Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 153 Domestic violence man!Yi Tianming's domestic violence against Chu Yunxiu! (Combinat

Chapter 153 Domestic violence man!Yi Tianming's domestic violence against Chu Yunxiu! (Combination 4K)

"A fight between an elemental mage and a berserk swordsman? Misty Rain can't think about it!"

At Blue Rain Base, Huang Shaotian, who was watching the battle, said something.

Yu Wenzhou analyzed that the emperor was online, and the corner of his mouth curled up slightly: "Otherwise, who else has this ability?"

"Li Hua's ninja is the number one in the alliance, but his frontal combat ability is far inferior to Berserker's, and his style is completely restrained. Misty Rain and the others are several grades behind in terms of experience and character strength."

"So, if Misty Rain wants to score the first point, Chu Yunxiu is the best solution."

"Don't ignore the courage of the regular season queen."

Yu Wenzhou showed a characteristic smile, and the title of Analysis Emperor belonged to him.And gentleness is the label of his appearance.

Huang Shaotian opened his mouth wide, with a look of incredulity on his face: "No way, captain, you actually read online forums!"

"What?" Yu Wenzhou raised his eyebrows slightly, looking at him, revealing a sense of oppression invisibly,

This is different from Han Wenqing's arrogance, Ye Xiu's mental and technical crushing, and Wang Jiexi's seriousness.
The gentle and oppressive Team Yu is the only one in Team Blue Rain who can hold Huang Shaotian down, except for Wei Chen, of course.

Huang Shaotian also convinced Yu Wenzhou as the captain from the bottom of his heart, otherwise, curses and swords would not be Lan Yu's signature.

Feeling the oppression, Huang Shaotian quickly waved his hands, and changed the subject hahaha: "It's nothing, nothing, the captain is looking at the screen, the game is about to start! Look, look!"

on the screen,
Character loading is complete.

Blossoming Chaos, Misty Rain in the Windy City, two all-star characters, refreshed at both ends of the map,

Misty Rain chose the map for the home game, and Chu Yunxiu chose the new map "Lost City of Storms"!
The map is not big, the surrounding area is almost flat ground, without cover, and the center of the map is a city made of a mixture of sand and stone.

Shacheng is similar to a courtyard house, open-air, with two floors.

This is also the only high point on the entire map.

As the countdown ended, the two characters rushed out from the refresh point at the same time,

The high point is the battleground,

With Chu Yunxiu's familiarity with the map and her advantage in moving speed,

Fengcheng Misty Rain arrived at Shacheng first, and the journey went smoothly without encountering any opponents on the way.

This map has a characteristic, there are only two roads leading to Shacheng,

Now, Fengcheng Misty Rain is taking one of the paths, so he can be sure that Blossoming Chaos must be walking the other way,
Fengcheng Misty Rain aimed at another road that must be passed in advance, the staff in his hand glowed faintly,

Chu Yunxiu began to count silently in her heart, as long as the other party shows up, she can be caught off guard!

half a minute passed,

"It should be soon." Chu Yunxiu had a plan in mind,

Sure enough, not long after, a burst of low footsteps sounded from the bushes ahead,

Fengcheng Misty Rain began to accumulate energy, and the staff in his hand made a hissing sound,
Da da……

One foot out of the bushes, there is no doubt that Blossoming Chaos is coming, and who else but him,


With a sizzle, a bolt of lightning crashed down in the open space in front of the bushes! !
"Yes!" The Yanyu fans outside the venue had already started cheering.

Unexpectedly, the foot that had just stepped out of the bush shrank back in a second,

The lightning from Misty Rain in Fengcheng naturally split into the air...

"Good job!" "I knew it!" Now it was Baihuafen's turn to cheer, just now they held their breath nervously, but fortunately Yi Tianming's performance did not disappoint them, he played very cautiously!
Yi Tianming's face turned up slightly, this was the first time that he and Chu Yunxiu had a 1V1 in an official match, and there was more or less excitement in his heart,
But since both players are professional players, they still need the necessary professionalism, so Yi Tianming is quite cautious.

Of course, this is just a mutual test between the two sides, which is harmless.

What Yi Tianming can confirm now is that Chu Yunxiu is staring at this area from a certain position outside. If he goes out rashly now, he will definitely be taken as a target.
Be steady first, look for opportunities, and don't attack rashly.
When a mad swordsman fights an elemental mage, the first thing to do is to get close, if not close, he will be consumed alive,

And now the problem Yi Tianming has to solve is how to get close to the body,
back on the field,

About half a minute later, Blossoming Chaos took another tentative step,
boom! !

Another thunderbolt fell, fortunately he dodged quickly, otherwise he would be hit...

