I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 70 Receiving System Rewards, Son of the Chosen One

Chapter 70 Receiving System Rewards, Son of the Chosen One

The more you know the boss, the more excited you are.

Jiang Xiaohan was also staring at the screen!

Every number of the other party made her heart tremble.

"I've told the house to turn off the TV!"

"I also asked my daughter's mother to bring her into the room."

"Direct explosion? Assassination? Or poisoning to death? Brothers bet on it!"

"Sudden death! I think this is the most likely!"

The live broadcast is just 2 minutes long.

At this time, more than 50 people have already entered.

And just 2 minutes ago, it was only 30.

Most people come in to join in the fun.

See if the boss will really have an accident.

If something really happened, what will Tutu's press conference be like tomorrow?





The countdown continues.

"come yet!"

"I'm ready!"

"Only the last three numbers are left!!"

Thousands of households.

Hundreds of thousands of water friends stared at the screen.




"It's over! Look, everyone, did nothing happen?!"

Zhang Lingtian also counted down at this time, and asked the water friends before the live broadcast.

"Hahaha, ladies and gentlemen, our countdown is over, so what happens next?"

Knowing the boss also stood up at this time!

Then stretch your hands in front of the camera!

"You still play with them!"

"Yeah, what happened?"

"Bunny friends are like this, they like to talk about gods and gods."

"They are always mentally strong and easily deceived."

"God is real, but let's forget about living Hades, it's superstitious and illusory."

Knowing the boss's live broadcast room, Jiang You said sarcastically.


"this one?"

"Nothing really happened?"

"Oh my god, why didn't anything happen!"

Zhang Lingtian's live broadcast room.

Watching the countdown stop at two seconds.

Many water friends have raised questions.

Yeah, why nothing happened.

This is not normal!
"Nothing should have happened in the first place. Didn't I say that I'm not a living hell king?"

Zhang Lingtian spread his hands to the water friend in front of the camera and said.

He was just an ordinary person.

It's not the king of Hades who pays attention to whoever has an accident, okay.

"It's boring!"



"Let's go first!"

"That's all gone? Did I take out the food for nothing? Where's the big show?"

"What are you playing with me tonight?"

All the water friends in the live broadcast room cursed one by one.

Some even quit the live broadcast room directly.

This live broadcast is completely over here.

"Boss, drink some chrysanthemum tea."

It was exactly eleven o'clock.

Jiang Xiaohan just made a cup of chrysanthemum tea.

"Oh, I finally clarified myself."

Zhang Lingtian stretched himself.

Live streaming for one night is really tiring.

"The clarification is clarification, but the number of people following us tonight has decreased a lot, and now there are only 240 million left."

Jiang Xiaohan is also checking the data of the company account.

"Less less, less, it's eleven o'clock, I'll take you back first."

Zhang Lingtian picked up the car keys.

"Boss, you can take a break first. After all, I'm quite tired just after the broadcast. I'm not in a hurry."

Jiang Xiaohan said.

It had just been broadcast and she was going to send her back home, she was worried that the boss would be exhausted.

In fact, I am not in a hurry.

"It's not a big problem, let's go."

Zhang Lingtian changed his shoes.

the other side.

Spring River Public Security.

Because of the large number of calls.

So it also fed back to Bai Jin and Feifei who are on duty tonight.

"Oh, these people on the Internet are really real. What kind of imagination is this? The fugitive was discovered because the other party showed off how long he had escaped. He played a video in the hotel with arrogance. It turned out that some netizens knew this hotel, and the person who died was also wearing the clothes worn by the other party. The hotel shoes ran out of the window to resist arrest, what does this have to do with this Zhang Lingtian!"

Feifei next to Bai Jin was speechless when she saw the alarm messages.

I don't know what happened before because I didn't experience it myself.

But they have colleagues on the front line in this matter.

It can be said clearly.

It was a complete accident.

"I don't understand!"

Bai Jin shook his head.

She didn't know what happened before, but this incident was completely pinning the blame on others.

If you still pay attention to understand the boss, you will pay attention.

They policemen can still go to someone's house to unplug the network cable for him?

Bai Jin couldn't understand the brain circuit of some netizens.

"Actually, it has something to do with it."

