Established a millennium family since King Wu defeated Zhou

Chapter 808: What is the Luo family in Jiangdong?

Chapter 808: What is the Luo family in Jiangdong?

Jianye was shaken like a mountain collapsing!

Since the establishment of Daliang, the first outrageous promotion in the imperial court occurred.

Three moves in three days, from an idle nobleman to the ninth level of heaven, and transformed into Gao Xian, who is in charge of the central government. The last time he had such an outrageous promotion was when Emperor Xiao Yang had just accepted the abdication of the Chu family, and then directly ordered the late Duke Luo You of Gusu County. He is the Prime Minister.

However, the era when Luo Youzhi was promoted to prime minister was an era when the gentry had complete control of power. With the Luo clan's family status in Gusu, being promoted to prime minister was a bit excessive, but it was still barely acceptable. The gentry and clans recognized the Luo clan's status. of.

But this is no longer twenty years ago!

After Luo Youzhi himself was promoted, the nobles tried to occupy high positions in the Liang Kingdom. Luo Youzhi and Xiao Yan were promoted a little in the early stage, but they were followed closely by Luo You who took the stairs upstairs.

He and Luo Xianzhi were indeed biological father and son, almost identical in this respect.

During Luo Youzhi's rule, he spent more than ten years suppressing the gentry, promoting talented common people from poor families, and fighting against the gentry. After the power of the gentry weakened, he naturally deprived the gentry of many of their economic and political privileges, forming a the current political atmosphere.


Luo Xianzhi appeared, and the emperor did not grant him a direct title as a heavenly official. Instead, he walked in a relatively normal way on the ministerial stage.

But the gentry only wanted to say one thing, this is his mother.

Do these monarchs and ministers regard us as monkeys that wander around?

What is the difference between giving the order directly to the minister and giving it separately for three days?

The emperor was not even willing to take Luo Xianzhi to fight for gold and then be promoted.

When Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty promoted Wei Qing, Huo Qubing, and Luo Wuji, he did so only after he returned from defeating the Huns!

Immediately, some people were dissatisfied, and memorials like snowflakes flooded Xiao Yan's study. They were all opposed to Luo Xianzhi's sudden promotion to a high position.

Of course Luo Xianzhi knew about this scene. He found it quite interesting for a while and said to the people around him: "Not counting the Western Regions, among the four countries in the Central Plains, our noble family in Daliang is the most prosperous.

The State of Wei valued the clan, the State of Yan valued the nobles of Hu and Han, and the State of Han valued the veterans and old ministers. Although the gentry was prosperous, it was still far inferior to me, Daliang.

Only I, Jiangdong, can create such a thing as clan history.

But now among the four countries, only Jiangdong has rules for selecting officials, and only Jiangdong has a complete system for inspecting officials. It's really funny. "

Luo Xianzhi was surrounded by his descendants from the clan. These people may not have great talents, but their literacy and familiarity with regulations are already quite useful. Once he opens a government and manages affairs, he can instantly fill the ranks of grassroots officials. Rather than empty airs, whether Rock is willing to admit it or not, Rock's economic foundation is indeed a wealthy family.

The reason why Luo Youzhi and Xiao Yan can surpass Jiangdong together is also because the power of Xiao, Luo and their allies is the strongest in Jiangdong.

The current Liang State has a complete official selection system, which is an advanced version of the imperial examination system. That is, by examining the character and ability of talents, and then awarding official positions and setting grades. During the Chu State, this policy became the policy of the noble gentry. tool.

But after Luo Youzhi joined the Gaia family, he did not abandon this method of selecting officials. For a very simple reason, this method of selection was essentially without problems.

The selection of an official is based on character and ability!

The problem during the Chu State was that it selected officials based on clan records, completely excluding common people from poor families. This was where big problems arose.

As long as the influence of noble families can be eliminated as much as possible, this will be a very good way to select officials, so Luo Youzhi canceled the restriction on the number of people who can choose officials, so talents from humble families can flourish and enter the upper echelons.

Some people say that no matter how bad order is, it is better than no order at all.

