Established a millennium family since King Wu defeated Zhou

Chapter 809: How to cut off the so-called Nian family?

Chapter 809: How to cut off the so-called thousand-year-old family?

Luo Xianzhi was sitting in the hall, surrounded by many people. He was not the tallest among them, but the others had their heads lowered and their waists bowed, so he seemed to be the tallest person.

The people who came to see him were like an endless stream, with different faces and different expressions. Luo Xianzhi jotted it down briefly, turned around and forgot about it until everyone dispersed, leaving only a small number of people.

Luo Xianzhi rubbed his head. Everyone looked at him, with flattery and inquiry in their eyes. They understood Luo Xianzhi's weight better than most people.

Luo Xianzhi had made preparations for today and said slowly: "Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty created the Three Dukes because of Wang Mang's chaos, and the power returned to Taiwan Province. In the hundred years after the Han Dynasty, the power and responsibility of the Shangshutai were heavy. Since then, all countries have used Shangshu. Taiwan is the most important thing, and all of you who are listed in Taiwan Province must know the importance of Shangshu Taiwan."

All the officials at the Shangshutai were silent. In a sense, the Shangshutai is the highest government agency. The only problem is that the level is low, and the Shangshu Ling is no more than the third rank. Moreover, the Shangshutai is outside the palace, while Zhongshu Province is inside the palace. From then on, In terms of responsibilities, Shangshutai is the agency that handles and executes the affairs of Zhongshu Province.

Luo Xianzhi didn't care about the silence of these people. Most of these people wouldn't stay for two years anyway, especially those who were disobedient, and would basically be transferred.

He put away the smile on his face and said expressionlessly: "When the following countries are divided today, no country has been able to unify the world. Your Majesty has handed over the chancellery to me. This is your trust in me. I Today, the Duke will set some rules for his colleagues in Shangshutai.

I enforce the law very strictly, I hate evil as much as I hate hatred, and I can't rub sand out of my eyes. There are six departments and twenty-four divisions in Shangshutai. Almost all affairs in Daliang are executed by my officials in Shangshutai.

I know the pros and cons and the space for his hands. From now on, you should keep an eye on your department and company. If anything happens to me, don’t blame me for being ruthless. . "

At this moment, everyone at the Shangshu table finally looked at each other and wanted to say something. If other people had said this, these people would probably think that this was the power given by the new Shangshu order to their subordinates, so that these officials should not underestimate themselves. .

But when this sentence came out of Gusu Luoshi's mouth, it was the truth!

That means Luo Xianzhi really wants to do this.

Luo Shi spoke with spit and nails. If he said he would kill your whole family, he would kill his whole family. If he said he would spare your life, he would spare your life.

Now Luo Xianzhi said that he must strictly regulate the Shangshutai, that is, he must really keep an eye on all officials.

Just a few words, more than 20 people in the palace already felt a little chilly. Even the officials who had not complained about anything felt that a heavy mountain had fallen above their heads, and they felt like they had returned to Duke Wenmu of Gusu. era.

When Duke Wenmu of Gusu was in charge of the affairs of the Liang Kingdom, the Shangshu Ling of the Shangshu Province and the Zhongshu Ling of the Zhongshu Province had to report their work to him. Especially when Xiao Yan went out to fight, in addition to the affairs inside the palace, the entire Liang Guo has no government affairs that he cannot control.

Luo Youzhi had a bad temper. Officials at that time lived in trepidation. Even though they knew that Luo Youzhi could not punish him for no reason, people bullied the weak and feared the strong. The same was true in the officialdom. When faced with a powerful superior, Most people will always choose to obey.

Unexpectedly, Luo Youzhi died two years ago, and just after two good years, his son came. From what he said, his temperament and temperament were exactly the same as those of his prime minister father.

The thought of working under a very strict officer made many people feel on pins and needles almost instantly. They felt uncomfortable no matter how they thought about it.

Luo Xianzhi naturally took in the expressions of these people one by one.

There are idiots and smart people in this world. Different people have different reactions to the same words. Luo Xianzhi can tell at a glance that half of the more than 20 people They are all idiots, and I am not sure whether the other half are smart people.