At this moment, I saw Chen Chuan drinking tea and speaking slowly.

"Oh? What does it matter?"

When Feifei heard this, there was a puzzled look in her eyes.


Bai Jin didn't understand anymore.

Could it be that my master is also superstitious?

Should not be ah.

"Do you think, if Zhang Lingtian hadn't been paying attention, wouldn't this female fugitive named Wei Li not show up?"

Chen Chuan asked.

"This...seems like this."

Feifei nodded.

"Then since she doesn't show up, won't there be netizens who know her background? Then she won't be discovered by our police, right? So this can be regarded as the credit of Mr. Zhang Lingtian, but now the netizens are wrong. .”

Chen Chuan combed.

This was originally something worth promoting positively.

Zhang Lingtian used his influence to help the police find the fugitive.

As a result, everyone's focus is now on death.

Such an accident happened, in fact, the police are also very heartbroken.

Chen Chuan felt a little sorry.

I really don't understand that this woman can run for so long and still have such a low IQ.

It's fine to provoke the police. When the police came, she beat her to death and refused to open the door. She even jumped out of the window wearing hotel slippers in a panic in an attempt to resist arrest.

As a result, I didn't expect my feet to slip and fell from the fourth floor.

He hit the back of his head and died instantly.

In fact, defrauding 1000 or [-] million won’t kill you at all.

I can only say it's a pity.

As for whether there is any element of superstition in what you said.

Chen Chuan didn't believe it.

It can only be said that this woman has two problems, the first is arrogance.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Lingtian, who was rumored to be the Living Hades on the Internet, followed him and took the initiative to open the video.

As a result, it was discovered by netizens who had stayed in that hotel and happened to be in that room.

The other party's judgment is based on the paintings on the wall.

That hotel is a foreign characteristic hotel, and the paintings in each room are different.

And his happened to be a copy of Picasso.

It also happens to be that.

As a result, a report directly found the exact room number of the hotel.

The second is lack of self-awareness.

Delusion to escape arrest by flying over the roof and walls.

resulting in an accidental fall.

This has nothing to do with superstition in any way.

"Then let's clarify with the reporter tomorrow."

They also received calls from some reporters this evening.

At this moment, Bai Jin said.

"Well, just send a police officer to be interviewed tomorrow."

Chen Chuan nodded.

The task assigned to them by their superiors is to refute rumors.

Clarify that there is no such thing as a living Hades, and reduce the current panic in public opinion and society.

As a result, the notification has just been sent out.

Everyone believed it.

After a while, I was misunderstood again.

This obviously did not meet the requirements of the superiors.

"About fugitives, there is actually no so-called feudal superstition. The main reason is that the other party tried to resist arrest and fell to her death. As long as she is not willing to resist arrest, nothing will happen to her. If she is not arrogant and exposes herself, then it will be more difficult for our police in the near future. Find each other."

Eight in the morning.

The reporter is here.

The police were interviewed by reporters.

[1. Live Hades pay attention to understand the boss]

[2. The police refuted the rumor that the arrest of the fugitive has nothing to do with the living Hades]

[6. Tie Cong said, everyone really has to believe in science, there is no living Hades in this world, only massive accidents]

[7. After a hype, he changed from an ordinary funeral person to a super anchor with 300 million fans, and the income from a single live broadcast was nearly [-]. 】

On the hot search list at the moment.

Several of the top ten are about Zhang Lingtian.

The most searched one was last night when he paid attention to knowing the boss, and he rushed to the top of the hot search list which had never been seen before.

And there are people who criticize.

Said he was hyping.



Zhang Lingtian was sleeping.

Suddenly the phone rang.


Zhang Lingtian answered the phone in a daze.


It's Jiang Xiaohan.

My little assistant.

"God, what's the matter here? Fans are gone?"

Zhang Lingtian felt his ears explode when he heard such a high-decibel sound early in the morning.

The only thing he can think of is that he lost his fans.

As for master.

The other party must not be surprised.

After all, the risk rate of 0.02%.

You said how could this be an accident.

Apparently nonexistent.

Only fans.

After clarification last night.

I started to lose fans like crazy.

Maybe some people think that this living king of Hades is a fake, so they don't have the fun of watching.

Anyway, something like that.

Too sleepy.

