Become the Archbishop from Douluo

Chapter 255 Unspeakable Fairness

It has to be said that the experience of the Old Guards was so shocking that the dark side of the entire Sun Moon Empire was completely exposed.

In fact, the development of the Sun Moon Empire does not need any publicity at all, just look at the surrounding environment. Five years ago, it was just a traditional city, with sewage flowing, beggars everywhere, and the situation of selling children and women. It is not uncommon, but now it is built without any flaws at all, and all positive people can get a good life here.

Medical care, education, and equality that ordinary people could never dream of have all been realized. When this turmoil is over, the Sun Moon Empire will usher in a stage of real rapid development.

If I can live in this era, I am afraid that I can rely on my past relationship to find a job with Sister Binglan. I dare not say how many, but it should be possible to be a secretary or something.

Unfortunately this is no longer possible.

Along the wide road all the way forward, the gunshots never stopped, and the sporadic battles never stopped. In the sky, fighter planes flashed quickly, and the sharp whistling kept coming, as if swearing the end of an era.

Soon, she came to the gate of the palace. At this time, there were about a dozen black armored guards at the gate of the palace, and a giant iron man with a height of 30 meters. She didn't know what it was for, but she wanted to come , It should be some extremely terrifying creation.
"Hello, is this Miss Mu An?"

Just as Xu Muan was thinking about what the big steel man was doing, a man who looked less than 30 years old and dressed in an imperial military uniform walked over.

"Well, I am."

"I am Colonel Blair. I am responsible for the defense of the entire imperial palace. It is not important. What is important is that Her Majesty has been waiting for a long time."

".Sorry, something was delayed on the way."

"It's okay, please come with me."

Blair led Xu Muan towards the gate of the palace. The deep palace he had lived in for eight years had lost all its meaning at this time. The entire palace wall had turned into a thick wall made of forged steel, covered with Every 100 meters or so, you can see a huge fort with a diameter of more than ten meters, but this fort is neither inward nor outward, but facing the air.

Blair waved his hand, and the black armored guards at the side operated on the panel next to the gate, and then the five-meter-thick steel gate opened.

This feeling became more obvious after entering the palace. When I lived here, all the furnishings were as luxurious as possible, but now they are extremely simple and symmetrical. The entire palace is divided into areas, which also represents Re-established bureaucracy.

The various departments have a clear division of labor, are concentrated and efficient, but this does not mean that there is a lack of entertainment. The original royal garden has been preserved as a park, and there are various facilities that can meet all the needs of the staff here in terms of food, clothing, housing, transportation, and even making friends. .

The more you walk inside, the more lively the atmosphere becomes. Many people are riding different means of transportation, without the majesty that the imperial palace should have in the past.

It can be said that this is the best and one of the best communities in the entire Sun Moon Empire.

Xu Mu'an looked at the road sign beside the road, which pointed in three directions, one was the Tongtian Tower directly ahead, the other was a place called 'Xinggang' on the right, and the other side was the Mingde Hall that she was familiar with when she was a child.

"Mingde Hall? Unexpectedly, Mingde Hall is still here. I thought they were wiped out by His Majesty." Xu Mu'an exclaimed.

"Of course not. Mingdetang is just an independent existence that is obsessed with scientific research and ignores the disputes between the court and the court. However, after Her Majesty's advanced technology completely exploded the soul guide, these people also recognized the reality and joined the Research and develop new technologies in the Empire's new Academy of Sciences."

"I have to say that these people's IQs are indeed very high. You see, even now, some important cutting-edge scientific and technological projects will be handed over to Mingdetang. It is still the most important scientific research base in the empire."

"I see." Xu Mu'an sighed with emotion, and then looked at the man in front of him who looked less than 30 years old.

Suddenly, she felt that the face of the person in front of her was somewhat familiar.

"My lord, I just met a veteran on the road, he seems to be very similar to you."

"That must be my father, he just left the house not long ago, hehe, what an interesting coincidence."

Hearing this, Xu Mu'an looked at Blair's epaulets, and asked curiously: "Is that your father? If I remember correctly, a colonel already holds a very high position in the empire's army, right? But your Forgive me, father, but he seems to be just a low-level soldier, even though he is serving in the Royal Guards of the Empire."

"Yes, but so what? He's a fighting hero. I'm a colonel, but I've only been in school for a few years, and I'm knowledgeable and competent enough to take the position—actually , This is also a gift from my father, it is precisely because of his loyalty and courage that he was personally awarded the honor by the empress, so that I can also be honored and gain the trust of your majesty to become the garrison officer of this palace."

To be honest, Xu Mu'an didn't quite understand that in the old empire, it was an absolute axiom for officials to crush people to death. Just as the old guard himself said, a servant who was a dog's leg under the master of the soul master dared to directly blackmail them , not to mention the extremely disciplined organization of the New Imperial Army.

But according to what Blair said, it seemed that his father, who was just an ordinary soldier, was much more powerful than himself, a senior officer.

Seeing that Xu Muan was puzzled, Blair continued to add: "It seems that you still don't understand the system of the new empire. In the new empire, position is no longer the criterion for measuring a person's status. Only one person is the one who measures a person's status." The level of dedication in his position."

"For example, you think I'm an officer, and I'm powerful in controlling thousands of people, so I should have a high status. In fact, this is not the case. There is no difference in essential status between officers and soldiers under this brand-new system."

"It's my duty to dispatch troops to defend the palace, and it's their duty to dispatch soldiers by me, that's all. If it's not working hours, I'm the same as them, drinking, playing cards, chatting, or discussing which girl is more beautiful .”

"Haha, let alone me as a colonel, even the commander-in-chief of the empire, Lord Jim Raynor, often chats with us about his glorious past in the tavern of the palace, and he will become angry from embarrassment when he is in a hurry."

Xu Mu'an imagined this kind of life for a while, and found that he couldn't imagine it at all. It's like a prime minister of the old empire titled Douluo and a farmer who knew each other's identities called brothers after get off work, and could drink and play cards together without any barriers.

Ten years ago, telling this kind of thing as a joke would probably make people laugh to death.

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