Great Sui God of War, great strength at the beginning!

Chapter 296 Great Wu Daxing, Buddhism wants to make a move?

Chapter 296 Great Wu Daxing, Buddhism wants to make a move?

After the chaos of Dawu ended, Li Shimin and his family members disappeared. The Eastern Turks in the north were trampled on Langjuxu Mountain by the army randomly sent by Wang Chen. The Turkic Khan was escorted to Luoyang City to dance. After being killed by Wang Chen's fleet, the world was turned upside down, and the leaders of the Japanese kingdom were all beheaded. Besides, the small countries in the south and west all bowed their heads and professed their vassals. !
In just six months, Wang Chen has already completed the achievements of opening up the territory and expanding the territory, all nations came to the dynasty, and the achievements of the world are shocking. No country dares to bark in front of the great martial arts!

In the Xuanzheng Hall, Wang Chen was half lying on a golden sandalwood chair, holding a memorial in his hand, which stated that Xue Rengui had led an army to the lair of the Western Turks.

"Hey, this Xue Rengui, he came to step on the Turkic royal court again, didn't I tell him to restrain himself a little bit."

Wang Chen smiled and pinched the bridge of his nose with his hands, his tone was quite like Versailles.

"Your Majesty, General Xue is also doing this to expand the territory of the country. Now my Dawu's territory has far surpassed any previous dynasty. Your Majesty, you are the real emperor!"

The little eunuch at the side immediately began to compliment him.

Wang Chen laughed dumbly. Wang Chen instilled the word "Human Emperor" into the common people all over the world. Now all the soldiers and civilians in Dawu know that his majesty does not respect the sky or the earth. Lao Tzu and even Wang Chen vigorously promoted Taoism and suppressed Buddhism secretly.

This last move moved Xu Maogong and Sun Simiao, two Taoists.

"Your Majesty, the king of the Hundred Worlds Kingdom brought all the princes and princesses of Silla to meet His Majesty."

Just when Wang Chen felt a little tired, Lu Bing walked in with a memorial.

"The kingdom of hundreds of generations? What kind of country is this? I have never heard of it before?"

Wang Chen put down the memorial and asked in doubt.

"Your Majesty has indeed never heard of it. The Hundred Worlds Kingdom is just a small country, and it is thousands of miles away from our Great Wu. In the past, they only asked people to come to our country to express their surrender."

"Thousands of miles away?"

Wang Chen was slightly taken aback, so far?
Thousands of miles is naturally nothing to Wang Chen's chasing the moon, but to ordinary people, it doesn't know how long it will take.

You must know that Dawu's crossing seems to be in the early [-] miles.

"That's right, looking at them, I'm afraid that the Kingdom of Hundred Times is in danger, and the king of the Kingdom of Hundred Times seems to have escaped."

"Your Majesty, do you want to meet them?"

Wang Chen frowned slightly, although he is the suzerain of these countries, but it is impossible to say that he came to see each other.

This world is the world of romances. There are so many countries that Wang Chen has never heard of. Now Wang Chen knows that there are more than 400 subordinate countries. The farthest one is like the Kingdom of Baishi, which is thousands of miles away.

Therefore, the current Great Wu Empire has far surpassed the previous Sui Dynasty, and the national fortune value has exceeded 1000 million. It is the first human empire to exceed 1000 million!
"Forget it, I don't have the time to meet these small countries, so how about it, their centuries-old kingdoms are thousands of miles away, and they all express their surrender to our country, and our country can't chill their hearts. Let Zhang Jiuling go to meet them on my behalf, a great warrior It’s not like he’s humiliating his status as the king of the Hundred Kingdoms if his chief assistant meets him.”

Wang Chen smiled slightly, then waved his hand and said.

"By the way, Your Majesty, there is also Yang Shangshu. Although there is an extension of his life given by the King of Medicine, Yang Shangshu has become more and more incapacitated these days. According to the servants, Yang Shangshu is in poor health, but he still persists every day. Dealing with political affairs every day, I fainted three times in a row yesterday!"

After thinking about it, Lu Bing still reported Yang Gongren's matter to Wang Chen.

Wang Chen frowned tightly this time.

Yang Gongren's body was already in decline, and he stepped into the gate of hell with one foot, but relying on the blood of the gods and Sun Simiao's ingenious hand to rejuvenate, he forcibly snatched him back under the hands of the king of hell.

But after Yang Gongren's health improved slightly, he began to deal with political affairs, and even worked for several hours, and his family members couldn't persuade him.

Wang Chen really believed that Yang Gongren was not for power and wealth, but purely for Dawu, which moved Wang Chen very much. A former court official who was forced to join Dawu halfway, is now working hard for Dawu, which is like giving his life. as!

