Become the Archbishop from Douluo

Chapter 308 Immortal Project

So, today, Leng Xiyue should also move towards a higher level, that is, to improve the level of civilization.

This is not a small step, but a big step. Leng Xiyue often thinks that if she has a technology that can revive people, or extract consciousness, and manipulate the body to fight, it will be considered dead. Or you can spend some resources to reproduce a brand-new body with no difference, and then implant consciousness into it.

In this way, she will always have a group of the most elite warriors, who can continue to fight in new bodies no matter how many times they die in the field, and eliminate human defects, such as pain perception and fatigue response.

In the same way, people can also use this technology to achieve immortality, so who needs descendants to inherit everything about themselves?Everyone can pass on their own, seek companionship and true love without any reproductive needs, and everyone can work and study for a long life until the day they feel tired and want to die.

This kind of society will not have the kind of population explosion caused by too long life expectancy. The number of people you want is completely controlled by Leng Xiyue. money policy.If you don't want to, then control it. I believe people will understand under the condition of this kind of technology as a guarantee.

Protoss is obviously at the forefront of technology in this regard, and Leng Xiyue has always hoped to obtain such technology, but has never had a chance.But now, when Xiaobai mentioned it, Leng Xiyue realized that this technology had already arrived.

"How should we use it?" Leng Xiyue asked.

"As the name suggests, the soul forge is naturally used to forge souls, and the purpose of Tadarim is to absorb souls and perform fusion transformation to form more powerful units."

"Of course, we don't need this function. You should know that people die either because of physical illness or soul failure. With the medical level of the empire today, those diseases are no longer a big problem, so we only need to breed souls for people here. , Extract part of people's soul fragments, inject them into a new body, freeze the original body, manipulate the brand new clone with consciousness, and return to the real body after death, so that the effect you want can be achieved." Xiao Xiao Bai explained.

"So that's how it is." Leng Xiyue probably understood, and had to say, this is indeed a very powerful function.

Generally speaking, under the current medical system of the empire, the human lifespan should reach two hundred years.

This is actually a big improvement, but according to Xiaobai's statement, human beings can almost achieve immortality. After all, they have mastered the power of the soul. If they want to live forever, they only need to keep changing their bodies.

"However, in order to achieve your vision, we still have to establish a supporting database, and at the same time, we must also focus on investing in the technology of the human race to realize the technology of uploading consciousness. With these, we can truly obtain an indestructible legion. "

"It's not difficult. I think it can be completed in about a few years. Perhaps the first batch of new era troops can be installed during the Sea God Island expedition."

It is easy to say, but it is obviously difficult to do it. For example, how to allocate the corresponding resources?How should this relatively precious brand-new ability be opened to its own citizens?This is a very thought-provoking question.

If some people can achieve immortality with the blessing of this technology, but some people can't, will the originally classless society directly tear apart a society that is more spiritual than the previous life, or that between soul masters and ordinary people? Seriously two classes out?
Fortunately, Leng Xiyue has already considered similar things before, and has a general policy to solve this problem, so the next thing she has to do is to find a way to implement it.

Just doing what she said, Leng Xiyue immediately returned to her own imperial city - Kyushu City.

In fact, it is the extremely ice city that has been renamed, but there is actually no shadow of the original here. Except for the palace area of ​​Leng Xiyue, which still maintains the style of a garden palace, the old city is basically completely demolished and rebuilt. , built efficient and concentrated high-rise buildings.

Of course, these high-rise buildings are not small houses, but large houses with at least 200 square meters, which are mainly allocated according to the living population. If a family lives together, the area of ​​the house will also increase.

Compared with the primitive society that relied on water wells, now a unified water supply and power supply system is used, with all kinds of equipment, and the energy system brought by nuclear fusion can fully meet all needs.

The people who live here are not nobles or rich people. In layman's terms, the people who lived here were just a group of slaves before, but now they enjoy the best life in the whole continent. It's basically the same, after all, it can't be any better.

Walking in her own city, Leng Xiyue suddenly became less anxious. She found a park and sat down, observing the nearby pedestrians.

Leng Xiyue glanced at the clock on the building not far away. It is now five o'clock in the afternoon. It is the time when people finish their day's work and children finish their studies. Many students came to the park to find a table and do what they like. matter.

The education policy of the Empire is obviously not a rigid examination, but an education system that assists students to find their future jobs. As long as they pass the final assessment and have enough ability, they can directly take up the job.

Under such a system, there are many young people who graduated and participated in work in their teens. For example, in Swan's Skystar City, many of them are such young people. They have ideas and abilities, so they are directly sent there. Among the holy places for engineering lovers, whether you can stay or not depends on your own ability.

The entire park seems to have been divided into various areas in a tacit understanding. There are no unnecessary people disturbing the place where these students are located, and a place a little further away is where people are exercising, and there is a special indoor soundproof shooting range. Let people develop abundant martial arts.

Leng Xiyue thought for a while, walked around those students, and quietly observed them.

The students around are also doing everything, some are writing books, some are painting, some people pick up musical instruments and start practicing rhythm in turn, and some take a bunch of parts to assemble something here. Of course, young people who are in love period are also indispensable. .There is no doubt that the pleasant surroundings of this park are really suitable for doing these things.

A group of seven or eight people was discussing something intensely. Leng Xiyue took a closer look, and there were various blueprints on their desks. They seemed to be discussing a kind of...a flying skateboard?
The difficulty is not too difficult, but the creativity is relatively new. If someone is willing to develop these things that can serve the public and mass-produce them, it is actually worth encouraging. (end of this chapter)

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