This sentence is not entirely correct.

There is endless vitality in many chaos, just like the darkness before dawn, and there is an endless bright future waiting for everyone. At this time, breaking the old order is what we should do, instead of staying in the old order forever. sink.

But the truth in this sentence makes sense.

Even though the official selection system has various shortcomings, it is indeed a clear norm rather than a free will. This transformation is a major contribution of Luo Youzhi and Xiao Yan. Luo Youzhi's posthumous title is "Wen Mu" , this is where the article comes from.

Luo Xianzhi's promotion was indeed a bit unruly, but what Luo Xianzhi and Xiao Yan had to do was inherently unruly. There were many things they had to do next, and those who achieved great things did not stick to trivial matters.

Moreover, Luo Xianzhi is very different from Luo Youzhi, and he is also different from most of the Jiangdong Luo family's children. He is an alien, ideological alien.

Luo Youzhi's governing methods are typical of Luo's governing methods!

This governing method has been inherited since Ji Zhao. It is a sense of ownership and a mentality of having no scruples. During the Zhou Dynasty, it was like this when facing the Emperor of Zhou, and it was also like this when facing the Emperor of Han during the Han Dynasty.


At worst, I will return to my fiefdom. Will the emperor still kill me?

Luo Xianzhi was the first person to wake up from this dreamy aura, probably due to his top-notch talent for strategizing. He realized this when he was young.

That is to say, Luo Shi now is no longer the same as before.

The main branch is far away in Liaodong, and it has suffered heavy losses. Only the clan knows about it. It will not be able to travel south or return to the Central Plains for at least a hundred years.

The Jiangdong Luo Clan has basically no way out. If it continues its previous style, one hundred or two hundred years will be enough for the Jiangdong Luo Clan to be exterminated several times. The continuation of the family cannot always expect to encounter someone like Xiao Yan. Lord.

Under the guidance of this kind of thinking, Luo Xiuzhi, who was already talented in this area, began to perfectly integrate himself and began to look for ways to make the family last forever.

Has Luo Xianzhi been found?

He stretched out his hand and looked at the white palm. He was so smart, how could he not find it?

All the destruction in this world, whether it is a country or an individual, has only one reason, and that is due to the blindness caused by profit!

"The collapse of a top political family can be attributed to only two reasons: political danger and civil danger.

As long as we can always maintain political security, that is, ensure our power, and always win in political struggles, political dangers will disappear.

As for the danger among the people, it is natural that the people who cannot live will rise up. However, as long as Luo Shi can solve this kind of social contradiction and prevent the situation in the country from collapsing to that point, small-scale rebellion will not happen. It affects the Luo family, and as long as the Luo family can maintain a good reputation, most of them will get a good ending even if they face the rebellious people. "

This is the conclusion Luo Xianzhi came to on countless nights. Apart from these, there is no need to say more about the rest. If the situation really breaks down, we will talk about it when it is necessary to escape.


Regarding these snowflake-like memorials, the palace was very quiet, at least in the eyes of most people. Twenty years ago, when the ministers opposed Luo Youzhi's direct appointment as prime minister, Xiao Yan vented his anger. , the angry voice almost blew the roof off.

But this time it was so quiet.

In the eyes of many people, this very strange scene is a kind of tacit approval by the emperor. This is very strange. On the one hand, the emperor gave Luo Xian the honor, but on the other hand, he did not prohibit the criticism of the officials. What on earth was he doing? What?

Only a handful of people knew that Luo Xianzhi entered the palace again!

The emperor's current attitude is probably not the emperor's attitude, but Luo Xianzhi's. What is he going to do?

The majestic palace leads all the way from the palace gate to the palace. The eunuchs and concubines in the palace always lower their heads and then hurry past. In the center of the empire, no one dares to make mistakes.

It is serious all year round here, and only in the deserted corners, where the emperor never appears, can there be a moment of laughter.

As soon as you enter the palace, it is as deep as the sea. It is no lie. This sentence is not only talking about the concubines, but also the eunuchs and maids.

But there are always exceptions in this world.