"Take my gold medal and go to Duke Hong's mansion, explain to Duke Hong, I let him have a good rest, and he is not allowed to deal with political affairs. If you really have nothing to do, go to the Imperial College."

"Oh, that's right!" Seeing that Lu Bing was about to walk out with the gold medal, Wang Chen hurriedly shouted.

"Let the King of Medicine go with him, and then give Duke Hong a recuperation."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Seeing the figure of Lu Bing walking out, Wang Chen shook his head helplessly, this Yang Gongren really dedicated himself to his Great Wu Dynasty, and died.

Because of the stability of the country, the people's lives have become more prosperous, and now there are schools all over the country, most places, and even Wang Chen improved and implemented according to the idea of ​​the previous life.

And Yang Gongren, Xu Maogong, Zhang Jiuling, Wei Zheng, and Sun Simiao are the team in charge of this school. Obviously, Yang Gongren has been an official for decades, and he is still quite prestigious in the eyes of the common people all over the world. Give him a long life card.

Fate is so changeable. Without his own intervention, Yang Gongren would indeed have become a high-ranking official in the Tang Dynasty, but he would never have such awareness, nor would he have such prestige, nor would he have such thoughts. It can be said that it was himself. And his own Dawu Dynasty influenced Yang Gongren, of course, Yang Gongren also used his life to serve Dawu in turn.

"Your Majesty, where are we going now?"

Just as Wang Chen walked to the gate of the Xuanzheng Hall, the little eunuch ran over quickly and asked.

"I'm going to the Royal Garden by myself, so you don't have to follow, just go away."

"Yes, Your Majesty."


Western Spirit Mountain
Lingshan is a general name. It is a sacred place for Buddhism. Every Buddha will live on it. After the past Buddha left office, the present Buddha took the position of Buddha. He is the Tathagata Buddha in the world.

Beside Tathagata Buddha, there are several high-level Buddhists, namely Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, Manjusri Bodhisattva, and Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. As for Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, he has already gone to hell and made an oath: Hell is not empty, and he will not become a Buddha!

"The Jade Emperor has news that the world has undergone major changes. There may have been a mistake in the Journey to the West that we planned with Emperor Ziwei in advance."

The Tathagata Buddha's legs were cross-legged on the lotus seat, his face was glowing red, and the pimples on his head were arranged in an orderly manner.

"Avalokitesvara, you are more concerned with Kyushu, what happened there?"

Tathagata slightly raised his eyelids to look at Avalokitesvara and asked.

The other two bodhisattvas also looked over, with a hint of envy in their eyes.

Dongsheng Shenzhou is tens of thousands of miles away, and the population is countless, but only the land of Kyushu is a place of great luck. All the luck and merits of that place are incomparable to all other places combined. The ground is guarded by Avalokitesvara to promote Buddhism, and the other two Bodhisattvas are naturally envious.

"Back to the Buddha, the itinerary originally planned by Emperor Ziwei was completely disrupted by a mortal named Wang Chen. Now a kingdom called the Dawu Empire has been established in the world, and it may be because of his subordinates. Two Taoist ministers, so he vigorously promotes Taoism, and he is not so friendly to my Buddhism."

Avalokitesvara clasped his hands together and bowed to the Tathagata Buddha.

"How could this be?"

Tathagata Buddha also frowned in a rare way, a little unbelievable.

Emperor Ziwei is one of the five emperors of the Heavenly Court. He is not inferior to himself and the Jade Emperor in strength and status. He is one of the real rulers of the Heavenly Court. However, the troubled times at the end of the Sui Dynasty planned by him were actually messed up by a mortal?

"What is the origin of this mortal? He is so powerful?"

Tathagata Buddha is a very cautious person, so naturally you have to inquire about this person's heel first. If the heel is too strong, then Tathagata Buddha can only admit that he is cowardly, but in the six realms, who else has heel? Can you make yourself afraid?I'm afraid it must be the Six Sages.

"Back to the Buddha, the disciples have already checked in advance. The mortal has no heels or background, but for some reason, his strength has risen rapidly, especially the luck of the human race in his body, which has almost condensed into essence. Even the disciples have to avoid the edge for the time being against his sky-high human luck."


Both Manjusri and Samantabhadra took a deep breath, the strength of Avalokitesvara is rare in the three realms, the monkey grandson who made a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace back then is a dick, he is not the same respectful to Avalokitesvara, but Now Avalokitesvara said that she also had to avoid the edge for the time being.

Tathagata Buddha's slightly frowned brows became more and more tightly wrinkled, and his eyes kept flickering, making it unpredictable.

"According to what you mean, the Wu Dynasty should be as stable as a mountain, isn't there any way to disturb Kyushu?"