He came back last night, took a shower and went straight to sleep.

It's impossible to finish anyway.

After filtering out some fans who joined in the fun, the rest he plans to run his own business of bringing goods well.

"Boss, our company's account suddenly exploded and gained 70 followers in one night!!"

Jiang Xiaohan was very excited.

To be honest, she was shocked to see the amount.

"What? 70 followers?"

When Zhang Lingtian heard this, there was a look of surprise in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, he turned on his Douyin.

"Awesome! Dare to pay attention to master understand!"

"The anchor has the courage to prove himself, instead of using the title of the so-called Living Hades to deceive people, I gave this attention!"

Swipe through these new messages.

Zhang Lingtian knew what was going on now.

It turns out that these water friends appreciate that they don't need to deceive others with the title of the so-called Living Hades.

So after being on the hot search, they flooded in one after another.

Follow his account.

"Yes, boss, do you think this is a blessing in disguise?"

Assistant Jiang Xiaohan asked with a smile.

"It can indeed be described as such."

Zhang Lingtian felt that his little assistant's words were quite appropriate.

He almost thought he was a fan.

Who would have thought that there would be 70 followers in one night.

Is this the power of being number one on the hot search list?

So terrifying.

"And the boss, you may have to come to the company early today. I have good news for you. Qu Jiangmei, the sales director of Jixiang Funeral Clothing Supplies Co., Ltd., is willing to ask us to bring the goods."

Jiang Xiaohan said excitedly.

The other party wants to sign a long-term contract!
"Oh? What time?"

A dead tree is in spring.

It seems that the Yiqianping company that I renovated can finally play a role.

"Come over at 10:30, and the staff of Master Li's Instant Noodles also made an appointment with me, saying that they would discuss cooperation with us in the afternoon."

Jiang Xiaohan did receive a lot of calls today.

"Are you sure it's Master Li? The brand must confirm it."

Zhang Lingtian emphasized.

The main reason is that the last time I was dealt with by the fake Master Li staff.

He has to be cautious now.

Of course, one might ask.

This kind of reverse delivery is not very profitable.

It's fine if people come and collect it directly.

He can only say that he is not that kind of person.

Besides, he doesn't have that ability.

If you have that kind of ability, you can open a reverse delivery.

But deceitful things, he thinks it won't last long.

"It's Wei Yang, it's definitely not wrong."

After Jiang Xiaohan has experienced so many things, she is no longer the simple little assistant she was before.

She knows how to check people out.

It can be said that the fake Master Li staff really taught her a lesson.

"Okay, then I'll get up first, and I'll talk about the rest at the company."

Zhang Lingtian hung up the phone.

If you lose your horse, you will know no blessings.

I didn't expect to clarify myself, but it actually brought an extra surprise.

Not bad.

Even the partners who left before are back.


This guy needs to be more sincere.

[Reminder: Please receive system rewards. 】

Suddenly there was a sound in Zhang Lingtian's mind, and then a line of text appeared in front of him.

It is the receipt of the reward of the system.


Zhang Lingtian clicked to receive it.

If I remember correctly, it was the reward I got when I completed [10/10] last night.

As a result, I was just about to receive it.

The police knocked on the door.

At the time he thought he had done something wrong.

After all, several police officers came looking for him.

There's even a figure who appears to be the leader.

Who would have thought that they would actually go to him to assist in the investigation.

It made him look dumbfounded.

I thought I was checked the water meter.

The next time something like this happens again, he'll be too lazy to go anyway.

It's the same as getting into the game.

After coming out of the police station, there was a live broadcast to clarify.

Afterwards, it was to send Jiang Xiaohan home.

Then come back by yourself.

This came and went until twelve o'clock.

He was sleepy after taking a shower.

Completely forgot about receiving rewards.

The main reason is that the system did not prompt.

It wasn't until the other party reminded me this morning that I didn't know that there were rewards that I hadn't claimed yet.

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for acquiring the skill]

【Son of the Chosen】

Suddenly Zhang Lingtian showed up after receiving it.

"What the hell??"

Zhang Lingtian was overjoyed when he saw the skills.

Is my ability finally going to be used in the real world?
Then is it possible to see the danger probability of others next?

However, when Zhang Lingtian saw the words "Son of the Chosen One", Zhang Lingtian frowned slightly.

