Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 154 Chu Yunxiu's troubles...

Chapter 154 Chu Yunxiu's troubles...

In the blink of an eye, the single player group arena was over,

Hundred Blossoms turned against customers and scored 4 points.
The home team, Misty Rain, scored the only point in the third singles match relying solely on Li Hua.

A fantastic start, of course, for Baihua,

For Misty Rain, that was a nightmare.

The Misty Rain fan club was silent, they didn't know what to use to win the team competition,
Misty Rain's team competition is a weakness. Don't look at the fact that Misty Rain is currently ranked 6th in the standings. In fact, their winning percentage against strong teams in team competitions is ridiculously low. Only when they beat weak teams can they have a chance to score.

But now, facing the flourishing Hundred Flowers, there is little hope...

As soon as the camera turned, it was already in the team competition,
The five members of Baihua advanced steadily. Although they were fighting away and faced an unfamiliar map, Xiao Shiqin's command was still orderly.

Relying on his tactical literacy and mind, he gradually became familiar with the unfamiliar map after exploring it.

In the away game, Hundred Blossoms gradually compressed the offensive line. Luohualanglu and DeLillo were at the forefront. Once they found the enemy, they could immediately attack and take care of each other. the threat of
On the other hand, the home team, Misty Rain, retreated step by step, not daring to confront the opponent head-on.
It's very simple, Misty Rain dare not take risks,

Except for Sun Liang's boxer who can stand in the front, there are no other available frontal anti-pressure characters. This is the current situation of Misty Rain,

It's impossible to let Fengcheng Misty Rain or Lin Darkcao be the first to resist the pressure, right?
It would be fine if it was against a weak team. With the support of Chu Yunxiu and Li Hua, Sun Liang's boxers could win the match, but now the opponent, Hundred Blossoms, is not a weak team. DeLillo composed of sharp knives,

This is the reason why Misty Rain has a low winning rate against strong teams in the team competition.

It was obviously Misty Rain's home court, but now it's like Baihua's home court. They played the role of boldly attacking and compressing the opponent step by step.
Misty rain has been retreating, but the map is so big, retreating to the end, there is no way to retreat.

I have no choice but to fight with my back.
Misty Rain Team Channel,

Misty Rain in Fengcheng: "Fall!"

The meaning of this sentence is to gather fire and fall into chaos!
A competition is a competition, she will not have the slightest scruples or other factors towards Yi Tianming,
Blossoming Chaos is certainly a high mountain, but if the five of Yanyu set fire to it, there may not be no hope of leveling this mountain!
Fengcheng Misty Rain fired the first shot,
A smear of bright red quietly appeared at the feet of Luohualangmo, and then spread rapidly, forming a sea of ​​flames!
Chu Yunxiu's release of skills was so precise, this sea of ​​flames perfectly separated Luohualangchao from his teammates,
The strength of the No. [-] female player of Glory can be seen!
In the next second, Sun Liang's boxer rushed over, and Lin Ancao rushed over in shock.

Seeing that Misty Rain's attacks were concentrated on Luohualangmo,
Xiao Shiqin: "Too naive."

He had long expected that Blossoming Chaos would become Misty Rain's primary attack target, so he made corresponding arrangements in advance,
DeLillo threw Sun Liang's boxer down at the risk of a sea of ​​flames, and the two wrestled together.
However, their strengths are obviously not at the same level, Sun Liang was quickly suppressed by Tang Hao,

Dazzling Hundred Blossoms also took advantage of the confusion to rush out, and immediately found Priest Yanyu, the qigong master next to Priest Yanyu hurriedly retreated to defend, protecting the priest was his task in this game,
"Not good!" Chu Yunxiu frowned slightly, sensing something was wrong, and hurriedly reminded her teammates in the channel,
What happened in the next second just confirmed her thoughts,
Dazzling Hundred Blossoms turned its gun, aiming at the Dark Forest Grass that was being entangled by Blossoming Chaos,
It is important to catch the enemy priest, but if you can kill an all-star character, the advantage will definitely not be small!
The Hundred Flowers style of play bloomed in an instant, and the dazzling brilliance enveloped the dark grass in the forest, making it impossible for the Misty Rain team members outside to notice the situation.

