Become the Archbishop from Douluo

Chapter 286 Break and then stand

Chapter 286 Break and then stand

Qian Renxue silently looked at the civil and military officials of the Wuhun Hall under the stage. Several elders from the Angel Clan stood closest to her. No one would dare to underestimate her because of her youth.

All of a sudden, the Pope's Palace, where hundreds of people were standing, was silent, and silent terror was spreading in the air.

After a long time, Qian Renxue slowly opened her mouth and said: "Everyone, I think most people have an impression of me, so I will not say polite words. Now, and only today, I will give some of you, or Most people have a chance to resign voluntarily, after today, if I find out, then these things cannot be exposed lightly."

As soon as these words came out, many people couldn't help but shed cold sweat.

Unlike the elders who concentrate on serving the Wuhun Hall, these officials have to eat. During the Chihiro Ji dynasty, they were dissatisfied with Qian Xunji's Qingming policy, and naturally they will not restrain themselves during the Bibi Dong dynasty. Renxue obviously wants to implement a more stringent government than Chihiro Jiyao, so there will be no room for them to survive.

After finally casting a good tire and getting a higher talent, if you can't even make money, isn't it the same as a pariah?
Qian Xunji still needs to be cautious about all aspects and cannot be drastic, but Qian Renxue has just quelled the chaos now, and if it really happens, there will be no repression at all.

Under such pressure, many people with guilty conscience immediately stood up and resigned.

Qian Renxue did not hold back these people, and agreed one after another, and about three quarters of them chose to leave.

About 600 people who were able to come to the Pope's Palace, now walked four hundred and five at once, and the entire Pope's Palace seemed empty because of this.

What does this mean?There are only a quarter of the high-level people in the various departments of the entire Wuhun Hall, but Qian Renxue is not worried about this. It just so happens that she can re-designate a set of rules during this vacant window period to ensure that those who are promoted People are available talents, not high-ranking relationship households through nepotism.

There are not many such people in Wuhundian, they are basically geniuses collected by Wuhundian from the common people all over the world. Besides, there's nothing wrong with it.

But now, Qian Renxue will be the background of these people, no matter what their backgrounds are, they must ensure fairness in the matter of promotion.

Fortunately, Bibi Dong still knows the importance. At least the six platinum bishops of Wuhun City are absolutely usable people. Although they must have some human skills, it still depends on the level of the person. Whether they can stay or not depends on their personal ability. .

This is obviously fundamentally different from the other bishops who were promoted directly regardless of their level, at least they really know how to do practical things for the Spirit Hall.

The six departments in charge of these six platinum bishops are mainly Western ones, which are in charge of the six departments of internal affairs, foreign affairs, commerce, industry, scientific research and military.

These six departments do not belong to each other, but some are compatible with each other. The internal affairs are mainly to manage the theological system of the Spirit Hall, as well as the personnel management of the temples in various regions, and to handle these government affairs and submit them to the Pope. The most powerful department.

It is also a hard-hit area for corruption. At this time, apart from the platinum bishop who is in charge of this area, it seems that there are only a few former students and officials whom he personally promoted.

In terms of diplomacy, it mainly deals with foreign policy. In addition to the diplomacy on the surface, there are also hidden infiltration work in the dark. Generally speaking, appearance and strength are rigid requirements for those who can work in the diplomatic department, no matter on the surface This is true whether it is a private job or a secret job.

Commerce is like an additional department separated from the internal affairs. It mainly collects taxes and arranges the income of all parties and has the power to decide what to focus on without the Pope emphasizing it. This is also the hardest hit area of ​​corruption, even worse than the interior Seriously, there are only three people left, one is the platinum bishop, and two deacons who are only soul emperors.

To be honest, logically speaking, in such a horrible situation, if the Platinum Bishop said that he was not greedy for money, Qian Renxue would definitely not believe it, but if he was not greedy for the income of the Wuhun Hall, what would the funds flow into first after receiving the benefits of other departments? Among the projects, when the Pope has no specific project assignment, this is actually not considered a violation, it can only be regarded as taking advantage of loopholes.