What is this.

Can the system speak human language?

What is the realistic skill of the Chosen One?
[Son of the Chosen: A system skill, the host can activate it at any time, limited to one time per day. 】

The system just popped up a prompt.

There is nothing left.

Ready to activate?

every day?
how to use?
Zhang Lingtian was a little confused.

And this time he found out that he didn't even have money.


And the number of accurate customers has become 11.

Judging from the meaning of the system, it should be rewarded after reaching [-].

The newly added one should be the fugitive Wei Li who was arrested yesterday.

At the time of scanning, the opponent only had a probability of more than ten points of danger.

Who would have thought that she would climb out of the window wearing hotel shoes to try to resist arrest.

What a windfall.


Change clothes.

Zhang Lingtian took the car key and started his Santana.

He glanced at the A-pillar.

When I have money, I must change a car.

Or hire a driver and take the co-driver yourself.

Otherwise, I always feel that I will hold a funeral for myself one day.

Ping An funeral shop.

"Morning boss!!"

At nine o'clock in the morning, I saw Zhang Lingtian enter the door.

Li Tiantian and Su Wei greeted each other.

And with a smile on his face.

The whole funeral parlor finally returned to its previous atmosphere.


Not like before.

When Zhang Lingtian entered the funeral shop, he had the feeling of going to court.

Everyone is afraid of him.

"Let's have breakfast first."

Zhang Lingtian brought breakfast.

"Boss, remember to pay attention to us."


Li Tiantian said.

"Brother Tian, ​​I want me too!"

The boss's traffic is not in vain or in vain.

"I was too busy last night, I forgot, Tiantian, what is your account name?"

Zhang Lingtian was really busy last night.

Don't worry, what's the name of the other party's account?

Just remember numbers and letters.

"Boss, I changed my name, now it's called a bowl of sweet rice porridge."

Li Tiantian showed her Douyin account.

Seriously, their moods were really ups and downs last night.

They believed their boss when the clarification announcement came out.

But when the news of the escaped prisoner's death came out, they only felt that the sky cap had burst.

Fortunately, the boss finally paid attention to Master Dong and clarified himself.

In addition, the police also came forward to clarify today.

The fugitive was found mainly because netizens recognized the background of the video, and his death was mainly due to resisting arrest.

It's not because of living Hades.

Of course, the Living Hades also played an important role.

That is to arouse the ridicule of the fugitive.

Please don't spread rumors or believe rumors.

"Oh, what's your name, Su Wei?"

Zhang Lingtian looked at Su Wei.

"Brother Tian, ​​my name is Awei."

Zhang Lingtian showed his Douyin page.

"Ah Wei is dead?"

see this.

Zhang Lingtian didn't know why, but suddenly four words popped up in his mind.


As soon as these four words come out.

Su Wei's eyes widened.

A very unbelievable look.


Li Tiantian also looked at Zhang Lingtian.

Jiang Xiaohan also raised his head.

"Um, don't get excited, this is a line from the movie."

Zhang Lingtian waved his hand.

Said with a slight smile.

"Phew, it turned out to be a line from a movie."

Su Wei breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

"Boss, do you know how scary you were just now? I thought Ah Wei was really going to die!!"

Li Tiantian put her hands on her big breasts.

It doesn't matter what other people say.

But the boss is different.

Although he has washed away the suspicion that he is the king of living Hades.

He is just an ordinary person.

But such a sudden word is still very scary.

Jiang Xiaohan continued to drink the porridge.

"Haha, I suddenly remembered, don't get excited, don't get excited, I'll pay attention to you two right now."

As Zhang Lingtian spoke, he searched the accounts of Awei and a bowl of sweet rice porridge.

"Thank you, boss! We must do a good job in the white things shop!!"

Seeing that Zhang Lingtian paid attention to them.

The two thanked each other.

After Zhang Lingtian paid attention, their accounts quickly started to grow from a few fans.

"Good guy, King of Hades added two more followers early in the morning, is this the next one you're not prepared for?"

Someone immediately sent Su Wei a private message.

"I don't have any plans for the next one. Our boss is not a king of Hades. The officials have clarified it. Please stop hyping up this title."

Su Wei replied quickly.

