My martial arts can withdraw cash

Chapter 62 No matter how high your kung fu is, you are afraid of a kitchen knife

Chapter 62 No matter how high your kung fu is, you are afraid of a kitchen knife
Seeing that Jun丨Yizi has started to pave the way in the direction of his main city, Yang Rui also knows that at this time, he must choose to take the initiative to attack and grasp the initiative on the battlefield as much as possible.

Otherwise, if he was really surrounded by the League of Kings in this small mountain nest, there would be nothing he could do except sit and wait to die.

The choppers and hooligans were the first to be recruited by Yang Rui with reserve troops. These two teams have always been the most stable of the five main teams in Yang Rui's main city, except for Shubu.

And now facing the attack of the League of Legends, both penetrability and line resistance must be considered. Of course, there is no need to talk about penetrating power. No exaggeration.

As for the anti-line, if the second Shubu is used, the ability to resist the line will indeed be greatly improved, but at the same time, it is impossible for Shubu to maintain the penetrating ability of the rogue team.

After all, now that Yang Rui has finished the main forces of the two teams, he has neither the resources to recruit troops for the fourth team nor the reserves to fill up the third team.

What Yang Rui needs to do most at this stage is to use his small skills to make a big difference, relying on the main force of these two teams, to quickly eat up the opponent's team, so as to obtain enough recruitment resources and reserve troops.

"It's difficult to deal with. There are too many places where you can contact your opponents, and there are no docks or mountain passes."

Compared with the previous Mengyin battlefield, this high-density battlefield is somewhat difficult for Yang Rui.

Although Jun丨Yizi's sub-alliance will definitely have a big gap in combat power compared to Jun丨Yizi's main alliance, but after all, it is the strength of two entire regiments to deal with him.

In addition, the area near Yang Rui's main city is full of Daping Road, and there is no danger to defend at all. If the Tang regiment cannot put enough pressure on the Junmeng in the frontal battlefield, then I am afraid that I will have a very dangerous life in the future .

After only struggling for a few seconds, Yang Rui completely determined the tactics he was going to adopt next: take the initiative to attack!Infinitely be proactive!
Relying on the high physical strength of the Wandering Army team and the high mobility of the team after being washed, before the Junmeng, they threatened the fortress group of the Junmeng members and forced the opponent to garrison and fight with him.

Only by bringing up the rhythm and letting Junmeng passively fight with himself, can this situation be completely revitalized now.

On the battlefield, there was a lack of professional commanding members of Junyizi, who obviously didn't realize this. When they saw Yang Rui unscrupulously paving the way towards their fortress group, they even felt that this firework丨March was Are you crazy?
And only 5 minutes later, when a purple arrow suddenly appeared on the fortress of the members of the League of Legends, at this moment, many members of the League of Legends had such an illusion in their hearts.

Fuck, March is here, if I can kill him, wouldn't I be able to play for half a year?Bros!Here's your chance to make a name for yourself!

Ever since, the two regiments of Junmeng, the pumpkin regiment and the Mu regiment, who were in charge of dealing with Yang Rui, did not choose to avoid the edge for the time being like the sword regiment after suffering two losses in the Mengyin battlefield, but chose the barrage The most common style of play: Facing difficulties!

At the beginning, Yang Rui was also worried. After several rounds of paving the way, his chopper team only had the last [-] points of stamina left, and it would be [-] points for one expedition. If Feng Mang avoids the battle with himself, then this wave of active and rhythmic tactics of his own is equivalent to falling short of success.

But obviously, the reality is that Yang Rui found that his worries were completely unnecessary, and the group of Jun丨Yizi leaders had no tactics at all!

Of course, it is inevitable that the league lacks proper command and dispatch. As we all know, what the league in Season S lacks most is truly qualified and professional management.

It may be difficult for a district to come up with a complete and professional management team, so most experienced managers will be assigned to the main league in the S2 season.

Junmeng is such a situation. When Jun丨Devil King started preparing for S1, he only brought the sword丨Qing'an and the leader of Aoshi Group for management, and there was no extra helper to assign to Jun丨Yizi Take the lead in this alliance.

As for the management of Lengtouqing, fights, I don't care if you are tactical or not?If you shoot over, I'll call for garrison, and if you see less garrison, I'll call for focus fire.

You say the management is not enthusiastic enough?That's not possible, some hot-blooded teenagers can even send one or two hundred emails a day, but do you think he is serious and responsible?Not at all, after all, when I opened the email, there were a lot of destinations, all of which were coordinates plus the word turned, or coordinates plus the word garrisoned.

Jun 丨 Yi is in the lead, obviously it is such a negative teaching material.

"Hey, there are people who are not afraid of death."

When the chopper team was even 1 minute away from the target point, a full [-] teams of the League of Legends had gathered above the fort that was "fired" by Yang Rui's main team.

"Qiuli has anointed three stones, don't try to wear it to the end and lose in the end, let's give it a draw, okay..."

For Yang Rui, as long as he can pass through eight teams and nine teams in this wave of offense, and then Ma Chao, Zhang Liao, and Cao Cao are not seriously injured, then he can only use two words to describe it: blood earning!
Finally, under the eyes of everyone's "expectation", this team of big choppers, like a lonely hero, alone, lonely, but without hesitation, crashed into the building that was built by the leading member of Jun丨Yizi. Filled with garrisoned fortresses.

"Ding dong! Alipay arrives, 2555 yuan!"

"Ding dong! Alipay arrived,..."...

Alipay, which had only stopped for a while, rang again and again, accompanied by the "like the sound of nature" voice from the Alipay broadcasting lady, the chopper team was also penetrating the garrison of Junmeng, Yang Rui In the lower left corner of the game screen, a new battle report is constantly emerging.


two letters.

Three letters.


Twelve letters.

Thirteen letters.

Fourteen letters!
In just the blink of an eye, a total of fourteen battle reports appeared in front of Yang Rui!

At the same time, while the chopper team entered a tie with only [-] troops left, Yang Ru's resource reserves, which had just bottomed out, reached a state of explosion again in an instant.

Clicking on the chopper team to retreat, fortunately Sanshi seemed to have really heard his appeal and did not let the chopper get seriously injured. At the same time, Yang Rui also began to look at the freshly released battle report.

Shubu, Dahan Gong, Dudu, Wei Zhi, Rogue, Fadao, these fourteen battle reports almost included all the popular teams of the second season.

But these teams, without exception, all fell under the pomegranate skirt of the chopper team.

Not counting the draw in the last battle report, the chopper team broke through thirteen in this wave. With their own practical actions, they once again explained to everyone the classic saying: No matter how skilled you are, you will be afraid of choppers!

(End of this chapter)

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