Chapter 776 One thousand and three hundred years have passed!
Horses neighed as the day progressed, and the setting sun was like blood, but not as red as real blood, nor as hot as red blood. The horses under their crotches couldn't help but kick their hooves, raising clouds of dust, and dozens of brave warriors gathered around. Circle, with horses holding tightly in their hands, numerous people wearing armor, hundreds of majestic and fierce Hu people also riding horses to confront the brave warriors, all with bodies forged from fishing and hunting, and also with sharp weapons in their hands, Liaodong Hu people fought The powerful force and the sophisticated weapons in their hands are factors that cannot be ignored. After a hundred and fifty years of development of the Yan Kingdom, in Liaodong, those large Hu tribes even had soldiers, and now they have become a powerful enemy of brave warriors.

The leader of the dozens of brave warriors was Luo Xiang. He was also the leader of this trip. Facing the barbarians who were ten times his size, he showed no fear at all. After taking a deep breath, he let out a roar like a tiger's roar and roared: : "After five years of waiting, you should know the name of my Luo clan. Those who block my clan's return will die; those who leave with the sharp edge will live; dare to use the sharp edge to test my words!"

When the Yan State withdrew from Liaodong, the Hu people naturally took over the Yan State's homeland. After several years of preparations, Luo Xiang was ordered by Luo Chen to lead a group of brave warriors back to Zhaocheng south and began to migrate the people of Zhaocheng. As expected, they were killed by the Hu The people were blocked on the land of Liaodong, but what a magic weapon the dare warriors were. Even if they were only a few dozen people, they could break through the barbarians' interceptions and return to Zhaocheng smoothly.

In the land of Hebei, the closed Kingdom of Zhao was somewhat desolate. Over the past 200 years, scholars and people had been flowing continuously. With the order to close Zhao City, they could no longer come to the country. Only supply caravans could enter, so that Zhao There are even some weeds on the city's main roads leading to all directions.

On this day, dozens of knights stepped into the territory of Duke Zhao. The faces of these dozens of knights were all weathered, and there were even dried blood stains on their clothes and the exposed skin under their clothes. Most of their clothes were torn, and they could only slightly cover their bodies. , there are criss-cross scars visible in the gaps in the clothes, recorded on the chest, back and arms, and there are even scabs that have not been scabbed for a long time, with blood oozing out from them, the end is unspeakably ferocious and miserable.

This group of people was naturally the Dare warriors returning south from the Winter City. Facing the barbarians who were ten times their own number, the Dare warriors successfully broke through after killing dozens of people. Once they entered the Yan Kingdom's sphere of influence, the barbarians did not dare to do whatever they wanted. Chase and kill, worried about encountering the Yan Kingdom's cavalry.

The gate of Zhaocheng was opened, and dozens of horses rushed out. Luo You, the son of Luo Chen, rode in front. Seeing the appearance of Luo Xiang and the brave warriors, his heart felt sour and sour. He clasped his fists on the horse and said, "Axiang, I haven't been here for many years." See, you have lost a lot of money, all the clan members have worked hard, and I feel really guilty sitting in Zhaocheng."

Luo Xiang and other brave warriors who returned all smiled heartily. Compared with the deceased clan members, they were lucky to be alive to see Zhaocheng again. All the gates of Luo Palace were opened, and the bells rang loudly, calling the Zhaocheng clan's center. Those who were seriously injured came to gather together, and the brave warriors went to reunite with their families and heal their wounds, and they brought letters home to the remaining brave warriors who had never returned.

Not long after, the Luo Palace was filled with people. Everyone looked at Luo Xiang. From Luo Xiang's forehead with a long scar, everyone knew how difficult this industry was.

Luo You raised his wine and sighed: "Axiang, as soon as the tribesmen left for Liaodong for five years, the hearts of the Zhaocheng tribesmen also left with them. They were worried and worried. On a heavy snow day in Zhaocheng, the tribesmen all prayed to King Su. I don't know. Are you hungry and cold, are you thinly clothed, or are you in poverty? When I see you today, I can't bear to ask you any more. I'll drink this wine to the fullest, and I respect you.

