Scholars in the courtyard

Chapter 779 Conquer the audience

Chapter 779 Conquer the audience
"You kid, you scared us to death!"

Just when Yang Xiaotao was about to say hello to someone, Chen Gong ran over in two steps, hugged Yang Xiaotao's head directly, and yelled loudly as soon as he clamped his arms, "Fuck, you can't drive properly, what should you do if something happens?"

"Be mature, be steady, be responsible for yourself..."

Yang Xiaotao's head was clamped by Chen Gong, but he didn't dare to resist. It was not over until Yang Youning and Liu Dehui came over.

"Which car is this?"

Chief Han put down his binoculars and saw that Yang Xiaotao was fine among the crowd, so he asked.

"Chief, this is from Quancheng Automobile Factory."

The middle-aged director wiped cold sweat from his forehead, and quickly came over with the registration form to explain.

"From Spring City?"

The person who spoke was the middle-aged man who came with him. Although he looked a little fat and kind, the cold light in his eyes made people dare not move forward.

"Isn't that the Yellow River heavy truck? I remember buying it last year, but the people below responded that there were a lot of problems, especially on mountain roads. It was not flexible enough. It was much worse than imported ones."

The middle-aged director nodded, "That's right, according to our previous evaluation, the operation of the Yellow River heavy truck is difficult in the complex situation of the site. Compared with other trucks, the problem is not small."

"The problem is not small? Then what do you think is going on?"

Chief Han retorted, and the director nodded quickly. As long as the eyes are not blind, what happened just now is clear. This truck must be different from the previous ones.

"Chief, it may be that the other party has improved their technology. We haven't heard any news here, so we'll check it out."

After speaking, the director immediately ordered people to investigate the situation.

On the other side, the directors of several factories lost their enthusiasm just now, especially the director Jin who was surrounded by everyone, his brows were furrowed, he didn't know what to think.

See this scene.Some people showed anger on their faces, some had gloomy faces, and some even sneered in their hearts, as if they were watching a show.

"Too disorganized and undisciplined, too unruly!"

The guy with the glasses is the one who loses face the most. After all, there are only cars from his factory in the arena.

There is no harm without comparison.

Obviously the other party is a stupid, big, stupid man, thinking of overpowering the other party in terms of speed and flexibility, but he didn't get slapped in the face by the other party first.

At this time, the man with glasses not only hated Quancheng Automobile Factory, but also hated the driver who was driving.

Without this guy's showmanship, their truck would not be so miserable in comparison.

It's a shame to be trapped.

"Rules? Hehe!"

Just after the man in glasses finished speaking, someone around sneered, and before the man in glasses could refute, he pointed at the blue truck opposite, "Look, that's the rule."

Everyone looked and saw the organizers rushing to the Quancheng Automobile Factory.

Only then did everyone understand that if someone has strength, he has the ability to break the rules.

What's more, this rule is unfair in the first place, isn't it?
Everyone was silent, the middle-aged man who had spoken before narrowed his eyes, and then said, "There is still something to do with the team, let's go first."

After speaking, the man walked towards his own convoy.

A few more people left afterward, and only the man with glasses and Director Jin were left at the scene.

"Director Jin!"

"It's okay, this is the beginning, as long as we show the product, the higher-ups will naturally judge."

The man with glasses twitched the corners of his mouth when he heard that, just as the truck showed, he left them two blocks away.

However, what Director Jin said next gave him hope.

"The driver of this car should be a master with strong skills. It is definitely not easy to be able to drive this level."

"But how many of these people are there in the army? What they need is not a few, but hundreds or thousands. With so many trucks, the actual productivity must naturally be considered."

"So, whoever's trucks are universal and adaptable, and whoever produces them faster will win."

Factory Manager Jin narrowed his eyes and said with certainty that this is also the ability they have to solve the card.

Also find some confidence in yourself.

For this bidding, they prepared half a year in advance. After many improvements on the original basis, the load reached six tons, which met the requirements of the troops, in order to seize this opportunity.

Because they got inside information, this tender is really important.

The army needs to make great efforts to build mechanization, and the trucks needed are naturally the top priority.

If this is successful, the trucks produced will not only have a stable channel, but will also have strong support from above.

The inclination of resources and technical support can not only maintain the enthusiasm of the factory, but also take this opportunity to optimize the factory.

Time has changed.

Over the years, they have won honors for solving the cards, and the whole factory is gratified by the achievements they have achieved.

But it is precisely this kind of achievement that makes many people indulge in honor and gradually become complacent.

And he, as the director of the automobile factory, can naturally feel the change.

On the road of national development, if you do not advance, you will retreat. This is very dangerous for factories.

Therefore, he couldn't wait to win this tender, wanted to change the factory, and wanted the car factory to continue to be glorious.

So important, of course you can't go wrong.

"Director Jin is right. I'll go back and explain it first, so I won't be frightened!"

The man with glasses felt that what Director Jin said made sense, and Changan Automobile wasn't scared too much.

"Quancheng, Yellow River? No, how can it be possible to change so much in just how long?"

"Is it possible that you also got the news?"

Looking at the location of the Yellow River heavy truck, Director Jin narrowed his eyes.

Where the Quancheng Automobile Factory is located, Liu Dehui is communicating with a young man.

The young man tried his best to keep calm, took a notebook, and recorded while asking.

"Director Liu, what model is your car? Load, speed"

After the young man finished speaking, Liu Dehui said the parameters he had already memorized, and the young man quickly recorded them.

