Become the Archbishop from Douluo

Chapter 309 Eternal Slavery

"Sister, you blocked me, can you let me?"

Just when Leng Xiyue was about to take a closer look, a soft voice suddenly came.

Leng Xiyue turned around to look, but saw a girl about thirteen or fourteen years old writing and drawing on the drawing board, and she happened to be blocking her.

"What are you painting?" Leng Xiyue moved to her side curiously, and looked at her work.

This is a very realistic oil painting. It depicts the scene of several people arguing. It looks like a very everyday scene, but it can be seen from it that each person has a different personality. Some are meditating, some are writing hard, and some are In telling my own point of view, I have to say that this is actually very emotional.

Although this is only a semi-finished product, it has already displayed the characteristics of the art of painting. At least Leng Xiyue, who is not elegant, felt something from it.

Seeing Leng Xiyue standing by her side to watch, the girl looked very happy: "How is it? I heard that the empire is planning to expand its cultural influence recently. Many things can no longer be completely recorded with images, and other artistic methods are often better. .”

"It is true. These arts should not be buried because of the development of science. The empire also needs such talents to describe our prosperous age." Leng Xiyue thoughtfully.

"Yes, did you know? Our Majesty the Queen actually opened up her palace to the outside world, opening three-quarters of the area as a museum for us students to find lifelong pursuits. Everyone else is interested in those If you are interested in steel monsters or various weapons, I have no idea."

"The first thing I saw when I entered the palace hall was that huge oil painting. From the first moment I saw it, I decided what to do with my life." The girl looked gentle and quiet. It's quiet, but once someone can chat with her, it's like opening the gate of the conversation and starting to talk non-stop.

Leng Xiyue recalled it a bit. Well, the number of times she went back to her own palace was so rare that when Huang Yan told her about it, she agreed directly. I have to say, this is actually quite good .

"Well, I haven't seen it yet, what kind of picture is that?"

The girl looked at Leng Xiyue, and then showed a clear expression: "Haven't you seen it? No wonder, given your age, you should be an early member of the empire. Perfect, unlike us juniors who enjoy all the benefits."

"You may have seen the scene depicted in the oil painting I mentioned. In fact, it is the scene where Her Majesty the Empress announced the establishment of the empire. She was wearing a majestic uniform, and she stepped on the ruins of the old world, facing the people below. I raised my arms and shouted, expressing my will firmly. Even though it was just a painting, I seemed to have participated in the scene at that time."

Speaking of this, the girl suddenly became excited: "So, my goal is to become a painter in the palace. Although it is difficult, if I succeed, if I have the opportunity to participate in such a painting, or Do you have the opportunity to serve Her Majesty the Queen? Hehe, I am really excited just thinking about it."

"Well, our great painter needs to work harder. By the way, are you interested in drawing a picture for me?" Looking at the energetic young girl in front of her, Leng Xiyue didn't know what to say, so she wanted to go up Touching her head felt a little impolite, so he suggested.

"Okay. Anyway, they will discuss here every day, and this day is not bad." The girl is obviously very interested in this, after all, no one wants to sit in the same place for hours, just to let others draw a picture portrait.

Leng Xiyue found a nice looking seat and sat down, then leaned against the big tree behind.

"How about this? I wish I could relax a little bit, too."

"Of course, I am very grateful that someone is willing to accompany me~" The girl smiled shyly, and then began to draw on the drawing board.

Leng Xiyue soon realized why no one was willing to cooperate with the girl in painting, because it was so boring!

This feeling of boredom made Leng Xiyue really want to sleep, so she fell asleep.

She felt extremely relaxed, as if she had returned to her previous life, and she really sat in such a leisurely park and slept without any burden.

When she woke up again, Leng Xiyue noticed that the girl was looking at her nervously.

"I'm sorry, it seems that I've been a little tired recently, I hope I didn't delay your painting." Leng Xiyue said slightly apologetically.

"No, no, of course not. In fact, your sleeping face has a special charm."

Leng Xiyue walked to her side, and had to say that the girl's painter is still very consummate, and she painted the details of her body perfectly.

I didn't have time to change my clothes when I came back from the Northland. At this time, I looked a little dusty. The whole person was leaning against a tree to sleep, and he looked like a sleeping traveler. At least Leng Xiyue still liked it very much. kind of feeling.

"Very good, I like it very much." Leng Xiyue rubbed the girl's head, not hiding her praise.

"Really? As long as you like it, then, this painting will be given to you." After receiving the praise, the girl looked very happy. She carefully removed the drawing board, put it back together, and handed it to Leng Xiyue.

"How can this work? After all, I just lay here and slept. You have been busy all the time, so you should keep it." Leng Xiyue declined the girl's kindness, and then she laughed very smugly: " Maybe I can become famous in the empire in the future, and this painting will be worth a lot~"

"Okay." Seeing Leng Xiyue's second-year appearance, the girl didn't know what to say, but she didn't continue to evade, and stayed by herself.

But in order to express her gratitude, the girl asked Leng Xiyue to find a snack shop on the street and have a big meal.

Leng Xiyue was not too polite, and ordered a portion of everything on the menu. Under the girl's shocked and flustered eyes, she began to eat and eat. In the end, there was no waste at all, and all the food and drink were swept away.

"Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooat Such an edible is also one's own choice.

Leng Xiyue, however, slumped on the sofa in the store contentedly, and said nonchalantly: "It's okay~ I'll just find a chance to invite you later."

