I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 144 The sisters exploded, like chewing year maggots!

Chapter 144 The sisters exploded, like chewing maggots for ten years!
[Ping An Chaoyang: Today, the Chaoyang branch received a report from the masses that someone was engaged in prostitution and whoring in a certain community. ) seized.After review, the above-mentioned personnel confessed to the illegal facts, and they have all been administratively detained by the Chaoyang Branch Bureau in accordance with the law. 】

This is a scarf dynamic from the police station.

If this is the case, perhaps there is no doubt about the piano master Li.

After all, there are too many people surnamed Li in this world.

[Pingan Chaoyang: @打发袋刹: The world is indeed more than black and white, but we must distinguish and draw a clear line between black and white. This is absolutely unmissable... "Piano Picture.jpg"]

It was nothing before, but when the piano photos came out, everyone was stunned.

This is definitely not Master Li.

"So it's really Master Li?"

"Don't tell me it's true? I'm still pasting Senior Li's photo on the wall of the dormitory. My biggest dream in this life is to become someone like Senior Li!"

"Although Ping'an Chaoyang reposted a photo of a piano, but sisters, this does not prove that it is Master Li!"

"That's right! There are quite a few piano players surnamed Li!"

Fans still don't want to believe it.

After all, Master Li is a perfect man!
How could it be possible to go whoring.


"Spicy chicken paparazzi, you all knew in advance that there was a piano player surnamed Li, and then deliberately did not mention the name to mislead the public, right!!"

"That's right, paparazzi are the ones who do this kind of thing!"

"A group of cool people!!"

Even the paparazzi was frantically dissed by Master Li's fanatical fans! !
After all, the other party wanted to confuse the public.

【Conservatory Bar】

【Do you think Senior Brother Li might go whoring? 】

As for the post bar of a certain conservatory of music, at this time, a special post was opened on whether Master Li engaged in prostitution.

"Impossible. For someone with the status of the other party, there is no need to go whoring at all! As long as the other party is willing, I think there must be some junior sisters who will rush to be his girlfriend."

"It feels like the paparazzi have no news recently, so I made some gimmicks."

"+1, I also agree with this statement."

"If I were him, prostitution would be an insult. How could it be fun to play with martial arts? After all, the other party is a foreigner!"

"You can't say that, what if Senior Li likes irresponsible things? After all, he is a professional in prostitution. How can you, an ordinary girl, know the skills of the other party, especially if you don't have to be responsible after having fun? As long as you pay, this is really a good deal for Li Xuechang!"

"Fuck? Your remarks are interesting!"

"What a fart! This must be a spy from another school to slander the seniors of our school!"

"That's right, everyone likes and forwards him, and then let senior Li's legal counsel sue him for spreading rumors!"


Although it seems that not many people play it now.

But this post still attracted a lot of friends.

And both men and women are involved at the moment.

[Huanqiu.com: Our reporter asked Ping An Chaoyang to confirm that it was the piano master Li who was detained administratively. 】

However, at this moment, a king bomb came.

[People's Daily Online: @前前袋袋]

[Salary China News Agency: @托运袋袋]

【Ziguang Pavilion: @打前袋袋】


A row after row of state media retweeted similar scarves.

"What a whore!!"

"Damn it, my three views are blown!"

"Is this called meeting inside by fate?"

"No, no, you should ask Youyuan to sign Li to meet. After all, didn't you say that you are big, but the heroine doesn't even know it's over."

"In this situation, I also want to recite a poem, the high mountains and rivers to find a soulmate, the prison piano with electronic music!"

"Master Li was arrested, what does it mean? It means that if you don't practice the piano, you will be handcuffed!!"

"Seeing Master Li being arrested for prostitution, the first reaction was shocking. I never imagined that a pianist could do such a thing!"

"After 30 years, it's hard to get a ticket for the tour performance of the Prison Sunset Red Team!"

"Come on, administrative detention is not criminal detention. The Li Mian group can't make their debut in prison. No matter how loud your voice is, it's useless!"

"Didn't you notice that Master Li is the mysterious guest every day? I can only say that Lord Yan is going to go crazy again! After all, one of them started before he even came on stage! By the way, aren't there two? Li Grandmaster exploded, so is Li Feng going to explode too?"


All previous discussion posts disappeared at this moment.

The water friends were shocked at first!
Then he laughed directly.

After all, fun people.

