Become the Archbishop from Douluo

Chapter 246 Homeless, Same Bed, Different Dreams

Chapter 246 Homeless, Same Bed, Different Dreams

"Golden crocodile." Of course Qian Daoliu knew what Qian Renxue was worried about, so he said to the golden crocodile beside him, "Go out first, Xue'er and I have something to say."

"Okay, big brother." Of course Golden Crocodile had no objection, and after bowing to the icon twice, he left the Elder Hall.

As soon as the golden crocodile left, Qian Renxue couldn't help the anger that had been brewing in her heart for the past few days, and said slightly annoyed: "Grandpa, I want to know, what is that woman doing? How could she give such a stupid order?" , don't you know the consequences of doing so?"

Qian Daoliu patted Qian Renxue's head, and said dotingly, "Xue'er, that's your mother, don't call her that."

After Qian Daoliu said this, Qian Renxue became even more excited when she recalled the past with Bibi Dong: "Then what should I call? Sister? Ha! Do I need such a false relative? Grandpa, let me tell you, I only have two relatives in this world now, but the other person will definitely not be her, Bibi Dong!"

Seeing Qian Renxue being so stubborn, Qian Daoliu just sighed, he didn't blame Qian Renxue, after all, Bibi Dong's way of raising children would be resentful to everyone.

Especially when the child doesn't know why the mother is so hostile to him.

"Your mother has difficulties. You are getting older now. Maybe it's time to tell you the truth about your parents."

Saying that, Qian Daoliu led Qian Renxue to the previous stone tablet, on which was engraved Qian Xunji's name and his life experience.

"You may have heard rumors from people in the court or other people that your father was killed by your mother. In fact, this is indeed true, but it is also an indisputable fact that your father is ashamed of your mother." Qian Daoliu sighed.

"And then?" Qian Renxue sneered, she wasn't surprised by this incident at all: "My father is her teacher, Bibi Dong's parents died when she was young, and it was my father who brought her by her side like a child. She takes care of me like a daughter, so why should she treat my father?"

Speaking of this, Qian Renxue suddenly realized something, and her face suddenly turned pale.

She is not a fool, now after Qian Daoliu reminded her, she quickly thought of the truth.

The mother hated the father but gave birth to herself. Before that, the two had a master-student relationship for more than ten years
This didn't seem to be a difficult fact to guess, but he focused on Bibi Dong's killing of his father.

"Even so. Even so, she shouldn't be..." Qian Renxue murmured in a flustered expression, but if she put herself on Bibi Dong's body, then she would hate Chihiro Ji and wait for an opportunity to murder her, and she would hate herself by the way. Nothing could be more normal.

Qian Daoliu didn't say much, just sighed softly, obviously, he could also understand Bibi Dong's hatred.

If it was in the past, maybe Qian Renxue should ask Bibidong to stage a scene of mother-daughter love at this time, but now, she remembered the words that Leng Xiyue had chatted with her many days and nights ago.

"No, this is not right. Xiyue said that there must be a motive for everything. If my father is plotting against Bibi Dong, what is the motive?" Qian Renxue stared at Qian Daoliu with her eyes wide open. She hoped to get more detailed information from her grandfather.

Childhood memories told her that her father was not the kind of person who couldn't control his desires, but treated her very well and played with her every day. Moreover, he was already over 50 years old. If he was really greedy for women, I am afraid that he has already married and had children, or he has ruined his reputation by harming a good woman and becoming a licentious and stupid king. How can he wait until he is in his 40s before he can't bear such beastly things as Bibi Dongxing?

Even if it is true that Bibi Dong has some special feelings, it should have been done long ago, right?
"This..." The question of the soul was obviously stopped by Qian Daoliu. Yes, he only knew that Qian Xun Ji raped Bibi Dong and forced her to give birth to Qian Renxue. The reason Bibi Dong gave was that Qian Xun Ji wanted to He gave birth to an heir with excellent talent with his own "high-quality gene" that is full of soul power and has twin martial souls.

And this is indeed in line with Chihiro Ji's mental journey.

