Scholars in the courtyard

Chapter 778 Heavy Truck Drift

Chapter 778 Heavy Truck Drift
The Yellow River heavy truck started suddenly, and the drivers around climbed onto the truck body after realizing what was going on, shouting.

Previously, they had been acting as spectators, watching the cars of other manufacturers show off their might, and now it was finally their turn.

The heavy trucks were moving with a rumbling sound, and the tires crushed the icy ground, heading towards the arena little by little.

The movement on this side quickly attracted the attention of the people around. A group of drivers gathered together with astonishment on their faces.

Everyone knows what they are doing here, so they all follow the rules, but they didn't expect that there was someone who broke the rules and ended up before it was their turn?
Do you want to talk about Wude?

On the rostrum, a group of people in army green coats also noticed the movement here.

One of the middle-aged men with a yellow complexion suddenly stood up, and when he saw such a disobedient person, his face turned cold.

"Guard, go down and see what's going on?"

"No organization and no discipline, who let them enter the venue early?"

"The chief will come in a while and see what to do, hurry up."

The middle-aged man was the director in charge, shouting sharply, seeing that the time was coming, and the chief would come back at any time, how could there be a mistake?

"What do you mean?"

Just as the guard was about to turn around, a harsh voice came from the side.

Both the director and the guard were taken aback, and then they turned around to see a middle-aged man, not tall, with a thin face, wide eyelids, staring at the two of them with piercing eyes, the tremendous pressure came out of thin air.

This person is the commander-in-chief this time, Chief Han.

"Don't be nervous, make things clear."

A slightly taller middle-aged man walked out beside him, with a clean face and a slightly fat body. There was always a smile on the corner of his mouth, but the director felt that the evil spirit was stronger.

The two stood together without any movement, but it gave people a lot of pressure.

"Sir, it's like this."

The director tried to calm down and explained the matter. The two took the binoculars from the guard behind them and glanced at the two trucks below the field.

"It's already running down, what's the use of stopping it?"

The director bit his lip and said nothing.

"Also, there is enough time for his family to familiarize themselves with the venue. What is the reason for this situation?"

Chief Han couldn't tolerate sand in his eyes, and the later appearances were short, and the previous ones would naturally be longer.

The time to adapt to this exercise is the same.

The director's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he was scolded to death by those subordinates in his heart, and he didn't even look at him.

Especially Jieka in the north, if he hadn't let his truck run for an extra half an hour, the ones behind wouldn't be in such a hurry.

And that guy from Quancheng is also an asshole, so he can go up if he has less time. If you do this, it will be a slap in the face.

Write down a few factory directors in a small psychological notebook, and wait for it to be retrieved later.

"Let them run first."

As Chief Han said, he unbuttoned his coat and looked through the binoculars.

The two of them came here this time to choose a good car suitable for the army.

It's not the kind of "family car" that just lays down when running, and has to be pushed by everyone to go up a slope, and can't pull much.

But it is really a battlefield car.

The two of them also took the attitude of trying the bidding organized by the transportation department of Sijiu City this time. After all, they already had intentions in their hearts.

That is the liberation of the North.

Although it can only be regarded as a medium-sized truck in terms of load, it is a bit difficult to transport the God of War, but the transport of personnel and supplies can pass through ordinary road conditions.

While the two were talking, the people who saw Yang Xiaotao driving into the arena started talking about it.

"Old Jin, this is from Quancheng."

In a place sheltered from the wind and facing the sun, three or five middle-aged people gathered together. Looking at their positions, they seemed to be surrounded by bald middle-aged people in front of them.

This person has sunken cheeks, a big nose, and slender eyes, making everyone look like an enemy.

"Hehe, I guess I can't wait any longer. An can't bear it anymore."

Lao Jin's voice was hoarse, and he spoke lightly.

The others all laughed. As peers, everyone knows how good each other is.

If you want to say that the big brother in the automobile industry is undoubtedly the liberation led by the old Jin factory manager.

This is named by the inscription by the great man himself. Over the years, he has been the leader and the leader of the domestic auto industry.

"I think it's the same. This person is just not satisfied. He already has a heavy truck, and no one is going to snatch it from him. Just do things with peace of mind. Don't overestimate your capabilities."

"Isn't it? It broke the rules, it's a clown, it's funny."

A man with eyes said proudly, the car of their factory was driving in the field.

It's just that their car is obviously smaller, but it runs more nimbly, and the scene is much more beautiful than the bulky and stupid big one behind.

The people around listened and looked at the field with playful looks.

In the arena, Yang Xiaotao has already run around, and he has basically figured out the situation of the arena, and he is also familiar with the car.

Touching the steering wheel with both hands, it was at this moment that Yang Xiaotao truly understood the power of Level [-] driving proficiency. Whether it is uphill or water puddles, after being familiar with heavy trucks, his body will give the correct operation method when facing various terrains, and even himself What you think of in your mind will also be reflected, and you will make the necessary actions.

After running for a while, Yang Xiaotao looked at Yang Youning and Chen Gong, and at the people watching the fun along the side, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"The show is starting, keep your eyes open and watch."

In the next second, the accelerator pedal was pressed to the bottom, and the engine of the heavy truck made a powerful roar when he sat down, and then a huge force struck, pressing Yang Xiaotao's back against the seat.

The car accelerated sharply, and the soldier who was driving the small car in front only heard an explosion from his side, and then saw a blue figure rushing out.

In the next second, the soldier thought in his mind that there was a dirt slope ahead. If he rushed up at this speed, if he fell down, the car would crash and people would die.

"No, stop!"

The soldiers shouted loudly, but the car in front had already rushed up the slope.

