Journey to the Heavens from Wudang

Chapter 53 Yamashita is 1 year old again!

Chapter 53 Yamashita is another year old!
Just after Lu Fu finished speaking, Song Qingshu shouted, "How can you be like me?"

"It's okay, it's okay." Zhang Yange said with a smile.

"I, I want to cure the cold poison in my body, and then practice martial arts like everyone else." Zhang Wuji looked at the crowd with some embarrassment. "Finally go to fight for justice with my little uncle!"

"Hahaha..." Everyone laughed at him kindly.

Because of Zhang Yange's relationship with Zhang Yange this time, the disciples of the three generations have a much better sense of Zhang Wuji.

"It's my time! It's my time!" Song Qingshu said hastily, "I want to be like my little uncle."

Although there is nothing new, everyone thinks it is very good.

Zhang Yange sent them back to sleep as soon as midnight passed.

He stands alone on the top of Wudang Mountain
Looking down the mountain!Looking at all living beings!

Mount Emei

"Are you still practicing sword today?" Jingxu looked at Zhou Zhiruo and asked.

In the whole Emei school, everyone likes her very much except the narrow-minded Ding Minjun.The reason why Ding Minjun doesn't like Zhou Zhiruo is very simple, it's because of jealousy.

Extinction attaches great importance to Zhou Zhiruo. It can be said that besides Ji Xiaofu, Zhou Zhiruo is the most important.

Ding Minjun had Ji Xiaofu's handle in his hands, so naturally he no longer worried about her.But who knew that another Zhou Zhiruo would come.

"It's okay to be idle anyway." She said with a smile.

In two years, Zhou Zhiruo came out slim and graceful, and her appearance was even more touching.

"Have you heard about Zhang Baxia?" Jingxu naturally knew about her relationship with Zhang Yange.

"What happened to him?" Zhou Zhiruo stopped her sword and asked.

The last time she heard the story of Zhang Yange rescuing the Four Seas Escort, it made her happy for a long time.Jingxu told her again about Zhang Yange's teaming up with the Kunlun faction to destroy the Vajra Sect.

"This Baxia Zhang is quite famous now."

"This level is very simple for Brother Zhang." Zhou Zhiruo always had a kind of blind confidence in him.

Jingxu chatted with her for a while, then let Zhou Zhiruo go back to rest.She returned to the house, and lightly touched the long sword Zhang Yange gave her.

"I haven't seen you for two years."

Missing is always slowly fermenting inadvertently.

As soon as the second day of junior high school passed, everyone prepared things for Zhang Wuji to go down the mountain.

After Lao Zhang gave a few instructions, he was going to retreat.

Now Zhang Wuji's cold poison has been stabilized, and Yu Daiyan has regained his health.

Lao Zhang didn't have any worries at all, and his thoughts were clear. He always felt that he should gain something from this retreat.

The task of sending Zhang Wuji down the mountain finally fell on Mo Qi.

Zhang Yange was kept in the sect, because it was the beggar sect leader Shi Huolong's birthday banquet in a few days, Song Yuanqiao planned to let him attend, and at the same time get to know more heroes.

These days, the few of them practiced the Zhenwu Qiqi Formation together.Song Qingshu could only reluctantly take the place Mo Qi vacated.

Zhang Yange memorized the position of the formation after reading it once, but Yu Daiyan was a little rusty.

They accompanied Yu Daiyan over and over to get acquainted, and finally Song Yuanqiao said happily, "With the real martial arts seven-section formation, it is equivalent to 64 first-class masters at the time shooting at the same time!
The fifth younger brother..."

Yu Daiyan was also extremely guilty in his heart, why didn't he feel that Zhang Cuishan died for him.

"Senior brothers, why do I always want to fight after practicing this formation?" Zhang Yange said quickly when he saw that everyone was feeling sad again.

When he said this, everyone was amused, and the sad emotions just now were diluted a lot.

Mo Qisan returned to the mountain after three days.

