However, even though they lost the game, the royal fans at home still applauded their players.

They can see that their players are trying their best.

Whatever the outcome, do your best.

As for Tian Sen's substitution tactics, it can't be said that he was wrong. The style of play itself is fine, but it's not suitable for this match.
If you add a few more fierce generals to Huangfeng, this kind of life-for-life style of play may be successful.

It's a pity that Huangfeng's overall strength is still far behind Baihua's.

"Congratulations to Baihua for winning the first round!"

"Alright, this is the end of today's commentary. I'm Li Yibo. See you in the next round!"

The duel here is over, and the duel between the other two groups is about to come to an end.
Samsara VS Void in the away game, the score is also 9:1, Void only scored one point in the singles match, and lost all the rest.Although there were some turmoil in the team competition, they were quickly settled by Samsara and won.

As for the other game, Misty Rain played against Tyranny at home, the score was 2:3, and Tyranny temporarily led by one point.
And at this moment, the team competition over there is in full swing...

(End of this chapter)

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