Luo Xianzhi ran up the steps made of bluestone, carrying his robe. He was the exception. Even in the palace and in front of the emperor, he could laugh loudly.

In a corner of the hall, there were many memorials piled up, like a mountain of paper. Xiao Yan opened another memorial in his hand, then threw it in it, looked at Luo Xianzhi and laughed loudly: "Lingxiu, seeing so many memorials Memorial, how do you feel in your heart?"

Luo Xianzhi didn't even have the slightest bit of solemnity on his face. Instead, he smiled slightly and said: "I just think that the price of Jianye paper must not be increased because of this matter. If other scholars who need paper can't get it, then Oh no."

Luo Xianzhi's mentality made Xiao Yan burst into laughter. After laughing, he asked directly: "Lingxiu, how are you going to deal with this matter? Do you need me to directly issue an imperial edict to help you? That's what your father and I did back then." handle this matter.

Now it's just a matter of doing it all over again. "

Luo Xianzhi bowed, a cold light shone in his eyes, and said with a warm smile on his face: "Your Majesty, you don't have to be like this. The king and his ministers are antagonizing each other, and the ministers are in conflict with the king. This is not good for the country. You You should appear in front of the ministers with a kind image.

And these memorials..."

Luo Xianzhi reached out and picked up one of the memorials, opened it and looked at the signature of the memorial, and read slowly: "The names on it are very important. I remember that someone used to refer to deer as horses, and now these memorials have the same purpose but the same approach. .

These things are of great use, I am not in a hurry. After I sort them out, I will meet these ministers on a suitable occasion. They are not just ministers, but have a higher status. "

Call a deer a horse!

A classic move by Zhao Gao, the treacherous minister of the Qin State. The purpose of this political move is very simple, which is to distinguish between friends and foes, but calling a deer a horse is a relatively crude way, and now you can see more in this kind of memorial.

Luo Xian opened these memorials one by one and read the contents.

Ninety percent of the memorials here are against Luo Xianzhi becoming the minister, but the contents are very different, even very different, and contain different demands of different groups.

Among these 90%, half are false objections, but are actually in favor. Most of these people are from wealthy and noble families. These people hope that with the help of Luo Xianzhi's incident, their children can be able to grow faster. of high position.

There are still some opponents, and most of them are families that were severely attacked by Luo Youzhi. Although these families are not as miserable as the Zhang family, they are still not as miserable as they were at their peak. Second-rate families like the Xie family can rise. Being the first wealthy family in Jiangzuo, it was naturally because other families had withdrawn.

When the Chu Kingdom was first established, there were not many of the nine first-class noble clans recorded in the clan chronicles, excluding the Luo clan and the Xiao clan that had become the royal family. Even those who were left were still having a hard time staring at them. There are too many people. If we don't attack these old nobles, how can new nobles come to power? Unless these old nobles take the initiative to become new nobles, they can escape these blows.

But this is indeed more difficult. Since ancient times, only the Luo family has been able to successfully transform. The transformation of other families has been bloody every time.

Until many established nobles and nobles were still living in the illusions of the Chu State, and did not realize that Liang State was a country where nobles, commoners, and common people both had equal importance. When Luo Xian came to power, he would naturally continue to crack down hard on these people.

Habit is a terrible force.

Because habits represent time, when people get used to something, it has weight in people's hearts, and it becomes a matter of course.

That's the case with Lowe's.

During the years when Luo Shi had just moved away, everyone in the world felt a sense of emptiness in their hearts. Even if no one said it, there was still a trace of panic fermenting in their hearts.

Starting from Ji Zhao, Luo Shi's influence on the entire world and history is really great. If history is compared to a raging river, then Luo Shi is the waves that are constantly rolling in it, and these waves never stop from beginning to end. Pass.

If you open the history book, you can find Luo's figure on every page. Almost every major event is related to Luo. This is Luo's historical status.

As a result of this historical status, the world was accustomed to Luo's existence. Before Luo's migration, no one thought about what it would be like if Luo left.

How many years passed after Luo Shi really left?