Now having fun is of course ridiculing and eating melons!
However, some netizens said that this is a sign that Lord Yan has gone crazy.

After all, he just received the invitation letter for the show and he hasn't played yet, so the other party immediately went into a thunderstorm.

It's just terrifying!
What the hell is the most discredited prostitute!
At the same time, someone noticed Li Feng.

Why is he also classified as a three-character artist, because the other party had a name called Yiyi before his debut!
Full name is Li Yifeng.

Later, after his debut, he dropped the character and changed to Li Feng.

[Pingan Chaoyang: Recently, the police arrested the actor Li (male, 36 years old) in the investigation of a criminal case. 】

Ping An Chaoyang, which has just ignited the entire network, released another post at noon.

"How many? How many times??"

"I fucking you are a ruthless person! Playing is more expensive than Master Li, you have fucked it many times!!"

"Oh my god, my house has completely collapsed, what kind of monsters are these, why does the other party have such a habit!"

"That's why these studios are still fucking dispelling the rumors, and it's you people who are making people more and more suspicious of the rumors!"

Those who like Master Li are only a small part.

And Li Feng is a real first-line star.

But the other party was actually suspected of prostitution many times.

How can this make fans not angry!

Especially a large number of female fans.

[Sisters, I'm completely fucked up, I liked him for ten years, now I'm like chewing maggots! ! 】

Many of them are self-media bloggers.

The other party is now crying on the Internet.

At the beginning, I started chasing Li Feng since primary school, and she was in high school when the other party's concert came to their city, and she chased Li Feng for three miles on a bicycle!

And all the way until now, the bedside is his poster.

She will even buy all kinds of endorsement products of the other party!

But such a perfect male god, unexpectedly thundered.

"To be honest, even if you choose a concubine like Wumian, I feel better. You go whoring! Why are you! Aren't you dirty!!!"

At the end of the video, the poor idiot fan questioned hysterically!
"Hug, I liked Wumian for seven years, until last month... um."

"I'm dying of laughter, star chasers will never be as happy as people who eat melons!"

"Cry for a while and start chasing new traffic stars."

"Sisters, let's chase after the talented ones. I really don't know what's good about these internal entertainment. To be honest, I remember his name is Li Feng for so long. He is handsome. I have basically never heard of his works, except for Lao Pao."

"I just want to say that Feng Xiaoan is really good at seeing people."

"Is it possible that some of them belong to a nest of snakes and rats? No one really thinks windy pants are a good thing!"

"Well, I know the rules. There are two main reasons why celebrities collapse: one is sleep, and the other is taxes. In summary: taxes that should be taxed, and those who shouldn't sleep, don't sleep."

"I don't worry at all if I like Amani Hatsune!"

"Fortunately, my fans are Qin Shihuang, Han Wudi, Li Shimin, and Zhu Yuanzhang. At most, they will collapse their graves, not their houses."

Under the bib account of this female blogger, many water friends also commented on it, and many people resonated emotionally with it.

After all, chasing stars and becoming stupid fans is really painful.

The key point is that I don't know who sent a group chat about the idiot fan club, it's really pissing people off! !
Of course, there are also some water friends who eat melons, and these people are very happy.

Chasing what star.

Isn't eating melon happy?

Some even expressed that they like Tianyi Hatsune, and even historical figures like Emperor Qin and Wudi, who are not worried about the collapse of the house, the collapse of the grave may be...

"Prophet: Let me tell you, haven't you guys been able to link up yet? You can't do it this year!"

The bib chat was in full swing, and at this moment the mysterious prophet appeared under a certain post again.


"What's the meaning??"

"Brother, we don't have enough brains, you hurry up and talk about it!!"

Seeing the prophet appear, everyone was very curious.

What's the point of connecting this?
But everyone was also very interested in thinking that the prophet was right about many things before.

"Prophet: Don't give face to Hades. Lord Hades, the ruler of the underworld, last time the bald donkey wanted to protect the tearing greens, but he forcibly knocked off a presiding master. Who is behind the monk? Isn't that Ksitigarbha? It can be seen that Lord Yan really cares about face, but if you think about it carefully, from the time when toilet TV mysteriously sent out the program invitation letter every day until today, who has clearly stated on the Internet that he wants to be on the program? Only Ji Kun! The others have not said anything !"

The prophet spoke with a crackling voice.


"It seems to be like this. The show is about to start, and the list of relevant guests has not yet been released. Who is going to go!"

