famine queen

Chapter 428 Fame

The live-in aunts are usually very measured and never gossip in front of Jin Mang.This time, it was also seen that Jin Mang was interested in this matter, so the discussion started.

Jin Mang was stunned, "Isn't their behavior breaking the law?"

"Breaking the law, but firstly, it is difficult to catch the current situation, and secondly, the harmed child only said that he wanted it, so the police can't do anything about it." Aunt Xu sighed: "One of my old neighbors was like this, She raised her daughter as a cash cow since she was a child, and she was PUA and coaxed. The girl lost too much blood and died, and told the ambulance staff that she wanted her mother to be happy, so she accidentally drew too much blood , has nothing to do with mom."

Speaking of this, Aunt Xu said with some jealousy: "No one who saw that scene didn't feel distressed."

In this case, it is really difficult.

Jingxiu Longyuan Community has a large green area, and the underground garage has another entrance and exit, so it is very convenient for people who are used to morning exercises.

Jin Mang exercises every day as always, but recently, she has unconsciously started to pay attention to Mrs. Zhong.

This kind of Mrs. Zhong seems to be a kind person, but Jin Mang doesn't think that the aunts in the house will tell her untrue news.

On this day, Jin Mang twisted her ankle because she stepped on a stone the size of an egg, and she gasped in pain.

Originally, she planned to walk back slowly by herself, but as she walked, the pain in her ankle became more and more severe.In desperation, she called Aunt Zhu and asked her to pick her up.

After a while, Xu Yuhe rushed to her, surrounded her and asked, "Which foot hurts?"

Before Jin Mang could answer, Xu Yuhe squatted in front of her and carried her on his back.

Jin Mang was stunned, then suddenly realized and asked: "What's the matter with you? Aren't you at school? And didn't I ask Aunt Zhu to push me a wheelchair? You put me down quickly, so I'm carrying your feet like this to be hurt."

"I can do it." Xu Yuhe lowered his head, preventing Jin Mang from seeing his red eye sockets.

His legs did start to hurt, but he didn't intend to let him go at all. He just took one step after another. Although he was not fast, he walked home steadily.

When they got home, Aunt Zhu and the others gathered around, those with ice packs and those looking for medicine.

Jin Mang had no choice but to let them toss.

"How are your legs?" Jin Mang asked.

Xu Yuhe shook his head, "It's okay, it's just a little way." Actually, it hurts a lot, but he didn't want to show it, and he didn't want her to know.

Jin Mang believed it, looked around, and asked a little strangely: "Why isn't Aunt Liu here?"

"She went shopping for vegetables." Aunt Zhu said, "She is used to getting up early to buy vegetables."

Jin Mang nodded, thinking about whether he should drive by himself for work today, when the door was suddenly pushed open, and Aunt Liu rushed in with a little girl in her arms.

"Jin Mang, take a look at this child and save her!"

Jin Mang saw that the child was covered in blue and white, and he looked like he was about to die.

"Where did this child come from?" she asked.

"I don't know, I saw her in the grass." Aunt Liu panicked, "I have already called for emergency services, but I never heard an ambulance come."

Jin Mang turned on his phone and looked, "There was a traffic accident on Chongming Street, no wonder the ambulance couldn't get through."

"Then what should we do?" Aunt Liu was dumbfounded.

Jin Mang was more confused than she was, she dared not even touch such a big child.

But at this moment, a thin figure ran in - just now Aunt Liu rushed in and forgot to close the door.

"Xiao Lan, Xiao Lan, wake up, don't scare my sister." The figure jumped on the little girl and shouted loudly.

Jin Mang and the others were all dumbfounded.

But Aunt Zhu hesitated and said, "Are you... Mrs. Zhong's daughter?"

She turned to Jin Mang and explained: "This is Mrs. Zhong's second daughter, Xiaoli. I have only met her twice. She is a very silent girl who cares about her sister."

Xiaoli was obviously immersed in panic, and didn't pay attention to other people's words at all.

Fortunately, the ambulance came soon, Jin Mang thought twice and followed into the ambulance, and Xu Yuhe followed.

On the way to the hospital, Jin Mang called Sister Kui and asked for half a day off.

Sister Kui frowned and said, "At most half a day."

Knowing that the company will be busy, Jin Mang nodded repeatedly and said, "I'll definitely be back at noon."

The doctor had already given the child a blood transfusion, and it was only then that Jin Mang and the others found out that the child's whole body was bluish and white because of excessive blood loss, and...

That child was just over a year old.

Aunt Zhu came over with the cooked chicken soup and told Jin Mang what she knew.

"Mrs. Zhong gave birth to five daughters. It is said that the eldest daughter died in a car accident. The second daughter was Xiaoli. The remaining three daughters did not come out very often. Xiaoli occasionally took her younger sisters out to play, but soon I will be called back by Mrs. Zhong. According to her, the three young daughters are weak and not suitable to play outside."

Aunt Zhu was told by Jin Mang to cook the chicken soup, otherwise she would not dare to take things from her employer as favors no matter how sympathetic she was.

Xiao Li refused to drink it at first, but Jin Mang said that drinking it would keep her healthy and protect her sister, so she drank it.

The poor child, who is only 11 years old, looks and behaves like an adult.

"Little pear, what's the matter? How did your sister become like this?" After she finished drinking, Aunt Zhu couldn't help asking: "What's the matter with your mother? Why hasn't she shown up until now?"

Hearing this, Xiaoli burst into tears, "Dad... Dad took Xiaoxue and Xiaogu away, and Mom went after her."

Xiaoxue and Xiaogu are obviously her other two younger sisters.

"Then your little sister..." Aunt Zhu couldn't understand.

Xiaoli pursed her lips and said, "Xiao Lan was drawn blood by her father. He said he wanted capital, and without capital, there was no way to make money. My mother and I went to stop him, but he knocked him out. When we woke up, Xiaolan disappeared, so did Xiaoxue and Xiaogu, and so did Dad's car."

"Mom chased Dad by car, and she asked me to wait for her at home. But I couldn't sit still, so I wanted to go to the doorman to wait for Mom. But I passed by your door and heard your conversation..."

Aunt Zhu looked surprised, "It was your father who drew blood? Didn't you say it was your mother?"

You must know that Mr. Zhong's reputation is much better than Mrs. Zhong's. After all, he works outside all the year round, and his family can't take care of him.

Xiaoli burst into tears and said: "No, no, it was always my father, and my sister was also killed by my father. Mom wants to divorce my father, but my father always threatens my mother with us. He said that if we divorce, he will kill us." kill them all."

"Mom doesn't dare to divorce, she is afraid that we will be killed by Dad!"

This chapter is from yesterday

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