In what age, there are still people who suspect that their boss is some sort of King of Hades.

Simply ridiculous.

Co-authored the official clarification, do you think it is fake?

But think about it.

The country has been doing this for so long to eliminate feudal superstition.

As a result, don’t many people still believe in feudal superstition?

The boss has 300 million fans.

There are always some who still believe.

"Xiaohan, do you want me to pay attention to you?"

After paying attention to Su Wei and Li Tian, ​​Zhang Lingtian asked Jiang Xiaohan.

"Of course, boss, my account number is Xiaohan."

Jiang Xiaohan showed her Douyin account.

She herself is also a person who likes to play Douyin.

In fact, Su Wei and Li Tiantian are all three.

They have a secret group.

That leaves the boss out.

When the boss was rumored to be the King of Hades, they basically applied for a new account every time they canceled an account.

But not anymore.

Because there is no living Hades in this world.

Some are just ordinary funeral people.

"OK, I'm paying attention."

Zhang Lingtian clicked to follow and said.

Jiang Xiaohan also quickly experienced the feeling of growing fans.

Of course, many people came to watch who had the guts to find a living King of Hades to pay attention to.

"Oh, little assistant, it's all right!"

However, when he saw that it was Zhang Lingtian's assistant.

Those who watched the play suddenly lost interest.

After all, Assistant Yan Wang has a gold medal for avoiding death.

Before bringing goods in the same frame, this little assistant is completely fine, Lord Yan will definitely not take away his left and right hands, no.

10: 30.

A commercial vehicle parked at the door.

"Mr. Qu, I'm glad we can work together again."

Zhang Lingtian came to welcome his partner.

Auspicious Funeral Goods is willing to provide them with clothes.

And it adopts the highest [-]-[-] split model.

The double anti-dumping approach is to directly divide the profits into [-]-[-], remove the middlemen to make the difference, and make small profits but quick sales.

"I'm also very glad that Mr. Zhang can clarify himself."

Getting off the business car, Qu Jiangmei shook hands with Zhang Lingtian very excitedly.

Because it is not with goods.

Today is just to talk about cooperation, so the RV did not come out.

If there are anchors coming over in the future, they will have to drive over in an RV.

You can rest in the RV at noon or something.

To be honest, she really admired Zhang Lingtian.

The other party was willing to clarify himself.

If you continue to use the name of Living Hades to deceive people, you can probably make a lot of money.

In particular, Master Li and Tong Yi, two instant noodles, also advertised this reverse delivery for him.

If not clarified.

Not to mention rich and powerful.

It is certain to earn a lot of money.

Then go abroad.

It was a life of joy to live.

Too bad he didn't.

From this point, she felt that the other party was a reliable person.

So I decided to work with him.

Of course, this was after the other party's so-called Hades title was clarified.

Even if it was really reliable, she would not dare to clarify it.

This has changed three companies.

At that time, the haze of the living Hades scared her so much that she did not dare to have any business contact with the living Hades.

I'm afraid that my Auspicious Funeral Goods Co., Ltd. will also be cold.

Looking back now, I feel that I was really a little funny at the beginning.

Obviously there is a problem with my company.

Whether it is Xiangyun Urn or Tiandi Funeral Products Co., Ltd.

They all have tax issues more or less.

Then thundered himself.

In the end, I blamed Mr. Zhang Lingtian.

It's ridiculous.

"Come on, Mr. Qu, let's go in and talk."

Zhang Lingtian invited Qu Jiangmei into the conference room.

"Hey, this piece is now owned by Ping'an Baishipu?"

In Qu Jiangmei's impression, Ping'an Shishi Shop is still very small.

Why did my feeling change after I came here today?

Very spacious! !

"Mr. Qu, last time you said that our company's site is small, the boss went to negotiate the rent and rented a thousand square meters the next day. When the decoration is completed, it can be fully put into use. You can move everything in the night before you bring the goods. .”

Jiang Xiaohan introduced to him.

"This is fine!!"

I heard that there will be a small room dedicated to storing goods at that time.

Qu Jiangmei felt very good.

That way you don't have to work hard to deliver the goods on the same day.

The anchor with the goods can also have more time to talk to the book.

It's not really in a hurry like last time.

"Xiaohan, pour a cup of tea for Mr. Qu."

