Chapter 362


"I'm rough?"

In this wave of flourishing Peony, the garrison of more than [-] teams could be forgotten. They led a round of concentrated fire and were completely wiped out. Not only Yang Rui, but also ghosts were almost petrified on the spot.

Although the battlefield on the right side forgot about the fireworks and failed to penetrate the garrison of more than 400 teams, not to mention that there are only dozens of teams garrisoned on the link ground after one round of battle. It's also not a good thing.

Such a result is obviously completely unacceptable for Ghost Yixie. Before dividing his troops into battle, he really thought that the battlefield might be at a disadvantage because of his own division of troops.

But can your current situation be just a "disadvantage"?If you say that this is a collapse, some people will believe it!
[All emails] Fireworks丨March: Hurry up!We have already penetrated the garrison of Peony in the prosperous age!Attack their rear positions with all their strength!There is no need to think about the Jiugongge or the step-by-step, just one request, push forward with all your strength, and directly penetrate their fortress group vertically!Poke a hole in their position!


After only a few seconds of astonishment, Yang Rui even forgot to post the battle report on the Juyi channel for everyone to appreciate, and immediately began to edit the second command email.

At this time, how to seize the opportunity is the real deal. How can the morale inspired by sending out the battle report be worth the obviousness of directly killing Peony in the prosperous age and setting up a position?

For a while, as Yang Rui successfully clicked to send this command email, all the members who forgot to lead the soil did not even let the team that had just returned to the main city take a breather, and immediately pulled out all the preparations and sent almost all of them back to the main city. All the teams that could fight were pulled out again.

As for the Forgotten Fireworks side, he still focused his goal on the link ground that he hadn't succeeded in taking just now. The reason why he didn't continue to advance towards the depths of the prosperous Peony's position together with Forgotten Suitu. On the one hand, it was because June wanted to carry out Yang Rui's previous two-push style of play.

On the other hand, in fact, I was still worried that after the wandering army gathered its forces at one point, Shengshi Mudankai would be able to concentrate on defense, which would make it difficult to move forward.

In fact, June's worries are still necessary. From the moment the left link of the PY battlefield in Yanzhou Prefecture was lost, the ghosts hoped that the wandering army would start to abandon the right battlefield, and they all swarmed into the middle. Come in one piece.

However, June obviously predicted the ghost's appearance. The wandering army did not launch the attack as he expected, but still strictly divided the labor according to one left and one right.

For a moment, what appeared before the phantom suddenly became a mess of a dilemma, how to defend against it?The defensive force on the left side of the battlefield was completely pierced by a wave of forgetting to lead the soil. If you don't care about it, then waiting for the flourishing peony to open, it will inevitably be completely blown up on the left side, and you will be poked a hole by the wandering army directly. Not impossible.

What if some manpower is drawn out for defense?I forgot to lead the attack, and did not adopt the method of focusing fire, and the arrival time at the destination was also very scattered. If some people were drawn from the right battlefield to defend, there is still a relatively high chance of withstood the attack.

But that's the problem here, if some people are drawn from the battlefield on the right side, they will definitely not be able to withstand the firework attack. At that time, if the front line collapses, the prosperous peony will probably lose the entire PY battlefield .

That is to say, no matter what choice the ghost makes, he will inevitably face the possibility of throwing away the sesame seeds and picking up the watermelon.

In the end, as soon as the ghost appeared, he had no choice but to grit his teeth and continue his own resistance tactics of dividing troops. If the left side is lost, it will be lost, and if the position is penetrated, it will be penetrated. It is better than the entire fortress group disappearing.

After about 10 minutes, the offensive firepower arrow from Wang Litu, which can be called 360-degree coverage without dead ends, immediately covered the entire front row of Shengshi Peony Kai on the left battlefield of PY.

Of course, there can be no suspense about the result of the duel. The main force has already been out of ten, and the members of Shengshi Mudankai's left position no matter how much they squeeze and exploit, they will not be able to resist the firepower of this round of attack.

In an instant, or in less than half a minute, it was already clear that Shengshi Peony lost a whole row in the front row.

It was as if the sand was swallowed by the high tide seawater, and there was nothing left on the spot!

Fortunately, the attack on the right side of the battlefield that forgot about the fireworks still failed to penetrate the garrison, which can be regarded as a little comfort to the ghost's heart that is about to be riddled with holes.

But this kind of consolation is indeed a bit too small for the anguish caused by the collapse of the entire PY battlefield.

And if it is said that the moment just now brought only "depression" to the ghost, then in the next whole hour, Wang Litu and the third round of concentrated fire finally broke through the garrisoned forgetful fireworks to the ghost. As soon as it is brought, it should be regarded as a "crash".

That's right, for an entire hour, until the main forces of the two Juyi members began to fall into the predicament of lack of physical strength one hour later, Shengshi Mudankai was almost powerless to fight back.

Ten squares, ten squares were abruptly advanced by the wandering army in one hour. From the perspective of the ghost, how could this be as simple as winning or losing?Being pushed ten blocks in an hour, this is obviously a slap in the face!

Thinking about how many seasons I have been in charge of the soil, I have always been the only one who pushes others. How can it be others' turn to push me?
It was precisely because of this kind of emotion that the ghost inevitably became anxious at first sight, and the counterattack organized by Shengshi Mudankai, who was eager to regain his face, became more and more chaotic.

Seeing that the opponent suddenly lost his position, Yang Rui didn't realize what happened at first, thinking that it was just Phantom One showing weakness on purpose. It was not until a long time later that the situation of Shengshi Peony opened still did not improve, and Yang Rui gradually realized that it should be There was something wrong with the mentality of the opposing commander.

There was a problem within the opponent. Although the He Tuan could not continue to advance due to the physical strength of the troops, Yang Rui did not do nothing. Instead, he took advantage of this time to quickly allocate the next PY battlefield. position to come.

He knows that no matter how anxious the ghost is now, he is the commander of the T0-level alliance after all, and he will be able to recover in a short time. All the remaining members of the battlefield have been transferred back.

After several hours of carnival, what awaits He Tuan is still a tough battle.

(End of this chapter)

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