Great Sui God of War, great strength at the beginning!

Chapter 297 The Great General and the Lost Princess?

Chapter 297 The Great General and the Lost Princess?

If you want to say which city is the center of the world, Luoyang City must be the first.

After the transformation by Wang Chenlongyun, and the construction of millions of people for several months, the current Luoyang City has been nearly doubled in size, with a population of more than 130 million, and even this number is still rising rapidly.

The princess of the Eternal Kingdom is named Diana, she is the darling of the Eternal Kingdom, and the status of the two princes is completely inferior to her.

Four guards followed the three of them, and a group of seven people walked on this street. Although they looked different, the people in Luoyang City were already familiar with this kind of behavior.

Didn't you see that the Turkic Great Khan was taken to the capital three months ago to dance for His Majesty today. At that time, many Turkic beauties were taken to the Central Plains and rewarded to the great warriors.

"Brother Wang, Luoyang City is really big and beautiful."

Diana seldom turned happily on the street. The apricot-yellow dress danced with Diana's turns, like an elf in the world, and everyone around her was stunned for a moment.

Although there are countless beauties in Dawu, and they are of different types, I have never seen this type of girl.


"Who are you? Why did you disturb the general's car!"

Suddenly, Diana was so excited that she didn't look at the road, and turned onto Shenwu Avenue, almost bumping into a team.

The eldest prince was taken aback, he forgot what his father had just told him, and hurried up to pull Diana aside.

"I am Dax, the eldest prince of the Hundred Worlds Kingdom, and I have met His Royal Highness, the Great General of the Great Wu Empire!"

Dax saluted with great respect. Their Eternal Kingdom is not a fool. Since they are here to ask for help, Dax and his party naturally have a general understanding of Dawu. There is only one person who holds the position of general in Dawu Empire. God of war-like existence.

"How dare you do this on Shenwu Street..."

"Okay, Zhao Lei, it's just a trivial matter, it doesn't have to be like this."

Xue Rengui, who was riding a big black-horned horse, waved his hand casually, and Xue Rengui didn't need to embarrass people from other countries because of some small things.

"Keep going."

Xue Rengui said again without even looking at those people.

"Yes, General."

"Great general, the little princess Diana of the Hundred Worlds Kingdom, please ask the general if you have anything to do!"

Suddenly, Diana, who was pulled aside by Dax, squeezed out and knelt down in front of Xue Rengui.

Xue Rengui was taken aback for a moment, this man is quite courageous.

Diana may seem like a fool, but she is like a mirror in her heart. Otherwise, how could the King of Eternal Love love this daughter so much that he had to take this daughter with him when he fled.

Diana knew that it would be even more difficult for a small country like theirs to meet His Majesty Dawu, and the General is already the most powerful soldier besides His Majesty the Emperor Dawu. The kingdom will be saved, and her queen mother and people will be freed from the sea of ​​suffering.

"Are you from the Kingdom of Hundred Worlds?"

Xue Rengui stopped and asked lightly.

"Back to the general, my daughter is Princess Diana of the Hundred Worlds Kingdom. Because the Hundred Worlds Kingdom was attacked by monsters, she came to the Great Wu Empire for help."

Diana spoke word by word, and everyone was curious about her fluent Chinese. They didn't expect this elf-like woman to be so fluent in Chinese.

"Why do you ask this general for this kind of thing? Shouldn't you go to Honglu Temple to report to His Majesty?"

Xue Rengui said with a smile, feeling a little curious about this woman in his heart.

"General, Diana knows very well that my Eternal Kingdom is just a small country, and it certainly won't attract His Majesty's attention, so I can only make a bad plan. The general can save my people, and Diana is willing to give everything."

What Diana said was extremely firm, but the two older brothers beside him couldn't sit still and could give everything.

Giving everything, this is an extremely heavy commitment in the Kingdom of Eternal Times, which means that Xue Rengui can dispose of Diana's life and death at will.