Zhang Lingtian and Qu Jiangmei were sitting in the conference room.


Jiang Xiaohan went to pour tea.

an hour later.

"Mr. Zhang, since you have signed a three-year contract and you will become a big anchor by then, don't abandon us because of our bad luck."

The contract is signed.

Three years.

Long-term cooperation.

I saw Qu Jiangmei smiling at this moment and said.

"How could I abandon such a high degree of sincerity, as long as Mr. Qu is not always sick like the last time Xiaohan came to you."

Zhang Lingtian said with a smile.

A commission of 50 is given for each delivery.

The contract stipulates that the cost of the platform will be borne by Jixiang Funeral Products Co., Ltd.

But each time the minimum sales must reach 100 million, otherwise there will be no share.

100% for more than 20 million.

200% for more than 40 million.

The highest share is 50%, that is, [-]-[-].

It can be said that Jixiang has given a lot of sincerity.

The contract also stipulates that at least one show must be brought every month.

That is to say, the contract is signed.

The monthly guarantee is 50.

600 million a year.

"Haha, I'm not afraid of Mr. Zhang's jokes. I joined two companies before and cooperated with you, and both of them went bankrupt. I'm a bit of a shadow to you. Besides, the treatment given to me by Jixiang Funeral Goods Co., Ltd. is pretty good. If it goes bankrupt If I do, I'll be a vagrant."

Qu Jiangmei said with a smile.

Now she can talk about what happened before as a joke.

After all, the living Hades proved to be false.

Those things can turn the page.

"So, the need for clarification."

Zhang Lingtian spread his hands.

Fortunately, it was clarified.

Otherwise, I don't know what will happen now.

It is estimated that various people will come here with cash.

"Mr. Zhang, we will leave first. The specific delivery date is up to your arrangement."

Qu Jiangmei said to him.

Zhang Lingtian and the others sent each other to the door.

The commercial vehicle leaves.

"Boss, let's have lunch. Master Li's people will come over in the afternoon and say they also want to discuss cooperation with you, but the specific cooperation matters will be discussed in detail when they come in the afternoon."

In a blink of an eye, it turned out that it was already noon.

Ordered a box lunch.

Take a break after eating.

After two o'clock, Master Li's people came.

The two sides held relevant discussions on cooperation matters.

Even Master Li hoped to specially hire Zhang Lingtian as Master Li's special talent.

Zhang Lingtian refused.

He can bring goods.

If you say endorsement, then he can also give it to Master Li for the first time.

But you said that he was specially hired as a special talent. What is so special about him?

In the end, it was just an agreement to bring goods.

On this day, a total of two contracts were signed.

"Boss! A guest is coming!"

Li Tiantian came in to inform Zhang Lingtian at this time.

Xiaohan is busy with business matters now.

The funeral business was handed over to Tian Tian and Su Wei.

Generally, those who come to him to talk are customers who have some requirements.

Zhang Lingtian also followed to the negotiation room.

In a blink of an eye, the time came to 04:30.

The funeral order was also negotiated.

"Don't go back so early today, everyone."

The customer was sent away.

Zhang Lingtian said to Jiang Xiaohan and the three of them.

"Why, the boss wants to treat you tonight?"

Hearing this, Su Wei asked curiously.

"Does the boss have a big meal tonight!!"

Li Tiantian is a foodie.

Love it for a big meal!

Especially the boss is not the kind of stingy person.

The portions are huge.

"Congratulations, we have opened three orders in a row today, and we have a big meal tonight!!"

Zhang Lingtian confessed.

Sure enough, the official clarified that his life has become better after he removed the title of King of Hades.

All kinds of business come to your door.

Everything seemed to be back to the way it was before.

And their business scope is wider.



Su Wei and Li Tiantian were very excited.

If Jiang Xiaohan has time, he will definitely join this team.

It's a pity that she's answering the phone again now.

is a new customer.

Those who want to place advertisements in the boss's live broadcast room.

After all, 300 million fans.

And they are all live powder.

The advertising conversion rate can be said to be quite high.

Just vote right.

"Then you all take a rest first."

Zhang Lingtian walked into the office.

The funeral shop is only busy when people come.

It's quiet when no one comes.

