Become the Archbishop from Douluo

Chapter 256 The Supreme Loneliness

Chapter 256 The Supreme Loneliness

"That's great." After feeling sincerely, Xu Mu'an also understood what Blair said just now.

All professions are already so equal, so only his achievements can be judged by a person. For example, although Blair's father is only an ordinary infantryman, he is an absolute ace, and his status in this new social class is definitely higher than his son's. few.

Although this status does not seem to be the same as what she understands, it is just an honor. This honor can make him admire and trust many people. As for those big men, it seems that they can talk to each other without this status.

"Of course, but I believe it won't be long before you can join our wonderful new system."

".Well, I will."

Returning from fantasy to reality, Xu Mu'an no longer had any expectations about it.

After walking a further distance, Xu Muan followed Blair to the Tongtian Tower located in the center of the palace.

Seen from a distance, Tongtian Tower is actually not that big, but when he got close, Xu Muan suddenly felt a little small.

The whole building adopts a design style that she can't understand, which is even very different from the seven or eight-story buildings outside. She can only see that it is very big, the diameter of the bottom floor is more than a kilometer, and even the upper floor It will not be less than 500 meters, and the height is even invisible to the naked eye, probably not less than a hundred floors.

"Does Her Majesty always live here?" Xu Mu'an asked.

"Yes, basically the core offices of the entire empire are held here. The Queen's Palace is actually only the ten floors above here. These ten floors cover all the entertainment methods you can imagine, and you can even simulate the environment here. In the device, you can experience fishing in the sea and fighting spirit beasts of various levels in the desert, or you can grow vegetables for farmhouse entertainment, and raise some pets.”

"Only. No one."

"The queen has no friends, only a sister who is not very close to her, and she has been away for several years, so... this may be the reason why His Majesty asked you to come here by name."

"The maids or waiters here are actually the latest bionics in the empire. Their work efficiency is very high, but the tool people are just tool people after all, and it is obviously not a realistic thing to ask them to help His Majesty solve problems. "

"So it's like this. I thought sister Binglan would make a lot of friends over the years." Xu Mu'an said with emotion.

"It seems that what a great man like His Majesty thinks is beyond our comprehension. If the entire empire is a piece of armor, then my father is a gun, then I am a component of the hand armor. Other workers, Farmers and Everbright laborers are all part of the armor, and workers from all walks of life have their own roles in this armor."

"And His Majesty is the one who controls this armor. No matter what, we will firmly and unhesitatingly follow His Majesty's instructions, no matter how incredible or difficult it is to complete."

Xu Mu'an heard what Blair meant, because if this metaphor is used, then the person manipulating the armor is absolutely lonely and has no one to talk to. Perhaps only the AI ​​built into the armor can be with him.
"It seems that His Majesty is much greater than I imagined."

The two walked into the hall of Tongtian Tower while chatting. Compared with the outside, there were more people inside at once. Xu Mu'an didn't quite understand why there were so many people working here.

"Thanks to the empire's well-developed communication network, every city, every district, and every village in the entire empire can be firmly controlled in the center of the empire, and nothing can be executed around here, because The job of one person here may be to remotely manage and connect a remote village, but tens of thousands of people can complete such a job, and they all live in this Tongtian Tower."

"The meaning of this has three benefits. One is to train a group of capable young officials for the empire and make them become outstanding talents under the watchful eyes of the empress. In the future, they will really be sent to other places to become qualified officials; A high-quality job; the third is to thoroughly eradicate all possible corruption, because even if it is thousands of miles away, it is really easy to monitor the actions of local officials.”

"Speaking of it, this is a bit like the strategy game I played in my previous training, but with the development of cutting-edge technology, humans may only need to do these easy things. After all, the current productivity is extremely developed, even in the future The army no longer needs people to go to the front to fight, and those who retire can have a prosperous life." Blair said proudly.

"Then, Brother Blair, what do you think I can do?" Xu Mu'an asked curiously.

"You? I'm not good at commenting on this, but with the Queen's attitude towards you, even if you are incapable of handling government affairs, I'm afraid I should arrange for you to be a personal maid by your side."

"I mean, what role can a soul master like me have in a system like the empire?"

"Soul master? Ha, it is undeniable that the special ability bestowed by the gods of the soul master does have a relatively strong individual ability. For example, it can greatly relieve our pressure in the later stage, and it is also helpful to the development of the empire. But this should never continue to be a gifted ability, but should be a free choice of the people."

"What do you mean, I don't quite understand." Xu Mu'an was a little confused. Could it be possible to choose this kind of innate ability?

"Actually, Ariel, our chief biological scientist, has recently cracked the genetic code of soul masters. Soon, ordinary people like me will be able to autonomously graft martial souls as an additional ability, and at the same time, through a kind of ability to increase The nutrient solution of cultivation base can quickly improve one's strength, and by then, mass production of Titled Douluo is not impossible."

"However, for the sake of social stability, this will be exchanged with personal contribution and glory. For example, I can probably become a soul saint myself, and my father can undoubtedly become a titled Douluo level existence directly. Besides, other Workers with similar occupations can also get such opportunities, and with this system, the whole society will usher in another take-off."

"If it's time for war, you only need to lower the exchange standard a little, and maybe you can form a Titled Douluo Special Fighter."

"Has the scientific research ability of this empire reached this level?" Speaking of the fields he was familiar with, Xu Mu'an finally realized how terrifying the empire is today.

"This level? I don't want to stop there. After all, this is what I can tell you, and it is also a technology that will be rolled out to the public. I am afraid that you have to learn about the peak technology of the empire today from Her Majesty the Queen."

Blair shrugged, and the two also walked to the elevator. There were two maids standing at the door of the elevator.

"Colonel Blair, is this the guest of Her Majesty the Queen?" The maid's voice sounded emotionless, just looking businesslike.

Blair obviously didn't mean to respond seriously, but just said casually: "Yes, the next thing will trouble you."

Hearing this, a maid nodded, then bowed to Xu Mu'an, and said respectfully: "Okay, then Miss, please follow me."

(End of this chapter)

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