The half of those who were judged as idiots were the ones who looked unhappy at what he just said. Even if they thought they were hiding it well, they still couldn't escape Luo Xianzhi's eyes.

If Luo Youzhi is really a Shangguan who only knows how to exploit his subordinates and deal harshly with them, how could he have been the prime minister for eighteen years and manage the Liang Kingdom in an orderly manner? How could the Xie family be able to do so? He actively supported Luo Xianzhi to serve as Shangshu Ling.

Not to mention anything else, just to say that Xie An's ability is very important for the Xie family to rise from a second-rate noble clan, but more importantly, Luo Youzhi is willing to use his reputation and power to boost the Xie family, otherwise With Xie's reputation, it is still difficult to be ranked in the upper reaches.

It should be noted that the status of a noble family is not only based on the official position in this life, but also on the merits of the fathers and ancestors, and the merits of the ancestors. What is important is the merits. It is not just you who have merits, but all generations of your ancestors have merits. , check at least three generations.

The Xie family's ancestors have a clear name, but it is not enough. Without Luo Youzhi's push, they would never be where they are now. After all, in Jiangdong, there are high-ranking families everywhere.

Not to mention, the Lanlingxiao and Huaiyin Han families that crossed south to the east of the Yangtze River were powerful families for four hundred years. They had five surnames and seven looks in the Han Dynasty, and they had never really declined. When they were at their lowest, there were all marquises. With an official position of two thousand stones, after arriving in Jiangdong, he was still the top family, even the Gaia Jiangdong gentry. The Xiao family became the royal family, but the Han family was still there. Several Jiangdong gentry families, except the Gusu Luo family, stabilized the pressure. No one from the Han family dared to say this.

In addition to these big families from Nandu, there are also the former six surnames of Jiangdong, Chu, Gu, Lu, Zhu Zhang, the fourth surname of Jingxiang, Huang Pang, Kuai Cai, and the Liu family. Many of them have lost power, but after all, they have in-laws and old friends, so they should not be underestimated. , the worst ones are also the second-class nobles.

As for the high-ranking officials who followed Yuzhang County Duke Luo Chu, the Zhou family, Lu family, Zhuge family, etc. are still entrenched. There are too many. These people are from the ancestors of their fathers and grandfathers, and even their great-grandfathers were famous in Jiangzuo. In terms of clan history, it has endless advantages.

Although the Xie family has risen quickly, without Luo Youzhi's promotion, it can be said to be a dream to defeat these families.

Not only is the Xie family alone, there are many of Luo Youzhi's subordinates who have entered the ranks of the nobles. Luo Youzhi enforces the law strictly, but he just doesn't let them take advantage of others, and they should be given a lot of things.

How could Luo Xianzhi not know what Luo Youzhi knew.

He said here that he enforces the law very strictly, telling these officials not to use their power for personal gain, but he did not say that he wanted them to live a hard life.

It would be crazy to let the officials who hold the power live in the same miserable life as the common people. Even King Su could not do it while he was still alive.

Those officials in the hall who reacted greatly to Luo Xianzhi never imagined that they might lose their current positions just by frowning.

As the sun passed and the sun set, Luo Xianzhi Shiran left the government office, leaving behind a crowd of people looking at him openly or covertly.

On this day, as most people expected, Luo Xianzhi did not directly interfere with the affairs of the Shangshutai as a new official. He only listened to some general reports from the left and right servants and the six departments. Basically, they were all The content was quite boring, but he listened with great interest.

The rest is really not done.

In the evening, he left without hesitation and had no idea of ​​working overtime to continue to sort out the affairs. This was completely different from the rumored Duke Wenmu of Gusu. Duke Wenmu handled the affairs with great effort and energy.

Luo Xianzhi sat in the carriage. There was no need to put on any expressions in the carriage. He was lost in thought, recalling every word and every sentence. Today, it was certainly not in vain for him to have the official of Shangshutai give him a report and summary.

He could tell from it who was carefully prepared, who really wanted to let him know something, and who was completely fooled, and even wanted to dig a hole for him.

