famine queen

Chapter 7 Mushrooms

Chapter 7 Mushrooms
It's not that Jinmang hasn't asked about the split season, and it's not that Qingfeng and Qingsui are unwilling to answer, but their answers...

"A lot of the same kind will die in the split season."

"The prey also die a lot."

"There will be very little food."

"Split season is also prone to disease."


Jin Mang pondered, maybe the split season was a natural disaster?Something like a drought, a flood, maybe a tsunami?

She cared a little, but not particularly.

The two-year-old Jinmang can run and jump, and has already integrated into the world. He basically has no language problems, and he understands a lot of common sense.

This world is called Anze, and all creatures will have their first light when they are born.There are many colors of the newborn light, and no one knows the meaning of each color of the newborn light, but only one thing is clear to everyone, the brighter the newborn light, the lower the chance of child death.

Therefore, not only humans, but also many wild animals judge the strength of their cubs by their newborn light.

——Sometimes when the mother animal is unable to raise multiple cubs, it will use the strength of the newborn light as a judgment basis to choose which cub to abandon.

Jin Mang also discovered a very interesting thing.

Neither Qingfeng nor Qingsui felt that they were special beings, or in other words, they didn't think that they were special, nor did they think that human beings were special.

They regard themselves as the same as other animals, and see themselves as one of the animals, and they don't have the similar superior mentality that she thought they would have.

But after thinking about it carefully, Jin Mang felt that such a situation was not unusual.

In the past year, Qingfeng and Qingsui began to take her out hunting.Although most of the time they would hide her in a hidden place and not allow her to really participate in the hunt, Jin Mang still gained a lot of knowledge because of it.

However, the borders of their home territory are often accident-prone.

Jin Mang has seen pythons devouring human cubs, several brown bears devouring human corpses, and wolves besieging sub-adult humans.

The only good thing is that Qingfeng and Qingsui are quite strong, although they have encountered several dangers, so far, she has not been seriously injured under their protection.

You must know that in Anze, between beasts and beasts - the beasts here include humans, and they will not hunt each other without special circumstances, because the risk is too great.But there is one exception, that is when the beast has cubs.

Human cubs, in particular, seem to be particularly favored by other beasts of prey.

According to Qingfeng and Qingsui, human cubs have a lot of fat and tender, and have no hair, so it is a very good meal for other beasts who like to eat raw food.

Jin Mang intends to practice hunting skills. After all, in her previous life, although she was obsessed with various martial arts and had some experience in fighting people, the situation in this life is different. Most of the time her enemies will be those beasts in the future.

What's more, the human beings in this life are very different from the ones she has come into contact with, and it is impossible for her to copy the original experience.


Neither Qingfeng nor Qingsui planned to let her participate in the hunt!
Obviously, she has displayed divine powers that are even better than those in her previous life, and the two of them are obviously happy about it, but... they still treat her like a child, and usually throw away a rabbit with a broken leg and a broken wing at most. Small prey like pheasants are for her to practice...

Although... Jin Mang knew that her performance was a little unsatisfactory, but the rabbits are so cute, and the pheasant's feathers are so beautiful... She really couldn't bear to snap off their necks...

But if it was a beast, she would definitely not show mercy!

But obviously, Qingfeng and Qingsui only regard the reason she said as an excuse.

From the perspective of the two elders, they only felt that Jin Mang's heart was a little weak, and they didn't believe that she could be cruel to the beasts. Instead, they caught small animals time and time again, hoping to make her get rid of this "bad habit".

The small animals they asked Jinmang to deal with included a milky white hamster, a chubby little pink pig, a squirrel with a big brown-red tail, a golden monkey with big watery eyes... Jinmang's blood tank was empty Alright, where can I get ruthless?
However, although the species in this world are not much different from her impression in most cases, there are still some differences.

All the delicate little animals she had seen seemed to be pretty.It's not that I haven't seen gray and uncute animals at all, but... an ordinary-looking hare must have a strong jumping ability, an ordinary-looking pheasant must be extremely agile, and an ordinary-looking rat must be extremely agile. Venom glands are top-notch speed.

Jin Mang deeply felt that Anze's animals lived either by strength or appearance, and the remaining exceptions were those top predators with both strength and appearance.

I am also one of them.

She thought happily.

Qingfeng and Qingsui were a little bit troubled by such Jin Mang, but thinking that she was still young and the splitting season was just around the corner, they put this matter aside for now.

Early in the morning, Qingsui pulled Jinmang out of the bed, and while wrapping her clothes, said: "It rained two days ago, there must be a lot of mushrooms in the woods, and those things can be dried after drying." Let’s leave it for a long time, let’s go early and collect more.”

——Speaking of which, Jinmang only discovered later that although the humans in Anze wear clothes, their underwear is actually not much different from scarves, only one is wrapped around the neck and the other is wrapped around the body.This is still an extremely skilled job, and she hasn't learned it yet anyway.

Hearing this, Jinmang blinked, "Eat mushrooms?" Anze's diet is also very different from that of humans on Earth. Since she was born, her food has been mainly meat, with occasional eggs and berries.At first, she was a little worried that she would get angry due to constipation, but nothing happened afterwards, so she reckoned that Anze's human diet structure was like this.

But now it seems... It seems that I have misunderstood?

Qingsui herself was also a little tangled, and while tying up her daughter's hair, she explained to her: "Mushrooms are also edible, and they taste good, but it's hard to fill your stomach."

Jin Mang has never eaten mushrooms since she was so old, she was a little worried that she would not eat them in the future.

When she was a child, she didn't like to eat mushrooms, but she started to eat them when she was really hungry.

Jin Mang didn't know what Qingsui was thinking, she only had one thought: some mushrooms are poisonous, right?Can her grandmother tell the difference between poisonous mushrooms and edible mushrooms?
She used to have a friend who was a backpacker and always boasted that he was an expert in this field. Then one day, he was sent to the hospital for gastric lavage because he accidentally ate poisonous mushrooms...

(End of this chapter)

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