Chapter 10 Kid Qimen (please collect)
"Keep an eye on the poker cards in my hand, this deck is very messy, now you draw a card, um, 7 of clubs, we put this card in the middle, now I snap my fingers, 7 of clubs jumps to the first card , What's even more amazing is that looking at this deck now, all of them have turned into sevens of clubs."

"Long and short cards, without any technical content."

Chen Xin only watched it for ten seconds before crossing out the video in disappointment.

She is a magic lover and likes to watch some magic shows on weekdays. There are also many magicians performing magic on the Internet, but most magicians only perform magic that can be done with magic props.

These so-called magicians are actually selling magic props.

"The magic on short videos is getting boring now."

After brushing several simple magic tricks borrowed from magic props in a row, Chen Xin was about to close the software when he accidentally clicked down, and a new short video popped up.

"Scare Miss Ben!"

Seeing the mysterious man with a black mask appearing on the screen, Chen Xin was frightened.

In the video, a mysterious man with a black mask sits in front of a glass round table with a pot of prickly pears on it. Behind the man is a black wall cloth covered with clocks.

There are electronic clocks with digital displays, analog wall clocks, and even chronographs that display milliseconds.

The clocks are all set to the same time.

"So many clocks, do you want to prove that your video is not cut?"

Chen Xin became interested, and looked at the title below: Classical Qimen Technique - Carrying Technique.

"Is it still a strange door technique moving company, pretending to be a ghost and relying on mystery to attract people?"

Chen Xin muttered, and saw the masked man in the video take out a piece of paper and press it on the prickly pear. Soon, the paper was punctured by the prickly prickly prickly prickly pear, and the prickly prick was exposed.

"What is he going to do to prove that the prickly pear is real?"

The mysterious man took down the paper and began to knock on the glass with his hands. There was a crisp knocking sound on the tabletop, and the entire glass tabletop and the underside of the table could be clearly seen from the video.

"Knocking on the glass is to prove that the glass is real and intact." Chen Xin judged in his heart.

After the mysterious man finished tapping, he put his hand on the previous key point, spread his palm upwards, put his whole arm on the table, and put the small prickly pear pot on the palm of his right hand with his left hand. Then, with his left hand, he picked up a fried chicken takeaway paper box from one side and covered it.

"The carton is not shown to the camera. It seems that the trick is in the carton. There are things hidden in the carton. After opening it for a while, there are more things on the prickly pear."

When Chen Xin saw that the mysterious man didn't even show the cardboard box, he lost most of his interest in an instant, but he had already seen this, so he simply finished reading it, and then he could write a comment to expose it.

After the mysterious man closed the box, he drew something in the air with his left hand, similar to those Taoist priests on TV.

When the last stroke was finished, the left hand of the mysterious man suddenly slammed down on the paper box.


Seeing this scene, Chen Xin couldn't help but screamed, there was a prickly pear under the paper box, and the palm was full of thorns when he slapped it.

After screaming, looking at the picture in the video, Chen Xin had goose bumps all over his body.

The carton was smashed flat.

The man took away the flattened paper box, but it was still within the scope of the camera, revealing the intact right palm, then picked up the paper box with both hands, and directly tore the paper box into pieces.

After two seconds, the video ends.

"'s impossible, how did he do it!"

Chen Xin's voice trembled a little, this magic was completely different from what she had imagined.

On the Internet, there is a magic trick of wrapping the glass with paper, and finally flattening the paper glass, but the magic is actually very simple. The glass falls under the table, and the paper retains the original shape of the glass because of its hardness.

Other similar magic, the principle is the same.

But this video is different. First of all, the man's entire arm is placed on the table, and the palm and prickly pear are in the center of the table. It is impossible to sneak to the edge of the table and fall.

As for the mechanism in the middle of the glass table, it is impossible for the glass to crack when the center is pressed, because the camera shot was taken even at the bottom of the table, and the prickly pear did not fall to the bottom of the table.

"This is not magic. It is impossible to do it with magic." Chen Xin repeated this sentence repeatedly, and then said firmly: "It must be edited, only editing can achieve this effect."

Thinking of this, Chen Xin clicked on the comments, and she noticed that when she opened the comments, there were only more than 100 comments when she just read it, but now there are thousands of them.

The comment with the highest likes: [I'm going crazy, I know everyone suspects that this is edited like me, so I deliberately slowed down to watch it frame by frame, and found no trace of editing, the existence of those clocks made me Doubt is alive. 】

[Unless these clocks can be controlled by buttons to pause and start, they must be controlled by the same remote control, but the rotating pointer and digital stopwatch cannot be so accurate, and there will be errors. 】

[How did you do it? Is there any magic master who can crack it. 】

[Crack what, didn't you see what the title said, Qimen transport technique, this is magic not magic (dog head)]

[The transfer technique is definitely a fake, it’s the main gimmick of the video, but I really didn’t see any flaws in this magic trick. The only thing that’s a bit imprecise is that we didn’t show us the inside of the carton, but it has nothing to do with the magic effect. , It’s because the prickly pear has disappeared, and it’s not that there are more things. 】

[People are numb, the glass table is transparent, the camera can see the table top and the bottom of the table, the clocks all over the wall can prove that it is not an edit, who can tell me how it is done. 】

[All of you are either crazy or numb, am I the only one who follows the video owner? 】

Seeing this, Chen Xin clicked on the homepage of the video host.

Name: Kid Qimen

Introduction: The last descendant of Qimen in China.

There is only one work, which is a new number.

"Magic is magic, what kind of gimmick are you doing, I hate this kind of people the most."

Muttering something, when Chen Xin exited the homepage, he clicked a follow.


"Have I been blasted?"

After uploading the video, Lin Ye went to the toilet. When he came back, his phone kept ringing. Ten seconds later, his phone froze.

Turning on the phone again and opening the short video, Lin Ye finally knew the reason for his phone card.

The video he posted went viral.

In just 10 minutes, there were thousands of likes, hundreds of comments, and millions of views.

Lin Ye clicked his tongue a little. What he didn't know was that his stats were against the sky.

Excluding those who brush data, in the case of real data, the ratio of his playback volume, likes, attention and comments is extremely high.

"The data has reached the standard so quickly, and you can apply for the original alliance."

You can't get paid just by posting videos. Lin Ye also inquired about it before. You need to join the platform's original long-form video incentive plan. The conditions for applying to join must first have [-] fans, and secondly, you must have published at least one original long-form video. In the video, he directly met the standard.

Opening the backend of the software, Lin Ye glanced at the thousands of private messages, the contents of which were also varied, some asking for decryption, some asking for apprenticeship, and some claiming to be MSN organizations, who wanted to sign him, and the signing fee was just mentioned. of.

After setting Do Not Disturb for Messages, Lin Ye opened the official application page, and after submitting the original long video incentive plan, exited the software and went to a certain metal company.

Naturally, he went to the metal company to buy silver. With the current price of silver, if he went to buy sterling silver, he would not have enough money to buy twenty catties. The industrial silver he wanted to buy, he had just called to make an appointment. , the other party's industrial silver can be sold in bulk.

Lin Ye was going out here. What he didn't know was that the video he posted on the short video platform had already caused waves.

(End of this chapter)

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