"Third sister, you..."

"Why does this general want you to come? Although this general..."

Xue Rengui was talking and talking, he was speechless, since he came to this world, he has been going south and north, not to mention his wife, Xue Rengui has never even touched a woman, and now there is a voice in Dawu saying that the great general Xue Rengui has Longyang is good.

"Ahem, your Eternal Kingdom is a subsidiary country of my Dawu, and my Dawu will naturally not leave it alone. You just wait, or there will be news in a day."

After Xue Rengui coughed twice, he took a hundred guards and headed towards the General's Mansion.

"Anna, you don't have to pay like this."

The eldest prince said very distressed.

"Brother Wang, you don't understand. I, Diana, once said that no one is worthy of me, except for the great heroes who rule the world. The general is the hero of the world. If the general can help me forever, even if I become The general's servant, Diana is also worth it!"

After Diana finished speaking, her dark blue eyes rolled, and then continued with a smile:

"Brother Wang, help Anna check the residence of the general, I still have to go find him."


three days later

Luoyang Imperial Palace Xuanzheng Hall

"You mean that the Hundred Worlds Kingdom has been invaded by monsters, and now half of the Hundred Worlds Kingdom has been ruled by monsters?"

Wang Chen frowned slightly, sitting on the golden sandalwood dragon chair, thinking about something.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, Jin Yiwei has already radiated Dawu for three thousand miles, and there will occasionally be evil goblins within the three thousand miles. The hundred lives are thousands of miles away from our Dawu, so it must be true."

Lu Bing responded first.

"Commander Lu is right, and I also expect that they will not dare to deceive me, Dawu."

Zhang Jiuling stroked his beard and said with a smile.

"Well, people from hundreds of thousands of miles away have come to express their surrender to my Dawu. It is unreasonable for us not to help, but if we want to help, it is really thankless to be separated by thousands of miles!"

Wang Chen leaned on the back of the chair, put one hand on the armchair, and tapped the armchair with two fingers very rhythmically, making regular knocking sounds.

"Your Majesty, although our generals have greatly improved, if we want to deal with monsters and ghosts, I am afraid that only the son-in-law, the general, the Duke of Yan, and the third son Pei have the qualifications. Although the rest of the officers and soldiers have also improved a lot, but Not that safe."

As an alchemist who improves the strength of soldiers, Sun Simiao is very aware of the strength of the generals. Among them, the four mentioned by Sun Simiao are the most powerful, and they have no major problems in dealing with monsters and ghosts.

If it was Yu Chigong, Cheng Yaojin and others, it would not be impossible, but if they were facing stronger monsters, there would inevitably be a risk of courting death.

"I think it's better to send troops to help him. This will have two advantages."

Yang Gongren said from the side, his tone was relatively low, and his figure was relatively stooped.

Wang Chen didn't summon Yang Gongren to the palace to discuss matters, but Yang Gongren came to the Xuanzheng Hall because of the difficult state affairs and his duty as Minister of the Ministry of Officials.

"Yang Aiqing, tell me in detail."

Wang Chen said with a smile.

As the son-in-law, the eldest grandson Wuji sat beside Yang Gongren, supporting Yang Gongren a little.

"Your Majesty, our Great Wu has more than four hundred affiliated countries, but there are still some countries that refuse to accept my Great Wu. Our move can deter all countries and let them know the strength of my Great Wu. Even if we are thousands of miles apart, our Great Wu Dynasty can still kill Your royal city!"

——"Ahem, the second thing is that Baishi is thousands of miles away from mine, and we all try our best to help. This will let the world know my Dawu's magnanimity as the suzerain state, and make the affiliated nations more convinced of my Dawu."

Everyone nodded again and again, which was extremely reasonable.

"But there is a small problem. If disasters happen in those affiliated countries and they all come to my Dawu for help, wouldn't my Dawu be busy? This is a bit difficult to deal with."

Changsun Wuji responded immediately.

