I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 143 Give me breakfast, why is my father gone!

Chapter 143 Give me breakfast, why is my father gone!


Su Wei followed the direction the boss was looking at, and took a breath for a moment.

Because he found that the boss's brows were frowning.

This is a terrible sign!
Moreover, his gaze was actually looking in the direction of boss Hong of the breakfast shop. Could it be that the boss is staring at him?Are you going to use the hard-working Boss Hong as your performance? !

Thinking of this, Su Wei's scalp tingles.

In fact, Boss Hong is pretty good, and he diligently delivers breakfast to their Baishipu almost every day.

No matter the wind, rain or thunder, there was never a delay.

They haven't had to worry about breakfast since they got each other.

Apart from the two of them, Jiang Xiaohan also immediately noticed something was wrong with the boss, after all the boss seldom frowned.

Once you frown, something big must happen.

As for frowning at a person, you can refer to the frown when the old Chinese doctor felt your pulse.

It's either a serious illness or it's about to end.

With their boss, it's either going to jail or going to hell!
But what kind of prison can the owner of the breakfast shop go to?
It can't be food safety!
And Li Tiantian is thinking about the same problem now.

Could it be that this Hong's breakfast shop has addictive ingredients in its breakfast?
I have also heard that some food shops choose to put poppy in the ingredients for better taste and more repeat customers.

Not to mention, she felt that the taste of this Hong's breakfast restaurant was quite good.

Although Boss Hong looked very honest, he didn't seem like someone who could do such a thing.

But isn't this just an example of a person who can't be judged by his appearance?
For example, Sun Weiwen.

This beast in clothes who killed his wife and swindled his insurance looked very gentle on the surface, with a polite appearance, and a bit handsome!

Normal people would not associate him with murdering his wife and cheating insurance.

But the other party did indeed do such a thing.

At that time, the Qin family uploaded the video, and everyone clearly saw the scene of a gentle and considerate big warm man transformed into a beast!
Pregnant wife!
Just drag it down.

Then he pushed the person into the swimming pool.

No matter how Qin Xiaojie struggled, the other party would remain indifferent.

"This video makes my scalp tingle!"

"I can't breathe anymore, how dare he?!"

"Oh my god, it's terrible. This is a living person. He is just pressed in the water. The key point is that he still has his child in his belly. Doesn't the other party have any guilt? And what do you make grandparents think?"

"I'm sorry to dig a grave, but the recordings of their parents came out. As grandparents, they only think that the heroine framed their precious son. The fathers of the civil affairs group still say that they are not allowed to divorce. How long does it take for their son to be sentenced? It depends on how long the marriage will last! Fortunately, Boss Zhang helped to expose it in the end, and this matter was finally made public, but these two butts are also dirty and have been targeted long ago."

This is the comment below the video of Tan Xiaojie being dragged into the swimming pool by her husband Sun Weiwen and drowning in the hotel, trying to drown her to get insurance!
All of them are shocking.

And who would have thought that the other party would do this?
So again, the human heart is complicated.

It's hard to tell from the outside.

What if the simple and honest boss also did something inhumane?

But this is also nonsense.

Everything has to wait for the boss to speak.

"Okay, the boss and Assistant Jiang are eating slowly, I'll go to the store first."

For some reason, this time Boss Hong somehow felt something was wrong.

It's just being looked down upon by the members of the funeral shop.

As if I were their next customer.

He is only in his 50s!
For the time being, I don't want to enjoy the urns sold by the owner Zhang on the same street.

"Boss Hong, wait a minute."

At this moment, Zhang Lingtian stopped Boss Hong who was about to leave.

[System scan complete! 】

[Scan object: Hong Fugui. 】

[Danger signal: 80% probability of danger occurring within three days. 】

[Danger location: The natural gas medium-pressure steel pipes in the breakfast shop are severely corroded and cracked, causing leakage. There is a high probability of 80% of the cases where casualties are caused by flash explosions caused by natural gas leakage, and precautions must be taken. 】

[Customer attributes: high-risk customers. 】

[System prompt: Temporarily recommend social accounts for the host, and decide whether to follow or not. 】

Boss Hong's personal information panel had already appeared in front of Zhang Lingtian.