These things are hidden in those words, and only smart people can extract useful information.

In addition to this reason, he did not take up the post of Three Fires because it was unnecessary. The current Shangshutai was not named Luo, and he did not have anyone comfortable to use it in Shangshutai.

In Luo Xianzhi's thinking, the foundation of governance is a team of officials who can implement their own will and a team of officials who can receive feedback from the lowest level. Only with such a team of officials can various policies be implemented. He will not become a lame Shangshu Ling whose government orders are only in Jianye City.

In the Luo family, there is also a saying about this matter. When in charge of government affairs, "Ask less why and more why". The complete sentence is "Ask less why the officials don't listen to you and ask more why the officials obey you." This is This is the first piece of thinking that needs to be changed to take charge of power.

Without this kind of thinking, taking charge of political affairs will definitely end in a huge failure. Even if you are lucky enough to gain the trust of the king and become the prime minister, you will inevitably step down in the end.

Most of the traitors understand this truth. They form a community of interests and work together as a whole. After the petty officials have taken over the county magistrate, they will take it. After the county magistrate has taken over the county governor, they will take it. After Jiuqing took it, Sangong took it, and Sangong didn't forget to prepare a portion for the emperor. He built the courtyard and the palace for the emperor, and collected the beauties from all over the world to fill the harem. The emperor took so many things, even if he knew that the people below were preying on the people, he would just I don’t care anymore, what does it have to do with him anyway?

If it arouses public indignation or feels that the traitor is too rampant, then take the opportunity to attack him. If it does not arouse public indignation, then continue to enjoy the traitor's tribute with peace of mind.

Of course the Luo family cannot do this. The Luo family's rulers in the past generations naturally dare not say that they have done nothing wrong to the people. Including when King Luo Wen was in power, there were people who were oppressed to the point of being unable to survive. Sometimes the manpower was exhausted and they could not control it. It's just that you can't control it, it's not just a matter of holding on to the heart of saving the world.

The key thing is how to look at the world. Just because this kind of thing is not uncommon, it doesn’t mean that these things are right. Just because these things can’t be stopped, we can’t let them change from hidden rules to explicit ones. These things can only last forever. Yuan lives in the darkness, and once exposed to the sun, Luo Shi will not hesitate to attack, leaving those who carry out it to die without a burial place.

When Lowe was unable to stop these things, he only did two things.

One is to give those officials who are unwilling to join the others and those who still have ideals in their hearts a chance to choose. That is Luo Shi. Therefore, Luo Shi must be upright and lead by example to tell everyone that there is still light in the world. There is justice, not turmoil.

The second is to never let those people really live freely in the world. Small mistakes can be avoided. Those who are big thieves must find opportunities to ruin their reputations. If they can't do it in this world, they will be punished in the future. When it comes to people, they cut off their descendants and make them notorious.

The first one is for the world to see, and the second one is what Luo Family is doing. There is such a list in Luo Family, which belongs to people who must be killed.

Although Luo Xianzhi is young and may lack some experience, the words "family origins" are not just mentioned casually.

He himself does not need to carefully figure out the emperor's thoughts, and then use a little political struggle to get rid of his opponents. He has more leisurely margin.

After taking charge of the Chancellor's Desk, looking at the densely packed officials, Luo Xianzhi wondered why he could control these hundreds of officials and more. There were six ministries under the Chancellor's Desk, covering almost the entire affairs of the Liang Kingdom. Those are tens of thousands of officials. How should I control these people?

After thinking about it, we still need to carry out a purge of the opposition, promote some people, demote some people, or continue to bleed the noble families to release more official positions and resources, and carry out a larger-scale attack on Liang Guo. Unblocking thoughts.

The power of the noble gentry is still too great. After the great development of the Chu State, Luo Youzhi's eighteen years of attack is still far from shaking the fundamentals of the gentry. Of course, a big reason for this is that Luo Youzhi did not The real use of force is to suppress through political means. This relatively mild method is indeed slower to bear fruit.

The fastest way is to kill directly according to the genealogy, killing everything upside down. For example, in every great turmoil, many old nobles will disappear from the world. Human life is the foundation of everything. The so-called power and wealth are all placed on human beings. On the life, without life, the noble will disappear.