The Oath of Luoshui happened, which was the result of Luo Shi's departure. The Oath of Luoshui lasted for a long time, and time began to roll forward again.

Time, the greatest and supreme force in the world, began to exert its power again, and people in the world had new habits, habits that Luo Shi was not around.

This is what Luo is most curious about.

This is also what Ji Zhao is most curious about.

That is - if Luo Shi suddenly disappears, what will the world look like?

He is a time traveler, and he knows the original history. The entire history is basically that the emperor's power is getting stronger and stronger, and then the moral bottom line collapses again and again. There was a brief period of light, but it finally came to an end.

Humans will be human after all.

Ji Zhao has been thinking about a question. Human beings can assert one thing. It is impossible for any ethnic group in the world except humans to establish even a slave civilization, let alone feudalism and more advanced systems in the future.

Those great inventions and systems cannot appear in beasts or ants.

In the history books, there is a word that makes Ji Zhao break out in cold sweat every time he sees it, making people feel shuddering, that is - historical limitations.


This word sums it up really well.

Human beings cannot run 100 meters in 5 seconds. This is the limitation.

Ants cannot build a towering civilization, which is also a limitation.

What if institutions are also limitations?

Can mankind really establish the great harmony society mentioned in Confucian classics?

If it can't be done, is that a limitation?

Ji Zhao's own existence and Luo's appearance made Ji Zhao feel that there was hope for Datong society, and he watched the changes in the entire society with joy.

Trampling on the Legalists of the Three Jin Dynasties, reshaping morality, and even making the entire society dare not massacre cities on a large scale, one by one, this has never happened in history.

Then he came up with the idea above, where will the world go after Luo Shi disappears?

Will it get better?

Or will it get worse?

What has happened so far has proved that things will get worse. Sima Yi dared to violate Luo Shui's oath. The most direct reason is that Luo has been away from the Central Plains for a long time. Without the oath of deterrence, it is like an illusory bubble. Without Sima Yi, there will be Others puncture it.

Now that Luo Shi has completely disappeared from the world, and even the stigmata has not been seen in the world for several times, the new habit has been formed.

One of them is those wealthy noble families.

During the Later Han Dynasty, the Yuan clan in Runan only arose for a few decades, but it actually had such a great reputation. In less than a hundred years since Luo Chu took over Jiangdong, the noble families in Jiangdong have already reached the point of being born noble.

Not only the wealthy nobles themselves think so, but also ordinary people. Many poor families who have made great contributions are trying to get themselves into the circle of nobles. The person who originally said that he wanted the nobles to look good has suddenly become a The new gentry obviously has high-ranking officials and nobility, but they are willing to be a second-rate gentry, or even a third-rate gentry.

This is the power of habits. These habits are deeply rooted in everyone's heart, making people learn involuntarily.

From a certain perspective, Luo Xianzhi quite understands the mentality of these suddenly rising nouveau riche. After all, those top nobles got rich by reading books, sipping tea, and looking elegant. Who doesn't want their family to become What about that?

Who doesn’t want to become an official based on knowledge?

Just as those who don't study get rich, those who clamor that studying is useless get rich, and those who clamor that academic qualifications are useless get rich and then turn around and let their children study hard.

Don't look at how something is said, look at how it is done. This sentence is an eternal truth.

People who read know whether reading is useful, and people who don’t read know better.

This is true for reading, and it is also true for nobles.

It goes without saying that nobles and nobility are the pursuits of the people today. The so-called ascending path is actually to allow ordinary people to have the opportunity to become this class.

Luo Xianzhi believes that this kind of thinking is unacceptable. The nobles and nobles are bad, but the common people are kind.

The nobles and nobles are good, but the common people are treacherous. Luo Xianzhi thinks this kind of thinking is even more unacceptable.

Because thousands of years of history have proven that no family can last forever. Sooner or later, the current nobles and nobles will be replaced by the current common people. Could it be that it was good when he was a common man, but suddenly changed after he became a nobleman?

If a nobleman is so evil that his family will be destroyed one day, will he be able to recover?

This is impossible!