As for advertising cooperation and other negotiations, I will leave it to my little assistant.

If there are more in the later stage, it is okay to recruit more people.

But right now it's not needed.

Zhang Lingtian turned on the computer.

Everything is settled.

Today I can finally brush Douyin with peace of mind.

Comes with a cup of tea as standard.

Then click Douyin.

The first thing to look at is the data.

The fan rally is still good.

Reached [-] million.

Before, he really never dreamed that he would have this number of fans.

【Ding!The Chosen One scan starts, this function can only be used once a day, if you don't want to use it, please stop the scan. 】

At this moment, there was an extra voice in Zhang Lingtian's mind.

"Son of the Chosen??"

When Zhang Lingtian heard this, there was a surprised look in his eyes.

By the way, isn't this an ability that I awakened in the morning?

But he still doesn't know what it is.

After all, given the name of this skill, it is really hard to judge what it is.


Zhang Lingtian did not stop scanning.

Instead, continue scanning.

[Scanning started, Ping An Baishipu fans 3121011, Son of the Chosen has automatically followed after scanning, do you want to check the data. 】

Suddenly, a slightly skinny young man's head appeared in front of Zhang Lingtian.

This person's ID is Brother Chunjiang Ku.

Can you still follow automatically?

Zhang Lingtian checked the Douyin account.

I found that I really paid attention to this young man named Chunjiang Kuge.

[Scan object: ID Chunjiang Kuge. 】

[Danger signal: live broadcast, 99% probability of danger occurring within the past three days]

[Danger positioning: An accident occurred outdoors due to fishing. 】

[Customer Attributes: Pseudo-accurate customers. 】

[System prompt: The host has paid attention. 】

Zhang Lingtian clicked on the fan page of this friend named Chunjiang Kuge.

The system scans automatically.

It turned out that this was a pseudo-accurate customer.

The date has also changed to a probability of 99% of danger occurring within the past ten days.

Accident in outdoor fishing?

Zhang Lingtian was a little puzzled.

Take a look.

This is actually an anchor with a million fans.

Looks pretty young.

What's more, the other party is actually still broadcasting live at this moment.

[Tips from Douyin: The million-dollar anchor Ping An Bai Shi Shop entered the live broadcast room. 】

Zhang Lingtian clicked in directly.

"What the hell?"

"The funeral shop is here??"

"Brother Cool, what's your situation, are you planning to engage in PK with Baishipu?"

"Is the clarified Baishipu going to sea today?"

Because the Baishi shop belongs to Chunjiang.

And this cool guy also belonged to Chunjiang.

Everyone saw Baishipu enter Kuge's live broadcast room.

All of a sudden, they speculated.

And they also discovered that the accounts of the two parties were actually in a state of mutual relationship.

"I don't know! Brother Tian, ​​why are you here! I'm your fan, so don't kill me!!"

Brother Ku saw Zhang Lingtian coming in.

Immediately, he looked very surprised.

And he was clutching his chest, with a look of fear on his face.

of course.


If it was before, he would have cut off the live broadcast directly.

After all, the living Hades entered the live broadcast room.

How dare you play it.

I'm afraid ten lives are not enough!

It is important to quit to save your life.

But now he doesn't worry anymore.

In his opinion, this Ping An Shishi Shop is just a big Internet celebrity who has become popular through alternative ways of playing.

But the other party, who is the king of Hades, did a really good job.

Why not.

He felt very sorry.

It is estimated that the police may have said something to him when they came to the door that night.

In fact, as an insider.

I know that the industry of live broadcasting is also very strict.

We must not engage in some feudal superstitious character design.

This is probably the reason why this living hell king has never dared to admit it, because he was banned if he admitted it.

Anyway, the other party must have been warned by the police last night.

But now he is very curious, what is this brother Tian doing here.

And he also found that the other party paid attention to him.

Is this relationship a private foundation?
"Ping'an Baishipu: Just kidding, how could I kill you, since you are my fan, I want to ask you, do you like fishing?"

Zhang Lingtian asked.

Both are from Chunjiang.

Moreover, the system scanned and found that the other party had a 99% mortality rate.

Gave very accurate information.

Zhang Lingtian planned to remind him.

"Brother Tian! I like fishing, and I love fishing so much! Do you want to go fishing together?"