But whether they are willing to admit it or not, the gentry is also one of the ruling foundations of a dynasty. While these people are hollowing out the dynasty, they are also supporting the existence of the dynasty.

Beating all these people to death would be destroying oneself. Neither Luo Youzhi nor Xiao Yan would do this.


Luo Xianzhi understood that his father, a nobleman, could be killed, but the reason must not be because of his status as a nobleman. He could die from corruption, break the law, or for any reason, but he could not die from his status as a nobleman.

Just as Luo Shi has always believed, ministers can die for any reason, but they should not die for their superiors. It is normal for kings to be afraid of ministers who have superior achievements. This is exactly the suspicion in people's hearts, but If a king kills his ministers because they are superior to his master, then the Luo family will stay away from this king.

These two things may seem unrelated on the surface, but they are actually the same thing.

Just as Taoism pursues immortality, ascending during the day, and turning into a rainbow to become an immortal. Taoist priests all over the world work tirelessly towards this goal. But if all Taoist priests know one thing now, it is that ascension is a scam. The so-called immortal world is everywhere They are all evil spirits who specialize in eating these so-called immortals who have ascended. What would that look like?


There is only despair.

The same is true in the officialdom, everyone in this world has dreams, even an ordinary farmer, an ordinary businessman, an ordinary worker, a poor scholar, no one has a dream of glory and wealth.

But if the reality tells them that they will die if they want to gain glory and wealth, the only way to save their lives is to stay at the bottom forever. Of course, staying at the bottom cannot save their lives. They will be forced by subordinates below and the emperor above. What will the world look like that day?

Therefore, Luo always has a bottom line in doing things. The big reason why Luo Youzhi is so easy to attack is because Luo Youzhi rarely kills people, unless he is carrying a very evil person.

"Clean up the gentry, promote common people from poor families, and bring more people under the rule of Daliang."

Luo Xianzhi thought and murmured to himself.


Luo Xianzhi was invited to a manor owned by Xie. This manor was given to Xie by Luo Youzhi when Luo and Xie were engaged. The title deed was in the name of Xie Daoyun's father. This manor was huge, almost It can accommodate the entire Xie clan to live in it. It is surrounded by mountains and rivers, with excellent scenery. There are fertile fields outside the manor, and there are many tenants among them, all of whom are members of the Xie clan.

The Xie family is not one of those noble families who value free talk. Starting from Xie An's generation, the Xie family's rise has relied on meritorious service. They used to make meritorious service with Xiao Yan and Luo Youzhi, and now they make meritorious service with Luo Xianzhi. This has always been the case.

As soon as Luo Xianzhi arrived, there were juniors from the Xie family. Xie Daoyun was the eldest sister in the Xie family. Most of these juniors were Luo Xianzhi's brothers-in-law. They welcomed Luo Xianzhi in and took him directly to a separate courtyard. Going forward, looking at a square, two-story building connected together, it looks quite elegant. In Jiangdong, there are many such two-story wooden buildings.

Xie Xuan led Luo Xianzhi while walking and said: "Brother-in-law, my uncle ordered you to be brought to Sister's place first, and then we can talk during dinner."

Luo Xianzhi raised his brows, but didn't say anything. Unless someone from Luo Xianzhi or Xie Daoyun died, there would be no accident in the marriage between Luo and Xie. The door to the courtyard was ajar, and a maid saw it. Xie Xuan and Luo Xianzhi shouted towards the door: "Miss, the Duke is here."

It was not yet late, and under the soft light, it fell on people's faces, as if a breeze was blowing, carrying the fragrance of flowers. The courtyard door opened wide, and a figure as quiet as a delicate flower shining in the water appeared in front of everyone, dressed in A tall and graceful beauty in white clothes, fluttering in the wind, with a sweet smile on her face, some thin shoulders, and a fair and transparent face.

Seeing this, Xie Xuan smiled and said: "Brother-in-law, I will leave first. When the meal is ready, a maid will come over and call you to sit down."

