I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 69 Lord Yan is Calm, You Can't Pay Attention to This!

Chapter 69 Lord Yan is Calm, You Can't Pay Attention to This!




"Yan Wang you???"

"Brother! This is incredible!!"

As you can see, Zhang Lingtian's mouse hovered over the small speaker prompt that floated by.

Suddenly, many people suffocated! !

The comment section exploded!


Jiang Xiaohan's heart skipped a beat! !

My boss wants to pay attention to understand the boss?

Wouldn't this be a bit of a blast!

"It's you!!"

Zhang Lingtian clicked in directly!
This one is just right!

"My dear mother!!"

"Hiss——, do you know who this is! This is knowing the boss!!!"

"I'm dumbfounded! Brothers, I'm completely dumbfounded, what will happen if the boss loses his attention!!"

It was nearly eleven o'clock at night.

Fucking and exclaiming in front of the mobile phones and computer screens!
Even those who were lying on the bed sat up in a startled carp.

The king of hell must pay attention to understand the boss! !
Is the other party crazy!

At this time, the dining place of Master Li.

Zhou Wei's mood was ups and downs, and their belief in this living Hades was like a roller coaster.

The official statement did not come out, although the words of feudalism were not revealed, but in fact I believed it in my heart.

After all, the bastard Tong Yi attracted the attention of the Living Hades, and they had a thunderstorm before 24 hours.

I went directly to the 815 party, as to why it was barrel one.

Although there is no evidence, who else would play such a dirty trick except Tong Yi.

This guy has a criminal record!
Maybe someone said.

The Big Three of Instant Noodles.

White like it!
What if the other party makes the snipe and the clam fight for the fisherman's profit?

Zhou Wei didn't even want to laugh at this.

Also instant noodles Big Three.

Baixiang made the leaderboard, right?

Be honest.

In the eyes of their master Li, Bai Xiang is not an opponent at all.

Take Master Li's market share and brand influence as an example.

This white image is just a small brand with [-] lines.

If it weren't for this incident being exposed.

It is impossible for the other party to appear in the news with their Master Li.

Of course, you said that Master Li is an isolated case.

What about that barrel.

In the morning, they were almost dead and alive about the black material of barrel one.

Because according to the insider investigation, they found out that this barrel was ready for the backhand early in the morning.

Destroy all the materials on their cooperation with these manufacturers.

There is no hope of finding out in a short time.

What a coincidence.

A thunderstorm in the afternoon!

At this time, Zhou Wei thought of the scene when he accidentally accompanied his friend to see Master Lingyin last time.

Because of his previous study experience overseas, he is not interested in these ghostly things like gods and Buddhas.

He deliberately asked the master: "You worship the Buddha every day, where is the Buddha? What can it do?"

As a result, the master answered yes.

"Buddhas are everywhere, and if you concentrate on reciting Buddha's name, Amitabha Buddha's great compassionate power will surround you, and this power of dharma will always guide us."

He was dismissive at the time.

What he said was vague.

Just like those charlatans who cheat people out of money by fortune telling.

Say something ambiguous.

But when Zhang Lingtian paid attention to Tongyi, he suddenly realized after Tongyi immediately had a thunderstorm.

Hades can't obviously do anything for you.

But he can just coincidentally achieve the result you want, this is the King of Hades.

of course.

There was a bit of a twist in the middle.

But in the end.

Fugitive exposed!

Fall to death!

Survive zero days!

Directly fill up the faith.

But the living Hades should pay attention to understand the boss now?

Seeing this, Zhou Wei couldn't help clenching the red wine glass in his hand!
There are more than 40 water friends who are equally tense with him!
Why just 30 now has increased by [-]!

That's because other water friends came back to watch when they heard that the live Hades clicked into the international zone and changed their name to the public name!
Of course, some even rushed into the live broadcast room without even having time to change their names.

Others were the first to quit the live broadcast room.

After the official clarification, those people went to take a bath beautifully.

After washing and brushing the live Hades all over the Internet, it was an ordinary person's post. I laughed at myself in my 20s and 30s and still believed that there is such a thing as a living Hades in this world.

It's really compulsory education fed shit.

Results in the next second.

Nine Kills of the King of Hades broke out in the group! !
Looking at the screenshot of the video, I was dumbfounded.

It's still the Spring River Evening News! !
Just the last one!
Just when they were infinitely shocked.

Another incident completely exploded the group chat!
The latest frontline news is displayed.

