famine queen

Chapter 6 Advanced Animals

Chapter 6 Advanced Animals
What's the point?
The point is that these two people actually beat the tiger to death with their bare hands! ?

What is this concept?
The story of Wu Song beating a tiger is widely known, but it is in a novel, and it is generally believed to be false in modern times. Judging from the weight alone, it is impossible for human beings to kill a tiger with bare hands.

Jin Mang couldn't help but wonder again: Is he really a human being in this life?
It's just that soon she didn't have time to pay attention to this issue, because Qingsui was injured, and the injury looked serious.

Qingfeng went back to the cave to get the medicinal herbs, and crushed Qingsui's wound, because there were too many wounds and a lot of bleeding, the herbs were not enough, but Qingfeng really didn't dare to leave this time, for fear that she would be killed Steal home.

Jinmang is more anxious than Qingfeng, she has a lot of fighting experience, and also a lot of injury experience, so she can tell at a glance that something is wrong with Qingsui's right hand, either broken or dislocated.

She knows how to set bones, and her skills are also good. She paid special money to learn from an old doctor back then.If it wasn't for the old man who cut off his relationship with his sons and daughters, and several apprentices turned against each other, no matter how much money she spent, he would not be willing to teach her this family-passed craft.

But she will become a little baby, and all her skills will be sealed!

Unexpectedly, Qingfeng also seemed to have noticed Qingsui's situation, and saw him stretch out his hand to touch her arm, and then use his hands hard——

Qingsui gasped.

Jin Mang was stunned for a moment, this is... Already connected?

Afterwards, he found a few straight branches nearby, and tied them to Qingsui's hands with hemp rope.

Jin Mang breathed a sigh of relief, that's great, if Qing Feng didn't have this hand, then one of Qing Sui's hands would be useless.

The next day, Jin Mang found that Qingsui's injuries were more serious than he expected. Apart from the scabbed wounds, Qingsui's whole body was covered with bruises and swellings after a day, except for that face.

The only thing she is thankful for is that Qingsui's resilience far exceeds her understanding of human beings.Many of the wounds on her body that she thought needed to be stitched up were all closed and scabbed?

Although her wounds would burst if she made a large movement, but this level of resilience...at least not inferior to fierce beasts such as ligers and tigers.

Before leaving, Qing Feng obviously hesitated, but he finally left, but before leaving, he moved a stone weighing at least two to three hundred catties to block the entrance of the cave.

Jin Mang also expressed her understanding for this, after all, she and Qing Sui were disabled and weak, and it would be strange if the other party could leave without doing anything.

As soon as Qingfeng left, Jinmang became nervous all of a sudden, seeing that Qingsui was asleep, he sat behind the stone, planning to push the stone out of the way if he heard any movement.

She looked at her hands, her strength in this life was as gifted as in her previous life, but even so, it would be extremely difficult to push a stone of two or three hundred catties.

But... you have to try, don't you?

Jin Mang thought tremblingly.

——It's hard to imagine that one day she will worry about her lack of strength.

Fortunately, Jin Mang was nervous for a long time, until Qing Feng came back, there was no strange aura at the entrance of the cave.

Her attention was always outside the cave, so she didn't notice that Qingsui behind her quietly opened her eyes and looked at her, showing a gratified smile.

Qing Feng's return this time can be said to be very fruitful, he even dragged back a wild buffalo directly.

Looking at the small but sharp horns on the carcass of the buffalo, its broad chest and thick limbs, Jin Mang couldn't help but widen his eyes.

As far as she knew, even a beast like a liger would not easily confront a bison.

Bison are often more than twice the weight of tigers.

Qingsui also looked surprised, "Why did you catch the wild buffalo?"

"It just happened to happen." Qingfeng would not usually provoke wild buffaloes, but this would be unusual, Qingsui was injured and needed a lot of food to speed up the recovery of the wound.

After removing the stones at the entrance of the cave, Qing Feng began to roast the processed wild buffalo.

It's a pity for Jinmang, this is pure natural and pollution-free beef, without any seasoning, it's a waste of money.

Just thinking about it, Qing Feng took out a beehive and began pouring golden and attractive honey to the wild buffalo.

Qingsui asked in surprise, "Where did you get the honey?"

"I met my mother on the way, knowing that you were injured, she specially gave it to me." Qing Feng said.

Jin Mang couldn't help pricking up his ears, grandma... is it her grandma?She also has a grandmother?

She was extremely curious, but Qing Feng and Qing Sui didn't continue talking about this topic.Qingfeng shaved off the roasted meat with a stone knife and gave it to Qingsui, saying: "Next year will be the splitting season, we have to find a way to store food."

Qingsui frowned, pinched a small piece of roast beef for Jin Mang to eat, and asked, "Have you found any salt yet?"

Qing Feng shook her head, "I plan to go to the west to look for it. If I can't find it, I can only exchange it with the tribe that has salt as before."

Split season?
Jin Mang carefully memorized this unfamiliar word, and then he was pleasantly surprised that his parents knew the existence of salt.

Combining their words before and after, it seems that they already know how to prolong the shelf life of food by pickling?
For several days in a row, Qing Feng brought back big prey, and Qing Sui ate dozens of catties of meat every day.

Qing Feng also ate less than her.

——Before this, Qingfeng and Qingsui used to eat outside the cave most of the time, so this is the first time that Jinmang fully realized their appetite.

Seeing this, Jin Mang had to admit that the human being reincarnated in his life was very different from his own cognition.

It's as if human beings have suddenly stepped into a fork in the way of evolution, making them "unrecognizable".

Compared with the master of all spirits, the human beings she saw in this life are more like real advanced animals.

They have become a member of the top predators, possessing a powerful force not inferior to ligers and beasts.

In this life, she has become one of such human beings.

In this regard, Jin Mang is not depressed, on the contrary, he is still a little eager to try.

As a person who once had to control her strength in a civilized society to prevent an accidental manslaughter and being imprisoned, she was curious and looking forward to this new world.

That must be a more interesting and interesting life.

——At this moment, Jin Mang completely forgot that her system is a famine system, not a fun system.Of course, reality will make her realize this.

However, this may not be a bad thing for Jin Mang, because in the next year, she will have a very relaxed life because of mentality problems, and she can enjoy the tasteless barbecue without seasoning.

Curiosity and exploration of the new world made her unwilling to be dissatisfied with the status quo, but Qing Feng and Qing Sui seemed to be getting more and more anxious.

And the reason...seems to be for the upcoming split season?

(End of this chapter)

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