After saying that, he slipped away directly. The smile on Luo Xianzhi's face was a little more sincere, and he secretly said in his heart that Xie Xuan was sensible and could take care of him more in the future.

He walked quickly and walked to Xie Daoyun's side. The faint scent of osmanthus came from his side. Xie Daoyun didn't say anything, just smiled and spread his hands, signaling Luo Xianzhi to enter the courtyard.

Xie Daoyun poured the warm wine into the glass and handed it to Luo Xianzhi. He was holding the tea and drinking it. After seeing Luo Xianzhi finish the drink, he smiled and joked: "In Jianye City these days, There is news about Lang Jun everywhere.”

Luo Xianzhi rubbed his head and smiled: "It is indeed very annoying, but the storm is much less than expected."

Xie Daoyun heard the words but said meaningfully: "Lang Jun, the turmoil is not small at all, it just moved from the surface of the water to the bottom of the water. Today's Jianye City can be said to be an undercurrent. I have thanked you for the past few days." There are countless people in the family’s house, and they secretly send letters to make appointments, all because of you.”

There was no expression on Luo Xianzhi's face. It was expected and reasonable. Everyone knew about his marriage to Xie, and most people now knew that he had stayed in Xie's house for a long time. Xie An personally sent him out the door.

From the last conversation, Luo Xianzhi knew that Xie Daoyun was indeed a talented woman with talents that ordinary people did not possess, so he briefly talked about the issues he was thinking about.

"The problem of the noble clan is indeed not easy to deal with. The current noble clan is too large and complicated."

Xie Daoyun pondered, "Many professions have even emerged around the gentry. In the past, it was the historian who revised the genealogy of the nobles, and Zongzheng was responsible for recording these. But now, there are even specialized genealogists who can record countless genealogies for a branch of blood. thing."


Luo Xianzhi suddenly reacted, music composer!

Speaking of genealogists, we have to mention how complicated the noble families in the world are now. In the distant Zhou Dynasty, there was a patriarchal system. The patriarchal system was extremely strict. It was clear who was older and who was younger, who was higher and who was lower. There was nothing worth arguing about.

But as more than a thousand years have passed, the patriarchal system has collapsed to the extreme. Starting from the middle and late Han Dynasty, there were only a few emperors succeeded by their eldest sons, and basically no one cared about the patriarchal system.

To a certain extent, the aristocratic clan is a weakened version of the blood aristocracy. Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes. Wherever there are people, there must be a competition. This is of course the same among the nobles.

There are opinions on who should be ranked at the top. Chu Xiong became the emperor through a clan chronicle because he clarified the status of these families through this clan chronicle, and it was widely recognized.

Clan chronicles soon spread to several other countries. Although the gentry in other countries were not as powerful as Jiangdong, they still had to sort themselves, and these things soon affected from bottom to top. National selection.

The noble clan still has remnants of the patriarchal clan, such as some main branches and branches, but this does not necessarily mean that the branches are inferior. When the branches develop, there are too many branches that are stronger than the main branch.

The noble clans that also share the same prefecture should be classified into high and low positions. Different branches of the same family should also be classified into high and low positions. The noble families must be ranked among themselves. Those who are not noble families want to become noble families.

The clan annals established during the Chu Kingdom only had a few dozen surnames, totaling more than a hundred. Now, although the surnames have only increased by a dozen, the number of gentry has increased by hundreds or even thousands. , almost everywhere in Jiangdong.

Becoming a gentry is not something you just say you are a gentry. It must be officially recognized. A gentry must at least know where it comes from, when it started to become prosperous, how many generations it has gone through, and what major events each generation has. What achievements are achieved and who they are passed down to must be recorded from generation to generation.

Many things here are too complicated and difficult to distinguish without some family background. Even the same surname may be from two different counties. If you get it wrong, it will be a big joke.

As a result, a specialized profession called genealogist was born, which specializes in revising these family trees. These people are quite knowledgeable in this area.

But at this time, a big problem appeared!

The Lowe family tree is unmistakable.

Not to mention the unmistakable direct lineage, even for branches like Luo Xianzhi, Luo's family tree is extremely strict and well-preserved.