"Didn't the program team say that the list will be announced at noon on the 24th? This must have been intentionally set by the program team, right?"

"There is one staff member on the toilet table. Actually, we have asked these celebrities, but they all replied to see the schedule."

"That is to say, we are waiting and watching? This is also reasonable, just to see who is going in the industry."

"That's basically a real hammer! We thought it was the program group who deliberately concealed it and didn't announce it, but it turned out that they were all waiting and watching. So, is it still the Lord of Hades who doesn't kill chickens and monkeys?!"

"It's so miserable, it's so miserable for these two stars to collapse!"

After the prophet's words were sent out, many people were enlightened, and instantly knew what was going on!

In human terms, these celebrities are just doing their best to die. The show is about to start, and none of them volunteered to participate!
After all, the invitations have been sent out.

Ping An funeral shop.

"Boss, you're so ruthless, both of you were arrested for prostitution!"

Zhang Lingtian came out to get some water, Li Tiantian shook her head and sighed.

"It's not that I let them prostitute."

Although this matter is a bit outrageous, it is indeed their own sin.

What age can't hold back, it's complete nonsense!

"Boss, are you angry?"

Li Tiantian said another sentence after a few incongruous words.

"Very angry, after all, you are always looking for trouble for nothing."

Zhang Lingtian glanced at Li Tiantian.

When Li Tiantian heard the first few words, she was still excited, thinking that it was true as what was said on the Internet, and that the boss was angry, which led to this result.

But the next second she was dumbfounded.


Suddenly Li Tiantian felt her mouth was covered by a pair of big hands!

And lean back!
The whole thing seemed to be dragged backwards by someone!
Actually being dragged too.

"Boss, Li Tiantian's courier mission has not been completed yet, let's move the bricks first!!"

It's Su Wei!
The other party dragged Li Tiantian away.

"Ah! What are you doing! I'm saving you! Didn't you see the boss' eyes as if he wants to promote you to the underworld in the next second!!!"

Drag to the pantry.

Suddenly Su Wei felt himself being pinched by Li Tiantian!
It was as if the whole body was about to be pinched off by him!
He is saving lives!

It is unreasonable for the other party to pinch himself without thanking him! !
"Hands! Where do you put your hands!!!"

Move like a rabbit!

Li Tiantian wanted to kill Su Wei immediately.


In the next second, Su Wei also discovered the problem!
"Would you believe me when I said I didn't do it on purpose..."

Su Wei is trying to explain.

"I believe it...you evil!!!"

Then there were continuous screams in the tea room.

But Zhang Lingtian has already returned to the office, and Xiaohan is also inside.

Today is the 22th.

It is three o'clock in the afternoon.

Tomorrow is the 23rd, and the day after tomorrow is the 24th.

That is to say, the mystery of the day after tomorrow will start broadcasting every day.

So naturally it is a matter of the itinerary.

"Boss, the toilet table is probably arranged like this, what do you think?"

Jiang Xiaohan asked his boss.

She just told them about the toilet TV station's itinerary.

This is what the person in charge at the toilet just gave her.

"No problem, you can arrange and book the flight ticket according to this."

Zhang Lingtian nodded.

There is basically nothing wrong with this arrangement.

"Yeah, Boss, there is a company that wants to invite you. I don't know if you are interested, but the price there is quite high."

In addition to the arrangements for the toilet TV station, Jiang Xiaohan also told the boss that a certain program under the name of a certain company intends to invite their boss.

"Oh? What company?"

Zhang Lingtian was a little puzzled.

"Xiaoguo Culture is willing to offer 100 million yuan to let the boss put you on a talk show."

Jiang Xiaohan said.

"Talk show? It's the kind where you stand on top and make people laugh? 100 million??"

Zhang Lingtian was a little confused.

"Well, if you are willing, boss, then I will agree to the other party's invitation now, and then the other party will pay 50 yuan as a deposit."

Jiang Xiaohan talked about the arrangement over there.

"I thought about it, and I still can't be too careless. Let's bring goods to make funeral goods. Forming a one-stop funeral in the future is a small goal at the level of our own products."

100 million is a lot though.

But Zhang Lingtian thought about it and let it go.


Jiang Xiaohan nodded.

"Boss Zhang!!!"

Suddenly at this moment, a very loud voice sounded outside.


Everyone in Baishipu was a little confused when they heard this voice.