How could someone change so quickly?

That can only prove one thing. He recognized those bad things, so he changed from a dragon slayer to an evil dragon.

For example, there is a classic theory that the butt determines the head.

Where is this theory usually used by many people?

When people criticize nobles, they usually use this theory. This is a typical comical phenomenon caused by ignorance.

It is naturally just and right for kind-hearted people to criticize those nobles who do evil, but this naturally just and correct behavior must be put on a pedestal.

The essence of the butt theory is that there is no right or wrong, only positions, and whoever has the bigger fist is right.

If the butt theory is correct, doesn’t it mean that the nobles’ oppression of the people is correct?

After all, the nobles' butt is supposed to oppress the common people.

After all, a single husband's butt should bring trouble to the world.

In Luo's view, this is the just legitimacy that naturally reduces the rebellion of the lower classes!

One of the things Luo always insisted on was the legality and justice of punishing Dufu, which he had insisted on since the founding of Bangzhou.

Therefore, in the Luo family, there is right and wrong in this world, rather than pure positions. There should be some universal values ​​in this world that emperors, nobles, and people all abide by, and form contracts in the dark. These things are the most important. Important stuff.

The existence of the clan has become reasonable, which is something Luo does not recognize. This is what Luo Xianzhi wants to attack. It is very difficult to break this habit of the world and change everyone's thoughts.

But Luo Xianzhi was not afraid.

He has determined his ambition, starting from the people in front of him, starting from the people who oppose him, to reshape the spiritual world of the entire Jiangdong people.

Luo Xianzhi was meditating here. He didn't even hear Xiao Yan calling him. It wasn't until Xiao Yan called him two more times that he woke up from a dream and bowed and said: "Your Majesty, forgive me. I was thinking about how to concoct it." , not, communicate, communicate with these ministers who have misunderstandings about me."

When Xiao Yan heard this, he patted Luo Xianzhi twice on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Lingxiu, you and your father are very similar in this respect, that is, they have clear grudges. Qingyun was the same way back then, and he directly said who he wanted in front of me. Get on with it.”

Xiao Yan was talking when he saw a middle-aged eunuch trotting in. Although he was running, there were almost no footsteps. He looked like a master of survival in the palace. He knelt down not far from Xiao Yan and reported: " Your Majesty, the prince wants to see you."

The prince wants to see you?

Xiao Yan was a little curious. He had a relatively good relationship with the prince. Among his sons, the prince was considered the better one, but the prince was not quite like his son. The two were very different. He was a commander-in-chief, and he dared to A commander who directly leads troops into battle, and the prince likes literature. Compared with his father, the prince is closer to literati.

The eunuch left the palace, and soon the Crown Prince of Liang came in, wearing a scholar's robe. A son who is not like his father always makes people dissatisfied. Xiao Yan frowned slightly, but said nothing.

When Xiao Tongyi walked in, he saw Luo Xianzhi. He had never seen Luo Xianzhi, but from Luo Xianzhi's appearance, he saw the shadow of Luo Youzhi. Luo Xianzhi directly bowed and saluted: "My lord, Gusu County Duke Shangshu ordered Luo Xianzhi to see the prince, and the prince is safe."

Sure enough, it is Luo Xianzhi who has caused a lot of commotion in Jianye City these days!

After Xiao Tong returned the gift, he glanced at Luo Xianzhi curiously. Most of the gossip in the city was about this person, but he didn't expect that this person, Shi Shiran, was actually standing in the palace, seeing clearly and talking to him. The father-in-law was talking happily, and he glanced at the pile of memorials, and instantly knew that those people's ideas were going to fail.

The Duke of Gusu in front of him was trusted by his father just like the previous Duke. Xiao Tong could see with his own eyes how much Duke Wenmu of Gusu was trusted back then. No matter how many rules there were, this was still true. This is an imperial society. As long as his father protects Luo Xianzhi and is willing to bear the pressure, Luo Xianzhi's position will be extremely secure.