Everyone nodded again, this is indeed a big problem, there are about [-] people attached to Dawu Kingdom, if they all come to ask Wang Chen for help, what should Wang Chen do?

not help?

Doesn't it seem that Wang Chen treats them differently?That would lose Dawu's face.

Then the great military generals care about one thing and lose another, and even cause dissatisfaction among the internal people because of helping other countries, and this will also greatly disturb the stability of Dawu.

"How about this, divide the establishment of diplomatic relations between these dependent countries and my Dawu into five levels, and determine how much my Dawu can help them according to the levels. But now there is a biggest problem, that is, the Hundred Worlds Kingdom and our Dawu has nothing to do with him, if he just sends troops to help, then other countries in the future will use this as an excuse..."

Wang Chen's light words can be used in the establishment of diplomatic relations later, but the question now is how to have a reason to help the Kingdom of Hundred Worlds.

"This is indeed a difficult problem. The Kingdom of Hundred Worlds only established diplomatic relations with Dawu a few days ago, and it has been less than three months since it became a vassal state of Dawu. It really doesn't make sense to send troops to help rashly."

Zhang Jiuling sighed slightly, it's not helpful, it's not good if you don't help, now this is a big problem.

"Your Majesty, I have something interesting to report to you."

At this time, Lu Bing walked out of the hall, walked into the hall with a secret letter, and handed it to Wang Chen with a strange smile.


Wang Chen curiously took over the secret letter, glanced at it roughly and understood the whole story.

"Hahaha, this is a good excuse."

"Your Majesty, what's the matter?"

Everyone looked at Wang Chen curiously.

Wang Chen handed the secret letter to Yang Gongren, and Yang Gongren followed after reading it carefully.

"Hahaha, this Rengui is very lucky to be taken by Princess Diana of the Hundred Worlds Kingdom."

Wang Chen smiled and shook his head, with a playful tone.

"Hahaha, isn't this just right? A few days ago, Your Majesty, you told my minister that Xue Rengui is over twenty years old and still alone. It's time to tell him a daughter-in-law. Isn't this right at your door?"

Zhang Jiuling smiled jokingly while holding the secret letter.

This Xue Rengui, since joining Wang Chen, has basically been living on the battlefield. He doesn't know anything about the love of his children. It seems that he has some psychological barriers. It's better now. Three days ago, Princess Diana of the Hundred Worlds Kingdom got in with the general. In the house, Xue Rengui was dumbfounded, but Xue Rengui didn't drive her out, instead he served delicious food and drinks. He was so famous because he is the princess of the world, if he is driven out, it will hurt the martial spirit!
Who believes this?
ghost letter!

Xue Rengui would care about these?

Xue Rengui is fearless, if he really gets angry, it doesn't matter if you are a woman or a princess and prince of which country you are, just beat him up, because no matter what country you are from, your country will definitely not have me anyway The country is strong.

"This Diana, my servant went to investigate. She is the confidant of the king of the century. It is said that half of the political affairs of the century are handled by her, and she is the next king appointed by the king of the century."

"My daughter is a king. It seems that she is really capable. She is very good. She is just worthy of our great general!"



Everyone laughed along with Wang Chen, and they settled Xue Rengui's marriage in a few words.

"Lu Bing, you should go to the General's Mansion right now, and talk to Xue Rengui, and you can reveal what I mean intentionally or unintentionally, and see his reaction."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Lu Bing also immediately walked out of the Xuanzheng Hall with fists in his hands.

"Okay, everyone, step back, I will make arrangements for the rest of the matter."

"My emperor, Sheng'an, I'm leaving!"

Now the subjects of Dawu will not call Wang Chen Long Live, because Long Live is no longer worthy of Wang Chen's status, they just say Sheng'an directly.

Wang Chen looked at the backs of everyone leaving, and suppressed the excitement in his heart. Just now, the voice of the system came again. It turned out that the three main tasks were finally settled, and the system will release them immediately!
(End of this chapter)

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