At that time, Qian Daoliu didn't think there was anything wrong with it and believed it for a long time, but now that he thinks about it, it is full of loopholes, for example, why didn't Qian Xunji take any action in this regard or come with him for so many years? Informed, but suddenly made this decision.

Furthermore, their angel family is not a single lineage, and it is entirely possible to find a woman in the clan who is suitable for Qian Xun Ji and whose talent is no less than Bibi Dong's as a good helper, but Qian Xun Ji is very different from Qian Daoliu. Proposals have always been only refusals, with a look of 'women will only affect my career'.

But now, even though Qian Daoliu felt something was wrong, he was unwilling to think about it.

"No matter what, things have come to this, all we can do is trust your mother, Bibi Dong, I know that although she has suffered a lot of injustice, she still loves Wuhundian very much, and now she has become a Super Douluo, with such strength It will also allow her to have unambiguous authority in the Hall of Spirits, and even I will find it difficult to reverse her decision with force."

Qian Daoliu closed his eyes, he didn't say everything yet, that is, Bibi Dong, as the successor of a god, has accepted the divine test and won the favor of a real god, then he is not an angel god A servant can interfere.

He didn't know what kind of god Bibi Dong inherited, and he didn't need to know. Now Bibi Dong is not far away from level [-]. Even if he wants to fight her, he must not be her opponent, because relying on the power of the gods With the blessing of her, perhaps she already has the strength to defeat her, and even if she can defeat her by chance, she will definitely not be able to kill her. The consequence of offending such a god heir may only be death.

After all, the Angel God has not been able to come to the world for a long time, and no one in recent generations of worship can listen to the voice of the Angel God. A new successor of the Angel God can only be selected through the succession process left in this icon .

Therefore, the truth of Chihiro Ji's death can only be buried like this, or that he thought that Chihiro Ji was killed because he did something bad. This is actually a kind of consolation. They were all villains, and he was powerless to stop it, which only made him sadder.

As for Qian Renxue, it was obviously the complete opposite of his idea.

After a fierce struggle in her heart, the memories of the past emerged like a revolving lantern, and soon, she grabbed an extremely important fragment from her memory.

"I know who will know the truth. I'm going back. Goodbye, Grandpa."

After Qian Renxue left these words, she left in a hurry.

She came here to know why Bibi Dong assassinated Leng Xiyue.

But now, this question is not very important. Only after knowing what Bibi Dong did before and why it led to this result, and knowing her whole person, is the real solution, and asking Qian Daoliu, obviously You can't get any desired results, you can only get some ambiguous or grandiose words.

Qian Daoliu looked at Qian Renxue's leaving back, and didn't stop him. He knew who she was going to find, and also knew how complicated Qian Renxue's maintaining such a relationship would make the whole situation, but he didn't stop him. Because there is no point in stopping it, Qian Renxue will only be more stubborn than Bibi Dong if she is serious.

In the end, he could only let out a long sigh, but he didn't know how to relieve it.

When returning to Wuhun City, Qian Renxue brought two followers from the Hall of Elders, but when she left, she didn't bring anyone with her.

She felt that the city had changed and became a little strange. Everything she had experienced in the past was like a piece of shattered glass, which she could not imagine.

My father raped my mother, my mother killed my father, and I have lived to this day as this evil breed. Grandpa is unwilling to investigate the truth back then, and even wants me to let go of the revenge of killing my father without knowing the truth. If you can't rely on yourself on such a big issue of right and wrong, who else can you rely on?
The only person who might be willing to be honest with her without reservation and always stand by her was her best sister, but following Bibi Dong's actions, she was nothing more than a person she needed to guard against. It's just the object, Qian Renxue didn't know how to get along with her in the next period of time, and after knowing that Leng Xiyue was in seclusion, she temporarily put aside this matter and focused on her own affairs.

Is she still willing now?
Qian Renxue was so preoccupied, she didn't notice that the sky was already covered with dark clouds, and soon there was a violent storm, and the sharp rain hit her body, but she didn't notice it, only felt that the rainstorm blocked her way home.

She didn't hide her figure, with three pairs of golden wings spread out, her whole body was moving forward like a stream of light, drawing a golden light in the dark night, when traveling from Tiandou City to Wuhun City, she had to be on land After traveling all day, it took her only an hour to get back in full flight.