Luo Xianzhi is still so young. Even if the Luo family has always been short-lived, he should have no problem in being in charge of the government for thirty years. Thinking of this, Xiao Tong showed a kind smile to Luo Xianzhi. Before the prince became the emperor, even if he was You cannot interact with the emperor's close officials, but you must not offend these people.

Luo Xianzhi felt the prince's kindness and responded slightly reservedly. He turned to Xiao Yan and said: "Your Majesty, since the prince has important matters to do with your majesty, I will leave first."

Xiao Yan nodded, Luo Xianzhi straightened up and directed the eunuchs in the palace: "You guys, gather all these memorials and carry them to the car outside the palace for me. Don't leave any of them behind. Everyone must be taken away."

As soon as the words fell, several eunuchs in the palace immediately ran over and started carrying piles of memorials out of the palace. The prince was stunned at this scene, and then he remembered that he saw a car outside when he entered the palace. He didn't expect it. It belonged to Luo Xianzhi, and in his heart he gave Luo Xianzhi a higher level.

The key is!

Luo Xianzhi actually wanted to take away all these memorials. What does this mean?

The prince is not a fool. He just took a brief look at the situation in the palace and could tell that the memorials placed on his father's desk must be normal military affairs. These memorials thrown here casually are most likely those Opposing Luo Xianzhi's appointment as Shangshu Ling.

These memorials against Luo Xianzhi's appointment as minister had the names of those people on them, and now these memorials were directly taken away by Luo Xianzhi!

The prince felt his hair standing on end. This father was too cruel. This was equivalent to directly selling these people to Luo Xianzhi. If the emperor did not keep secrets, the country would be lost. Didn't he know that?

Is the rumor true?

It is said that many years ago, during the era of Luo Youzhi, the reason why the Duke of Gusu always had the upper hand in political battles was because his father always gave these impeachment memorials and many other things directly to him. This allowed Duke Wenmu of Gusu to easily defeat those opponents.

The final result?

The prince thought for a while and found that Liang Guo was getting stronger and stronger, and all political affairs were going smoothly, and nothing happened.

Because there was the case of Duke Wenmu before, so now the father has used this trick again?

The prince quickly figured out the joints. He was very smart in this regard, but in his heart, he began to think about whether there was anyone in his East Palace who could not deal with the Gusu Luo family. If there was, he would either eliminate it or eliminate it. Or ask them to quickly stop their inappropriate thoughts.

His father's trust in Luo Xianzhi was not something that ordinary people could shake. Without special circumstances, rashly going against Luo Xianzhi would be asking for death.

Xiao Yan and Luo Xianzhi probably didn't expect that in this short moment, the prince would think of so many things. Luo Xianzhi watched as the eunuch moved everything into the car and then left in the same car.

He could no longer hear the conversation between Emperor Xiao Yan and Prince Xiao Tong in the palace.

But for Luo Xinzhi, this was no longer important. He sat in the car and read through these memorials one by one. The wording in most of them was not very intense.

This is just a memorial of opposition. The words are fierce, that is, you are looking for trouble. After all, even if you cannot become a minister, it will only be postponed for a few years. Everyone still retains the most basic dignity, and it is not yet a matter of life and death.

"Interesting, interesting."

Luo Xianzhi read them one by one and felt many things from them. He was extremely good at and liked to figure out people's hearts, so when he read these memorials, he couldn't help but restore the psychological emotions of the people who wrote them. , this is a very interesting thing for Luo Xinzhi.

While he was reading these memorials, a carriage rumbled past the palace. The concubines, eunuchs, and concubines in the palace all avoided the carriage, their faces full of surprise.

Of course, there are carriages in the palace, especially those who go out to buy things, which must be transported by carriages. It is naturally impossible for nobles to walk when they enter and leave the palace.

But at first glance, this carriage was not a palace carriage.

It's not a palace carriage, but it can drive with such swagger, it's really shocking.

Luo Xianzhi doesn't pay attention to this. He just wants to go to the Shangshu table to report as soon as possible. It's time for the Shangshu order to be turned around again.