But the rest of the families are different. The family tree is very large. The records in the court even need a special storage room to store them. Military disturbances and so on will destroy these things.

Many family trees are repaired and this is where the role of the genealogist is to repair those families whose family trees have been damaged. This is also a major event for the country.


The problem is coming.

This thing can be faked. After all, it is essentially just a record. If it is fake, no one will know.

Of course, this kind of fraud is not an ordinary person forging a distinguished identity for himself, and then getting political preferential treatment. The nobles are not stupid, and this is a society of acquaintances. Most families have their own in-laws and old friends, so it is difficult to fake it. .

The real fraud is the cooperation within the gentry.

In order to return to the top of the mountain, some lonely nobles would pretend to be a branch of a certain noble family in order to give themselves a haloed identity. One party got the identity, the other got benefits, and the genealogist was able to make it up so seamlessly that even if the main branch came to check, nothing would be found.

There are so many people in the big family, who knows if there are any members of the exiled family. The noble status obtained in this way is the most basic noble family, but with this status, it is different. It will be easier to be promoted and be promoted in the future. Accepted by the mainstream.

This may not be without Luo Youzhi's promotion. One of the measures to suppress the gentry is to make the status of gentry less precious. You are a gentry and I am also a gentry. What else do you have to be proud of?

This method achieved very good results. A large number of common people from poor families who were disguised as nobles appeared in the officialdom of the Liang Kingdom.

But in Luo Xianzhi's view, it may now be possible to enter the second stage.

That would be a severe blow to the reputation of the nobles. Wouldn't it be funny if the nobles had fake ones?

The key is to find the fake ones.

Luo Xianzhi figured out the joints, his face was full of excitement, he looked at Xie Daoyun and said happily: "Daoyun, you are really my lucky star. You solved my problems twice, but Xie is also a high-ranking family member." , I am now thinking about how to suppress the noble clan, aren’t you worried?”

Hearing this, Xie Daoyun glanced at Luo Xian, withdrew the hand that poured the wine, and poured a cup of tea for Luo Xianzhi, and then said softly: "I will marry the husband in the future, so naturally I will stand beside him. The Lang Jun was thinking, if the Lang Jun wants to suppress the nobles, he will suppress them; if he wants to promote them, he will promote them. I don't care about this.

Speaking of family, the husband is a genius, so what else can I teach him?

Xianwen Duke Mu also suppressed the high families, but the Xie family still stood out in Jiangzuo. I think that Lang Jun will not let the world be without high families. Since there are high families, why can't it be the Xie family?

The Xie family is a generation of people with excellent talents and talents. Being able to serve as the husband's assistant, I have never worried that the Xie family will decline in this generation.

As for what happens next.

Is there any family in this world that can last forever?

The descendants of the Three Kings and Five Emperors have all become extinct.

Descendants of the Qin Dynasty have never been seen.

When the Han Dynasty falls, the Liu family will also be lost to everyone.

Wouldn't even the direct line of the Luo family disappear from the world?

Compared to those ancient royal families and royal families, and compared to the Luo family that has been inherited for 1,400 years, what is the mere Xie family?

Lang Jun is far more worried than concubine.

The Buddhist scriptures say that all conditioned dharmas are like bubbles in dreams, like dew or lightning, and should be viewed as such.

Lao Zhuang said to be quiet and do nothing and follow the way of heaven, so why be so anxious? "

Xie Daoyun's words were very relaxed, and her face was full of indifference, which made Luo Xianzhi know that she was sincere.

She lightly tucked a strand of hair that fell in front of her forehead behind her ears. Her ears were already turning red. It was obvious that what she just said made her feel very shy.

Xie Daoyun uses Taoism and Buddhism to reason, which is quite in line with the current trend in Jiangzuo. The principles in Taoism and Buddhism sound very mysterious and have a very different kind of philosophy. They are not good for governing the country, but they are quite good for debating. Yes, this is the current trend.

From real to virtual, it doesn’t matter whether you can do things or not. Anyway, you have a noble status, but you must be able to speak well. With this, you can pretend to be a talented person, and speaking in such words will really make you look very talented. style.

