famine queen

Chapter 427

At the beginning of July, Xu Yuhe received the admission letter from Zhongjing University majoring in finance and trade.

Jin Mang originally planned to buy him the things he needed for school, but with a call from Master Sun, she became busy again.

In desperation, she could only transfer money to Xu Yuhe.

Only this time, Xu Yuhe refused.

"My money is enough to spend, and the money you transferred to me last time hasn't been spent yet." If it was possible, he really didn't want to spend any more of her money.

Jin Mang was taken aback, "But should your prosthesis be reinstalled again?" After only one month's work, Xu Yuhe's height has increased by another two centimeters.

Xu Yuhe pursed his lips and said, "I earned some from part-time jobs before, plus what you gave before, it should be enough."

Jin Mang didn't think too much, just confessed: "If it's not enough, you can ask me for it."

Xu Yuhe nodded.

He can't tell Jin Mang that he has inherited a large amount of inheritance, because in that way, she will be completely relieved of him.

However, he just wanted her to worry about him, worrying about whether he had enough to eat, whether he was warmly dressed, whether he had enough money, and thinking about him all the time.

Jingxiu Longyuan's living environment and property management have nothing to say, but since moving in, apart from Master Sun, Jin Mang has almost no contact with the neighbors.

The new house is too big, and it is completely unrealistic to clean it by myself.Jin Mang asked Master Sun for help, and hired five live-in aunts, two gardeners and two drivers for her.

The five live-in aunts are all in their early forties and would be willing to be live-in aunts. They each have their own misery.

Aunt Zhu and Aunt Zhang???s husbands both passed away. The difference is that Aunt Zhu???s husband died of illness and left behind a daughter, while Aunt Zhang???s son and husband died in a car accident at the same time, leaving her alone.Aunt Liu has made an exception for her relationship with her husband. She is only willing to be a live-in aunt because her son is not divorced.Aunt Xu has never been married. After her parents passed away, her elder brother and sister-in-law made all kinds of calculations, so she came out to be a live-in aunt.There is also Aunt Feng, who was also married in the early years, but was kicked out by her husband's family because of infertility.At first, everyone persuaded her to find a widower with children to marry, and she was also moved.As a result, her elder brother and sister-in-law died unexpectedly, so she simply stayed with her parents to take care of her nephew and niece.In order to make more money, she is willing to come out and be a live-in aunt.

The two gardeners are responsible for the garden at home. They don't live here, they just commute to and from get off work on time.

The two drivers mainly serve Xu Yuhe and the live-in aunt, and they can call the driver if they need it.

In addition, Mei Ruofan, Jin Mang also said hello, he can call the driver if necessary.

For this reason, Jinmang also specially bought three cars.She drives one for herself and two for the two drivers.

Master Sun felt that it was unnecessary for her to spend so much trouble to hire these people, thinking that she had a small family, so she could completely contract out her own house to the housekeeping company just like him.

Jin Mang disagrees with this.

Master Sun is a bachelor, and his only daughter is married.His residence is almost the same as a dormitory, so it can naturally be operated in this way, but it doesn't apply to Jin Mang's place.

Firstly, the house that Jin Mang bought was big, and there were many precious things in it, so she didn't worry about those messy cleaning aunts.

Besides... It's not that Jin Mang has never been to Master Sun's house.How to put it, it cannot be said that the cleaning is not clean, but dirt and dust can always be found in the corners and corners.

Furthermore, Master Sun had several times where he could not find the cash and food that he left outside.

Anyway, Jin Mang didn't believe it because he forgot because of his poor memory.

Jin Mang couldn't be more clear about the virtues of this mobile cleaning lady.

In her first life, her living conditions were considered a little rich, but she couldn't afford to hire a live-in aunt, and she couldn't bear to spend money to hire a nanny. What she hired was the cleaning aunt.

??????It???s the kind that comes to clean for half a day every day, six or seven thousand a month.

For this reason, she was quite angry.

Like the kind of people who work for half a day, make phone calls for more than an hour, or ask for a salary increase from time to time, or don't pick up the garbage on the ground, or order food from her... there are all kinds of weird things.

The most outrageous time was when the cleaning aunt asked her for a red envelope. The reason was that a certain aunt in the same community got a 500 yuan red envelope from the owner.If she doesn't, she'll go on strike.

However, after Jin Mang asked someone to inquire, she realized that the reason why the aunt got the 500 yuan red envelope was a reward from her employer.The old man in that family had a sudden cerebral infarction and passed out. It was the cleaning aunt who found out in time and called the emergency call.

Because of this, Jin Mang spent so much thought, not only looking for introductions from acquaintances, but also interviewing in person, and selected these five live-in aunts from those applicants with a good reputation.

In this way, what she wanted was to be able to do it once and for all, without having to encounter those bad things again.

What Jin Mang didn't expect was that he and his neighbors began to interact after inviting the live-in aunt.

When she came back from get off work that day, Aunt Zhu handed her a glass of orange juice and said, "Mrs. Wu next door asked me where I bought the grapes at home. She has never seen this variety. Her daughter likes grapes, and she wants to buy some. New varieties for my daughter to try."

Jin Mang was stunned, and then said: "I brought these back from the company. I'm afraid it's not easy to buy outside. If she really wants it, you can sell it to her at the market price." The grapes are from the green pool, and she has never seen them outside. this breed.

That Mrs. Wu is really a foodie, and from time to time, she would take a fancy to the food in Jin Mang's house.After knowing that Jin Mang is a food inspector, he made friends deliberately, just to buy some food that is not easy to buy from Jin Mang.

But Jin Mang was busy, but the live-in aunts communicated more with Mrs. Wu.

Then, Jin Mang heard a sensational thing from the aunt who lived there.

"It's just Mrs. Zhong at 2-415 in front. I heard that their family became rich by sucking their daughter's blood." Aunt Zhang said to Jin Mang mysteriously: "Jin Mang, you have to be careful, don't talk to that kind of girl." If they get involved, the people in the community will avoid them like snakes and scorpions."

"Suck your daughter's blood?" Jin Mang didn't understand for a while.

What does this suck blood mean?The real blood is still...

"What else can there be?" Aunt Feng curled her lips and said, "I've heard people say this before, some cruel parents would use needles to bleed their children to see how much food their children's blood turned into. If it???s not too much, forget it, if it???s too much... then it becomes an income-generating project for parents.???

"However, this kind of thing mostly happens in poor families. I didn't expect rich people to be so careless."

Aunt Xu said: "Maybe they made their fortune by relying on this."

I wrote this chapter twice. I wrote it before and didn???t save it. I planned to post it directly first. Then, the operation of selecting and copying all changed to selecting and pasting all... During the day, I was sleeping because of fever and dizziness. After clocking in, he had to take another programming class, and the computer was given over to him.I originally wrote this while taking antipyretics and the fever subsided to make me feel better. I was really crying with anger.

Chapter 2 must be timed out today, please forgive me.

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