Chapter 9 Legal society, calm down!
Today's Shangyang County is still very chaotic.

After Lin Ye left the Taoist temple, there were still many people on the street, dragging their families, pulling a carriage and carrying their burdens towards the gate of the city.

Lin Ye looked down at the talisman in his sleeve. It was a yellow talisman. Lin Ye didn't recognize the pattern drawn on it, but it felt similar to the talismans drawn by Taoist priests in the real world.


This is what Dawu little Taoist told him. The function of this talisman is to calm the soul, and there is no need to stick it on the body, as long as it is carried with you.

After asking passers-by to ask for directions, Lin Ye came to Yaxing.

Dental shop, in ancient times, was not a dental shop, but a commercial intermediary. However, this commercial intermediary is relatively good. It not only matches various buyers and sellers, but even servants can buy it.

Lin Ye went to the tooth shop to find a girl, and told him that he wanted to buy a house. The other party gave him a map. To Lin Ye's surprise, more than half of the houses in the city were listed for sale.

"Mr. Lin, if you want to pick up the leaks, then buy the biggest house. The big house of the Ning family should be kept in normal times. It is worth at least 2000 taels. The Ning family will not sell it. Now it only costs 800 taels. If the rebels don't kill If you go to Shangyang County, you will earn money."

"Let's take a step back. Even if those rebels enter the city, we just need to hide and wait until the government sends troops to encircle and suppress the rebels. You have the title deed and the house will be yours."

Lin Ye understands that I have misunderstood the purpose of buying a house, and I also know why so many houses are put up for sale. Some dignitaries in the city ran away yesterday, and there are still many who escaped today. , murdered and seized money, not only fled with his family, but also sold the house in a tooth shop.

Why don't people run away and keep the house until the officers and soldiers suppress the rebels and then come back to live, because they are afraid that the rebels will not rob the property, and they will burn down the house in a big fire in anger.

Lin Ye was really moved. The purchasing power of one tael of silver in the different world was equivalent to about 3000 yuan in the real world. 800 taels would be a mansion worth more than 200 million yuan. If it was the original price, it would be more than 600 million yuan.

In a small county, such a mansion can indeed be built by the wealthiest group of people.

Lin Ye checked the price of silver in the real world, and one tael was only more than 40 yuan, which meant that he only needed to spend tens of thousands of yuan to buy a luxury house worth several million.

It's a pity that he doesn't have tens of thousands of dollars now.

In addition, even if he was really rich, he would not buy such a mansion, it was too conspicuous.

He is an outsider with no roots. He bought such a luxury house, so it would be a ghost if he didn't be watched by others. Finally, after looking at the map for a while, he selected three houses.

The three houses are neither big nor small, and the most important thing is that they all rely on the view of the breeze.

The Yaren took Lin Ye to the on-site inspection of the house, and Lin Ye finally chose a house on the right side of the Breeze View.

This is a three-entry house, divided into front and back yards, and there are pavilions and rockeries in the back yard. At first glance, the former owner is an elegant person.

"Mr. Lin has a good eye. Although the size of this house is not very large, it is also unique. The original owner is a gentleman, and all the furniture is available. It only costs 150 taels."

"That's it."

Lin Ye was very satisfied. Seeing the joy on Yaren's face, he coughed and said, "I can buy this house right now, but I escaped from Sanhe County, and I didn't bring my ID card with me. Sanhe County is now You know the situation."

If you want to buy a house and transfer ownership, you must have an identity certificate. Lin Ye is a black man, but he is not in a hurry. The boy is doing the work of an intermediary, and he has great powers. He believes that the other party can handle it.

What's more, this Daqian dynasty is corrupt. Since it is corrupt, many systems in the yamen are just decorations.

However, Yaren's next sentence made Lin Ye a little embarrassed.

"Mr. Lin escaped from Sanhe County, so he must have suffered. But this house sale does not require your ID card, Mr. Lin. The seller has entrusted us to sell it."

Then, the Yaren explained it, and Lin Ye finally understood that the ancient house deed did not require the name of the buyer, but only the name of the seller, a middleman and witnesses, and then the area and location of the house, including the price.

The deed is the proof of ownership of the house.

No wonder in costume dramas, it is often said that bullies occupy other people's houses. It turns out that this is the case. As long as you snatch the house deed and let the middlemen and witnesses shut up, you can occupy the magpie's nest.

"Mr. Lin, you want to go to the yamen to exchange it for an official deed, and let the yamen keep the money, right? That's really a status badge."

"Yes, that's what I mean, it's safer this way."

The boy looked at Lin Ye with some doubts. There were very few people who went to the Yamen to exchange for official leases. Although the house deeds were brought to the Yamen, the tolerance would handle it, but these days, if you don't check it out, the tolerance can delay you for three to five years. The second is to pay the deed tax, which is not a small sum of money.