Brother Ku's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Knew it.

This brother Tian is looking for him to face the base.

Speaking of which, he also has more than 100 million fans.

In Chunjiang, it can be regarded as an upper-middle Internet celebrity.

Although he can't reach Brother Tian's level, he is still qualified to be with Fang Ji.

After all, he still has the potential to rise.

But he is the side with less fans after all.

It's better to take the initiative on your own to meet Brother Tian.

At that time, Shuangfa will start a live broadcast and harvest together!
"Ping'an Baishipu: Sure enough, then I advise you not to go fishing for the next three days, or you will be in danger, you know?"

Zhang Lingtian continued.

The system shows that the probability of going fishing within three days is 99%.

It should be fine for more than three days.

So he advised the other party not to go fishing within three days.

"No? Brother Tian? Why did you put on your Hades vest again? Does that mean that if I go fishing within three days, I will die?"

Just when Brother Ku thought everything was going according to his own ideas.

He was a little confused when he heard what Zhang Lingtian said.

What the hell.

This official will not give you the vest of Hades.

Why are you putting on yourself again!

Not tired of playing, is it?

"Don't say you will definitely die, but there is a 99% chance of danger, so try not to go within three days."

Selected by the system as the Chosen One.

He wondered what would happen if he rescued the Chosen One.

So tell him the truth now.

"99%, wow, brother Tian, ​​then I'm still going to die, I don't want to die yet! Brother Tian, ​​save me!!"

Suddenly this cool guy is also a good showman.

He suddenly figured it out.

This Ping An Shishi Shop may still be collecting traffic.

Just swipe in his live broadcast room.

After all, the authorities no longer allow him to use the vest of the Living Hades.

"Ping'an Baishipu: Didn't I say, just don't go fishing for three days."

Regarding the appearance of this cool guy, Zhang Lingtian was speechless for a while.

He said it so clearly.

"Brother Tian! I'm still not at ease! How about I just explain the funeral here, Brother Tian, ​​you will handle the funeral after I die. Don't you have various funeral projects over there? When the time comes, you will follow my instructions. Give me a mysterious funeral, can you give me a discount? By the way, Dad, Mom, my bank card password is *21*1*."

He thought that Zhang Lingtian was acting for traffic.

Then he will act too! !
The other party entered the live broadcast room before.

Aren't the others scared to leave a last word?

He will stay today!
"Ping'an Funeral Store: You can also make an appointment for funeral services in advance. I will give you a 4% discount, but as long as you don't go fishing for three days, you will be fine."

Zhang Lingtian sent a message.

"Okay, okay, Brother Tian, ​​I definitely won't go fishing!!"

Brother Cool promised when he heard this!
[Douyin Tip: Ping An Bai Shi Shop has withdrawn from the live broadcast room. 】

Soon a reminder appeared on Douyin.

Zhang Lingtian withdrew.

Now he finally knew what the Chosen One meant.

It is the system that locks in customers.

But in line with the principle of one less funeral, he still persuaded the other party.

After all, this kind of fishing death was an accidental death, and he looked so young.

Save one if you can.

"Brother Cool, Lord Hades is gone!!"

"Oh my God, Lord Yama just came in, I was really shocked."

"What Lord Hades, it's not an accident that the officials refuted the rumors, why do you all look like you haven't cut your braids?"

"That's right, at this time, you still believe that he is the living king of Hades. If he is so capable and understands the boss, why is nothing wrong with him?"

I only saw this cool guy's live broadcast room, and everyone was divided into two groups.

One is to still believe.

The other is completely disbelieving.

And complete disbelief occupies the vast majority.

After all, the official rumors are there.

And if the other party is really so powerful, why didn't news of the boss' accident come out?

"Prophet: Actually, I'm curious, how do you know that the boss is fine now? You know, it hasn't been zero days since you paid attention last night."

Suddenly, a vest popped out of nowhere in the live broadcast room.

Click in.

The water friends were shocked.

This is actually the legendary prophet who is accurate in every word! !


 Big update on Sunday!Ask for a monthly pass!Ladies and gentlemen, recommend various tickets for monthly tickets! ! !thank you all!Ranked behind! ! ! ! o(╥﹏╥)o
(End of this chapter)

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