Scholars in the courtyard.

Chapter 1361 Go watch the fireworks

Hongxing Machinery Factory, Director’s Office.

Mr. Xia sat aside and drank tea little by little, accompanied by Liu Huaimin and Yang Youning.

"Leader, it's a good thing you're here today, otherwise, Lao Yang and I would really be unable to resist."

Liu Huaimin said with lingering fear.

When he received the news from the guard, he was reporting to Mr. Xia on the phone.

It was this phone call that made Mr. Xia drive over directly after understanding the situation.

"Who would have thought that these guys would be targeting you now."

"Originally, Lao Huang reminded me to be more careful."

"Unexpectedly, I almost got hurt."

Mr. Xia squinted his eyes. If he hadn't come today, the other party might have done something wrong.

Yang Youning and Yang Youning nodded.

"If we hadn't made preparations in advance, the other party would definitely find faults and then insert nails."

"Leader, what do you think the other party will do next?"

Mr. Xia shook his head, "I don't know what the other party will do, but I know what the machinery factory will do next."

Yang Youning understood instantly.

Being able to escape unscathed today was not only partly due to Mr. Xia being in charge, but also due to the advance arrangements of the machinery factory.

The 'big study' action proposed by Yang Xiaotao blocked the opponent's opportunity to launch an attack.

The other party couldn't find an excuse, so naturally there was nothing they could do with the machinery factory.

"I understand that the machinery factory will continue to increase its learning efforts in the future, and the Publicity Department will also take action."

"Never give the other party an excuse."

Mr. Xia nodded, and then his face darkened again.

"What's going on with Yang Xiaotao?"

Liu Huaimin knew that Mr. Xia was asking about the meaning of the other party's last words, so he hurriedly explained.

"Leader, don't you know Comrade Xiao Tao's style?"

"Over the years, a few of us have been watching in the machinery factory. If there is a real problem, we are the first to refuse to agree."

"As for what the other party said, it is purely false. As far as we know, Xiaotao was pregnant before he got married."

Liu Huaimin told what happened to Yang Xiaotao in the early years, and Mr. Xia felt relieved after hearing this.

"Leader, not only do we know about this, but the street office, the police station, and even the entire machinery factory can testify for him."

Yang Youning added from the side, "Don't worry, Xiaotao will never have any problems."

"No problem, it's best. We are at the cusp of the crisis now, so we must be cautious in everything we do."


The three of them talked for a while, and then Mr. Xia was about to leave, going back to report the situation to Mr. Huang.

Machinery factories are all being targeted, and there is no guarantee that the First Machinery Department will not have other targets.

He has to hurry up and make all factories imitate machinery factories and endorse them.

The two of them got up and sent them downstairs, "By the way, what's that kid doing? Haven't seen anyone for a day?"

Liu Huaimin and Yang Youning looked at each other, then shook their heads, "We really don't know this. This guy came here in the morning, then answered a phone call, and then rode out on his own."

Mr. Xia shook his head and sighed, "This brat."

"But luckily I'm not here today."

After that, he got in the car and left.

Watching Mr. Xia walk away, Liu Huaimin and Yang Youning's faces became serious again.

"Old Liu, do you think that guy can tell fortunes?"

"I always feel that everything he did some time ago was to prevent what happened today."

Liu Huaimin turned around and walked up the stairs, "You feel the same way."

"However, this is not the first time this has happened."

Yang Youning thought about it carefully and realized that it was true that Yang Xiaotao's actions sometimes didn't feel anything at the time and even didn't understand them, but later on, each one of them could be verified to be correct and necessary.

"How many abilities does this guy have hiding from us?"

With a sigh, he followed Liu Huaimin back to the office.

"Lao Yang, take a look at the Publicity Department."

"Today's incident reminds us that we cannot wait for the other party to find fault with us for some things."

"I understand. I'll be optimistic about the Publicity Department. If it doesn't work, I'll organize the people from the following branches and make unified arrangements. We will never suffer from publicity."

"Yes! You have an idea on how to do it, so I won't get involved."

Yang Youning nodded. Recently, he heard people in the workshop talking about the comments after reading and watching the book, which inspired him a lot.

If he organizes a group of people to write articles to interpret and discuss, and in the process of learning, he can raise the height of the machinery factory.

By the time.
Thinking of this group of people coming to find fault today, he felt uncomfortable.

When the height of the machinery factory increased, he was going to take people to retrieve the site.

He, Yang Youning, is not the one who suffers.

"I'm going to Captain Liang's place to have a look."

Liu Huaimin stood up and prepared to go out. Yang Youning nodded after hearing this.

After what happened today, he could see that Captain Liang was really not afraid of getting into trouble.

Perhaps this is why he became the captain.

Soon, the Propaganda Department of the Machinery Factory took action again, and a new round of more rigorous learning plans was put on the agenda.

A group of manpower was mobilized by Yang Youning and began to form the mouthpiece of the machinery factory.

While the machinery factory was busy, Yang Xiaotao was following Ran's father around the Seventh Machinery Department.

Shen Rong was with him, and behind him were other personnel.

In the workshop, Shen Rong pointed to the semi-automatic milling machine being processed in front and said confidently, "Mr. Yang, this is our lathe that has been designed and improved."

Yang Xiaotao stepped forward to take a look and made corresponding improvements on the basis of Hongxian No. 2. "It's very good. Such improvements can meet special needs."

Yang Xiaotao's affirmation made Shen Rong and the staff behind him very happy.

"We would also like to thank the comrades at the steel plant. Without the alloy materials they provided, we would not be able to make it."

Shen Rong said modestly, and Yang Xiaotao nodded, "The improvement of basic materials is the biggest support for our improvement."

"Our machinery factory has started to improve the Venus machine tool. Your master is responsible for this, but he is a bit old. If you are free, go and see more."