At this moment, everyone noticed the movement in the field.

On the hillside, a group of people held binoculars to look at the blue long dragon jumping up suddenly, and at the tall figure rushing up the slope, they all looked sideways.

Chief Han removed the telescope and put it on his eyes again, making sure that what he saw was real.


"Old Han, which car is this?"

The chubby man who came up beside him said indignantly, but Chief Han didn't pay attention, but stared at the truck rushing to Banpo at a very fast speed.

Not far away, the factory directors also looked over, especially the middle-aged man wearing glasses, watching his car being overtaken, with a big mouth.

At this moment, the heavy truck had rushed to the highest point, and few people had time to speak.

Then, under the stunned gazes of the three of Liu Dehui, the heavy truck soared into the air from the hillside with a bang, and the huge vehicle appeared abruptly like a blue pillar.

In the next second, the four wheels of the heavy truck hit the ground almost simultaneously, making a sound.

Immediately afterwards, a group of stunned drivers and factory managers were left behind, and rushed forward again.

"Happy! This is driving."

In the driver's seat, Yang Xiaotao held the steering wheel tightly to prevent himself from being bumped up, while feeling remorseful, 'Why did I forget the seat belt! '

In his previous life, Yang Xiaotao was most troubled by wearing a seat belt in a car, so when he came here, he didn't have this habit even when driving, so he naturally forgot about it.

After this time, we must take out the seat belt.

Thinking in my heart, there is a puddle in front of me. Generally, when the car passes by at this time, it will slow down and pass slowly.

But Yang Xiaotao didn't think much about it at all. He stepped on the accelerator and clenched the steering wheel tightly. The heavy truck rushed into the puddle like a blue whale, and then splashed a large amount of water with a bang.

When the people around looked again, they had already rushed through the puddle.

Afterwards came the pit. Yang Xiaotao showed his powerful technique at this point. The steering wheel was turned quickly in his hand, and the speed of the car hardly decreased. The front of the car walked in an S shape, constantly wandering around the edge of the pit, and quickly passed this area.

After passing here, there is a nearly right-angled turn in front of it. In this case, ordinary trucks have to pass slowly, and large trucks have to fight two or even three times to pass.

But the heavy truck under the control of Yang Xiaotao passed it directly, the steering wheel turned smoothly, and the car turned smoothly, which not only shocked the audience watching, but also made all the drivers feel unbelievable.

Such a big car, one pass, how good is this driver.

Then what continuous turning, continuous uphill and so on.

Yang Xiaotao can drive the car overnight, and the car drives smoothly.

It has to be said that the things of this era are anti-manufacturing, coupled with the country's crackdown on cutting corners and materials, the things produced under this kind of strength are durable.

The truck is constantly experiencing various "tribulations", but it is always at a stable speed.

At this time, everyone at the scene had nothing to say.

It was the two people on the rostrum, with the binoculars almost close to their eyes, neither of them wanted to speak.

As for the factory directors and drivers of other companies, their eyes widened in disbelief.

Especially the man with glasses, seeing with his own eyes that his pickup truck was caught in a circle by the blue heavy truck, he felt a feeling of being bullied in his heart.

After a while, Yang Xiaotao drove the car for two laps and felt nothing.

Then I came to Banpo again, still doing the same operation, and the heavy truck rising from the sky shocked everyone again.

His eyes moved up and down with the heavy truck, and when it landed again, the surroundings were no longer quiet, and a burst of strong cheers suddenly broke out.

Liu Dehui, Yang Youning and the others even shouted loudly, slapping their heads desperately.

Yang Xiaotao stabilized the car, feeling that the test was almost done, so he drove to the original parking place.

So, the heavy truck rushed aside, apparently about to leave the field.

It's just that this speed, this direction, is it difficult to hit it?

"Broken, the brake is broken!"

Liu Dehui looked at the truck rushing to the side, and quickly shouted, "Quick, get ready for rescue!"

Yang Youning and Chen Gong's expressions changed wildly, Yang Xiaotao can't do anything wrong!

Others also found that something was wrong, why the truck didn't slow down.

The people on the hillside also exclaimed.

And Chief Han was sweating even more. Now through the glass, he could clearly see that the driver was Yang Xiaotao.

"Nonsense, nonsense, what kind of driver, what kind of car!"

Chief Han cursed in his heart, Yang Xiaotao was the one he admitted personally that he could stand up to a group.

If it is folded here, the loss will be great.

But before he could speak, there was a burst of exclamation from the scene.

Then look.

I saw the heavy truck that was originally a Mercedes-Benz, but suddenly the front turned to the left, the rear wheel braked, and the whole carriage was thinking of sliding to one side under the inertia.

From the outside, it looks like it's drifting.

The drivers present are all old drivers. They may have encountered this kind of situation in their careers as drivers, but they have never seen it drifting while driving a heavy truck.

At this moment, the surroundings were completely silent.

Even the pickup truck that just got off the slope was stopped by the driver.

The car door opened, and a soldier with his sleeves rolled up stood on the car door, staring at everything in front of him with his mouth wide open.

Two scratches nearly ten meters long were left on the ground, like two railroad tracks, shocking.

When there was no sound around, when Liu Dehui and Yang Youning pinched their hands together, and when everyone was so shocked by this scene that they couldn't breathe, the car stopped and then slowly fell backwards.

Reverse into the warehouse, and the next second, the truck returns to the position before departure.

"so beautiful!"

"This car is amazing, but the driver is amazing."


The sound rose suddenly, and the drivers around clapped their hands and gave the warmest applause.

Yang Xiaotao pushed open the door and jumped out, feeling his whole body beating.

Sure enough, men have to drive!
(End of this chapter)

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