Time is like water. Once Zhao City is closed, the people are excited. After a long time, it has dissipated. The countries are preparing their troops and horses, intending to fight again. The people are exhausted, and everything in the clan is ready, just waiting to move. I ask what is happening in Liaodong now, my father , you are old, how is your health? "

Luo Xiang drank a lot of wine, but he didn't feel it was spicy enough. During the five years of Liaodong, Luo Chen had been walking in the harsh winter. The cold was extended to all the brave warriors, but he still felt a bone-chilling cold. Strong wine was a common drink, so he wiped his mouth He said loudly: "Brother, don't worry, my uncle is very good, and he is stationed in the Blackwater Winter City in the White Mountains in the far north.

My uncle said: "It was a difficult ascetic journey from Zhaocheng to the far north of Liaodong. The encounters on the way there were very heavy. Hundreds of brave warriors and elite soldiers were damaged, let alone the old, young, women and children in the city. If this is not corrected, it will be a human tragedy." '

When we returned to the south, there were 82 brave warriors. In less than ten months, we encountered thirteen tribes of Hu people in Liaodong. Some retreated and some fought. At the foot of Zhao City, only 62 remained. The rest were buried in foreign lands. I feel sorry for them. Zai.

My uncle said: 'The purpose of migrating to Liaodong was to cut off one's tail in order to survive, to survive in death, rather than to self-exile and seek self-destruction. '

Brother, you should be careful when migrating clan members.I waited quietly for five years in Liaodong and laid the groundwork for this purpose. I built the city in the cold winter and recorded the roads along the way. Everywhere I went, there were sons and daughters who sacrificed for this. When you go to the place, if you see green mountains with swaying pines and cypresses, The rivers flow endlessly, and it is the son who protects the people. "

There was no depression in Luo Xiang's voice, but Luo You could hear the sadness and forced joy in it, and he immediately said in a deep and sad voice: "The souls of heroes are buried in pines and cypresses in the green mountains, and the great rivers and rivers flow in praise of the gods. The mountains and rivers have spirits, and their spirits are relatives. If our clan can still thrive in Liaodong when the great catastrophe is over, we should honor our ancestors and represent our relatives to the gods of the mountains and rivers to soothe their souls."

When Luo Xiang heard this, she was startled and then she didn't say a word and just clasped her fists and bowed. Everyone in the hall felt sad.

Luo Xiang and others returned to bring definite news about Liaodong. After the city was being built in Liaodong and houses were prepared, the Luo family, which had been prepared for a long time, began the real great migration. The migration of the Luo family was like marching on an army, and the vast Tangtang family The real treasures have been placed in the ring and taken away. Now the only things he brings are food, cotton clothes, brocade fur and other items that the ring cannot carry in large quantities.

Naturally, young people are not afraid of long journeys. These young people are organized as guards. The Luo family is naturally worry-free in the Zhuxia territory. However, after entering Liaodong, such a huge team and countless luggage do not seem to be particularly strong. , must be a meal in the eyes of the barbarians. It should be noted that even if warriors dare to go out, they will be intercepted and killed by barbarians. This is how people die for wealth and birds die for food, especially since Luo's team is filled with a large number of people with poor physical fitness. The Hu people will definitely not let go of the women and children.

Luo's plan was to travel in batches. The first group was still young and strong. These people set off first. Firstly, they were traveling again for the subsequent tribesmen. Secondly, after entering Winter City, they were all laborers who built the city and could contribute to the city's construction. The subsequent tribesmen laid a solid foundation. In the end, the first batch of people to migrate was more than [-] young adults, thousands of women and children, and [-] brave warriors were fully armed to accompany and protect them. After these people were sent to Winter City, the brave warriors returned to Zhaocheng.