As soon as he came back, everyone rehearsed the real martial arts seven-section formation together several times.Yu Daiyan's mastery of this formation has completely reached the previous level.

And during this period of time, the six of them have made great progress in Zhenwu Town.

Among them, Yu Lianzhou has already reached the second floor, and the others have also reached the first floor.

Naturally, there are always people who are looking for boredom, Yin Liting asked, "Little Ba, what level have you practiced to?"

Zhang Yange smiled and stretched out five fingers.

"Brother Six, what are you doing asking this?" Mo Qi said angrily.

Yin Liting still did not give up and asked, "How is your mastery of Wuji Kungfu?"

Zhang Yange asked with a smile, "Sixth brother, are you sure you want to know?"

"No! Let's compete with each other." Yin Liting still had a somewhat youthful air.

"Let's compete in swordsmanship!" Zhang Yange laughed.

"Better than you."

"I'm pretty much the same."

"Little Ba, Brother Six will test you well today." Yin Liting laughed.

Song Yuanqiao and Yu Er looked at each other and smiled. The two of them had already seen that Zhang Yange's internal strength was no less than the two of them.

Each of them had a wooden sword.

Yin Liting used Wudang swordsmanship from the very beginning, but Zhang Yange only used his eight swordsmanship at the beginning to fight against the enemy.

After ten sword strikes, Yin Liting lost.

But Zhang Yange deliberately released water, and they hit a hundred tricks.

Yin Liting smiled and drew back his sword, "Xiao Ba, you don't need to give Sixth Brother face. It seems that Sixth Brother is no longer your opponent.

You kid is really a monster. "

He reached out to rub Zhang Yange's hair, but found that Zhang Yange was already taller than him.In the end, I could only pat him on the shoulder.

"The ability of the eighth brother, among us, only the second brother can compete." Song Yuanqiao said with a smile.

Song Qingshu knew that his father was not a person who likes to talk about scenes, but he didn't expect the little uncle to be so powerful.

A few days later, Zhang Yange went to the beggar gang alone.

After the Battle of Xiangyang, the elite of the Beggar Clan were all killed or injured.

Even the inheritance of the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon is about to be broken. It is said that Shi Huolong, the leader of the Beggar Clan, only learned twelve palms at this time.

However, these twelve palms also made Shi Huolong quite famous in the Jianghu world, earning him the title of Gold and Silver Palms.

Zhang Yange remembered that Chen Youliang should be in the Beggar Gang at this time.

To be honest, he was more interested in Chen Youliang than Shi Huolong.

Generally speaking, Zhang Yange didn't have much interest in the Beggar Gang. If it wasn't for the respect he received from the Xiangyang War, his senses would have been even worse.

But no matter what, he went to the head of the beggar gang as promised.

Along the way, many people from all over the world came to celebrate his birthday.

Zhang Yange walked among them as if he stood out from the crowd, looking very eye-catching.The beggars naturally put great effort into celebrating Shi Huolong's birthday.

The birthday banquet held during this time period is naturally not just for birthday celebrations.Why doesn't the Beggar Gang want to restore their glory as the world's largest gang?

Zhang Yange walked all the way, always feeling as if someone was following behind him.He tried a few times, and the man was very cautious.

This made him feel a little curious, but in any case, it seems that this trip to the beggar gang should be very interesting.

The Beggars' Gang no longer has the strength of the world's largest gang, but the main rudder is still built in style.

Zhang Yange took out the invitation card, the Beggar Clan disciples who had been calling the name saw him somewhat contemptuously when he was young.

But when he opened the invitation, he immediately bent down.

"Welcome to Wudang Eight Heroes!"

Hearing Zhang Yange's arrival, the whole hall was silent for a while, and the leader of the Chuan Gong came out to greet Zhang Yange himself.

 Second more…

  Thank you for the six hundred rewards of Weights and Measures, very grateful!

  Thanks to the madman Zhang San for the hundred rewards, very grateful!

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(End of this chapter)

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