Become the Archbishop from Douluo

Chapter 245 Colonial and anti-colonial

"Victoria Kingdom, this Victoria Kingdom again, what's going on, it's only been half a year, is it going to change?" Leng Xiyue was already a little irritable at this time, if she had learned about the Victoria Kingdom from Flender If there is a soul tool team that hasn't taken it seriously, then it has to be taken seriously now that it is associated with the word 'sun and moon'.

This is undoubtedly a very scary thing to think about. Thinking about it carefully, it is estimated that there were hundreds or thousands of years before the collision of the Sun-Moon Continent when Douluo II began, and the displacement of the continental plates must also be a gradual process. It is not enough to be a unit.

Even if some astonishing natural disaster pushes it, and it merges with the Douluo Continent in only eight or nine thousand years, it means that the distance between the two continents is not as far as imagined, that is to say, If the Sun Moon Empire has any advanced ships, it is entirely possible to land in the east.

If so, that would be a good thing. After all, the level of soul tools in the Sun Moon Empire will be the same ten thousand years later, and it is estimated that it will just start now. It is not certain who will colonize who in a few years.

What Leng Xiyue is worried about is not the Sun Moon Empire itself, but the emergence of this variable. If it is her own development that caused this change, then there is nothing to worry about, but if it is another possibility... then But that's cause for concern.

Miho Nishizumi saw that Leng Xiyue was so concerned about this matter, so she suggested: "If you care, should I send a commando to arrest some key personnel and bring them back for interrogation?"

As soon as these words came out, Leng Xiyue also calmed down: ".That's not necessary, let's observe again, but it is still necessary to increase the investigation."

Because a guess is a bit too much to directly arrest people for interrogation. After all, even if the Sun and Moon people are behind it, there is no real harm. No matter how you look at it, they are a group of obedient citizens. Even the Victorian royal family cannot know. The existence of the Sun Moon Empire.

If it overreacted, it would appear to outsiders that the Nine Provinces Empire was worried that the Sun Moon Chamber of Commerce's products would grab its own market share, so it used off-the-market tactics to continue to achieve monopoly, which would undoubtedly greatly tarnish its reputation.

Unless Tianmeng is asked to go there in person, there will be no problem with the aftermath. However, as the competition is approaching, Tianmeng should not travel far, so we can only talk about it after the competition.

It's only a few months anyway.

Thinking of this, Leng Xiyue was not too worried, and walked through the bustling crowd with her good girlfriends to the booth of the Sun Moon Chamber of Commerce.

As soon as he walked into the booth, a reception lady in the uniform of the Sun Moon Chamber of Commerce came up: "Hello, ladies and gentlemen, do you want me to show you around?"

"Okay, then I'll trouble you." It's not surprising, after all, they look like that kind of little rich women, so naturally someone came up to offer courteousness to improve their performance, so Leng Xiyue didn't refuse.

"So, what kind of things are the ladies more interested in? We have all kinds of weapons and equipment, body armor, transportation tools, functional props, and some explosive weapons for one-time stimulation. The soul guide device also complies with the soul guide device standard promulgated by the Kyushu Empire, so the effect is naturally unquestionable."

Hearing this, Leng Xiyue waved his hand and said nonchalantly: "We're just here to join in the fun, but we're not short of money. If we come across any interesting things, we can buy them back and have fun. You can just recommend them."

"Okay, then please come with me." The maid didn't show the joy of meeting someone who was taken advantage of, and she didn't take the initiative to guide them to buy some expensive things, but just started to introduce them one by one.

The weapons and equipment of the Sun Moon Chamber of Commerce only have bows and crossbows in terms of long-range, and there are no guns, but these weapons are equivalent to being upgraded by the soul guidance system. Even the kinetic energy of the soul guidance longbow is amazing. Although it is impossible to penetrate armor, but In a short distance, it is enough to pose a threat to enemies who do not exceed the current soul guide level [-] or above. Of course, this is limited to the level below the soul saint.

Cold weapons have also been greatly improved with the blessing of the soul guidance system. Both weight and maneuverability are fundamentally different from ordinary weapons, and they can be used like arms with simple adjustments.