"It seems that a frontal breakthrough is not good, I can only use rubbish..." Yi Tianming shook his head, denying this idea,
Trash talking doesn't work that way,
Even for other people, Yi Tianming seldom uses trash talk, let alone Chu Yunxiu, he can't get that out of the way...

Another minute or so later, the same situation as before happened again. Blossoming Chaos took a step, and then quickly retracted. Fengcheng Misty Rain's attack landed in front of him, but it missed.

The reason why Yi Tianming did this was because if he did not act for a long time, he might be given a yellow card by the referee.

But Chu Yunxiu outside is not in a hurry, Fengcheng Misty Rain occupies a high point and is in a dominant position. As long as Blossoming Chaos jumps out of the dark, she can guarantee that the attack will arrive immediately, and she will make the opponent lose several layers of skin.
And Chu Yunxiu still has a "good card". Her goal from the beginning to the end was to make Luohuamomo squat in the bushes and not come out.

call! !call! !call! !

There was a sudden gust of wind around the map, a little bit of stone was thrown into it, and it soon turned into a sandstorm.
And quickly attack towards the center of the map!
And Blossoming Chaos happened to be on the only way of the sandstorm!
"Damn it!" Yi Tianming turned his camera and saw the sandstorm getting closer and closer to him. Countless vegetation was sucked into it, and soon turned into powder and disappeared into the air.

Would it be the same when Blossoming Chaos was involved?
Yi Tianming didn't know this question, and he didn't have the money to try it.
If the character is involved in the health value and directly clears the number 0, it will be a big loss.

It wasn't until this moment that Yi Tianming realized that Chu Yunxiu's purpose was to hold herself in place and wait for the sandstorm to attack.

Thirty personalities...

Twenty personalities...

When the sandstorm was only ten figures away from the character, the powerful attraction sucked away all the bushes around him,
Luohualangmo planted the epee on the ground, barely controlling his figure so as not to be sucked away.

In fact, at this time, the bushes were better than nothing as a cover for Blossoming Chaos, that is to say, the sight of Misty Rain in Fengcheng outside was very clear.

But he didn't release any harmful skills, but used some tricks to harass. Instead of taking advantage of this opportunity to output, he just wanted Blossoming Chaos to be thrown into the sandstorm.

"Could it be true that they will be cleared directly?" Yi Tianming is also uncertain. He can't analyze this kind of thing, and it would be the same for a talented student like Luo Ji.

Although Misty Rain in Fengcheng doesn't make any big moves now, Yi Tianming promises that as long as Blossoming Chaos rushes out, he will be greeted by the elemental mage's ruthless big move.
One side is the big move, the other side is the unknown risk,
This makes it difficult for Yi Tianming to make a choice...

However, the sandstorm will not give Yi Tianming time to think slowly,

Soon, the distance was reduced to five figures!
Yi Tianming had to make a quick decision, otherwise the character would be caught in the sandstorm!

Blossoming Chaos took a big step forward, then quickly swung left and right,
Yi Tianming still chose a safe path,

But Fengcheng Misty Rain's big move still hit the mark,

Elemental Mage Level 70 Skill - Thunder and Earth Fire!
In an instant, Blossoming Chaos was sandwiched between the two elements of sky thunder and earth fire,

The ground fire under my feet is spreading rapidly, there are still thunders rumbling overhead, and there are sandstorms behind me.

The situation is quite unfavorable!

Blossoming Chaos' health is also out of bounds, Fengcheng Misty Rain's attack is more than one big move, ice balls, fireballs follow one after another, all Blossoming Chaos can do is to dodge as much as possible, that's all,

Fengcheng Misty Rain's skills follow one after another. He is condescending and doesn't panic at all. He methodically controls the cooldown of the skills to ensure that his output is stable within a certain value range.

Even if Yi Tianming's hand speed reached its peak, he was still unavoidably hit by some skills. During this period of time, Blossoming Chaos' health dropped by more than 40%.

And the damage he caused to the opponent was 0.

And the distance between Blossoming Chaos and Misty Rain in Fengcheng has only been shortened by a third,

According to the current trend, Blossoming Chaos might fall under the attack of Fengcheng Misty Rain before Blossoming Chaos boarded Sand City.

It was only at this point in the game that Yi Tianming felt for the first time that Chu Yunxiu was oppressed.

Glory's No. [-] female player really deserves her reputation!