Of course, Qian Renxue would definitely investigate if there was anything tricky about it.

Industry is naturally easy to understand. It used to be dominated by manual smelting, but now it has added soul guide technology. Whether it is civilian output or military output, the Ministry of Industry will purchase raw materials and hand them over to craftsmen. It also includes construction. construction and such.

Of course, this kind of project-related department is undoubtedly the hardest-hit area, the kind with ten rooms and nine empty rooms.

The scientific research area retains the vast majority of people, and there is almost no corruption, because they are just a group of pure scientific madmen. They originally studied martial arts and ancient soul guides, and now they have to undertake the research of modern soul guides. Devices and Leng Xiyue technology products.

The remaining military department is more or less, mainly to maintain the prosperity of Wuhun Hall, and at the same time coordinate some special operations, such as encircling and suppressing evil spirit masters, but in this relatively peaceful place Under the current situation, the military department is obviously not particularly important, and the right to speak is not as good as that of the elders, which also makes the military department the weakest department.

After all, capable soul masters have already become the disciples of the elders or the guards directly under the Pope, and no matter how bad they are, they can also be military officials in other departments. It is conceivable that they can serve in the military department, even if they survive Being an official in the soldier period is basically equivalent to the captain of the security brigade. If you want power or status or status, most people are not willing to get into it.

Even so, there is a lot of corruption here, and many people will take benefits to allow some illegal activities by turning a blind eye.

This is the situation before Qian Renxue. The situation of each of these six departments is obviously different, but it is undeniable that the problem is huge and difficult to solve.

Unfortunately, Qian Renxue is no longer that native.

"Everyone, to deal with the current problem, I am going to conduct an exam for all Wuhundian members, let them choose their own subjects, and I will prepare a set of test questions myself, and choose some people with excellent grades to come to the Pope's Hall to play against me." , so that we can supplement the current lack of bureaucracy."

This is undoubtedly the most suitable method for the national conditions of Wuhundian. Wuhundian has never lacked loyal ministers and geniuses, and this set of exams does not have any scoring standards. It will only be based on your ability to answer some practical questions to consider what position you are suitable for In fact, this also means that many people who are not of high strength will get positions that exceed their own strength.

However, judging from the current situation, this kind of violation of the old system will not have any opponents. After all, those who will affect the interests have already left.

In the future, using ability as the assessment standard, the capable will go up and the mediocre will go down will become the mainstream of the Wuhun Hall. Qian Renxue is confident in maintaining this system.

"Your Majesty's move is very good. We should go back immediately to build momentum, and strive to conduct the first selection assessment in a week." The platinum bishop of the internal affairs was the first to express his approval.

There is no doubt that the absence of middle-level backbones has the greatest impact on the Ministry of the Interior, because the bottom-level information that could have been filtered several times before being passed up can only be carried out by a few of them.

This is undoubtedly a huge job, and before the personnel are replenished, they will probably be exhausted.

The business department is in the same situation. These two departments have to deal with related matters every day. On the contrary, the other four departments are more flexible and can reduce some work at any time, such as suspending some low-priority construction periods. In short, there is not as much pressure as these two departments.

Anyway, it's only seven days, I believe it will pass soon.

After explaining the job, Qian Renxue let these people go to work, and the people of her angel family will temporarily serve as Jin Yiwei, to find out all the rest of the people for a piece of well-known information, to ensure that they do not continue to take risks in order to make money people.

After letting everyone go to work, Qian Renxue called Leng Xiyue in.

At this time, the Pope's Palace was empty, and Qian Renxue also returned to her usual gentle appearance, sat down to the side, and then patted the empty seat beside her.

"Xi'er, come up and sit with me for a while."

"Ah, His Majesty the Pope, this is not good~" Leng Xiyue chuckled, but did not pause.

Qian Renxue rolled her eyes: "There's so much nonsense, hurry up."