Such a large-scale population migration would never have been tolerated by either Han or Yan had it not been for Luo's travel. When Luo Xiang passed through the border between Han and Yan again, he could even smell the tense atmosphere. He knew that the brutal war might be about to begin again.

As spring goes and autumn comes, cold falls and heat rises, the four seasons reincarnate. This happens year after year. People in Zhaocheng become increasingly rare. Within five years, all 9 people have moved away, not to mention the inner city, even the outer city. I have never seen a few people in the city. At the corner, most of the elderly people gathered together to chat and laugh. Luo You walked from the outer city with his hands behind his back, as if he wanted to engrave Zhaocheng in his mind. He saw a few old people. Then he saluted and said, "Gentlemen, why don't you move with the brigade? When we enter Liaodong, we will have a day to talk."

When the old man heard this, he narrowed his eyes and smiled and said: "When the Luo Kingdom was destroyed in the past, many of the elders in the clan were buried with them. They wanted to die with the city this time, but the head of the family issued a strict order not to die in the city. We and others I couldn't refuse, so I left last and took another look, and a few more looks." Luo You's eyes dimmed and lost when he heard this, and he consoled him: "People are born in the world, and there is life and death. Things are born in the world, and there is life and death. After death, the flowers will bloom again and the city will be rebuilt. King Zhaosheng can rebuild Zhaocheng from the ruins, and he can do the same hundreds of thousands of years later. Zhaocheng is in the hearts of the people, where the people are, in the cold wind of the extreme north of the white mountains and black waters, Winter is also like Zhaocheng."

Those old people looked at Luo You and smiled, but there was sadness in the smile. Luo You no longer wandered around Zhaocheng, nor did he return to Luo Palace, but returned to the ancestral temple. Only the ancestral temple is the eternal sacred place of the Luo family. Now, in Zhaocheng, he is the only direct descendant here. The candles in Luo's ancestral temple never dim, so he knelt down at the place where he used to be and began to pray and sing. Even though King Su disappeared, his respect for his ancestors would never stop. It has been engraved in Luo's bones and blood.

Luo You sang loudly in the ancestral temple with flickering candlelight, but outside the ancestral temple, dark clouds rolled over the city, and it was dark. The world was roaring with strong winds, and only the sound of wind and thunder Gaia were left. In a moment, heavy rain fell, and the whole Zhaocheng was covered with rain. Shrouded in the mist of the rain, without seeing the sky, the ground, or the people, Luo You seemed unaware. He sang the entire hymn step by step, then got up and walked to the door of the ancestral temple.

The rain whipped by the strong wind wetted the hem of his brocade clothes, and the damp moisture couldn't help but hit his face. A few strands of hair were already wet and clinging to the side of his face. He seemed to be unaware, and his face was expressionless. Staring at the pouring rain, the earth turned upside down, heavy raindrops fell on the bluestone, and then gathered into streams. Zhaocheng's drainage system, which has been running for thousands of years, still maintained good operation under such torrential rain, draining water outside the city. in the river.

The last few thousand people in Zhaocheng were all wearing raincoats and bamboo hats. They were all old men with golden hair. They stood hunched in the heavy rain, shaken by the wind. They looked at the fertile fields around Zhaocheng that had been washed away. A large number of The mud was swept away, and the heavy rain in the sky still continued. Although Zhaocheng was majestic and grand, it was just a small boat in the sea.

The old man had already abandoned his staff and knelt down facing the direction of Zhaocheng. With tears streaming down his face, he wailed: "Since King Su and the Emperor established the country in Zhaodi, it has been 300 years. Even if there are disasters during the Qin Dynasty, they have only destroyed houses and broken walls." , there are still ruins, and King Zhaosheng was able to prosper, but now it has turned directly into Zeguo, and it will no longer exist. The city of 300 years ago has become a thing of the past. Why in the sky, how can I be so harsh on my Luo family and my Luo family Shuntian? Yes, why do you have to endure all these sufferings!"

Luo You recalled in his mind what his grandfather had said before his death, that Zhaocheng would turn into Zeguo. It turned out that it was like this. It is not something that today’s family can afford.

