Become the Archbishop from Douluo

Chapter 285 The Enthronement Ceremony

Chapter 285 The Enthronement Ceremony
In the early morning of the next day, the central square was already crowded with people, and the surrounding streets were blocked. For this reason, Wuhundian deliberately installed soul guides in all directions that could broadcast the live broadcast.

The luxurious car frame pulled by nine dragon-shaped soul beasts set off from the south gate of Wuhun City, and went north along the main road. After the parade, it came to the central square.

Leng Xiyue, who was dressed in her emperor's brocade clothes, got out of the car first, went to the other side and opened the door, letting Qian Renxue help her get down.

Qian Renxue also changed her clothes at this time, but without the crown and scepter. According to the etiquette of the Wuhun Hall, she should wear the clothes of the pope at this time. After receiving the official canonization of Qian Daoliu, she will officially become pope.

However, Leng Xiyue asked for a redesign of the clothes. When Bibi Dong wore them, Leng Xiyue thought they were ugly, but they were not as good-looking as those bishops' clothes.

This is actually a very good design. Leng Xiyue thinks that the suit with the white background and gold pattern in the comics is quite good. This kind of clothes that don't show your personal figure are suitable for the solemn image of the pope, not It should be the kind that makes people salivate at the sight of it.

Therefore, when Leng Xiyue and Qian Renxue held hands and walked all the way to the Pope's Palace, everyone's breathing almost stopped. The emperor's temperament was shocked.

At the same time, this scene is also declaring one thing to everyone in the world. The Kyushu Empire and Wuhundian have now started to protect each other again. If the original guarantee was only Wuhundian unilaterally helping the poor, then they have successfully promoted peace through war. The Kyushu Empire already possesses a power no less than that of the Wuhun Palace.

But now, the supreme leaders of these two forces have come together, which means self-evidently, the Tiandou side is fine, and the group of people on the Xingluo side who were gloating at the start of the war are all dead at this moment. Like a mother, I don't know what to do.

Soon, people realized what Leng Xiyue meant by Qian Renxue's side, and the people of Wuhun City immediately cheered: "Long live Wuhun Palace! Long live His Majesty the Pope! Long live the Nine Provinces Empire!"

No one wants a war to happen. Compared to the extremely harsh geographical environment caused by Bibi Dong, now that the Kyushu Empire and Wuhundian can completely reconcile and start a deeper cultural exchange, that is really the best thing.

In the tsunami of Wanmin Mountain, amidst the cheers that could be heard even standing in the Pope's Palace, Leng Xiyue had already helped Qian Renxue to the gate of the Pope's Palace, and Qian Daoliu had already been waiting here.

Qingluan and Guangling lined up on the left and right, each holding a tray, on which the Pope's crown and scepter lay quietly.

"Go, Cher, this is your moment."

Leng Xiyue let go of Qian Renxue's hand, left the red carpet that had been laid out in advance, and stood beside Guangling Douluo.

Qian Renxue looked at her grandfather, took a few steps forward, and then knelt down on one knee.

Qian Daoliu looked at Qian Renxue, unknowingly, his granddaughter was already this big.

He picked up the Pope's crown from the tray on the side, put it on Qian Renxue's head, and then helped Qian Renxue up.

Then, Guang Ling beside him knelt down and raised the scepter in his hand high.

Qian Renxue grabbed her own scepter, and from this moment on, she officially became the new Pope.

Under the watchful eyes of all the high-level officials, Qian Renxue walked to the front of the stage, where a loudspeaker soul guide had already been installed, and what she said would spread throughout the entire continent.

"The people of Wuhun City, as well as the guests of several great empires, I, Qian Renxue, the third pope of Wuhun Palace, hereby announce that the future Wuhun Palace will welcome this new era with a peaceful and tolerant attitude." A whole new era of change is already underway!"

Accompanied by the voices of the people, Qian Renxue continued:
"We will continue to maintain the policy of incompatibility with evil soul masters, and we will re-trial some old events, such as the murder of my father Chihiro Ji by the Haotianzong."

Speaking of this, Qian Renxue glanced back, and the tightly bound Tang Hao came to her side under the escort of two elders, and knelt down.

"Following the ex-pope Bibi Dong, more details of what happened back then have emerged. Tang Hao was just a normal person defending himself to protect his wife, and he didn't kill my father Chihiro Ji, but seriously injured him. The accusation against Haotianzong and Tang Hao for murdering the pope is obviously unreasonable, for this reason, I will revoke the blockade order against Haotianzong."

"During the Battle of Wuhun City a week ago, Tang Hao also fought to prevent Bibi Dong from instigating a world war. His merits and demerits equaled each other. I will announce here that Tang Hao will be completely removed from my Wuhun Palace's arrest warrant. Removal!"

As she said that, Qian Renxue took out her holy angel sword, and with a slight pick, all the ropes on his body were broken.