If you want to strengthen it, you can also use better metals to find a blacksmith to forge its blade, so as to increase its power and level. These soul guides have extremely strong plasticity.

In addition to different standard swords, guns, swords and halberds, there are also many armors that can be adapted to the beast spirit. These equipment can adapt to the changes brought by the beast spirit to the body and enhance it to a certain extent, or strengthen its own aggressiveness , are all extremely practical things.

Undoubtedly, these products have fully demonstrated the original characteristics of soul masters, that is, they have strong combat power in the early stage, and they are a little worse than soul masters in the later stages. The subsequent development of 1 years will reduce this gap Only high-level Title Douluo has an advantage in combat power.

If it is said that the guns of the Kyushu Empire shattered the fantasy of soul masters and allowed them to change their status from aristocrats to laborers, then although the products of the Sun Moon Chamber of Commerce will not lift up the entire soul master class again, at least It can be regarded as re-boosting some confidence and making their value a little higher.

Therefore, compared with the Kyushu Chamber of Commerce for all classes, the Sun Moon Chamber of Commerce has discovered some undiscovered profit ranges from this huge system. It seems that they are all similar to the competition of soul guides and technology, but in fact there is no What a conflict.

From Leng Xiyue's point of view, this soul guidance system is a high-end product, but the actual effect is not as supermodel as imagined, or it is just fancy, and the actual effect is far less powerful than their soul guidance technology.

In terms of technology, there can be some comparison between the two, but the output is completely incomparable. On the one hand, the workshop is assembled by hand, and on the other hand, it is produced by the factory assembly line. The output efficiency is far worse.

It can only be said that these things are indeed in line with the wishes of the soul masters, and they are very sensible and did not compete directly with the Kyushu Chamber of Commerce. They just played a gimmick for the monopoly of soul tools. Intend.

From the perspective of the Kyushu Chamber of Commerce, this is actually not a big deal. After all, it is just a bit of leftovers, and there is no advanced output, including Miho Nishizumi. Divided horizontally, the most advanced product of the Sun Moon Merchant Guild's soul tool may not be worth noting, but Leng Xiyue obviously doesn't think so.

"Xiaobai, how far can our warping prism fly?" Leng Xiyue narrowed her eyes, looking at a round disposable instant explosive soul guide in her hand, and asked Xiaobai on the other side .

"The warp prism consumes very little, and only needs solar energy to maintain the operation process in normal times. There will be almost no energy depletion from the factory to the sudden death."

"Then does this mean that we can load it with some probes and fanatics and carry out ocean exploration, making it a long-range detection team? If it can be directly dispatched to other continents, can't we directly deploy it and fold it directly?" Cross over?" Leng Xiyue had a plan in mind.

Xiaobai shrugged: "Actually, this is the real usage of the warp prism, that is to explore and build a preliminary outpost, not just a transport plane."

Well, Leng Xiyue originally thought that she had come up with some great idea, but it turned out that it was designed for such a purpose at the beginning.

But thinking about it, as an auxiliary vehicle that can participate in interstellar wars, it is indeed a bit too talented to be used on this continent as a transport plane that can carry and fly faster.

Now that we know the possible existence of the Sun Moon Empire, the most urgent task is to ascertain some more information first, after all, knowing yourself and your enemy will ensure you win a hundred battles.

If the warp prism can expand an energy field on the enemy continent, then it can directly send its own protoss troops there in the follow-up, and it can directly use this sky-defying space without even competing for sea dominance. The teleportation ability occupied the Sun Moon Continent.

Thinking of this, Leng Xiyue didn't have any pressure in her heart. Yes, the Protoss units are so against the sky. With the current background of the Kyushu Empire, it is a big deal to concentrate a wave of resources to transform crystal mines, and it is easy to create an expeditionary army. After a period of time, when the task is completed, the combat power that this expeditionary army can produce must be quite astonishing.

After picking out a few items at random and paying the bill, the group walked around for a while, and left the venue after each bought something they were satisfied with.