Because it seemed to be the voice of the proprietress of the breakfast shop next door.

"Hey, Boss Hong, this is..."

Li Tiantian and the others were in the hall after they came out of the tea room.

When she heard the voice, she looked over quickly. She thought it was the proprietress alone, but when she turned around, she was a little dazed.

Because the lady boss is not alone!

Instead, the father and son and the proprietress came together for breakfast at the Hong family.

The key is that they still carry big gift bags and other things in their hands like they are celebrating the New Year.


Jiang Xiaohan also came out.

After seeing these three people, she was also a little confused. Could it be because of the boss's frowning in the morning?

"Boss Zhang, the inspection results have come out. Fortunately, you reminded us early! There was corrosion and gas leakage inside the gas pipeline, and we just opened a new stove. The people from the gas company told us that if we don't call them over, There will be a major accident on this street in less than a week!"

Boss Hong is very grateful to Boss Zhang!

The other party can be said to have saved their family's life!
"Finally another one listened to my persuasion!"

After hearing Boss Hong's words, Su Wei murmured.

"Boss Hong gave me a revelation."

Li Tiantian put her hand on her chin, looking like a thinker.

"What revelation?"

Hearing this, Su Wei asked suspiciously.

"That's why paying tribute is useful."

Li Tiantian said four words slowly.

Isn't Boss Hong always paying tribute, so he was reminded by the boss.


Su Wei was surprised when he heard this.

Because he found that it seemed right!
[6. Hong's breakfast shop is a tribute success]

Six o'clock in the evening.

Zhang Lingtian drove home.

And at this time, the tribute to the Hong family's breakfast shop was passed on.

"Look! Paying more tribute is still useful! There is Hong's breakfast shop after shredding green onions! This is a smart person!"

"Averted a crisis, the gas pipe explosion is really scary! This reminds me of what happened two months ago!!"

"Fuck, don't talk about it, I was able to sleep that morning, and then I was scared to death with a bang, ouch, I can't get over it now!"

"Me too, I was still sleeping in the morning, when there was a sudden bang, all the windows in the house were gone and glass flew all over me, it was frighteningly frightening, and people were stunned!!"

"My classmate's house is here. She said she didn't go out for breakfast because she was lazy, but the place where she had breakfast was bombed. What a fate!"

Below the post, everyone talked about gas.

This kind of big explosion is really terrible, it can be called a disaster, and I am really grateful for Boss Hong.

Insisting on delivering breakfast to Baishipu finally saved myself and avoided harming the surrounding shops.

"Actually, let me just say something quietly, not only is it useful to pay tribute to the King of Yama, but also the signature of Lord Yama's. Our baby asked for an autograph from Lord Yama, and we won the lottery prize of 20 that day! Face."

And under this post, many water friends also chatted, and one of them, Boss Zhang's signature is a lucky funeral item, with tens of thousands of likes!

"Fuck! Hades' signature is still useful?"

"Could it be that this is a lucky funeral item? Who will go to King Yan to ask for an autograph to try?!"

Especially the 20 grand prize of the lottery, which made many water friends shine.

But after the excitement, there was not much restlessness.

After all, although 20 is tempting, Lord Yan is a man who can really make you feel helpless.

No one wants to trade 5 years of their time for a lifetime to be one step faster.

Because for most water friends, it only takes 20 years to earn 5 yuan at most, and if you harass the Lord of Hell, you may meet the real Lord of Hell in one night!
[2. Reba expressed that she is looking forward to the broadcast of "Mysterious Everyday" and will be there on time. 】

[3. Yangmi accepts an interview and will be invited to attend the live broadcast of the variety show on the evening of the 24th. 】

【4. Participated by Lu Baoqiang】

【5. Master Hua participates】

[6. Hong's breakfast shop is a tribute success]

[7. The military god Jike was interviewed. 】

[8. Singer Li Hong said that no matter how busy he is, he will definitely be there. Thanks to the program team for the invitation. 】


In addition to paying tribute to this night, many celebrities unexpectedly accepted interviews, or expressed through their public accounts that they would participate in the variety show "Mysterious Everyday Phase 24" that will be broadcast on the [-]th.

I don't know if it was influenced by the mysterious prophet.

"Who is this prophet?!"

At night, flipping through the news, Zhang Lingtian was full of question marks.


 5600 words, in the process of evolving Wan Geng...

(End of this chapter)

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