Chapter 52

Regarding the matter of using He Taichong to test the medicine, Zhang Yange did not elaborate on them.

Seeing that Yu Daiyan was in good condition, everyone was completely relieved.Gu Xuzi and Zhang Wuji took care of him to sleep, and everyone left.

"If there are no accidents, third brother should be able to practice with us this year." Zhang Yange smiled to everyone.

"In this way, we can practice our Zhenwu seven-section formation again." Song Yuanqiao said excitedly. "In a few days, I will give my junior brother a good talk."

"That's a good relationship." Mo Shenggu said with a smile.

On the second day, Zhang Yange kept his word and took Song Qingshu down the mountain.

Originally, Song Yuanqiao was a little worried, but with Zhang Yange as his guarantee, he naturally wouldn't disagree.

Song Qingshu took the saber that Zhang Yange had given him, and strode forward with his head held high and his chest held high.

Zhang Wuji wanted to take care of Yu Daiyan, in the child's mind, it was his mother who caused Yu Daiyan to become like this, so if Yu Daiyan could be cured this time, he would feel much relieved.

"Little uncle, are we going to fight for justice this time!" Song Qingshu asked excitedly.

"Forget about the New Year's Eve." Zhang Yange said helplessly, "Let's go buy some fireworks."

"Okay." Thinking of going down the mountain with Zhang Yange, he felt very satisfied.

Snow had just fallen on the mountain road, but Zhang Yange walked steadily, while Song Qingshu slipped and fell twice.

Zhang Yange taught him how to step on the snow, and he tried it, and sure enough he wouldn't slip again.After Zhang Yange's Ti Yunzong came to Guizhen, his understanding of Qinggong reached a very high level.

The two of them didn't go far, but went to the town down the mountain to buy a lot of fireworks.After playing with Song Qingshu in the small town for a long time, the two of them went back to the mountain together.

"Little uncle, are you afraid when you face those horse thieves alone?" Song Qingshu carried a small package on his back.

"Don't be afraid, because I know I can't beat it, I can run away." Zhang Yange carried a huge package on his back.

"Little Martial Uncle's lightness kung fu is really powerful."

Zhang Yange glanced at him and said, "Qingshu, remember that there is nothing important in this world except life and death."

He froze for a moment, didn't understand very well but still nodded, expressing that he remembered it in his heart.

It was late when the two of them reached the mountain.

Old Zhang called Zhang Yange away at night, and today Yu Daiyan can already feel the sensation of his limbs.

"Master, what's the matter?" Zhang Yange asked as he entered the door.

Old Zhang waved his sleeves, Zhang Yange only felt the strength to face him.

He hit it with his cotton palm.

Zhang Yange's hand just touched Zhang Sanfeng's sleeve.

Feeling that the sleeves were as hard as steel, Lao Zhang smiled and shook his sleeves again.

Jin Qi came towards Zhang Yange's face.

Zhang Yange made six palms in a row!
or soft!or just!
He not only used his internal strength, but also the power of five layers of dragons and five elephants.

But these strengths are like sinking into the sea.

Zhang Yange naturally didn't want to admit defeat like this, he suddenly stretched out his index finger and moved forward slightly.

The internal force was shot out by him.

Lao Zhang raised his eyebrows slightly, his sleeves were still rolled up, and the vigor of the yang finger disappeared.Zhang Yange suddenly felt the powerlessness that Sun Wukong felt when facing the Great Immortal Zhenyuan.

Lao Zhang looked at him with a smile, and swept his big sleeve again.

Zhang Yange let go and was swept to the ground, "It's inappropriate for you, a centenarian, to bully a young man like me!"

He sat on the ground lazily and didn't get up.

Seeing his appearance, Lao Zhang laughed loudly, "Get up, you monkey."

"Then tell me first what kind of move was that move just now?" Although Zhang Yange had a guess in his mind, he still pretended not to know.

"The Taijiquan created when I was a hundred years old! But there are still some incomprehensions in this boxing method." Lao Zhang said with a smile, "Give me a little more time, and I will pass it on to you after I have a thorough understanding of the whole process."

"Then let's make a deal." Zhang Yange said with a smile.

Zhang Yange took out Yiyangzhi's cheat book to Zhang Sanfeng.

Old Zhang and him are naturally not polite, Xiao Zhang said with a smile, "I mainly feel that it is a pity that this unique knowledge is lost."

Lao Zhang pointed at him with a smile!
In the end, I still flipped through Yiyang Zhi, and Lao Zhang read it very quickly.

After a while he closed the booklet, "This set of fingerings is good."

The famous Yiyang Finger, in Lao Zhang's opinion, is only good.

"How many levels have you cultivated?" Zhang Sanfeng asked curiously.

"I was in a hurry along the way, and besides, my main focus was on our Wudang Kung Fu, so I barely reached the third rank." Zhang Yange said modestly.


"That's why you can't even tear your sleeves." Zhang Yange said helplessly.

"Little Ba, it's already very good." Old Zhang said sincerely, "I was always worried every time you went down the mountain before, but seeing your ability today, I will be completely relieved when you go down the mountain to be a teacher in the future.

Zhang Yange patted the dirt on his body, "Teacher is number one in the world, let me be humble! Why don't you be number two in the world?"

After he finished speaking, the old and the young looked at each other and smiled.

The whole Wudang Mountain is also very lively as the New Year is approaching.

Both Sun Qian and Wang Sandao personally sent many gifts.

I lived in Wudang Mountain for a few days before going back.

"Little uncle, the fireworks are all set up." Lu Fu came running.

"Well, be careful not to cause a fire." Zhang Yange explained.

Song Qingshu and Zhang Wuji stood beside Zhang Yange, one left and one right. The incense sticks in their hands were broken by Zhang Yange from the Hall of Sanqing. If Song Yuanqiao found out about this, he would have to chatter.

"Get ready! Let it go!"

The two of them lit the fuse of the fireworks, and after a while the fireworks were brilliant, illuminating the entire sky.

A group of disciples behind Zhang Yange watched happily.

Song Qingshu glanced at Zhang Wuji, hesitated for a long time before saying, "Wuji, I'm sorry before! Happy New Year!"

Zhang Wuji froze for a moment, with a sincere smile on his face.

"Brother Qingshu, happy new year."

Under the light of the fireworks, they all had smiles on their faces.

Sanqing Palace
Lao Zhang said with a smile, "Why did this monkey even break the incense offering? Yuanqiao, just give it to him next time, so that the monkey won't steal it by himself."

Song Yuanqiao...

But they all looked at the fireworks in the sky with smiles on their faces.Yu Daiyan has completely recovered, and Hu Qingniu's ointment is really effective.

"Our Wudang Mountain has never been so lively." Mo Shenggu said happily.

"Yeah, after Xiao Ba came, it made the mountain feel a little different." Yin Liting kept smiling, but there was still sadness between his brows.


Of course it was rejected again...

It took half an hour for the fireworks to end. Zhang Yange sat on a boulder and asked the crowd, "What wishes do you have? Let's hear it."

"I want to practice martial arts well!" "Yeah."

"I want to flourish in Wudang!" "Ambition!"

"I want to marry a beautiful wife." "Hahaha"

"I want to be as chivalrous as you are." Lu Fu said seriously.

 First more…

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(End of this chapter)

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