On the front, Blossoming Chaos also speeded up its attack rhythm, and a few sword qi swung out, completely blocking Lin Darkcao's escape route.
Fengcheng Misty Rain couldn't see the situation of his teammates, but it was not difficult to see from the falling speed of Lin Darkcao's frightened blood bar in the upper left corner that the situation was urgent!
At this speed, Lin Ancao Jing would become a corpse in less than half a minute...


The audience and team members of Misty Rain fell into deep confusion. The current predicament, or desperate situation, left them at a loss...

Just when everyone was confused, a ray of dawn shone in,

Misty Rain in Fengcheng: "Siege Aofeng Remnant Flower!"

Chu Yunxiu made a decisive decision and commanded in the channel,
Since it's not realistic to save Lin Ancao Jing, then Duizi, forcefully kill the other priest, Aofeng Remnanthua!

The magic staff in Fengcheng Misty Rain's hand was shining brightly, and the skill bar was completed

A wall of ice and a wall of fire formed on both sides of Aofeng Remnant Flower, sandwiching him in the middle.

At the same time, Yanyu qigong master suddenly blasted a layer of air waves to cooperate with Fengcheng Misty Rain's attack.

Aofeng Remnant Flower calmly released a skill—purification, which removed all negative effects, and then the Angel Wings charged up, and a pair of wings took shape instantly, taking him into the sky,

"Good job!" Life Extinguisher rushed out, he had been protecting Aofeng Remnant Flower closely from the beginning to the end, waiting for such an opportunity,
A loud bang,
With a mechanical punch, most of the opponent's qigong master's attack was resolved, and the field of vision provided by the mechanical eye allowed him to make full preparations.

For the rest of the damage, Life Extinguisher used his body to help his priest block it.

By the time Fengcheng Yanyu and the others wanted to set fire again, it was already too late.

In the end, Lin Ancaojing couldn't resist the double fight between Dazzling Hundred Blossoms and Chaotic Blossoms, and became the first character to fall in this match.
After a while, Sun Liang's boxer was finally dealt with by DeLillo,

Misty Rain instantly evaporated 2 people, which was a big blow to morale.

In the end, Misty Rain still couldn't resist Baihua's fierce attack,
Can't retreat and can't retreat, can't fight and fight, this is the status quo of the Misty Rain team competition.

9:1, Hundred Blossoms won another big victory!
In this game, Misty Rain's flaws were fully exposed, there was no positive role to resist pressure,
In fact, Misty Rain's second-tier team also has a knight player, who is not very old, and with a little training, he might be able to play for the first-team.

Chu Yunxiu also mentioned to the higher-ups,

But the top management of Misty Rain Club didn't seem to care about these things, they didn't care about it at all, and they were completely focused on making money.


"What are your plans?" Yi Tianming asked,
Sitting opposite is Chu Yunxiu. Although Misty Rain lost to Baihua by a big margin just now, but the on-court is on-court, off-court is off-court, two different things.

Chu Yunxiu shows the friendship of the landlord, please come over to drink coffee and catch up with Yi Tianming,

"Whatever," Chu Yunxiu said casually with a helpless face, "The club discovered a pair of twin sisters in the online game. It seems that they are going to sign them and enter the professional game next season."

"Sisters, they really attract money." Chu Yunxiu showed a look of disdain and ridicule.

"I remember that your contract is due to expire this summer, why don't you think about transferring?" Yi Tianming asked again.

Chu Yunxiu didn't answer this question, she turned her head and looked out of the window, it was raining lightly outside,

It was getting late, the sky above S City felt foggy, the drizzle sky looked very ethereal, the moon that had just climbed up was covered,
Hazy smog, accompanied by drizzle.


(End of this chapter)

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