Scholars in the courtyard

Chapter 1360 Dragon has reverse scales

Chapter 1360 Dragon has reverse scales
"You don't know, after this meal, my anger has gone away!"

Wang Fa picked up the wine glass and drank it in one gulp, the excitement on his face was palpable.

It can be seen that he has been very angry with his villain in the past two days!
"Brother Wang, you are awesome!"

"You can seize this opportunity, Niu."

Xing Jiaqi smiled. His son was still young and not in school, so he was not worried at all.

"However, this is not a solution. What if that kid passes it?"

Li Wei was holding a wine glass and clinked it with Yang Xiaotao.

A few people sat together, drinking and bragging like before.

In fact, everyone has changed a lot over the years.

But the one who has become the biggest is Yang Xiaotao.

Wang Fa paused after hearing this.

"Yeah, what should I do?"

While talking, he also looked at Yang Xiaotao.

"Xiao Tao, please make up your mind, don't let these boys get up again, they will cause trouble!"

Several people laughed, but Yang Xiaotao greeted, "Take your time with this, eat the food first!"

Several people moved their chopsticks after hearing this.

"Actually, it's easy!"

After drinking for three rounds, Yang Xiaotao saw that he was almost done eating, so he changed the subject.

"Brother Wang! There are so many ways to educate children!"

"Like you said, looking for mistakes is the most basic, but it's still a bit passive."

"You should take the initiative."

Yang Xiaotao picked up the cigarettes and distributed them to several people, "For example, take one that he has never carried before and let him carry it!"

"If you know the words, it's easy to say. If you don't, hey."

Wang Fa grinned and would be ready when he got back.

“If you don’t know it, you have to learn it!”

"Also, didn't he memorize it? Okay, then write it down."

Wang Fa's eyes widened again.

This method is good.

"When he memorized everything, did he write it out again?"

"How to do?"

Several people nodded, they also wanted to know what to do.

Yang Xiaotao smiled softly, "Simple."

"Pick one out and write a 600-word review."

"If it's too little, just write 800 words. You have the final say anyway."

"At the end of the day, Brother Wang, are you still afraid that you won't be able to deal with these bastards?"

Wang Fa grinned, the previous joy on his face was gone, replaced by shock.

While Yang Xiaotao was talking, several others were a little impressed at first. He could come up with such a sharp method. It was indeed Yang Xiaotao.

But at the end, what are the thoughts after reading the 600-word or 800-word book? Is this something that children can write?
You can think of such a method, are you a devil?

Or is this a common method used by scholars?
But if this is the case, if this trick is used, it is estimated that not many children in the whole forty-nine cities will be able to escape the murderous hands of the old father.

Several people looked at Yang Xiaotao with more fear.

"This is a good idea."

Zhou Kui, who was on the side, suddenly said something coldly, which made the people at the table come to their senses and laugh together.

Everyone here is an old father with children, and it is still necessary to exchange parenting experiences.

So Wang Fa asked for advice again.

"Xiao Tao, which one do you think would be more difficult to write an 800-word review?"

Everyone covered their foreheads and mourned for the second child of Wang Fa's family.

Ah sneeze~~~
Fifth grade at Hongxing Elementary School.

In the classroom, a boy with two slap marks on his cheek sat in his seat and sneezed constantly.

Around him, many seats were vacant.

There are not even half as many people in this classroom as before.

After sneezing, the boy suddenly felt a little cold on his back. How could he be cold on a hot day?
Could it be that someone was thinking about him?
In fact, the young man's worries are not without reason.

After returning home, he was immediately called to Wang Fa and started asking questions.

"The masses are the real heroes, what's the next sentence?"

Suddenly, the young man was stunned on the spot.

This script is wrong. I went to school and the teachers didn’t teach me this.

So, after some repairs, the boy succumbed again.

The next day, the boy came to school and started carrying it desperately.

When I returned home, Wang Fa was not at home, but my mother was.

The couple had already discussed the countermeasures.

I saw my mother throwing a pen over, and then asked, "Write out the first sentence of 'cure the sick and save the patient'."