Mad what kind of soft feet in the competition, it's completely nonsense, this kind of performance is almost impeccable, whether it is map selection or skill connection, let alone her, there are not many male players in the league who can do it!
The so-called soft-legged shrimp in the competition is purely a vent of Internet trolls. Can one person dominate the team competition?If Misty Rain didn't have a frontal opponent, even if there were two Chu Yunxiu, he would still lose!Not to mention Chu Yunxiu, even Ye Xiu, a textbook of glory, cannot win the championship with a single-core team!
"If this is a teammate, I will attack and she will control the field, then I can't..." A thought flashed through Yi Tianming's mind,

Of course, he doesn't have time to think about this issue carefully now, Blossoming Chaos is still in danger!

The blood volume of Blossoming Chaos dropped all the way, and soon fell below 50%. The passive trigger of the Berserker was useless, he couldn't even get close to the opponent, and the passive trigger was useless...

Is this really the end...?
The Hundred Flowers fans outside the arena and the Hundred Flowers players on the bench fell into silence, and this silence was quickly drowned out by the cheers of the Yanyu fans.

"Nice! Team Chu interrupted his winning streak!"

"My wife is amazing! Go!!"

Even the commentator Li Yibo sighed slightly: "It seems that Yi Tianming's winning streak will be difficult to break through further, but the league's winning streak has been broken to 24 games by such a talented player, which is admirable!"

Alright, now that Li Yibo has done his best, the face slap passive is about to trigger.

"Wait!" Li Yibo suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the screen.

"Oh my God……!"

what happened! ?

The lens is given to the big screen,
Just when everyone thought that the winning streak was about to be broken, a change came,

Almost in the blink of an eye, the situation on the field changed drastically!
Blossoming Chaos stopped moving!
To be precise, he rushed out in the opposite direction, that is, the location of the sandstorm!
The attraction of the sandstorm makes the distance between the two quickly shrink,

Many people sent soul torture: "Is he crazy!?"

At the time of life and death, Yi Tianming gritted his teeth, and his heart froze,

Either way, it's death, rather than being tortured to death by the opponent, it's better to rush into this sandstorm full of unknowns, looking for the hope of life,
Maybe the variable is in it!

Blossoming Chaos quickly rushed to the edge of the sandstorm, but it was even more surprising that Fengcheng Misty Rain did this.
An ice wall formed in front of Blossoming Chaos!

Chu Yunxiu wanted to prevent herself from entering the sandstorm, which strengthened Yi Tianming's belief that there is definitely something unknown in this sandstorm!
Although the ice wall was released very quickly, it was still a step too late. Blossoming Chaos had already been blown into the sky by the huge attraction of the sandstorm.

For a while, Chu Yunxiu didn't react. She didn't expect Yi Tianming to change his mind suddenly and make crazy moves.

And this seemingly crazy move also brought the last ray of life to the surface.
Of course, it is a glimmer of life for Blossoming Chaos, but for Misty Rain in Fengcheng, it is a crisis.

Huge crisis!
Not long after Blossoming Chaos was thrown into the sandstorm, the sandstorm swept through the sand city and razed the area where Chu Yunxiu was located.Sure enough, the sandstone castle is a shabby project...

The speed of the sandstorm was too fast, even though Misty Rain in Fengcheng moved quickly, it was still engulfed by the wind and sand all over the sky.

The sandstorm, which seems to be full of dangers, actually can't pose a fatal threat to Blossoming Chaos, it's just blown high. As long as the landing is done well, Blossoming Chaos will only suffer 5% damage when it hits the ground.

And he also got an excellent opportunity to "treat each other honestly" with his opponent. During the destruction of Shacheng, Misty Rain in Fengcheng fell into a short period of rigidity.
Blossoming Chaos took this opportunity to get close,

Then the next step is the "revenge" stage, just now Fengcheng Misty Rain's magic attack was so dazzling, and now Blossoming Chaos' heavy sword is so ruthless,
If the elemental mage who is close to him wants to escape, it will be too difficult...!
Even the number one Elemental Mage of Glory cannot,

Although Fengcheng Misty Rain still has a teleportation in his hand, Blossoming Chaos still holds the weapon inscription skill three-stage cut in his hand,
See tricks and split tricks,

When the teleportation is used, the three-stage slash is released instantly, and Blossoming Chaos is close to him again...!
In the end, Misty Rain in Fengcheng fell, and he fell into the wind and sand,
the whole process…

To describe it in four words is~

Blossoming Chaos' attacks were known to be merciless, leaving no chance for the opponent.

The match was over, and there was one more all-star player who was defeated by Yi Tianming.

"A match full of drama! I can't believe it happened for real!" commentator Li Yibo shouted passionately,
"The winning streak continues to be written, and Yi Tianming has rewritten it to 25 games. Congratulations to Baihua! Congratulations to Yi Tianming!"


(End of this chapter)

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