"This house costs 150 taels, I will add another [-] taels, and you will go and make up an identity card for me, and get the official deed done."

Lin Ye offered a price, and the Yaren was also planning in his heart. He went to find the yamen's tolerance to clear it up. It would be enough to spend three or five taels, and he could still earn five taels.

Don’t look at the sale of this house for 150 taels, but he is just a jerk from the dental shop, and the majority of the rake was taken away by the dental shop. He only earned three taels, so it’s better to get a tooth card to earn more .

"Mr. Lin is in trouble. It's reasonable to think of the yamen's servant. You leave this matter to me, and I promise to handle it for you today."

Lin Ye wasn't surprised at all. No matter in the different world or the real world, some principles of life were the same.

Some things cannot be done if they do not comply with the rules, but if you find a professional intermediary and a scalper, things can be done.

Let Yaren go to the dental office to get the deed, while Lin Ye traveled back to the modern world.

He had to get twenty catties of silver out.

Like in some novels, he would not do this for the time being, taking some glass or modern handicrafts back to ancient times and selling them as rare treasures.

Every man is innocent of his guilt.

He has no roots in another world. If he returns to another world with a few marbles, he will probably be arrested the next day, and an official document will be posted: "There is a Jiangyang thief, Lin, who stole a pair of Ye Mingzhu from a rich man in the city. All are here, the case is clear, and the sentence is: beheaded!"

Back in modern times, Lin Ye looked at his balance of 6000 yuan, and he couldn't laugh or cry. He originally thought that he would bring things from another world to modern times to resell, but he didn't make any money, and all his money was about to be lost. It's over.

The other world can't make money in the short term, so I have to make more money in the real world.

How to make money?
As usual, Lin Ye logged on to the website and began to ask questions, using the wisdom of the masses.

[Continuing from the last question, the protagonist can travel back and forth... how to make money? 】

Stimulated by money, netizens began to show their wisdom.

[If antiques are not enough, then collect ancient medicinal materials and jade, which should be more valuable in modern times. 】

[Don't talk about the upstairs, the ancient mining technology is not as good as the modern one, and the jade depends on where it is produced. If it is in the place where the jade is produced, it can be resold, otherwise the transportation cost in ancient times will be more expensive than the current one. 】

[I agree with the one above, taking golden nanmu as an example, the price in ancient times was actually higher than in modern times, because it was very inconvenient to transport in ancient times. Of course, the protagonist said otherwise. 】

[The landlord asked another question, and just finished typing, so let me say something more. 】

Lin Ye saw that the author named Jiudeng Heshan answered again, his eyes lit up, waiting for the other party's analysis.

[Let’s analyze the background of the different world first. From the current point of view, there are Taoist temples and ghosts, coupled with warriors and rebellion, the different world is not stable. For the sake of safety, the main character can’t arrange the protagonist to go around, so go to the jade mining place or the medicinal material production place It is temporarily impossible. 】

[The way to make money with a lot of money is gone. At present, the most suitable thing for the protagonist is to buy antiques. Of course, the antiques in the different world I said, the antiques in the different world, have experienced the baptism of time, and they are naturally antiques in modern times. 】

[However, this method also takes time. In fact, the main question is to let the protagonist make money quickly. I have an idea. Now is the era of self-media. Be a magician. 】

Lin Ye's eyes lit up when he saw this. This is indeed a good way.

The next moment, Lin Ye gave the author the best answer, and then immediately deleted this question, including the previous question.

He really wants to be a magician. After he becomes popular, he is afraid that some netizens will see the question and think of it together, although the possibility of this is very small.

As for the author, this son...

Society ruled by law, calm down.

Leaving the computer, Lin Ye turned on the camera of his mobile phone, which was fixed on the table and pressed to shoot, while he himself walked to the range of the camera, returned to another world with a thought, broke off a branch and held it in his hand , then back to reality.

Picking up the phone, Lin Ye watched the video and frowned. Things were not as simple as he imagined.

Just before the teleportation, he was standing with his hands on his waist, but now he is teleporting back with the branch, his posture changed instantly, and became the action posture of the other world before the teleportation.

Judging from the video effect, it seems that a few seconds are missing and have been edited.

He didn't pay much attention to this detail before, but now this detail broke his dream of becoming a magician.

"No, I've fallen into a misunderstanding. Since holding an object will change my posture, I don't have to hold it. I can perform the magic of disappearing objects. This is better than suddenly making up objects, and it won't be suspected."

Lin Ye slapped his head. If he conjured something out of thin air and showed no flaws, it would definitely cause an uproar. But if he showed something first, then covered it with a cardboard box, took it to a different world, put it down, and came back When the things on display disappeared, the audience was amazed, but they could only guess what mechanism this box had.

(End of this chapter)

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