Luo Xianzhi felt very comfortable listening to it. People often say that when a woman marries a husband, it is like being reincarnated for the second time. This is especially true in this era when women are bound to their husbands for almost their entire lives.

But for men, how important is it to be able to marry a good wife?

It is no exaggeration to say that a good wife can prosper for three generations. After several meetings with Xie Daoyun, Luo Xianzhi knew that he could leave the entire Gusu Luo family in her hands.

Thinking of this, Luo Xianzhi raised the teacup in his hand and gently bumped it against Xie Daoyun who was about to drink tea. Xie Daoyun was a little stunned, his red lips slightly opened, and he was cutely stunned. Luo Xianzhi laughed softly: "Daoyun, We will get married in Gusu, this year, and I think the entire Luo family will welcome you."

Xie Daoyun never expected that Luo Xianzhi would suddenly say such a sentence. The two met only three times and the time they got together was short. However, Luo Xianzhi's words were full of appreciation and love for him. This is Xie Daoyun can feel it.

Xie Daoyun opened his mouth, thinking about what to say, but then lowered his head, his ears turned completely red, and said shyly in a low voice: "I have to wait for Luo to propose marriage, and my uncle and father agree. I am a woman, and I can only obey the family's arrangements. .”

Follow the family's arrangements.

This is the truth, but it is also not the truth. With how favored Xie Daoyun is at home, she still has some room for choice. Although it is impossible to marry a commoner from a poor family, she can choose among high-ranking families.

When you meet someone you are satisfied with, you will naturally follow the family's arrangements. This has been a tradition since ancient times.

Before Luo Xianzhi could say anything more, the maid had already walked in and called out: "Miss, Duke, the master of the house invites you to come to the front courtyard."

It was naturally not dark yet. Luo Xianzhi looked at the lotus leaves swaying in the pond and said with a smile: "Daoyun, let's go. We are just in time to meet the Xie family members."

This is a family dinner.

There are no outsiders, all are members of the Xie family. The oldest ones are naturally Xie An and Xie An's wife, and then are the brothers and sisters of Xie Daoyun's generation. The Xie family is not a large family with a prosperous population, and Xie Daoyun does not have many brothers. , but they are all talented and learned people, and they are all the pride of Xie.

After Luo Xianzhi and Xie Daoyun arrived hand in hand, Xie An and his wife sat on the main seat. When Luo Xianzhi saw Xie An's left hand was empty, he knew that it was the seat reserved for him, so he sat down. In his narrow eyes, he sat on his aunt's right hand.

Since ancient times, the order of seats has been particular. This is a reflection of status. If you make a mistake in this regard, it will cause unrest in people's hearts and even cause a political crisis. It will make people wonder whether the emperor is going to take action against some people. people.

The country is a big family, and the clan is a small family. The same is true in a family.

Luo Xianzhi and Xie Daoyun are sitting next to Xie An, which means that in the eyes of the Xie clan, the status of Luo Xianzhi and Xie Daoyun is second only to Xie An among the people here.

Simply relying on Xie Daoyun's status will not work. Xie Daoyun is the eldest daughter, but she has an elder brother. However, a woman cannot just look at herself. It is quite reasonable for a wife to depend on her husband's worth.

Luo Xianzhi.

Don't talk about Xie's.

If he were the consort, even if the royal family held a family banquet, he would have to sit in front of those royal children who had not been crowned kings. This was his status.

If the Xie family asked Luo Xianzhi to sit behind the Xie family's children, it would be a great discourtesy. It would offend people both in terms of rank and position.

After Luo Xianzhi and Xie Daoyun took their seats, Mrs. Xie An, Mrs. Liu, held Xie Daoyun's hand.

Xie Daoyun is quite popular among the Xie family, otherwise he would not have lived in Xie An's house for a long time. Mrs. Liu asked something in a low voice, with a smile, and then said: "I went to Jianye outside last time. I made a wish in a temple, but I didn’t expect it to come true so quickly. I have to choose a time to fulfill my wish.