The Living Hades has reached the International Zone!
Entered the Boss Live Room!
In the next moment, everyone was like a balm pouring their noses into their brains!

By the way, if that person is gone, what will happen?
In Zhang Lingtian's live broadcast, a man wearing a black suit and a red tie appeared in the live broadcast, with golden hair.

"Guys, if I am really the King of Hades as you said, then as long as you pay attention, you know the boss will definitely have an accident, right?"

Zhang Lingtian put the mouse on the point of concern of the boss, and said to the water friends in front of the camera.

"Brother Yan Wang! Don't pay attention!!"

"Brother! Don't don't! Don't pay attention! We believe you, can't we!"

"Yes, yes, please don't pay attention, you are not the King of Hades, you are an ordinary funeral man!!"

"Wow! Is there any negotiator expert? Hurry up and persuade the King of Hades. If you keep paying attention, it will be worth it!!"

"I suggest that everyone should call the police directly and call the police to deal with it."

Live barrage area.

Most of the water friends frantically stopped.

Seriously, if it was before the fugitive died.

Then it doesn't matter to them that this living king pays attention to the boss, he just jokes that the funeral guy pays attention to the boss.

Are you planning to go overseas for your business?

That's it.

After all, it doesn't matter if you know the boss.

But now it turns out that this funeral man is not really an ordinary funeral man, the other party is the real King of Hades! !

Pay attention to the kind of accidents! !
"Okay, the attention has been clicked, I set it up for 2 minutes just like Chunjiang Focus TV that day, and I also played the advertisement you mentioned."

Originally, he had wanted to download it a long time ago.

As a result, this kind of thing happened.

So I can only work overtime.

But it was almost eleven o'clock now.

He has to take the little assistant home later.

It was twelve o'clock after tossing back and forth.

He intends to make a quick decision!

At this moment, I clicked on the attention very decisively.

And personally typed bilingual and posted it in the live broadcast room that understands the boss.

"It's over, I'm paying attention! I even issued the Hades Curse!"

"Oh my God, call the police and let the police stop Hades!"

"Little assistant, what are you still doing in a daze, cut off the network cable quickly!!"

"Where is Super Management! Hurry up and seal this live broadcast room, and cancel his account, otherwise something will happen!!"

About Zhang Lingtian's move.

The water friends instantly became five factions.

The first one is Nervous Pie! !

Some hope to call the police, and some hope that the little assistant will immediately disconnect Zhang Lingtian's Internet, and there is even a special official to cancel the other party's account.

After all, this attention is too dangerous.

In fact, Jiang Xiaohan can see what netizens say.

But after the official clarification just now, she is now more willing to trust her boss, so let him try it himself.

The chances of such a character having an accident are slim, so he is the best candidate for clarification.

If only the boss could clarify.

In the future, they will be able to bring goods well and develop the company.

It is not necessary to fight wits and courage with these fake brands all day long.


"Good guy, is Jianguo going to die in a strange way?"

"Do you really want to stage such an exciting plot at night? My heart can't stand it!"

"My heart can't take it either, so I decided to order a takeaway barbecue ahead of time, paired with some beer and melon seeds."

The second is eating melon pie.

Quietly waiting for the arrival of the big melon.

Even ordered takeaway.

I plan to watch while eating, after all, in their view, the sky will not fall.

Even if you know the boss is really gone.

What evidence does the other party have to blame them?

Talk about Boss Zhang's curse?
It does not exist, there is no magic spell in this world, we have to believe in science!
Some people in Eat Melon Pie seem to understand why the government emphasizes believing in science.

Because science can still play like this!

Seriously, they all want to cheer for Hades!

After all, he was always suppressed before.

It's also very good to be able to use the living king to express his anger now.

To be honest, they even wondered if this was a play jointly performed by the Living Hades and the officials.

"You still order takeaway food. If you really hang up, the two sides will fight each other. This is afraid that you will enter the Stone Age! Many people will die!"

"Hurry up, those who can speak soy sauce, let the other party quit the live broadcast and cancel the account! Avoid Yan Wangye first!!"

The third is the panic pie!
They don't have such a good mentality of eating melon pie, and now they are worried that there will be disputes between the two parties!
Then fight!
They called out to those who can speak soy sauce to quickly translate.

Let the understanding boss get out first!

After all, the power of the Living Hades is obvious to all.

"A lot of people died? Hey——, brothers, I suddenly thought that the King of Hades wouldn't be out of business!!"

"Good guy! The King of Hades is out of business and deliberately came here to make a big deal!?"

The fourth is the conspiracy theory school.