"Boss Zhang, what, what's the matter??"

Boss Hong's expression was a little stiff, and of course he was rather confused.

After all, now he feels that he is being stared at by everyone in Baishipu!
The point is that he doesn't know why.


When the three people in Baishipu heard their boss called Boss Hong, they immediately looked at each other and nodded slightly.

Sure enough, if the boss frowned, something must have happened.

No one else, Boss Hong, was chosen.

"Go back and check the gas pipeline to prevent explosions. It's best to talk to the gas company and ask them to come and check for safety."

Zhang Lingtian said something to Boss Hong.

Now my system scan has been lengthened by 6cm after receiving the reward last time, and now it is 16cm in total.

So when Boss Hong came over just now, he was able to scan the other party's information without getting too close.

From the dangerous positioning, he observed the three words gas pipe, and then flash explosion!
So he went back to remind the other party to check the gas pipe and asked the gas company to come over.

Speaking of which, the catering industry has to deal with gas, and you must pay attention to pipelines and the like, especially if the pipeline is aging, once the gas leaks and encounters an open flame, it will really kill you!
"Ah? Oh! Thank you, Boss Zhang! I'll go back and let them check!!"

I saw Boss Hong at this moment nodded frantically after hearing this sentence.

Then trot all the way back to the breakfast shop.

"Dad, why are you in such a hurry?"

Boss Hong's son, Hong Yunwei, looked at his anxious father, and suddenly there was a look of surprise in his eyes.

"It's not good to send a breakfast! People who don't know think you stole something!"

His wife, Wei Daling, cast an angry look at her husband.


In Tianfu's words, this Boss Hong is a real bastard, and many regular customers in the store couldn't help laughing when they heard that he was scolded by his wife at the moment.

"Honey, Lord Yan left me behind!!"

Boss Hong said with trembling hands!

Wei Daling, who was holding the plate in her hand, was stunned for a moment, and the plate fell to the ground!
The diners also seemed to have cast a hold spell.

"Be, be left behind by Hades! Dad...then do you want this funeral to be complicated or simple..."

Hong Yunwei is a little bit broken!
How could he just deliver a breakfast and his father would be gone.


The diners let out a sigh.

Poor Boss Hong was eventually liquidated.

I remember that Dr. Li seemed to talk nonsense during the interview.

How can there be sand in Hades' eyes.

"I told you to stop talking nonsense! Look at you! Something will happen! What will you do without me and Yunwei!!"

Wei Daling, who looks like a charter woman, has a broken expression!
"No! No! Hey, wait until I finish, I mean Lord Yan left me here, and told me that there might be a problem with the gas pipeline in our house, and it will explode!!"

Hong Fugui didn't expect that everyone would be able to make up their minds to this point!
It's all because he ran too fast and didn't finish his words, which caused such a misunderstanding.


Wei Daling was stunned!

I am burning myself!

All the diners who ate were also stunned, who would have thought that eating melon would eat them.

"call out--"

In the next second, everyone ran out of the door like galloping.

Gas explosion, they have seen many similar cases on the Internet.

That is fatal!

Seeing customers rushing out of a store suddenly, everyone was stunned!
What's going on here?
Why is everyone so excited?
"No explosion! Ask me to check!!!"

Boss Hong himself is a bit fat.

Gasping for breath now.


"Just checking, you guys are so surprised!"

"Yes, yes, why are you so excited, it's just an inspection."

The diners looked at each other and smiled, pretending to be calm.

"The gas pipe seems to be fine, did you mishear it in a hurry?"

Wei Daling and his son Hong Yunwei both checked the pipes.

In the next moment, there was a look of doubt in the eyes of both mother and son.

Because the gas pipe doesn't seem to be a problem.

"Let's call the gas company and have them come and check."

Hong Fugui said to his wife and children.


So they contacted the gas company and asked the other party to come and check the gas.

Ping An Shishi Shop is 200 meters away.