If the gods, ghosts and gods who believe in Buddhism know this sentence, their jaws will drop in shock. Buddhism has always preached that peace is the most important thing, and they hope that the world will be peaceful. But now, the Tathagata Buddha is not hesitating to disrupt the Kyushu structure for his own plan.

As the master of a sect, how could the Tathagata not know that the people in Kyushu were disturbed, and the victims were the common people of that Kyushu! ?

"Back to the Buddha, the disciples have investigated it. The Wu Dynasty had a lot of food and a lot of advanced technology, which made the people of the Wu Dynasty extremely prosperous. The national fortune of the Great Wu has surpassed that of the Great Sui in an instant, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. , life is rich, I am afraid it will not be disturbed."

Avalokitesvara shook her head, sighed silently in her heart, and looked at the eyes of the kind-hearted teacher in front of her with a trace of sadness.

The Tathagata Buddha used to be a person who sacrificed his life to feed the tiger and fought for the common people in the world, but now, he has become a superior person for the great prosperity of Buddhism.

"Find Emperor Ziwei's reincarnation, and do everything possible to help him."

"Okay, step back, let me think about it."

"Yes, Lord Buddha, the disciple will leave."

The three Bodhisattvas bowed respectfully to the Tathagata Buddha and then walked out of the Buddhist hall.

Only the Tathagata Buddha was left with his eyes closed and his hands in the shape of orchids, as if he was practicing or thinking.


Luoyang City

"The King of Hundred Worlds means that your Kingdom of Hundred Worlds was attacked by monsters, and then you couldn't resist it, so you fled to our Great Wu Empire?"

In the building where the envoys were received, Zhang Jiuling sat opposite a strange-looking foreigner.

This person is the king of the Baishi Kingdom, Baishi, every king of the Baishi Kingdom is named by this name, and behind him are his sons and daughters.

"That's right, Mr. Shoufu, my country needs Dawu's help very much!"

Bai Shi spoke broken Chinese, his face was very anxious, and he almost knelt down in front of Zhang Jiuling.

"Don't be anxious, the King of the Hundred Worlds. Since your country has surrendered to me, Dawu, I will naturally not abandon it, but it is useless to be anxious. Please also ask the king to stay in the palace for a few days, and I will report to His Majesty. Believe me With your majesty's benevolence, I will definitely help your country!"

Zhang Jiuling got up and said to Bai Shi, his tone was gentle and polite, and his demeanor was generous, which was very convincing.

Baishi also returned the courtesy repeatedly, not daring to neglect the other party just because of his politeness.

After Zhang Jiuling left, King Bai Shi breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly took out a handkerchief to wipe his sweat.

"Father, when we entered the city, we found that Luoyang City is so big and beautiful, let's go for a stroll."

At this time, the two princes and a princess standing behind Baishi couldn't help but said.

"The country is in chaos, how many of you still want to go out and play?"

Baishi was very troublesome, but he couldn't resist the strong request of his daughter, so he had no choice but to let them go out, but let his few remaining guards follow him, not because he was afraid that they would be in danger, but because he was afraid of his children. Not knowing etiquette, he offended the nobles of the Tian family.

Outside Luoyang City, a hundred-man cavalry was walking towards Luoyang City.

It was Xue Rengui who was riding a black war horse with two small horns on its head.

I saw Xue Rengui now with a determined face, wearing heavy armor, and holding a black dragon halberd weighing nearly [-] catties.

Xue Rengui now is very different from Xue Rengui half a year ago.

At this time, Xue Rengui's hands already have the power of ten dragons, which is a million catties!

This is the result of combining the elixir made from the blood of the gods with Wang Chen's divine power elixir, and enjoying the great martial dragon luck!
"General, it's so damn cool to think of the scared look of Naxi Turkic Khan."

The guard on the side said with a smile.

"Yeah, yeah, it has to be a great general, and he smashed the gate of the Turkic royal court with a single halberd, scaring the Turkic people out of their shit, hahaha."


Everyone laughed, only Xue Rengui smiled slightly, echoing their laughter.

I have this strength, all thanks to His Majesty.

Xue Rengui not only has divine power, but also practiced the immortal method passed down by Wang Chen, which has violated the regulations of the heavenly court.

After the fall of the Shang Dynasty, there was a regulation in the heavenly court that mortals were not allowed to practice immortality, unless they were special cultivators.

Of course, Dawu didn't listen to the order of the heaven, and Wang Chen, the emperor, practiced openly, so the generals below naturally followed in his own emperor's footsteps.

"It's finally here, and it's fast. I didn't expect that it would only take two days to come back from the Western Turks. The new horses issued by the imperial court are really powerful!"


Xue Rengui breathed out, his eyes were determined, and he walked slowly into Luoyang City.

(End of this chapter)

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