"It's not too early. It seems that I should go too. Since I have left a phone number, I will contact you when I have a chance."

The girl nodded: "Yeah, see you next time~"

Leng Xiyue lazily went out, when some raindrops fell from the sky.

Just when she was about to prop up a shield, an umbrella actually enveloped her.

An old man in a black windbreaker had already been waiting at the door, and that face was undoubtedly very familiar to Leng Xiyue.

"Your Majesty, welcome back to your loyal empire. I don't know, what instructions do you have this time?"

The person who came was Huang Yan. Whenever Leng Xiyue returned to Jiuzhou City, no matter whether it was with great fanfare or quietly, the old man would always appear by her side at a suitable time, take her back to the palace, and wait for the next step. step by step instructions.

"Call the cabinet, call Swann and Tianmeng, I have a new plan."

"As ordered."

Early the next morning, Leng Xiyue held a... or the first cabinet meeting in her palace.

".To sum up, I need to establish a system for all citizens. This system will assess the level of each citizen. This is not just a fusion of existing job levels in various industries. Moral level is also an important Considering the standard, this level will determine what kind of advanced technology each citizen can buy without affecting the current basic life." Leng Xiyue sat at the top and talked about her rough plan.

Others look at me and I look at you, and they are all confused by this advanced system that is hundreds of years ahead.

"Your Majesty, I have to say that this is really very difficult." After hearing this, the Minister of Personnel was the first to stand up and express his objection.

The empire has a population of tens of millions, and if he wants to count every change of each person, even if he adds another 1 people to his department, it will be impossible to complete this workload!

Of course, Leng Xiyue knew what the other party was worried about, so she looked at Swan and Tianmeng: "Is there any technical problem with this matter?"

"No, I sent a first-level scientific research team to estimate that an automatic detection system will be developed soon, and a database will be established to record each person's contribution, plus and minus points information, and use a chip as a carrier to bind It's not difficult to get to everyone's personal terminal." Swan said indifferently.

He thought that Leng Xiyue was going to do something big, such as developing a super weapon that could destroy the barrier in the sky.This kind of small fact that has no technological content, but is more complicated does not need him to arrange it.

"So, is there a problem with the production?" Leng Xiyue looked at her Minister of Industry again.

"Whether we want to build a chip in a personal terminal or prepare a new device separately, there is no problem, but from a practical point of view, I prefer the former." The Minister of Industry resumed.

Leng Xiyue nodded, and then looked at the Minister of Personnel: "Then, with the blessing of this technological condition, do you have any objections to this job?"

"No, of course not." The Minister of Personnel quickly understood what this meant. If it was just like this, then her job would actually be to sort out the data, and at the same time, the work in other areas would also be reduced, which was not what she imagined That's a lot of work.

Overall, this is undoubtedly a great thing.

Leng Xiyue thought for a while, and then said: "But to make this system perfect, we must recruit a large number of people from all walks of life or with high moral standards to establish a set of standards, so that we can train a system that is capable of doing things. An effective system. Huangyan, I will leave this job to you."

"no problem."

It is said to be a meeting, but in fact it is such a simple discussion, and it is over.

After all, it is really not difficult, and there are similar systems in operation now. At most, it has been upgraded and turned into a universal application. By the way, we have discussed the technical feasibility, but there is no doubt that these are small question.

However, these are obviously only basic things, and a lot of research is still needed to achieve Leng Xiyue's final vision.

After the meeting ended, Leng Xiyue left Swan and Tianmeng behind.

"Swann, have you heard of Tadarim?" Thinking that Swann is also a hero of the system, maybe he has also heard about things related to the protoss.

"Tadalin? Oh, my God, that's really not a good memory." Swan shook his head: "But it is undeniable that their attainments in soul power have reached the pinnacle of our world, but It is also the enemy of our human beings. If we can obtain their system and use it, perhaps human beings can research a different immortality earlier."

"Well, this means that your previous human race has already had similar research results?" Leng Xiyue asked in surprise.

Good guy, Da Neng is by my side, and I didn't even know it. If I knew it, I would have asked Swan if there was any way to realize my wish!
"Of course there is, but Archbishop, you have to know one thing. Without a good social system, eternal life is nothing but torture."

"The little emperor of our time was not able to control the huge interstellar empire like his father. The people are indeed free and are no longer under the high-handed rule of the old empire, but the economy has collapsed."

"In the past, although the people under the tyrant's high-handed rule were like slaves and brainwashed all day long, they still had enough industrial waste to fill their stomachs. When it comes to him, the capitalists can be traced back to the old Tyrannian federation system before the empire. The rotten things reappeared again, they controlled the lifeline of the economy, and the weak little emperor let them go, and did not want to ban them by force."

"Under the guidance of these capitals, technology has flourished, and various prosthetic components that are more suitable for human beings have been put on the table. They even established a consciousness space to back up all the data of the rich to achieve immortality. Effect."

"In order to reflect the democratic side of the empire, the little emperor demanded that this technology must be open to everyone, and those capitalists agreed. Therefore, ordinary people in units of tens of millions became slaves of capitalists under the temptation of eternal life. Originally, there was a need to worry There is no need to worry about the work of exhausted people at all. If you are exhausted, you can just change your body, but because they signed a contract with the protection of the imperial law, the emperor cannot interfere with such things unless he breaks the law himself. "

"The capitalists have no emperor to restrict them. Under such conditions, they will soon start to expand without order." (End of this chapter)

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