"Boss, is Boss Hong also included in the performance list?"

The Baishipu was silent for a while, everyone was eating breakfast, suddenly Li Tiantian couldn't help but opened her mouth and looked at the boss.

"What performance list?"

Zhang Lingtian was a little puzzled.

"If you feel disobedient, you must go in."

Jiang Xiaohan was quite interesting.


Su Wei nodded fiercely to express his agreement with Miss Xiaohan's words.

"You guys."

Zhang Lingtian glanced at it.

"By the way, boss, how did you know that Boss Hong's house has gas problems?"

Li Tiantian asked.

"Li Tiantian asked this question, Brother Tian, ​​isn't that Lord Yan, it's normal to know this."

Su Wei answered first.

And said that this is a non-level topic.

"I'm asking the boss, since when did you become the boss's mouthpiece, Ah Wei? Be careful that you really become the boss' mouthpiece!"

Li Tiantian glanced at Su Wei angrily.

"Brother Tian, ​​please tell me!"

Su Wei was shocked!
I don't feel like doing the work of passing the microphone in the underworld!
"Ah Wei, you are right."

Zhang Lingtian looked at Su Wei.

"It's over! It's over! Ah Wei, you're over! The boss is really planning to use you as a microphone!!"

Li Tiantian shook her head.

"Brother Tian, ​​don't! I won't answer any more calls!"

Su Wei was taken aback.

The expression is a little uncomfortable.

"It's them."

At this moment, Jiang Xiaohan slowly said five words.

"Damn it! It's nine o'clock, and the paparazzi boss said that there will be big melons at this time, and two or three male stars will drink tea in the police station. Who the hell is it!!"

When Li Tiantian heard this, she glanced at the time and it was already [-]:[-].

The big melon that I talked about last night should explode today!
"Directly project and control the big screen to watch."

Su Wei suggested.

Anyway, everyone is still eating breakfast here.

"it is good!"

Li Tiantian quickly turned on the projection screen.

【1. Mysterious daily countdown】

[2. Li Feng and Master Li "Explode"]

【3. Wumian】

【4. Ji Kun】

【5. Wife Killing to Defraud Insurance】

[6. Announcement of Qingsong City's processing results]

[7. There will be a big melon at nine o'clock in the morning, and two three-character male stars will be thundering]

[8. Among the ten people who have received the invitation letter, only Ji Kun said in public that he will face it calmly, and the remaining nine people have no news yet. 】


Cast screen.

Open the bib.

Soon the hot search list appeared in front of everyone.

Jiang Xiaohan also put down his phone and watched the big TV in the pantry together.

Soon the number two on the hot search list attracted everyone's attention.

After all, the names of these two people are relatively unfamiliar in recent hot searches.

[Internal entertainment news: The reporter got the news through a special channel that Li Feng and piano master Li Feng, who were invited to the popular variety show "Mysterious Everyday" on Toilet TV, have been detained by the police, or are suspected of soliciting prostitutes. 】

Click on the popular search term.

A post about Shi Nei entertainment news that soon caught my eye.



"How is it possible, Li Feng and Master Li don't have any kind of woman they want, so how could they go back to whoring?"

"The news these days is getting more and more outrageous. If you paparazzi have no news or hot spots, then don't spread rumors? It's really just a mouthful of rumors, and it's a waste of time to refute them?!"

"Wu Mian can choose a concubine, but Li Feng, whom I have loved since I was a child, is weaker than Wu Mian? /Gou Tou."

"That's right! Master Li is an outstanding graduate of our college and one of our most famous alumni. I don't allow you to slander him like this! Apologies!!"

"I hope to send a lawyer's letter to these unscrupulous paparazzi! @李封工作室@李大师琴工作室"


However, this hot search has not been recognized by everyone.

One by one clamored to hold the paparazzi accountable for spreading rumors.

After all, in everyone's eyes, these two people, especially female fans, are simply similar to the type of national husbands!
Some like Li Feng have been liking since she was a little girl until today.

How could such a person go back to prostitution!
Isn't this a proper rumor?
"Head of paparazzi: Didn't you find out that the other party's account has not been logged in for a while?"