King Su disappears, and the heritage of the family is reduced. This heavy rain must be from the sky. Is this the will of God like a knife? The Luo family is also in the will of God. Without the ancestor of King Su, they face the will of God and make a careless move. , and he was destroyed.

Looking at the elders who were still kneeling on the ground, Luo You sighed. Over the past 300 years, the Luo family had almost never obeyed the destiny of heaven, so that today, when man and nature fight, victory will be a small victory, and defeat will lead to destruction.

There was a heavy rain in Zhaocheng, the Luo people emptied their buildings, the Yellow River overflowed, and Zhaocheng was submerged in the mist and rain. This was not a shocking event at all compared to the Luo family's decision to move to Liaodong. Not to mention the Han Dynasty, even though he was dying in Chang'an, The emperor of Wei, Cao Rui, secretly sent people to investigate. When he saw that Zhaocheng had really turned into Zeguo, he was shocked beyond words.

Zhaocheng is in the hearts of people all over the world, no less than Chang'an and Luoyang, and even surpasses the rise and fall of the other two capitals. When they learned that Zhaocheng collapsed, people in Han and Wei sighed softly: "The sun is shining brightly. The holy light is ever bright, especially in Zhaocheng, there is a day of death, not to mention people, this is a sign of their return, this is a sign of their return."

Naturally, Luo You didn't know that the transformation of Zhaocheng into a lake would cause Cao Rui's heart to collapse. He also didn't know that the Han Dynasty would die in one day. He had already taken off his coir raincoat and bamboo hat and traveled to the border of the Yan Kingdom, where he met the general of the Yan Kingdom who also served as the prime minister. Murong Chengguang.

Murong Chengguang stood side by side with Luo You in front of the Putuo River, hands folded, and laughed loudly: "Master, ten years ago in front of this river, I sent Duke Zhao to Liaodong. Ten years later, I will sit in front of this river to send Master Zhao to Liaodong again." Since then, there has been no Luo family in the Central Plains, but there are Luo people in Liaodong. Hundreds and thousands of years later, history records that Yan and Luo came out of Liaodong together. We, the Yan people, are very lucky."

Although Zhaocheng was sealed before, it was not indifferent to world affairs. Murong Chengguang monopolized the affairs of the Yan State, and the Gongsun family was slaughtered. Only a few of them fled to the grasslands and the Han State to usurp the throne. It was only a matter of time. Such heroes, It is not easy to be friendly to the Luo family alone. Luo You said softly: "Liaodong is important. The more Donghu there are, they are fierce and difficult to control. I can help you."

Murong Chengguang smiled and raised his hands and said: "Master, I cannot come to congratulate you in person for the Luo family's move to the north. This is a congratulatory gift. Please pass it on to Duke Zhao. Don't forget the friendship between Yan and Luo."

Luo You ordered the people to accept it and set off quickly. The warriors had walked the road to Winter City many times, but it was still rugged and difficult. Almost all of them were old people on this journey. Even if they had good horses, they were exhausted. , every time he took a break, he would compose a song and laugh at himself, but Luo You would smile when he saw him. Without him, those who compose songs and laugh at themselves are mostly in trouble, and those who don't say a word are more likely to die.

When a large group of brave warriors suddenly emerged from the forest, Luo You knew that he had arrived. He galloped forward quickly, stood on a high rock, and looked at the still somewhat crude city from a distance. It was the city that had been destroyed countless times. Speaking of Winter City, since he led the last people of Zhaocheng to come here, the Zhaocheng Luo family has completely disappeared.

The past is gone, but the living are left to live again!

When I looked at Luoze, the flowers and grass were all sparse. When I looked at Luoze, I saw the waves lingering in the water. When I looked at Luoze three times, I felt that the trees were majestic and majestic. After all the romance, they were no more than the palace palace. ——"Miscellaneous Words on Writing"

 A little more Chapter 2

(End of this chapter)

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