famine queen

Chapter 81 Fallen

Chapter 81 Fallen
Seeing them coming back from a distance, Qingsui came up to him with Lan Chuan in his arms.

"Mangmang's hand is dislocated, I have to feed her later." Bai Yun said first.

Only then did Qingfeng know about this, and said anxiously: "Manmang, do you feel pain?"

Jin Mang shook his head.

Qingsui also knelt down worriedly and said, "Why are you so careless?"

"Fortunately, there is Jinmang, otherwise Xiaodong might not be angry." Qing Guang briefly explained the matter with a grateful face.

Qingsui's eyes widened, "Cannibals who eat their own children?"

She still wanted to ask, but Chiyan's condition was not good, Qingfeng began to treat his wound, and Qingguang's thoughts were also on Adi, so she couldn't ask any more.

Jin Mang walked to Qingsui's side, whispered the details, and was a little puzzled by the two strange women.

Qingsui curled her lips and said, "That kind of woman is the most despised."

Seeing that Jin Mang was at a loss, she explained: "Not all fathers love their children. Some men are very selfish. When they are free, they treat their children well. When they are busy, they regard their children as a burden. Are women? Similarly, the child came out of my stomach, so the relationship must be a little heavier."

"But those two women are also useless, if your father dared to give birth to the idea of ​​eating you..."

"Will you kill Father?" Jin Mang was curious.

"Uh..." Qingsui was stunned and said the truth: "Probably not, if he really eats you up for a while, but if not... I will part ways with him and find a new brother to form a family."

"I heard that." Qing Feng said without looking back.

But listening to the smile in his words, it was clear that he was not angry.

Qingsui scolded with a smile: "Is what I said wrong?"

"Yes, yes, Mangmang listens to your mother." Qing Feng said: "If Xiao Chuan treats you like this in the future, don't be polite to him."

Although they are all her own children, Qing Feng did not expect all the children to love each other.Mangmang looks like a good boy at first glance, Xiaochuan is hard to say, if he grows crooked in the future, then he hopes that Mangmang will not be soft-hearted and suffer.

Qingsui's thinking was similar to his, and she told her daughter: "That's it. If the brothers and sisters are good, then everyone's hearts will be together, and the tribe will grow up. But if it's not the same heart, don't bother too much. Branch off early and live separately. That's fine."

She sighed a little: "Your grandpa and grandma were like this at the beginning. Our aunts were more selfish than the other. Once when they encountered danger on the way to migrate, they pushed the third brother out to block the disaster. After this happened, grandpa Granny gritted her teeth and left the original tribe and established the current Youying tribe."

Jin Mang was a little surprised, "I thought we would be separated from Uncle and the others after Granny was gone." This seemed to be the meaning of Qingsui's words before.

"It's not like this." Qing Feng explained to her: "For example, I will use an example, if your grandma is gone. Because the second generation of our family and your second uncle's family have not yet grown up, so we will not come out. Accidents will not separate immediately. But when there are too many tribes, there are many conflicts among them, and if there are differences, they will separate."

After a pause, she said with a grim expression: "We have the most troublesome problem for the British tribe in the future, and it is probably your uncle's pension issue."

Jin Mang was silent, she knew that the uncle Qingsui mentioned meant the eldest uncle and the bachelors.

Chi Yan's injury was a bit serious, but fortunately they had a grain truck, so they let him lie on the grain truck first.

Qing Guang said happily: "Fortunately, because of the rain and flood, I stored the food elsewhere, otherwise I would be robbed by those cannibals." Child, if the other party only wanted the food not to harm the child, she would not have forced the other party.

In that case, their next life will be difficult.

Now that the food I have saved is still there, my brother can still have time to heal his injuries.

Just like three years ago, Mangchuanling was already deserted. Jinmang and his convoy passed one territory after another, and one family after another returned to the tribal team.

Lan Ying and the others were the last family, but when the group arrived, they found that the number of people in this family was a bit wrong.

Qingyan said with a look of panic: "Yingying, why is there only one child, and another child?" In order to avoid being contaminated by cubs, although she has been subsidizing her two daughters for the past few years, the four grandchildren are one child at a time. Haven't seen it either.

Lan Ying's complexion was a little gloomy, and Chi Yun beside her said hoarsely, "Xiao Jiang passed away two days ago."

"Why is it gone?" Qingyan stared and asked.

Lan Ying burst into tears, "I don't know why, I obviously protected him when the cheetah attacked, but he just got a shallow gash on his arm, and the blood shed was not enough for me to bite. gone?"

Qingyan frowned and said, "Is the cheetah sick?"

Lan Ying's eyes widened, Chi Yun frowned and thought for a while, "Maybe yes, the cheetah was panting so badly, I thought it had been running for too long before, but now it seems... After Xiao Jiang beat that I had a fever all the time, and the small wound was festering all the time. Fortunately, I felt something was wrong, and I never let Xiaokui and Xiaotu come closer."

Lan Ying obviously still couldn't accept the loss of her good son, and she was depressed all the way.

Before leaving Mangchuan Ridge, they encountered several groups of cannibals.

Looking at the cannibals who ran away as soon as they saw them, Jin Mang frowned and said hesitantly, "Why do I think there's something wrong with those cannibals?"

"What's wrong?" Grandma was puzzled.

Jin Mang said: "I don't think they are from the Mangchuanling tribe." Those people are too thin and fast, and the humans of the Mangchuanling tribe are often tall and strong, but one With two exceptions, because of the density of the body, the speed will not be so fast.

"It's not unusual." Grandma said with a normal face: "There are always some people from the basin tribe or the sea tribe who want to come to Mangchuanling to have children, hoping that the next generation will be stronger, and hope to be able to live in Mangchuanling. Take root where there is plenty, but is that easier said than done?"

"Native humans may not be able to survive, let alone those with poor strength from outside."

"Some of those foreign tribes built their future with blood and sweat, and some retreated despite the difficulties, but more people have degenerated into cannibals since then."

"It can be said that at least half of the cannibals in Mangchuanling are foreign tribes."

Grandma touched Jin Mang's head and said, "Don't worry about those cannibals, they won't live long."

 The old man's greedy mouth is really a headache.Axue's mother has found fatty liver in physical examinations in recent years. At the beginning, it was just a trend. At that time, the doctor didn't take it seriously. He just said "eat less and you will be fine." Blood pressure is high, glucose is also high, and triglyceride index is also high, I have to start nagging her to let her eat less.However...it was okay at first, but soon she couldn't control her mouth.Speaking of which, my mother doesn't eat much meat, but she eats a lot of staple food, and she also likes to eat peach cakes, which are rich in oil and sugar.Sometimes you say a few words to her, and she replies "What should I do if I'm hungry?", and Axue will "..." Sometimes she speaks harshly, and she loses her temper and says, "Then I'll die if I die." can be mad at her

(End of this chapter)

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