Before Luo Xianzhi came to Jianye, he naturally had a minister, but he was removed by Xiao Yan after a short period of time. The person in charge of the minister's station was Zuo Pushe, who was the adjutant of the minister, and his rank was not high either. But they have great power, especially when there is no Shangshu Ling. These two middle-level official positions are almost equivalent to a small number of prime ministers, and can participate in the execution of the most central part of the empire.

of course.

Just participate.

In the Later Han Dynasty, although the system of three ministers and nine ministers with real power as in the early Han Dynasty was abandoned, power gradually returned to the Taibu, resulting in a great increase in the power of the Shangshutai.

But at present, the system of three provinces and six ministries has not been fully implemented.

The official position of Shangshu Zuopushe is still too low, so low that he can hardly see the emperor. There is an iron law in politics, that is, the degree of power is determined by whether it is close to the center of power.

The size of the official position is only a part of power. Whoever is closer to the center of power has more power. This is the essence of power. To a certain extent, the eunuchs around the emperor have more power than most of the three princes. In the Later Han Dynasty, this situation became more and more obvious.

Luo Xianzhi's carriage stopped outside the Chancellor's Desk. Officials coming and going looked at him with curiosity. The guards at the door wanted to stop him, but Luo Xianzhi's retainers took out the decree, "Who dares to stop the Minister from carrying out his duties?" ?”

Shangshu Ling?

Luo Xianzhi!

The venue suddenly fell into an eerie silence, and then became noisy. Almost instantly, several people came forward with flattering smiles on their faces, bowed and said: "Luo Lingjun, my colleagues in Taichung, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"The Shangshu Order has been vacant for a long time, and now it finally has someone who can guard it. This is an honor for all Shangshutai officials."

"My lord, when I got up from my humble duty today, I heard the chirping of magpies. I didn't know what the happy event was. Now I know it's you who is coming to take office. It's really a happy event."

Sound after sound passed into Luo Xianzhi's ears, and many people were stunned. Aren't there many people in Jianye City who opposed Luo Xianzhi's appointment as Shangshu Ling these days?

There are obviously voices of dissatisfaction in the Chancellery, saying that Luo Xianzhi is a son of a high-ranking family and has never held any official position. He does not take up those noble positions or compile historical books, but he comes to the Chancellor. Whether it is secular affairs or major matters related to the national economy and the people's livelihood, how can a fledgling son of a powerful person, even a Luo family, do well?

There were really many people who agreed at that time.

Why does it look like this now?

Especially the one at the end who said magpies are calling is really shameless. Where are the magpies in this season?

In order to curry favor with this person, I simply didn’t even want to lose my face.

If these people knew what those people were thinking, they would probably laugh out loud. Isn't that how it is in officialdom?

Not to mention the distant Lu family.

Let's just say that the Xie family, currently ranked first in Jiangdong, could not have jumped from a second-rate noble family to where it is now if it had not been embraced by Duke Wenmu of Gusu.

You must know that at the beginning, the nobles who were similar to the Xie family were still struggling in the second rate.

Now Luo Xianzhi came to the Chancellor's desk as if nothing happened. Doesn't this explain the problem?

That is, the emperor doesn't care about opposition at all. He trusts Luo Xianzhi as much as he trusts Luo Youzhi. Then Luo Xianzhi will become a very popular minister sooner or later. If he doesn't hug him quickly, is he still going to fight?

And you people are just jealous, jealous that we are qualified to hold Luo's lap, you people are probably going to die with a guilty conscience!

Luo's selection of subordinates is not acceptable to just any cat or dog. A family like Luo's has very high requirements for reputation. Even if it is inferior in all aspects, it cannot commit anything, especially the kind of shameless bullying of men and women. This kind of thing is absolutely not allowed in Huoxiang. Luo may take matters into his own hands to clean up the house.

Luo Xianzhi looked at the scene in front of him and smiled slightly.

What is the general trend? This is the general trend. As long as he stands here, he can gather the hearts of many people. This kind of momentum has been gathered in the decades since Luo Chu took over Jiangdong.

In this land, there were once six surnames in Wu County, four surnames in Xiangyang, and nine great clans.