The fact that the Duke of the county can come to visit my family, Xie, is really a blessing to my family, Xie. "

Luo Xianzhi only said softly: "We are all from the same family. Auntie, there is no need to be so polite. My nephew has already written a letter asking the family to send someone to Jianye to propose marriage to Dao Yun. It won't take long for someone to come."

Xie An and Mr. Liu looked at each other with smiles in their eyes, and the atmosphere at the table suddenly became a little more lively. People outside were interested in Luo Xianzhi, and these young people from Xie's family were even more interested in Luo Xianzhi.

After all, a person who is basically about the same age as them was directly promoted to Shangshu Ling. Who can not be curious about this?

Xie Xuan was the most active and immediately asked: "Brother-in-law, you have become a minister, are there any differences?"

Perhaps because he felt that his words were a little unclear, he added: "For example, do you feel any different from the last time you came to Fuzhong?"

Luo Xianzhi understood that what Xie Xuan wanted to ask was whether there were any psychological changes due to the change in status. He pondered for a moment and then asked: "I don't think there is any difference. Youdu wants to be a minister. When you become the minister, you will naturally know whether there is any difference. When I become the prime minister, I will let you be the minister, okay?"


The table suddenly burst into laughter. Xie Xuan knew that Luo Xianzhi was joking, but he was not joking. For example, if Luo Xianzhi wants to be the prime minister in the future, he is not joking. Let Xie Xuan be the minister. If Xie Xuan is really talented, he will It was not a joke, but he still waved his hand quickly and said: "Excuse me, brother-in-law, for your concern. Xuan prefers military affairs. In the future, he wants to become a general who commands an army. My uncle also thinks that Xuan is good at running the army, so let's forget it."

After saying that, he waved his hands repeatedly.

Xie An said at the right time: "My dear nephew, this kid is still too young to be useful, but he is indeed extremely talented in military matters. He already has the demeanor of a famous man at a young age. If there is a Northern Expedition in the future, I can use him. I once wanted to recommend him to Your Majesty, but unfortunately I am not yet trusted by Your Majesty, so naturally it has little weight."


Luo Xianzhi understood and looked at Xie Xuan with a smile, and then said: "In the future, I will have to see what you can do. Your Majesty has always been thinking about the Northern Expedition. The war in Daliang will not end so easily in the future. I will just find an opportunity to say something before Your Majesty goes off to war."

Don't avoid relatives when you are inside.

If Xie Xuan is really talented, Luo Xinzhi certainly wouldn't mind giving him a push. After all, if Xie Xuan can grow up, it will be a huge help to him.

Luo Xianzhi knew that what he wanted to do could not be done without a huge group of allies. A wealthy family like the Xie family, which was already a die-hard ally, must maintain this relationship well.

As soon as Luo Xianzhi said this, the atmosphere in the Xie family became more and more heated. Recommending Xie Xuan is not a big deal. If the Xie family is really as pitiful as Xie An said, then he is not worthy of being the first high-ranking family in Jiangzuo. Called.

The most important thing about this matter is that Luo Xianzhi is willing to contribute to Xie's affairs, which shows that he really regards Xie as one of his own. This is the most important thing. After all, Xie has to follow Luo's path to the end. Black, it's a marriage, and it's working under Luo.

Luo Xianzhi thought again and asked: "Uncle, how many nobles are there in Jianye now? Last time Dao Yun said he would hold a flowing banquet for me, but it was delayed. I think the time is ripe now. It's time." I have invited Jianye and the surrounding noble clans to come, and I just want to identify them and match them with those in the clans, and see if there are more or less of them."

Summon the nobles?

Xie Xuan was a little confused about Luo Xianzhi's actions, but he still agreed, "Don't worry, this matter will be settled soon."


The period of the late Han Dynasty was a period of great political development for the aristocratic gentry in our country. Many people call this period a historical regression. However, the author believes that the emergence of this period marks the complete end of the ancient aristocratic era. After three hundred years of the Han Dynasty, Ideological fission, the most conservative and retro groups have also abandoned the blood aristocracy. History is an upward spiral. The highest point of the rise of the noble gentry is still far inferior to the blood aristocracy. To a certain extent, this is proof of social progress. ——"Aristocratic Politics"

(End of this chapter)

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