On the side, Yang Youning and Chen Gong listened quietly, not long after Yang Xiaotao came back, they realized what was going to happen.

Who made Yang Xiaotao's blue heavy truck so dazzling?
It doesn't matter if you don't want to be conspicuous.

"Director Liu, as far as we know, the Yellow River JN150 truck was not so dazzling last time. May I ask if you have improved or changed during this time?"

The young man asked what he wanted most, and it was also a question specially ordered by his superiors.

After Liu Dehui heard it, he glanced at Yang Youning and the others, and then smiled, "We just made a breakthrough in technology."

"Of course, I would like to thank the comrades of the Red Star Rolling Mill for their support. Without their help, we would not be able to do it."

Liu Dehui praised the people in the rolling mill for a while, but he didn't mention any improvement. The young man grabbed his pen anxiously and asked, "Director Liu, can you tell us about the specific technological breakthrough?"

Liu Dehui suddenly looked serious when he heard this, "Sorry, it's inconvenient for me to disclose before completing this task."


The young man didn't expect that the other party would choose to hide it, which had never happened before.

Whoever made a technological breakthrough didn't make a contribution and publish it, so everyone can imitate it together, ahem, and learn?

The young man wanted to ask again, but Yang Youning stepped forward, "Director Liu, it's time to start."

The young man was taken aback for a moment, and then he found a person holding a red flag in front of the rostrum, and then the whistle started to sound.

When the young man saw him, he hurriedly left and went back to report the situation to the director.

"Old Liu, you guys became an instant hit this time and shocked the audience."

Liu Dehui also smiled, "Old Yang, we are not the only ones who became popular. After this time, the thresholds of the rolling mill will have to be replaced with iron ones."

"Haha, let's see what our Comrade Yang Xiaotao thinks."

Chen Gong was joking aside, Yang Xiaotao rolled his eyes, "It's as if I can decide."


Yang Youning smiled, "You can't decide, but you can give a reference."

Liu Dehui walked up to Yang Xiaotao, and hit his chest with his fist, "This time, if it really works, I have to thank you very much."

"You can keep your word."


beep beep~~~
The whistle sounded over the venue, and everyone focused on the venue.

I saw a group of soldiers running to the side where the truck was parked in neat steps.

"It's liberation."

Liu Dehui looked up, not far away, a row of army green cars parked there, waiting for inspection.

Before the soldiers came to the truck, they first did a routine inspection, then opened the door and boarded the truck. Someone started the car one after another, and then the truck entered the site.

The front and rear vehicles were tens of meters apart and passed the roadblock one by one.

Yang Xiaotao did not know when he found a binoculars, and was holding a truck watching Mercedes-Benz.

This Jiefang truck has a glorious history. No matter what, it is a good truck under the current national conditions.

While watching, Yang Xiaotao discovered the advantages and disadvantages of the truck through observation.

Then write it down in a notebook.

"This Jiefang truck is a medium-sized truck, but these trucks are different from the previous ones, and they should be specially made."

"The strength of their factory is not weak, especially for medium-sized cars. It is a very strong car factory in China with the light cars in Shanghai."

Liu Dehui's evaluation was very pertinent, and Yang Youning also nodded.

Although there are many trucks in their rolling mill, they are all light-duty, and even most of them in Sijiucheng are light-duty, and [-]% of them are from Shanghai.

As for medium-duty trucks, most of them are given to the military, and very few are used for civilian use.

After Liu Dehui finished speaking, everyone watched the action on the field. At this moment, the truck in front had already reached the half slope, but this truck was obviously not as aggressive as the heavy truck, and the driver's skills tended to be conservative, which may be related to unfamiliarity. , the truck passed in a satisfactory manner, followed by puddles, potholes, right-angle turns and other projects.

The ten trucks ran three laps in the field. On the second lap, the driver had already figured out the habits of the cars. This also has a lot of reasons for liberation in the army. The trucks after familiarization ran better results.

But with Yang Xiaotao's jewels in front of him, everyone at the scene couldn't help but compare him with Yang Xiaotao. Now it seems that his performance, which was obviously outstanding, has become mediocre.

It's not just other people who think so, even Director Jin, whose palms are sweating, also thinks the same way.
The gap between the two parties is really too great.

Until the end of the last lap, the car returned to the starting point and stopped, and then the ten drivers finished scoring and continued to the next group.

Director Jin watched the driver leave with deep melancholy in his eyes.

His card is not bad, but he met a better one.

Next, trucks from one family to another took turns. The performance of these companies was a bit worse than that of Jiefang. Even the trucks from Shanghai were much worse. Obviously, large trucks are not so easy to manufacture.

As for the other cars that were lying on the ground, one of the cars had a loose wheel immediately after falling down the slope. Fortunately, the driver found out in time and stopped decisively, so no casualties were caused.

Family by family, finally, it was the turn of the Yellow River Heavy Truck.

A group of soldiers came up, ten of them, and started to get into the car.

However, the leading captain walked up to Yang Xiaotao, saluted first, and then said loudly, "Hi, comrade."

"Hello, comrade."

Yang Xiaotao responded politely.

"It was you who drove it just now."


"Your driving skills are very good."

"Thank you."

With a whistle, the car started slowly, and ten heavy trucks came to the field and started galloping.

However, in the first test drive, ten drivers felt the difference in this car.

The steering is light and the car is well controlled.

Ten people realized at the same time why Yang Xiaotao was able to control it easily.

It turned out to be the case.

(End of this chapter)

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