Think that the living Hades is paying attention on purpose!
Ruler of the underworld.

Come here to pull results! !
"Uh...why do I find it so funny?"

"+1, I'm so excited, is there a possibility that the owner of the Ping An Shishi Shop really wants to prove himself?"

The last one is the rationalist who believes in Zhang Lingtian.

I think some people have misunderstood too deeply.

Chunjiang Police Station.

"Hey, this is the Chunjiang 110 command center. What, living Hades? The other party's attention can kill people? This gentleman, please don't waste public resources!"

After all, the number of people who follow the live broadcast is huge.

Some people started calling the police.

"Live Hades pays attention to the boss? Citizens have the freedom to follow anyone, sir. Will he die? Sir, now the scientific world doesn't believe in rumors or spread rumors, please don't use this kind of thing to call the police."

"Hello ma'am, we have dispelled the rumors about this living hell king Mr. Zhang Lingtian, this one is just a lot of accidents and not a living hell king.

What?You said that the fugitive the other party was following was caught and then fell to his death?
I'm sorry, ma'am, this has nothing to do with the King of Hades. It's a netizen who stayed abroad who happened to live in this hotel, so he reported it to the police.

Falling down?

If you fall from the building, the arrester accidentally slipped your foot and fell down, so it has nothing to do with this living Hades. Madam, please don’t believe in rumors and let’s create a scientific society together. "

The 110 command center received a large number of alarm messages.

one by one.

Almost all of them are living Hades and the like.

As policemen, they naturally don't believe in living Hades.

You want to say that the other party can kill people with mysterious spells.

They prefer to believe it was murder.

So we can only ask these citizens who call the police not to waste official public resources.

And as a resident, focus on who is free.

As for the fugitive, they also gave an answer.

In fact, the police knew that the Chunjiang Evening News broadcast this temporary information.

They originally thought that netizens had the ability to identify themselves, so they definitely had nothing to do with Zhang Lingtian.

Who would have thought of the result.

caused such a big misunderstanding.

"I'm going to cry, brothers, the police won't accept me!"

"The police here don't accept it either, what should I do! Is this wave going to be reopened this year!"

"Brothers upstairs, don't be so pessimistic. There are such wonderful plots at night, which is much more exciting than watching a movie."

"No, why do you all think that if handsome Zhang pays attention to the boss and understands the boss, something will happen to him? What if he himself was wronged?"

"You guys are so worried! There are only 40 seconds left, just wait!"

At this time, there are 40 seconds left in the time.

"Time flies, everyone looks at 40 seconds left."

Zhang Lingtian pointed at the countdown and spoke.

He no longer wants to explain the outrageous remarks in the live broadcast room.

When the time is up, all the answers will eventually be revealed.

At this moment.

Knowing the boss's live broadcast room suddenly flooded with many water friends.

Because there were only more than 1 people at the beginning of the live broadcast.

In an instant, it rose to [-], [-], [-]!
"There are so many friends from Rabbit Country. It seems that I am not only popular in Jiangjiang, but also in Tutu!"

It's a bit weird to know that the boss is full of energy in front of the camera at this time.

"After all, Comrade Jianguo is welcome, of course!"

"Hehehe, Comrade Jianguo, do you have any last words to say? You only have 40 seconds left."

Someone made fun of the boss who knew it.

Some people persuaded the other party if they had any last words to explain!

"Last words? 40 seconds? What, don't you bunnies want to send us a courier?"

"Express delivery? This time is their eleven o'clock in the evening. If you say that they have started sleepwalking, I will believe it."

Understand the boss live broadcast room.

See the rabbit friends show up.

Sauce friends said sarcastically.

The two sides were already at odds.

"Haha, Tutu's friend has always been very humorous, why don't you go to bed so late?"

Knowing that the boss heard this, he smiled in a different way.

At night, these Tutu netizens are quite humorous.

"I can't sleep, after all, our errand shop is here!"

"Speaking of which, Boss Zhang Jianguo is a good comrade, and our ancestors have helped us too, why don't we look better? @平安白事店"

"What makes the death look good, even if it's ugly, doesn't Lord Yan still have a funeral team? Then we can come to restore the body! Right! @平安白事店"

Hear what Jiangyou and Boss understand.

Many water friends have joined the battlefield!

Although Hades did not move, he could not lose in momentum!

"Everyone can scare and scare others, but nothing will happen."

Zhang Lingtian said in the live broadcast room.