Yang Xiaotao said earnestly, most of the masters in the machinery factory are quite old now.

Many people who came up later could not reach the eighth level standard, and there was a gap in talent in the middle.

As for Shen Rong in front of him, this eighth-level fitter's skills are no worse than Liu Daming's. If he can be brought back to the machinery factory, the strength of the R&D department will be greatly enhanced.

When Shen Rong heard about his master Liu Daming, he immediately became concerned, "What's wrong with my master?"

"It's nothing. I'm just old and unable to do what I want. But I don't let him do it. He's not good at it. The old man is very stubborn and insists on following me."

"Master, he has such a temper that he can't stay idle." "Don't worry, I'll go see him when I finish my work here."

Shen Rong said seriously, but did not see Ran's father's wry smile.

My son-in-law poached people in front of him.

Although he believed that Shen Rong would not leave the Seventh Machinery Department, with this situation, he would inevitably be called to work as free labor.

"Let's go!"

Ran's father spoke at the side, not daring to let the son-in-law continue talking. If he continued for a while, the arrogance that was finally put up would be dug up by the hoe.

Yang Xiaotao nodded to Shen Rong, and then followed Ran's father out of the workshop.

"You kid, stop trying to figure us out."

"So many things depend on them."

Yang Xiaotao smiled awkwardly, "Dad, what you said is that kind of person I am."

"Nonsense, when you are fooling people, your eyes move faster than usual."

"Have it?"

Ran's father said nothing, but Yang Xiaotao was alert, "I will definitely change it in the future."

"Change what?"

"Get rid of bad habits."


Following Ran's father, the two came to the office.

"This is the information, please fill it out."

As soon as he sat down, Ran's father took out a piece of information and handed it to Yang Xiaotao.

"Dad, really go."

"Is this suitable for me?"

Yang Xiaotao glanced at the thick pile and was a little undecided.

After receiving a call from Ran's father in the morning, he came all the way.

Later I learned about Ran’s father’s plan.

Because the equipment, materials, and personnel are in place, the simulation experiment of combining the two bombs has been completed, and the next step is the field experiment.

Ran's father asked him to come because he wanted to take him to see the scene.

The real purpose is probably to 'show off wealth'.

However, this way of showing off wealth is really not something ordinary people can see.

Ran's father picked up the cup and said, "You don't have to worry about whether it fits. Since there is such a quota, it means it is OK."

"This is your chance, just say whether you want to go or not."

Hearing this, Yang Xiaotao glanced at it and thought in his mind that his father-in-law had finally obtained the quota. If he didn't go, it would be a loss of face for his father-in-law.

What's more, this kind of thing is hard to come by.

I didn’t see it last time, so I can’t miss it this time.

In addition, arrangements have been made at the machinery factory, and production and study are on track. There is no news from Uncle Deng for the time being. He can take the time to go and watch the fireworks. The round trip only takes a few days, so it shouldn't be a problem.

"Okay, let's go."

Yang Xiaotao took out a pen and started to fill in the information. The information on this was investigated very strictly, and Yang Xiaotao did not dare to be careless.

Seeing Yang Xiaotao's actions, Ran's father breathed a sigh of relief. He did have selfish motives for this matter at first, but later the department boss found out about it and immediately upgraded it to a department-level task.

Thinking of Mr. Wang's sincere words, it would be up to him whether the resources of the Seventh Machinery Department could be increased in the future.

This invisible pressure was finally relieved at this moment.

As long as this kid agrees to go, the rest of the matter will be out of his control.

"Dad, where are we going to watch? If it takes too long, we need to say something over here."

Father Ran thought for a while, "Let's go to Suzhou in the northwest, where the launch center is."

"It won't take too long. There are a lot of people going this time. You and I are the last ones to go. It's faster to fly."

"The plane. It's good."

Yang Xiaotao smiled happily.

I have flown twice in my previous life, but I have never seen one in this life.

When I come back, I can brag to my wife.

We are also people who have gone to heaven.

"Can you see the big fireworks?"

Ran's father turned around and looked at me, "Why are you asking so many questions? I'll definitely let you watch when the time comes."

"Really? I've never seen a real mushroom."

"Hurry up and write down what happened in the past two days. Go back and tell Qiuye."

"How fast have you been in the past two days?"

Ran's father nodded, "The relevant personnel have already gone ahead, the things have been transported by train, and the rest of the way is by car."

"When the time comes, just follow along."

"it is good!"

Yang Xiaotao continued to lower his head and fill in the information.

But I was muttering in my heart that last year the mushroom eggs came three months earlier than expected, and the historical combination should be in October next year.

In other words, his arrival abruptly brought this forward 14 months?

Do you have such great ability?
Thinking of this, the pen in my hand was a little excited.

No, it may be that this world is just like this.

It's a parallel world, it's a little different, it's normal.

Otherwise, he would have traveled through time, and there would be systems around him, including elves.
Thinking of this, the excitement just now calmed down again.

After writing the information, I submitted it to my superiors for review. By the time the results came out, it was already mid-afternoon.

"Dad, are you going home for dinner tonight?"

Ran's father was sorting out the information. When he heard Yang Xiaotao's question, he thought for a moment and then nodded, "I have to tell your mother when I go back tonight."

"Okay, I'll go back and prepare."

"By the way, Dad, you should take a look at this more when you have time."

Before leaving, Yang Xiaotao would like to remind him that after all, he is well prepared.

Looking at the red leather notebook on the table, Father Ran nodded slightly.

"I have this."

Ran's father responded, suddenly thought of something, raised his head and said, "Remember to wear the 'Take Off' medal I awarded you last time."

Yang Xiaotao nodded after hearing this, turned around and left without saying anything more.

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