The young man was confused again.

The previous sentence was to avoid past mistakes and avoid future ones. He memorized it, but he couldn't write it.

So, I gave in again.

Everything in Wang Fa's family was quickly learned by others in the compound.

And with Wang Fa's personal publicity, everyone in the machinery factory also followed suit.

Among them, Yang Youning studied the most seriously.

After realizing the benefits of 'big learning', the whole factory's enthusiasm for learning increased again.

Yang Xiaotao took the opportunity to select a few people who could memorize, write, and spread their thoughts in a targeted way, and wrote 800 words of thoughts after reading, and gave them quite generous material rewards.

This time it is even more irritating and makes people jealous.

When people meet, they will even say this as a greeting.

Correspondingly, all children from machinery factory workers' families were kept docile during this period and went to school honestly.

In this lively and intense study, time has come to August.


"Liu Gong, how do you pronounce this character?"

Wang Jun took a piece of paper and approached Xiao Liu who was endorsing it and asked.

He hadn't gone to school for a few days and didn't know some words.

"I don't even know these!"

Xiao Liu glanced at it, and then took out his note from his pocket. Many words on it were marked with pinyin.

"This word means mao, mao, and look like! You know it!"

Xiao Liu said matter-of-factly, and Wang Jun nodded seriously, muttering "Looking, looking!"
Yan Fugui, who was just passing by, suddenly laughed and said, "Xiao Liu, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand."

"The word Miao Miao means contempt."

When Xiao Liu saw that it was Yan Fugui, who could be considered a cultural person, he immediately smiled, then took out the pencil tip and made corrections on the paper.

"Contempt, haha, contempt!"

The three of them smiled.

"Uncle Yan, do you want to endorse this?" Wang Jun asked curiously when he saw Yan Fugui also taking a piece of paper.

Yan Fugui nodded vigorously after hearing this, "Of course, this is political correctness and must be respected!"

"Otherwise, President Yang will force you to endorse? This is all for your own good!"

Yan Fugui did not forget to praise Yang Xiaotao, and everyone around him nodded.

Director Wang from the subdistrict office appeared at the door.

Yan Fugui hurriedly stepped forward, "Director Wang, why are you free today?"

Director Wang has a smile on his face, which is a good thing at first glance.

"What, I can't come?"

"Look at my mouth, I'm talking nonsense."

"If you can come, not only can you come, but you'd better come every day."

Yan Fugui quickly explained that Director Wang was in a good mood and didn't say much.

"Okay, I'm here to tell you something."

Director Wang looked around. There were many people in the courtyard, and they were all gathered now.

"Comrades, the superiors have learned that our compound is actively studying."

"After the unanimous decision of the superiors, the Siheyuan was awarded the title of 'Learning Model Courtyard'."


Yan Fugui took the lead in applauding, and the people around him also clapped their hands happily.

Director Wang encouraged Yan Fugui again and told Yan Fugui to keep going and not to be complacent.

Then he left the courtyard.

At this time, in the Red Star Machinery Factory, Mr. Xia walked out of the door accompanied by a middle-aged woman.

Behind them, Liu Huaimin and Yang Youning led a group of senior executives from the machinery factory. Their faces were either silent or serious, and they looked at the visitors with solemn eyes.

"Comrade Xia Chuanming."

The woman raised her glasses on her nose and nodded to Mr. Xia who was accompanying her. "The main purpose of my visit this time is to take a look at Team Leader Zhang."

"As an important domestic factory, the Red Star Machinery Factory is also the backbone of revolutionary construction. Comrades must study seriously and have a red heart."

"After half a day of inspection, Hongxing Machinery Factory has done a good job."

"Originally, Team Leader Zhang was worried that there was something wrong with the ideological position here and wanted to send someone to take charge of the work."

"It seems now that comrades are very aware."

Mr. Xia beside him had a smile on his face after hearing this.

"Director Cao, you are serious."

"They are all revolutionary old men, so naturally they have a red heart and are full of passion."

