My martial arts can withdraw cash

Chapter 361 1 Wearing it to the end

Chapter 361

When the peony of the prosperous age successfully arrived at the fortress group of Yanzhou Prefecture, the crane group left in front of them was already in a mess, and the loss of more than a quarter of the positions brought more than just the infinite approach of the crane group It's just so simple on PY's face.

Since the transfer of troops from the Jiwu battlefield to PY is completely within the view of the main city of the members of the crane regiment, Yang Rui already knew when the Shengshi Mudankai would complete the transfer of troops.

Almost at the same time when Shengshi Mudankai arrived, most of the Shengshi Mudankai members present heard the extremely sharp and piercing enemy attack siren.

The focus of the fire from the Hetuan family's two gatherings divided into two directions has already started at this moment!

Yang Rui was sure that the ghosts would not directly transfer all the members of the six regiments on the battlefield. The 200 people in the four regiments were almost the maximum number of people that the ghosts would invest in the early stage of the PY battlefield.

Then the Crane Tuan will face 200 people against 100 people, and the hope of winning is more than a little bit higher than the previous 320 people against [-] people.

So Yang Rui simply took the lead again, obviously he was still on the disadvantaged side in terms of numbers, but the attacking direction of the Crane Tuan was from the left side of PY and Wang Yanhuo. Attack from the right.

Yang Rui's attitude was obvious, and he didn't mean to hide anything. He just wanted to rely on the individual combat advantages of the members of the Crane regiment to further divide the fighting power of Shengshi Mudankai.

The so-called quantitative change leads to qualitative change. If 200 people focus on the garrison of 50 people, it may not be able to penetrate, but if 100 people focus on [-] people, the chances of breaking through the garrison are much greater.

Although it seems that the difference in strength is twice, but if you really want 100 people to withstand the attack of 50 people from the Crane Regiment, it is true that the ghosts do not have a clue.

As long as the party that holds the initiative on the battlefield is Shengshi Peony Kai instead of Crane Tuan, the ghost will never fight this kind of divisional battle with the wandering army.

But that's the problem, the initiative is in the hands of the wandering army, as long as the ghost does not want to continue to lose more positions in the state capital battlefield, then he has no choice but to be passively led by the nose by Yang Rui.

Seeing the wandering army advancing from the two directions of PY, one left and one right, Ghost realized that he had no other choice but to divide the troops and block the advance of the wandering army from two directions together.

"Have the opportunity!"

After seeing that the ghost appeared and did not have the guts to face him head-on and directly fight to the death, Yang Rui suddenly felt that the hope of successfully winning this wave of concentrated fire was much higher.

On the battlefield on the left side of PY, I forgot to lead the main force of the whole regiment of 50 people to add up to more than 230 teams. At this moment, they also began to swarm towards the defense line piled up by the two regiment members of Shengshi Peony Kai.

It has to be said that the full-red team after all members have been washed, from the perspective of perception, they are indeed running fast one by one, like iron cavalry marching in a hurry, wrapped in an unstoppable momentum, after only 10 minutes, they will be Like a dump truck, it plunged into Shengshi Mudan's line of defense!

The battle between the members of the two sides broke out instantly at this moment, as if the Jiwu battlefield had been directly moved to PY, the capital of Yanzhou.

Yang Rui's five main forces, without exception, all crashed into the enemy's formation a little faster than the others by a second or so!
Most or all members of the Crane Tuan are actually used to Yang Rui's behavior of liking to be stuck almost one second faster than others.

It's just that compared to the past, the reason why Yang Rui is still stuck in focusing on the fire faster than others this time is no longer to fight for more martial arts, but to give a sample to the Hetuan brothers.

Although the lack of momentum brought about by the defeat in the battlefield of Jiwu has largely been eliminated by Yang Rui's method of throwing coins just now, it is after all a temporary solution, not a root cause.

Before the Crane Tuan defeated the prosperous Mudankai head-on, this kind of momentum gap would always exist, and as the leader or soul of the Crane Tuan, if Yang Rui could make a few beautiful battle reports, he would naturally be able to mobilize the team. The atmosphere of the members of the crane group came.

For a moment, just for a moment, even Yang Rui felt stuck behind him for a second and forgot that the main force of the lead members hadn't really come into contact with Shengshi Mudankai, and the battle belonging to Yang Rui had already entered end.

As usual, it was still a draw for the two teams, and the three teams went straight to the defeat.

But when Yang Rui, who was a little nervous, saw the fourteen battle reports in the lower left corner of his game screen, he finally let out a sigh of relief.

The main force of the five teams can beat the opponent's fourteen teams. Such a record is definitely considered quite good for this season's T0-level games, and it is even absolutely excellent.

It's too late to pay attention to the success or failure of the concentrated fire. Anyway, Yang Rui was not prepared at the beginning to directly penetrate the garrison with a round of concentrated fire. If he can really penetrate directly in a wave, then Yang Rui even has to doubt Shengshi Peony's T0 strength. Authenticity gone.

Click on the battle report, and the first one that comes in is the astonishing performance of his team of Yuan Shao's physical knives.

"I'm stupid, what kind of fairy team is this?"

The record of wearing six teams in a row may not be so surprising, but in the six battles where Yuan Shaodao pierced through it, only [-] rounds passed!

That’s right, he averaged three rounds of headshots per game to end the battle, and it wasn’t until the seventh battle that he was sanctioned by the more popular “Bone Joe” in the latest version. That's all.

In addition to Yuan Shaodao, the performance of Shuqi and Caidao is still excellent, and even the hooligan team successfully penetrated a team of garrisons before falling into a tie.

It seemed that Yang Rui's luck improved after the Crane Group switched from the Jiwu battlefield to the PY battlefield.

Of course, what Yang Rui didn't know was that not only Yang Rui himself, but also the behavior of other members of the Crane Group were definitely considered "abnormal".

When Yang Rui briefly read his fourteen battle reports and returned his attention to the battlefield, he couldn't hold back the words "I'm rough".

That's right, the piece of land that was set on fire by He Tuan was also the link that Yang Rui never thought of winning in one round of concentrated fire, and thought it would take at least two or even three rounds of concentrated fire to destroy it, and it was so forgotten. Members, that's an understatement!

(End of this chapter)

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