famine queen

Chapter 82 Reunion

Chapter 82 Reunion

Jin Mang asked, "What if these cannibals return to the sea or the basin?"

"Impossible." Qingsui stroked her hair that hadn't started to harden, and said lightly: "Although the humans of the Sea Tribe and the Basin Tribe yearn for the strength of the humans of our Mangchuanling Tribe, but for the real action It is difficult for the tribes to be accepted by the compatriots. The general tribes may still have hope, but those who have degenerated into cannibals..."

"The sea and the basin are not as loose as our Mangchuan Ridge. Although strictly speaking, there is only Baiyun as the overlord, there are also great commanders on the sea and the basin. The commander over there is not as talkative as Baiyun. If they are found to be cannibals, they will be mobbed and attacked."

Jin Mang blinked her eyes, this was something she hadn't expected.

Looking up at the sky with strong sunlight, she asked, "Would it be faster to reach Anze if you take the water?"

"Yes." It was Bai Yun who spoke, walking at the front of the line, his posture was extremely relaxed.

——That's right, with his strength, the split season really doesn't matter.

There happened to be a dry flower stretching in front of him, he picked it off casually, handed it to Qingsui beside him and said: "This flower is quite beautiful."

Indeed, the flower was originally supposed to be white, but after drying it turned into a jade yellow color, a bit like a paper flower, and it has a special texture in the hand.

Qingsui lowered her head and smelled it, and said with a smile, "It still has a scent."

Jin Mang was a little envious, she also wanted a lover who would send her flowers.

She doesn't have much preference for flowers, but she likes being given her by others.However... Her ex-boyfriends don't know why, most of them only give it away at the beginning, and they don't give it away after a long time of acquaintance.

Bai Yun didn't know if she saw Jin Mang's envious eyes, and in the evening, she hung a bunch of pink flowers from somewhere on her head.

"This flower is really beautiful with Mangmang." He boasted.

Jin Mang was very happy, and felt that Bai Yun was really delayed by An Ze.If he was in modern times, he might not be able to be a sea king who contracted fish ponds.

Look, how good he is.

Her ex-boyfriends were nowhere near that.

Qingfeng didn't enjoy seeing it, but unfortunately, he paid attention all the way, but he didn't see a single flower that could be seen.

When walking out of Mangchuan Ridge, Jin Mang was stunned.

"This...is this Daze?"

She almost thought that she had come to another world. The rivers, big and small, converged or intersected, and seemed to spread across the whole land at a glance. The clear water that stretched to the sky was as vast as the sea. Nothing can compare to the sea.

"That's where it is." Bai Yun said with a smile: "If you look carefully, you can find that the water level of Daze has dropped a lot, and many direct currents have dried up directly."

When Jin Mang took a closer look, she was even more surprised. She knelt down and touched the riverbed exposed by the drop in water level with her hand.

It's dry to the touch, and...

She frowned, is it an illusion?Seems kind of... smooth?
Hearing Jinmang's doubts, Baiyun said: "I can't see anything now. When the temperature rises again, these riverbeds will be smoother, and you can see your shadow standing on them. But it is very dangerous. If you are not careful will fall,"

Jin Mang always felt that something was wrong. She walked and looked around, and suddenly she realized that what Bai Yun was talking about was porcelain?

Smooth and bright.

But...is there such a magic dirt?Will it turn into a porcelain surface just because the temperature rises?
Not so magical, is it?The clay pots she specially burnt have rough surfaces.And those modern ceramics... Well, Jin Mang doesn't know anything about it.

As with the last split season, temperatures are getting warmer by the day.But this time is different from the last time, because they have been rushing along the edge of Daze, so they are not short of water.

It's just the prey... There are a lot of poultry in Daze. Although many of them have the plague, Baiyun has more experience in this area and can always pick out the healthy ones.

Therefore, along the way, they don't say they are full every day, but they can always maintain a half-full appearance.In the second half, when most adults start fasting, it becomes easier.

In particular, they found that many ungulates chose the same path as them.Although hoofed animals are sometimes dangerous, if you are careful, you can hunt two to three hundred catties of meat every day.

Except for Qingsui, Lanying and Qingguang have all weaned their children, there is no way, they have the same body as Qingsui, they don't have much milk, and their children are too old.

Along the way, Lan Chuan was basically sitting on the grain truck with Jin Mang in his arms.

The little guy was so well-behaved, he seemed to realize that this would be different than usual, and would only grumble into Jinman's chest when he was hungry.At this time, Qingsui would go to the grain cart to feed him.

On this day, the Ying clan was resting beside the Daze, while Jin Mang dozed off on the grain cart, and Lan Chuan in his arms suddenly screamed excitedly.

Jin Mang froze for a moment, opened his eyes and followed his gaze, and found a man swimming in the big lake.

"... Chi Yu?" Jin Mang couldn't believe it.

0909, who had been quiet for a long time, seemed to be activated, and immediately said: [Now the host, you have no excuse not to do the task, right? 】

Panting, Chi Yu climbed ashore, wiped the water off his face, and then lay down with a bang.

Jin Mang was taken aback, but after looking at his violently rising and falling chest, he realized that he was too tired.

Hearing footsteps, Chi Yu lazily opened his eyes.

"...It's you." Seeing Jin Mang, he said coldly.

Jin Mang tilted her head, was it her illusion?Chiyu's words seemed to be filled with resentment?

"Why are you here?" She looked around, but there was no one else. "You... migrated alone?"

Chi Yu sat up, took a breath, and then said, "I've always been alone." He didn't say that he wanted to come to Jin Mang all these years, but...

The central area of ​​Mangchuanling is not so easy to enter, and his strength is still a bit weaker after all.

Jin Mang let out a cry, blinked his eyes, "Then you... plan to keep doing this from now on?"

Chi Yu looked at Jin Mang incredulously, what are you talking about?

Don't you have a task to do?

You don't invite me to join your tribe?

You don't want to keep me?

Jin Mang didn't want to, not at all.

Furthermore, she is now a child who is sheltered by others, so how can she have the right to add another burden to the tribe?
Instead, Bai Yun came over and asked Chi Yu in surprise, "Have you been chased away by the Youlin tribe?"

He has an impression of this child, after all, he is the only junior who is likely to take over his hegemony position, so it is impossible for him not to pay attention at all.

"I don't want them anymore." Chi Yu pouted and said, "I abandoned them!"

(End of this chapter)

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