"Thank you, His Majesty the Pope!"

Of course Tang Hao understood what he should do at this time, he immediately turned around and knelt down on Qian Renxue's legs, knocked his head respectfully a few times, the floor tiles were cracked.

At this moment, Qian Renxue's prestige reached its peak in an instant. You know, it's easy to kill Tang Hao, but if you want to tame this number one thug who is on the most wanted list of Wuhun Hall and has survived three generations of popes, and make him surrender willingly, It is really difficult to perform the ceremony of kneeling and worshiping.

After all, the dignified Haotian Douluo has a great reputation and has always stood upright. He would rather die on his knees than live on his knees, and he would never surrender even if he fought the Wuhun Hall.

At least under the falsehood of the storyteller, Tang Hao's image is like this in most people's minds.

But actually, it's not that difficult.

Everyone will have his weaknesses, for a married person, his wife and children are the only ones.

If it was possible, Tang Hao, who was still young and vigorous when he was besieged by Qian Xun Ji, could even do this for the safety of A Yin and Tang San, and make Qian Xun Ji severely humiliated. Maybe he has already been humiliated a meal.

What kind of humiliation under the crotch, throwing the five bodies to the ground, calling father and grandfather, etc. are completely worthless when his wife and children can be preserved. If Qian Xunji is really willing to let them live, Tang Hao will definitely not Do so hesitantly.

That was the case back then, not to mention the fact that many edges and corners have been smoothed out now.

After learning that A Yin's grave was dug up by Leng Xiyue, Tang Hao had no complaints in his heart, only gratitude, because even though he would be completely controlled because of this, but seeing a alive and complete A Yin would be enough. It is the most beautiful thing, even if it means that I will basically be completely controlled by Leng Xiyue in this life, becoming her tool man, and I don't know when I will be sent to some deadly battle.

And Leng Xiyue wanted Tang Hao to embarrass Qian Renxue, how could Tang Hao refuse?

For the sake of his wife, what is face?
Qian Renxue was very satisfied with this result and the amazed and shocked reactions of the people below. After letting Tang Hao back down, she continued:
"It is undeniable that even 10-year-old soul beasts have their own love and hatred. For those 10-year-old soul beasts that are willing to take the initiative to integrate into human time, we will jointly establish a set of laws with the Kyushu Empire. Protect the soul beasts in human society so that they can develop safely during their development, and any hostile actions against these soul beasts will be regarded as a declaration of war on both sides."

"For those ferocious soul beasts, we will continue the original policy, but we will no longer treat soul beasts equally, and some tribes of soul beasts that are gentle and willing to communicate with humans will be protected by us, and we will ban the original policy of equal treatment. All the soul beasts are hostile and support the slaughter."

When Qian Renxue said these words, she was actually a little apprehensive. After all, being hostile to all soul beasts is a basic national policy. Her remarks are undoubtedly to reform this basic national policy, and a little carelessness will cause a counterattack.

Taking a closer look at the expressions of the people around and below, Qian Renxue realized that she was thinking too much. On the one hand, the 10-year-old soul beast had a lot to do with it, and only the Pope was qualified to make decisions. It doesn't matter at all.

Unexpectedly, no one objected to the friendly policy towards the soul beast group.

After all, soul beasts with gentle personalities are either too good to be used as soul rings, or they have good personalities and high racial bloodlines but also terrifying fighting power, so they are not suitable for provoking, but their output is definitely a rare item in the human world. It can be regarded as a first of its kind, and as the scope of trade exchanges expands, this will be a huge project that can benefit many people.

Although some people with a long-term vision have vaguely felt that the development of this project will not be a good thing in the end, but under the praise of the people around them, they dare not express their doubts.

No matter what, the atmosphere has already reached this point. Those who participated in this enthronement ceremony are full of expectations for the future, and firmly believe that Qian Renxue's rule can once again create a peaceful and prosperous world.

After the main purpose was finished, Qian Renxue said some high-sounding words, and then, amidst the cheers of the people, she returned to the Pope's Palace with many bishops and deacons.

Next, the grand event in Wuhun City will last for a week. During this period, there will be free flowing water seats for everyone to feast on every day during the day, and there will be a fireworks display in the evening. At the same time, everyone will have a week off with pay, and those who must be employed in special positions will be paid five times the salary .

This is naturally a good thing for the people, but it is obviously not the case for the officials of Wuhun City.

The deacons, bishops, and chief guards of Wuhundian stood in the Pope's Palace according to their departments and ranks, with their heads lowered. Some were guilty, some looked expectant, and some looked indifferent.

Qian Renxue's eyes swept across the faces of these people, and she probably knew it in her heart.

Walking to her position as pope, Qian Renxue casually threw the scepter to the maid beside her, and sat on her throne.

(End of this chapter)

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