[The scan is complete. 】

[Scan object: Master ID. 】

【Danger signal: Self and external factors, 0.02%. 】

[Danger positioning: Basic diseases should be well controlled, be careful not to go to dangerous areas, pay attention to protection, and beware of assassination and murder. 】

[Customer attributes: low-risk customers. 】

[System prompt: The host is asked to decide whether to pay attention or not. 】

The scan to understand the boss has come out.

At such a great age and in such a position, the probability of danger is only 0.1%.

It can be said that there are very few.

Such a person, what danger can arise.

Could it still be assassinated!
This is too outrageous isn't it.

"Baishipu? What does Baishipu do? Is this person very powerful?"

The boss asked suspiciously.

He also knows a small amount of Rabbit Wen.

I can recognize each word individually, but I don't know what it means when combined.

"Of course it's amazing, we call him Hades here!"

"Yes, yes, living Hades, the kind who pays attention to whoever gets into trouble!"

Sailors replied.

"Pfft——, pay attention to who has an accident? Haha, everyone, listen to these friends from the rabbit country, they are so cute."

The boss laughed out loud when he heard this.

"You don't believe it? You only have 30 seconds left in the countdown."

"If you don't believe me, search for the deeds of the living Hades. You foreigners are the ones who are concerned. The fitness champion Berta is dead, so is the little cook, and Li Bangbang is also dead!"

The water friends said to the distance.

"Cultural leadership is your advantage, but the problem is also obvious. It is too superstitious. Now it is a scientific world. There is no such thing as the god of death. If these people have accidents, it doesn't mean that I will have accidents."

Understand the boss continued.

Use both hands and head while speaking.

"Maybe it was bribed or not. Last time they had a master of Chinese martial arts, and they also bribed a boxing champion to tell him to give a show, but when he went back, he said that he had defeated so-and-so, and even used martial arts. Hall accepts disciples."

"Oh! I remembered the one called Explosive Horse! Tried and whipped! In the end, my nose was bruised and my face was swollen!!"

Sauce friends spoke one after another.

They seriously suspect that these rabbit friends who spoke are also victims.

After all, there is no Hades.

The opponent's King of Hades is equivalent to their god of death.

It was all fabricated.

"Lord Yan is not the same as that Master Ma!"

"Yes, that one is fake, but this Boss Zhang is real, there is no chance if you don't leave a last word in 20 seconds!"

"I really don't want some accidents to happen. Master, I'm an overseas student. You should log out of your account now. This person is really evil in China."

The water friends continued to pour water in Master Dao's live broadcast room.

There are those who confirm that the other party will leave a last word.

There are also so-called foreign students who ask the other party to cancel their account.

"Dear Mr. Extravagance, your disciples say that you and I have 20 seconds left, so do you think I will have an accident next time? How about I count down with you?!"

It's easy to understand the boss's expression.

He even planned to count down the countdown with Rabbit Friends and Zhang Lingtian.

Zhang Lingtian's live broadcast room.

"Lord Yan, will an accident happen to him!"

"Fuck, you're so arrogant, Lord Yan, let him have an accident!"

"An accident must happen! Otherwise, the fans will turn black!"

The water friends who could understand what the boss was talking about said one after another.

"Although I really want to, it's impossible, and everyone can speak freely here, so we should be a little more cautious in words and deeds outside. After all, we don't want to preach things without evidence, such as the fact that I am the living king of Hades."

Zhang Lingtian spoke in the live broadcast room.

I know what kind of accident can happen to the boss.

The probability of an accident for a normal person is 0.01%, but the probability of danger in this position at his age is only 0.02%.

The system is just a prompt.

Because of his special status.

Don't go to dangerous places, pay attention to protection, beware of murder and assassination, etc.

It can be said that there is basically no danger.

Also, it's okay to joke around in China.

In foreign countries, especially those who know the level of the boss, they still say that. If he is really the king of Hades, it would be fine, but he is not. Seeing others make fun of them like this, he is powerless and feels a little uncomfortable.

"Ping An Shishi Shop: Accidents are rare, just be careful not to go to dangerous places, just pay attention to protection."

Aite him one by one.

It's not good for him to squat down and not speak.

A message was sent back.

"Oh Maikar, this magical Boss Zhang is really here. Take a look, the owner of the funeral shop also reminded me not to go to dangerous places and pay attention to protection. After reading this sentence, I still have left Ten seconds!"

Understand the boss stretched out his hands.

Said there were only ten seconds left.

"Guys, let's count down together! See what happens in the last ten seconds!"





(End of this chapter)

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