"Okay." Leng Xiyue took a step, and flew in front of Qian Renxue, and sat down beside her.

Qian Renxue leaned directly on her body, with a look of exhaustion on her face: "Xi'er, although you and grandpa have cleared most of the obstacles for me, the Pope really needs to walk on thin ice carefully." Be careful."

Everything seems to be going well today, but the biggest thing is still to come. Nearly [-] deacons and cardinals above soul emperors have been abolished. Although it seems to be going very smoothly, these people basically have elders behind them.

If it involves too much, it can never be a good thing for oneself.

"Then cut the mess quickly." Leng Xiyue caressed Qian Renxue's golden hair, but a cold light flashed in her eyes: "I will go to the prison to see my good master later, you take these people Give me the list, and I'll ask her to draw a bet, and then I'll be the villain."

Qian Renxue thought for a while, and soon understood what Leng Xiyue was going to do.

Looking for Bibidong to make a pledge is nothing more than to make her admit that these people are her party members, regardless of whether they are, anyway, Leng Xiyue must have a way to get Bibidong to admit them all.

After that, Leng Xiyue started arresting the war criminals according to the previous agreement after asking for instructions from Qian Daoliu. It can all be packed away.

"Then what will you do with them? Kill them all?" Qian Renxue didn't intend to stop Leng Xiyue, but she was still curious about how she would deal with these people.

After all, although these people are all cancerous tumors, cancerous tumors can also be divided into big and small, so we can't treat them all as equals and shoot them all, right?
"Two days ago, I found a wasteland near the extreme north on the map of the Kyushu Empire. I am going to put these people on the shackles that limit their soul power and throw them to plant potatoes until they behave well and obey them completely."

Leng Xiyue obviously had a plan long ago: "In this way, it's not too harsh to deal with, anyway, my reputation in the Wuhun Temple is already like this, if those elders still act like monsters because of this, then pull dozens of them out Shoot them to see if they dare to say more."

That's true, after all, they are all students and old officials, which is equivalent to going to jail and imprisonment. As long as they don't directly kill them, they can come back to serve themselves in the future.

And in a few more years, Leng Xiyue also has the confidence to develop to the level of completely crushing all Title Douluo.

"Sounds very good, then it's all up to you." Of course, Qian Renxue would not have any doubts about Leng Xiyue's decision, anyway, if there is any negative impact, it will be a big deal to bear together.

This matter is obviously not something worthy of attention for Leng Xiyue. As soon as her voice changed, she brought up another matter: "Speaking of which, Xue'er, do you want to meet your mother with me?"

"I..." Qian Renxue wanted to refuse directly, but when the words came to her lips, she didn't say them so resolutely.

Leng Xiyue saw Qian Renxue's hesitation, so without waiting for her to reply, she took her hand and walked out from behind the Pope's Palace.

"Xi'er. I haven't made up my mind yet." A trace of panic flashed across Qian Renxue's face. For Bibi Dong, she was extremely conflicted. Knowing that the other party has always loved her, but also hated her at the same time, Qian Renxue really didn't know how to face her.

"If you haven't thought about it, then don't think about it. With me by your side, you have nothing to worry about." Leng Xiyue said.

Qian Renxue thought about it, so she obediently followed Leng Xiyue.

Bibi Dong's place of detention is in a dungeon of the Pope's Palace. It used to be a secret room. Leng Xiyue speculated that it was probably the place where Chihiro Ji Bibi Dong committed misdeeds. They set up a dungeon, specially detaining those who Bibi Dong personally instructed to arrest.

Qian Daoliu knew that Leng Xiyue would definitely come over, so he specially sent Guangling Douluo, who was more talkative, to guard here, and he could also guard the Pope's Palace at ordinary times, and he was at Qian Renxue's disposal.

"Your Majesties, do you want to see Bibi Dong?" Guangling Douluo was always smiling with his eyes narrowed, looking very friendly.

(End of this chapter)

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