After restraining her martial soul, Qian Renxue didn't even want to find a place to change into her soaked clothes, and didn't make any extra plans, so she just came all the way to Leng Xiyue's palace, jumped, and jumped from the courtyard wall. Turned in.

At this time, the palace was pitch-black, with only some street lamps illuminating the road. Some members of the royal guard were playing cards in the gazebo by the roadside, or playing various chess games developed by the Kyushu Empire. The exclamation and laughter of the girls could be heard, and it looked very lively. Of course, the level of safety that could be achieved was something that Qian Renxue could not praise.

However, the main hall where Leng Xiyue lived was brightly lit, so Qian Renxue walked along the dark grass in a seemingly concealed way, but she didn't know that she was already being targeted by five sniper rifles from different angles.

"Captain, the intruder is heading towards His Majesty's bedroom, shall we shoot and kill him?" A guard who was hiding in the grass and almost completely integrated with the environment saw Qian Renxue skipping his guard point, and then He asked his superiors through the voice-transmitting soul guide, which was also a question of several other snipers at different positions.

"No, this person is one of the people with the highest authority on His Majesty's visitor whitelist. No matter how she visits, we don't need to keep an eye on her. Let's continue to be vigilant."


After being instructed, several snipers turned their guns one after another, and stopped paying attention to the upright Qian Renxue sneaking in their eyes. If they knew that Qian Renxue would think that she hadn't been discovered after a while, they would report to Leng Xiyue I don't know if I will regret not firing a few shots at this time to scare her.

After crossing the garden, Qian Renxue quickly approached the main hall. Looking at the bedroom on the roof that was still lit, Qian Renxue jumped up, stepped on the wall, landed on the balcony, and pushed the door open. And enter.

Leng Xiyue was not in the room at this time, but the sound of gurgling water and strange and strange singing came from the bathroom. Although Qian Renxue had heard this kind of melody in Leng Xiyue's mouth before, she still felt Somewhat strange.

But there is no doubt that through the singing, Qian Renxue can hear that Leng Xiyue is very happy now.

Qian Renxue didn't go any further, just stood at the door of the balcony, not as freely as before, as if she had returned to her own home, as if she was just a guest, as long as she heard that Leng Xiyue didn't welcome her, she could leave directly.

The high-intensity rush all the way, even if she is already the soul king, she still can't bear it. She really wants to take off her soaked clothes and lie down on Leng Xiyue's bed to wait slowly, but now, she is more worried about herself. In Leng Xiyue's eyes, this kind of natural behavior became almost a set.

Fortunately, Leng Xiyue soon came out, wrapped in a bath towel, humming a strange little song all the way.

Leng Xiyue was going to turn off the lights and go to bed, but glanced towards the balcony from the corner of her eye, only to find Qian Renxue standing motionless at the door of the balcony like a statue. For a moment, she felt that something was wrong with her eyes question.

The two looked at each other in the air for a few seconds before Leng Xiyue came to his senses.

"Sister Xue, why are you here?" When she realized that the person in front of her was really Qian Renxue, Leng Xiyue hurried forward, pulled the messy Qian Renxue into the room, took off her coat, and wrapped herself A bath towel was draped over her body.

Qian Renxue felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, although Leng Xiyue still cared about herself as before, but she felt ashamed in her heart, and was a little at a loss for Leng Xiyue's enthusiasm.

The two sat on the sofa, with Qian Renxue's wet long golden hair hanging behind her, but Leng Xiyue held it up and dried it with a hair dryer, as if she was protecting some kind of treasure.

If it was normal, this kind of warm scene was just the daily life of the two sisters back then, but now, because of Bibi Dong, they are already living in the same bed and different dreams, and they are in the camp of the Wuhun Temple, I am afraid that no matter what, it is impossible to recover. It's the time when we stick together every day like before.

Turning her thoughts around, Qian Renxue thought of her parents' messy affairs again, and her grandpa also showed indulgence, so she couldn't help feeling sad from it, and shed a line of tears unconsciously.

"Xiyue, I feel like I have no home"

(End of this chapter)

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