My martial arts can withdraw cash

Chapter 63 Dimensionality Reduction Strike

Chapter 63 Dimensionality Reduction Strike
Jun 丨 Yizi Pawn Alliance Channel.

Pumpkin Man丨Sword Immortal: [Battle Report][Battle Report] Fuck, what kind of devil are these fireworks丨March?A team of kitchen knives pierced our [-]th team?How does this work?
Mu丨Chou Qianren: It's off the charts, Wei Zhi, who I just arrived on the battlefield, let him kill me in two rounds? ? ?What level of Ma Chao can cut me [-] in two rounds?
Pumpkin Man丨Unlucky: I can't hold back, how do I feel, we shouldn't confront him head-on?This comparison is not something we can beat at all, and it is not at the same level at all.

Love丨Xiao Jiu: Are you afraid of a hammer?You pumpkin group plus Mu group, more than 90 people, are you afraid that he will have a firework 丨 March?Wouldn't it be over if he just rushed at him?
Mu丨Chou Qianren: Stop nagging, the fireworks丨Sanyue is coming again!This time it's two teams!How to say, do you want to be stationed?
Pumpkin Man丨Bengbu: As you said, you must be stationed there!Otherwise, if he pushes us into our fortress group, and Nima blooms directly, then wouldn't our two regiments be the ones to blame?

After pulling the chopper team back to full strength in seconds, Yang Rui was not in a hurry to use the remaining thousands of reserve soldiers. The governor hanging in Yang Rui's main city is now a drop in the bucket considering the thousands of troops he has.

On the other hand, it's still the old-fashioned problem. Now that Yang Rui is only able to move the two teams, he has used all the reserve soldiers. What if the car overturns, he can't just lie flat and drive away, right?

After all, you still have to keep a little insurance.

The hooligan team and the chopper team were still in the fortress where they had just focused their fire, and there was no special card second in the time of contact with the enemy, they simply stuck the two teams at the same time.

For the main players of these two teams, it doesn't matter who hits the enemy first and who hits the enemy last. After all, this is a team fight, not a one-on-one solo between two high-level battles, so naturally there is not much talk about it.

As long as you do your best to kill the members of the League of Legends, kill as much as possible and prepare to come back.

Indeed, as Pumpkin Man丨Bengbu said, once the first fortress falls, it will inevitably trigger a series of chain reactions, and Yang Rui will definitely get the chance to enter the fortress group.

Even Yang Rui had such calculations in his heart, and his eyes had already been set on a wild fortress on the second ring road of Gaomi Pass.

As long as I can fight here, then keep a team of Kakashi in the main city, and the remaining four teams will be directly pulled into the wild fortress. Cooperating with the Datang regiment, there is a good chance to completely wipe out the members of the King League before the fortress is over. The fortress group was tossed to death.

So no matter whether the members of the Junmeng choose to avoid the edge temporarily or face the difficulties, for Yang Rui who has sucked a big mouthful of blood, it is just a few simple words: no difference.

Soon, the hooligan team and the chopper team, who went out after washing points, were stuck at almost exactly the same time, went hand in hand, and crashed into the fortress that was still full of garrisons together again.

Seventeen teams!
Just a face-to-face meeting, already [-] teams stationed above the Junmeng Fortress turned their horses around on the spot and began to return the same way.

And Yang Rui's chopper team also entered a state of serious injuries. In this wave, the chopper pierced through the garrison of ten teams, and finally lost to the enemy and suffered a tragic defeat.

One wear ten, although this kind of record is not as brilliant as the record of one wear thirteen or even close to fourteen just now, but it is enough to satisfy Yang Rui.

But after this wave, what really surprised Yang Rui the most was the rogue team that only wore the five garrisons. While they were all full, the battle damage of this team of hooligans was only a pitiful two thousand!

There are indeed a lot of kitchen knives, and even the troops carry as many as [-] reserve soldiers. But after this wave of fighting, the main city can only hold [-] reserve soldiers. The extra [-] Eight can only be wasted.

Coupled with the fact that Cai Knife is already seriously injured, this [-] reserve is probably not enough for Cai Knife to fully prepare himself, let alone to prepare for the main players of the other teams.

But hooligans are different. They also come back with a full load. They spend two thousand for themselves, and the remaining [-] reserve soldiers can be shared with other main teams.

First, he brought Wei Zhi with the original several thousand reserves in the main city, and then used the [-] reserve soldiers brought back by the kitchen knife and some of the extra rogues to fill up the kitchen knife troops. Yang Rui began to prepare for his third round. attack.

This time, he no longer had only two teams. Besides the chopper hooligans, Wei Zhi was finally ready to go back into the battle.

Up to now, Caidao only has the last [-] points of physical strength left, so Yang Rui still hopes to get enough results in Caidao's last dance in the recent short period of time.

It's just that when the kitchen knife finally recovered from the serious injury after 10 minutes, the members of the Junmeng finally bypassed Yang Rui's card and arrived at the face of their main city.

And the first arrow to set fire to his main city has also appeared in Yang Rui's field of vision.

"Ten minutes is enough."

As more and more enemy attack alarms appeared in Yang Rui's ears in a short period of time, he could clearly see when the opponent focused his fire by following the arrow.

10 minutes is enough time for him to shoot and return in a second. Thinking about it, Yang Rui, who currently has a huge demand for reserve soldiers, immediately decided to take another wave of desperation. Take the initiative to attack a wave!
So, on Yang Rui's side of the Gaomi battlefield, there appeared such a scene that looked extremely "bumped". Against the hundreds of rocket heads on the side of the Junmeng, these three rebels appeared and went straight to Jun. The alliance fortress group left.

Even many Junmeng members who saw this scene were wondering, is this person crazy?Seeing that your main city is under fire from more than 100 arrows, you don't think about how to defend, but instead take the initiative to attack?Do you want to die?

Of course, there are also more experienced players who can gain insight into Yang Rui's thoughts. Of course, he did not give up resistance and directly fight, but out of absolute confidence in himself!

He is confident that this wave of attacks will definitely make a lot of money, which will greatly increase his chances of surviving this wave of concentrated fire.

In other words, it is Firework丨March, the strongest high-level fighter in the region, the strongest wandering army in the region, confident that no matter what happens to him, he will never lose.

Because this is the S2 season, a wandering army full of red monsters is a massacre to a group of white board cute new regular troops. A full red monster is a wandering army with extremely rich game experience. For this group of white board cute new regular troops, That is the dimensionality reduction strike!

(End of this chapter)

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