It was so hard to reunite after a long absence. Naturally, a banquet was indispensable. Leng Xiyue invited all her relatives and friends to participate. Of course, for this reason, Leng Xiyue also invited Xue Qinghe. The relationship is good enough, and in the eyes of many people, they are even more beautiful, a match made in heaven, so this is not a strange thing.

However, Qian Renxue was not in Heaven Dou City.

The messenger sent by Leng Xiyue reported that His Royal Highness was not feeling well recently and hadn't shown up for several days, so he was unable to attend the appointment. Of course, Leng Xiyue could tell at a glance that this was false information. Qian Renxue must have returned to Wuhun City. And it was because of something very important, otherwise it would be impossible to leave rashly.

Is this because he was worried that he would be bad for the Spirit Hall, so he took the initiative to go back and discuss with Bibi Dong Qiandaoliu a plan to deal with me?Or something else, Leng Xiyue does not know, but she can only hope that Qian Renxue will not leave her.
After all, the friendship between the two is still somewhat different, but people's hearts are unpredictable, and how it will develop, all Leng Xiyue can do at this time is to resign to fate.

After the banquet, everyone left one after another and began to prepare for the upcoming competition.

Wuhun City, Douluo Hall.

"Miss, why are you back?"

"I'm here to find Grandpa, I have something to discuss."

A man who looked very soft and beautiful, and a man with a relatively firm face stood at the entrance of the main hall. He was quite surprised to see Qian Renxue coming, but since Qian Renxue would return here at such an important juncture, it was obviously a important things.

So the two of them didn't ask any more questions, and helped her open the door of Douluo Hall.

"Thank you." Qian Renxue nodded, and then strode in.

These two are the third and fifth priests of the Elder Hall, namely Qingluan and Guangling, two beautiful men.

It stands to reason that it is not their turn to stand guard. Maybe it is because they are very busy now and have nothing to do.

It may also be that Qian Daoliu asked them to be here at any time and obey orders
Walking into the huge dome building, you will see a wide hall as soon as you enter the door. The hollow dome is nearly 30 meters high, which is very similar to a European cathedral.

Around the hall, there are some milky white marble steles, on which are engraved with titles, the year of canonization, and the name of the owner in golden letters.

A long time ago, the Douluo Continent was still in the dark age, when demons and ghosts were rampant. A group of human heroes headed by the God of Angels stepped forward to let the light shine on this land. In order to commemorate those heroes who died in the chaos, Douluo This is where the temple comes from.

The world of soul masters cannot live without Douluo Temple, just like the west cannot live without Jerusalem. If Leng Xiyue was here, he would definitely make a serious comment.

In the long history of Wuhundian, even if only titled Douluo strongmen are recorded, this place is already densely packed, and countless strong people are proud to leave their names here.

Although it is an existence that is beyond reach for the vast majority of soul masters, as long as it exists, the legitimacy of the Spirit Hall is unquestionable.

In the center of the Douluo Hall stands a lifelike statue of an angel, ten meters high, with a golden body and a clearly visible face. Three pairs of wings are spread out behind the back, and a huge golden sword is held high in his hand, pointing directly at the sky.

The most peculiar thing is that there seems to be a layer of faint golden flames hovering around the golden sword, and golden ripples are shining around the entire sculpture, which looks very magical.

Under the statue, a muscular old man with a murderous look was kneeling down here respectfully, chanting words, like a pious believer paying homage to a god.

And beside this angel icon, there is a man with neat long blond hair, about 30 years old, gently stroking a milky white stone tablet, his face is full of sadness, his eyes are deep, and his heart is full of regret. I don't know what to think about.

Besides Qian Daoliu and the second enshrined golden crocodile, who else could be here?

Hearing the slight sound of Qian Renxue's footsteps, Qian Daoliu turned around slowly, his majestic gaze disappeared the moment he turned around to look at his granddaughter, showing a kind smile.

"Xue'er, you're back."

Qian Daoliu didn't seem surprised that Qian Renxue would come back, or rather, he was waiting here.

"Grandpa." Qian Renxue saluted respectfully, but seeing the golden crocodile beside her, she still couldn't say what she wanted to say.

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