This used to be the State of Wu, it used to be the State of Chu, and now it is the State of Liang.

But only one of them always stands at the top, and that's Lowe's.

He once ruled Jiangdong and became a hero for a while.

He was once ranked first in the Jiangzuo clan annals, and was listed on a separate page among all the families in Gaiya.

He served as prime minister for eighteen years. He entered the dynasty without any tendency, and received no praise or worship. He was in charge of the dynasty and ranked above ten thousand people. He was known as Luo Banchao.

But now, I am just serving as a minister, is that too much?

Only when one stands in front of Mount Tai can one see the majesty of Mount Tai.

Only when one stands in front of the sea can one feel the vastness of the sea.

Only when one stands in front of the abyss can one know the depth of the abyss.

When they saw Luo Xianzhi, they felt that their ideas might be wrong. Hearing about Luo's family was completely different from seeing it with their own eyes.

When I heard about it, there were countless impassioned words.

When I actually saw it, I could only sigh and understand why so many people were willing to leave as Wenmu County's public servant.

Luo Xianzhi politely returned greetings to everyone. Although he was a very weird person, his etiquette was absolutely hard to find fault with. Surrounded by everyone, he went to the Chancellor's desk and walked into the government office. More The officials came to greet them, and what happened outside the door had been spread inside.

No matter which department you work in under the Chancellor, you have to come and meet the highest official in Taichung when he takes office. At this moment, it doesn’t matter if you come. Maybe you can’t remember your name, but if you don’t come, you will definitely is remembered.

Luo Xianzhi came to the hall with a smile, and Shi Shiran sat down. Except for the most junior subordinates, basically all the officials from the Shangshutai who could come have arrived. As the organization with the heaviest powers and responsibilities, the officials here There were so many of them, I looked up and saw a group of people.

After Luo Xianzhi cleared his throat, he said loudly: "Comrades, by the grace of His Majesty the Emperor, I am able to assume the post of Shangshu Ling. I am sincerely afraid, lest I cannot reassure your Majesty, lest I cannot make Daliang prosperous, lest I cannot make the people happy." Good health.

I am very happy to see all my colleagues today. They are not very tired. It seems that they are familiar with the affairs of Shangshutai. I believe that with the help of your colleagues in the future, I can successfully bring it to the world.

I wonder where the left and right servants are? "

"My lord, I have a humble duty!"

When the left and right servants heard Luo Xianzhi's roll call, they hurriedly walked to the front. Luo Xianzhi narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "You two, you are the senior officials of Shangshutai. I am new here. I will need your help in the future."

Before coming to Shangshutai, Xie An had already sent the information of the main officials of Shangshutai to Luo Xianzhi's house, which focused on recording who came from a poor family and who was a child of which family.

There are not particularly many disciples in the Shangshutai, because the work in the Shangshutai is considered turbulent and does not conform to the noble thinking of many nobles. The more jobs there are in a place like the Shangshutai, the more likely it is to make mistakes, which is detrimental to promotion.

Zuopushe of Shangshutai came from a poor family, and was among the first to take advantage of Luo Youzhi's suppression of the gentry.

You Pushe was from a noble family, and he was also from a wealthy family. He was only inferior to the Xie family. At this moment, facing Luo Xianzhi, he felt extremely nervous.

When facing the previous Shangshu Ling, he was quite arrogant, but now he is acting like a quail.

It can be said that one thing is reduced to another, and Luo's is reduced to all.


Since the promulgation of the clan annals, a clan has gradually emerged in Jiangzuo.

The so-called: count the nobles and nobles in this life, count the number of fathers and ancestors who are romantic and meritorious, and list the ancestors who are magnificent and virtuous, so as to determine the level of the family.

Everyone in Jiangzuo adhered to him, and even started to join forces with him.

The public denounced: "The merits of the ancestors make the descendants rich and noble, which is the way of heaven; the kindness of the ancestors makes the descendants immortal for all generations, which is the evil way; why use evil to abandon heaven?" - "Southern History: Gusu County Gong Family"

(End of this chapter)

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