And Paparazzi also went online.

Leave a message below the comment area.

"Do I have to be online every day?"

"Because of the scarf, I also log in twice every three days. Could it be that I was also invited to drink tea by the police station?"

"Outrageous! It's unreasonable for you not to apologize! My boyfriend has only logged on to the scarf once in a few months. Does that mean that the other party has been sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment according to your theory?"

"Sisters are so good!"

"Wait for the lawyer's letter!"

The words of the paparazzi were also sprayed wildly by a large number of female fans.

On the other side, sister Zhou also started the live broadcast early in the morning.

"Hahaha, what do you think? It's obvious that someone is making rumors to create anxiety! Li Feng and Master Li are prostitutes? Why don't you just talk about the golden wheel of muscles, and the video of the light of philosophy is shot by the big four himself, so it's more realistic."

Muscle golden wheel is a stalk that became popular some time ago.

The anchor world likes to use this to tease a certain Internet celebrity anchor's senior.

Some people even sighed after watching, 'I never doubted my sexual orientation until I saw the Muscle Golden Wheel'.

This shows how dazzling the light of philosophy is.

At that time, sister Zhou and other female anchors saw this video, and their eyes were so visible to the naked eye that they shone!
There was even a female anchor who had a nosebleed.

"Big Four: Just say what you say, why are you mentioning me?!"

"This damn memory! I managed to forget it!!"

"What is Muscle Golden Wheel?"

"Good guy, you're so magical!"

"Crap, miscalculation! At the beginning, we should give more tickets to the senior horse, and let him perform a wave of muscle golden wheel every day in the mysterious."

"I need eyes that haven't seen this thing."


Curious water friends immediately searched for this fresh vocabulary.

After retrieving it, a sense of regret arises spontaneously!

It's even reached the point where I have to change a pair of eyes that I haven't seen.

"I'm not exaggerating! After all, you think that even Wu Mian can create such a big scene, Li Feng can't be reduced to going whoring, right? If he wants to talk to me, I'll go straight to it!"

Zhou Yi was not shy at all in the live broadcast room.

Now speak directly to him.

"So you still said that the park wasn't you last time!"

"She broke her lifeline and broke her ribs. This woman is so vicious! I like it!!"

"I want to ask when the filming of Zhou Tianyongmei's theater will start? I want to apply for a photographer!"

"These are all nonsense words, then I'll apply for the bed!"

"It's really strange. Is it because you are too young that you dare not apply for the male lead? Then I'll come at 30!"


The water friends in Sister Zhou's live broadcast room are pouring water!

After all, the female anchor's live game room is the most fun without water.

Just like a live broadcast room with a female Go player, discussing Go is not the focus.

Ping An funeral shop.

"That's it! The paparazzi are really like this, the thunder is so loud that the result is nothing! It's boring! Right, boss!"

After Li Tian dessert went in, she was speechless.

"I never find these powerful."

What Zhang Lingtian dislikes the most is entertainment news.

So for these news, if it wasn't for Li Tiantian and the others on the big screen in the tea room, I wouldn't have clicked on it at all.


Su Wei agreed with the boss's words unconditionally.

"Both studios have sent lawyer letters."

Jiang Xiaohan's voice sounded.

[Li Feng Studio: We reserve the right to pursue the recent inappropriate remarks about the studio artist Mr. Li Feng! /Rumour-dedicated image for refuting rumors.jpg. 】

[Master Li Studio: We reserve the right to pursue the recent inappropriate remarks about Master Li in the studio! /Rumour-dedicated image for refuting rumors.jpg. 】

The two studios seem to be negotiated.

At the same time, a picture to refute the rumors was used.

All of a sudden, the Internet was boiling.

The paparazzi head quickly became a street mouse that everyone shouted and beat.

After all, he dared to spread rumors to such an extent.

However, in the evening, something happened that surprised everyone.

It was a notification from the police station...

 The status is wrong tonight and I didn’t write it well, so I sent a guaranteed update of 5000 words. Let’s continue with [-] words tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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