"I often say that we workers must shoulder the responsibility of being the masters of our own country, and we must always keep the instructions in mind."

"This study shows your determination."

"It shows that Red Star Machinery Factory is a revolutionary team"

Mr. Xia said something sonorous and powerful, and everyone behind him nodded frequently.

Director Cao nodded with satisfaction after hearing this.

"I have a deep understanding of this through this time."

After Director Cao finished speaking, he looked at the person behind him and said, "Comrade Liu Huaimin, I heard that it was Comrade Yang Xiaotao who proposed the big study in the machinery factory this time."

"I don't know why I didn't see anyone this time."

After saying this, Liang Zuoxin, who was accompanying him all the way but was indifferent, showed a hint of frost on his face, and made a subtle gesture with his right hand.

Soon, although the guard at the gate did not move, the muzzle of his gun was raised half a minute.

As long as Liang Zuoxin waved his hand, he immediately rushed forward.

Liu Huaimin was suddenly asked. Although he was stunned for a moment, he responded quickly, "Director Cao, Comrade Yang Xiaotao is currently engaged in an important task and is not in the machinery factory."

Hearing this, Director Cao adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose again, feeling very unhappy.

The main purpose of her visit this time was to see what the "big study" at the Red Star Machinery Factory was all about.

You know, the current status of Red Star Machinery Factory in Sijiu City is not low, and it has earned a lot of foreign exchange for the country.

In addition, they have close ties with various departments, so it is very important for them to win the Red Star Machinery Factory.

But just when they were about to intervene in the machine factory for the purpose of learning, and then slowly take control of the plan, they unexpectedly did it themselves, and they did it in a spectacular way. Not only did their original plan go to waste, but it also caused the Suspected of stealing their jobs.

The person who proposed this 'big study' plan was actually just a young man under thirty, Yang Xiaotao.

And according to the information she collected, this Yang Xiaotao was quite capable.

The machinery factory was able to grow from a small steel rolling mill, and half of the credit goes to him.

He has ability, vision, and good political wisdom.

How could she not know such a person?

If we can draw them into our own camp, it will be even more powerful for revolutionary construction.

But who would have thought that this guy would avoid seeing her.


After hearing this, Director Cao looked at Mr. Xia, "Since Comrade Yang Xiaotao can't be separated, let's forget it."

"When you have the opportunity, come to the working group. Team Leader Zhang likes such an outstanding young man very much."

"But I heard that this man had some irregularities in his life. Before getting married, he had sex with a woman in the courtyard."

"Director Cao."

Before Director Cao could finish speaking, Mr. Xia shouted coldly with a stern face, "You can eat randomly, but you can't talk nonsense."

Director Cao was stunned.

Unexpectedly, Xia Chuanming, who used to look like a peacemaker, suddenly seemed to have changed.
Looking at the other people in the machinery factory, they were all staring at her.

Outside the gate, there was a sudden silence.

Just as the two looked at each other, a voice suddenly came.


Not far away, Liang Zuoxin raised his hand and shouted softly.

At the gate, a group of people gathered around.

The few people who followed Director Cao had their faces turned pale with fear.

Director Cao even took a breath of cold air.

She suddenly remembered that there are many secrets in the current machinery factory.

These people in front of me are people from the Special Security Division.

If the other party detains you on the grounds that the visit to relatives is confidential, then...
If this person is beaten to death, the other party will feel uncomfortable.

But you have to die first.

Looking at Xia Chuanming again, behind this guy is an old man from the First Machinery Department.

That group of people, I heard, could get into fights even if they quarreled every three days, and the leaders above were unable to do anything about them.

Seeing the posture in front of me, I understood it instantly.

The dragon has reverse scales, which will kill you if you touch it.

"Misunderstanding, I only listened to some gossip, gossip."

"Since the machine factory has done such a perfect job, I will tell Team Leader Zhang when I get back. Your superiors will definitely praise you."

"Lao Xia, let's go first. You are busy."

After saying that, he immediately took the people into the car and ran away quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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