Established a millennium family since King Wu defeated Zhou

Chapter 775 Our clan stands here in the wind and snow!

Chapter 775 Our clan stands here in the wind and snow!

The sky in Liaodong is as blue as a clear mirror, and the mountains in Liaodong are magnificent, like soaring dragons, with numerous green peaks.

Traveling to western Liaoning, Luo Chen and others saw the cities once built by the Yan people. Most of them were small, low cities, the tallest of which was no more than three meters tall. They were made of layers of rammed soil. Perhaps thousands of people had lived here in the past. However, as the Yan people moved southward, they showed a bit of decline under the rain, snow, wind and frost.

The heavy rain washed away the desolate huts, leaving some ruins. The city walls and the city were covered with weeds, and even wild foxes appeared, dragging the carcass of a pheasant, leaving two lines of blood, faintly visible outside the city. There are tombs everywhere, and there are holes left in some places. The living people moved and died, but the dead can only stay here. Maybe all the descendants have died.

Luo Chen said with some emotion: "There are several barren hills and a few rows of names. The Yan people left really neatly and without any nostalgia. For the Yan people, this is not a hometown where they have lived for a hundred and fifty years, but a place that eats people." The devilish soil of your heart’s blood.”

Everything in the old Yan Kingdom was full of twilight. There was not even a smooth straight road here. Luo Chen could feel the hardship of Yan people's life from here.

Since then, there has been a slightly smooth path at the exit of the city, which was trampled by the people in the city and the village. It is also overgrown with weeds, and the sides of the road even reach to the waist. It is late autumn, and there are fallen leaves hanging on it, with yellow roots and some One or two immortal grass insects let out their last wailing cry.

In Ji City of Yan State, Murong Chengguang was in charge of the imperial palace. He counted the time and knew that Luo Chen and others would have arrived at Yan State's hometown in Liaodong. After talking with Luo Chen, Murong Chengguang became deeply moved. Inspired, his eyes were opened to the world affairs, and he also came to his own new judgment. The Luo family's move to Liaodong was the most significant benefit to the Yan State. Murong Chengguang was very disdainful towards the Hu people when talking to Luo Chen that day, but It was just a gesture. As a general who came out of Liaodong, he knew the bravery of the Hu people in Liaodong very well. So, if one day, our Yan State can control 72 grasslands, and we can also control the secluded Ji, who else can stop our Yan State from unifying the world?"

It has been more than half a year since they set off from Zhaocheng. Now Luo Chen and others have traveled to the northernmost part of the Yan Kingdom. Liaodong is vast. The Yan Kingdom only controls a part of Liaodong land. The so-called white mountains and black waters, the Changbai Mountains are not the northernmost place.

Luo Chen's face has become dark, and he no longer has the graceful and elegant appearance of the Luo family. He is holding a hatchet in his hand. His skin is chapped, and there is even dirt in the cracks. His hands, which were once slender and fair and only slightly practiced in martial arts, are now rough. Luo Chen's face is dark. Even Luo Chen's genes and supernatural powers could not save Luo Chen, as did all the brave warriors. When they arrived at Changbai Mountain, the group naturally did not go up the mountain, but walked north along Changbai Mountain and the river.

In Wujun, Jiangdong, the autumn mood is not obvious here, the warm sun is still blazing, Luo Xi is dressed in white, clean and tidy, almost spotless. He is lying in the ebony oil paper boat, closing his eyes slightly and enjoying the afternoon. There was a moment of tranquility. In the current state of Wu, Lu Xun was so powerful that he was exiled to Xuzhou by the people led by Lu Su. As the governor, he also served as the shepherd of Xuzhou and had to withdraw from the fight for the throne. Luo Xi didn't care about these things. What he cared about was Where did the hundreds of tribesmen who went to Liaodong go and what hardships did they go through? The sunlight shone down and dazzled his eyes. He raised his hands to block the sunlight. His hands had clear joints and were as white as jade. They were very beautiful.

After entering the far north of Liaodong, the map drawn by Yan State has completely lost its effect. This place is a lifeless place for any outsider. On the land of Liaodong, the vast tracts of wasteland, ice fields, forests and mountains will make Every outsider who enters this place pays the price with his life!
The same should have happened to Luo Shi, but Wang Wenjun was born as a daughter of the ice and snow in the north. The falling goose talent and cold resistance talent she blessed Luo Shi with were the basis for Luo Shi to come to Liaodong.

Luo Chen stood on the high stone, raised his hand in the air, activated the mustard seeds, and then the magic staff suddenly appeared in his hand. It was inlaid with gold and jade, showing nobility and solemnity. He hit it hard on the big stone. It made a sound like gold and stone, and a hole was even poked in the big stone.

When King Zhaosheng held the magic staff, it was as if King Su had come to the world in person. When the head of the Luo family held the magic staff, even if he ordered the emperor to be killed, all the troops would destroy the formation and move forward!

Luo Chen's voice spread among hundreds of warriors, "Dear gentlemen, according to the decree of King Su and the order of my late father, our family moved to Liaodong and built a city among the white mountains and black waters. Behind us is the Changbai Mountains, and further to the north is the Blackwater, late autumn is over, winter is coming, I will call the gods of Liaodong to come here, and all of you will follow Haidongqing."

After saying this, Luo Chen let out a loud roar, and dozens of sea turtles circled in the sky, their chirping sounds coming and going, and all the brave warriors cheered loudly. The sea turtle is known as a sacred bird in the world, not to mention Among the Luo clan, it is the most worshiped object after the Phoenix.

Hai Dongqing, who had always walked alone, was called here to soar in the sky. Luo Chen and others were walking around on the ground. When it was time to eat, Hai Dongqing spread his wings and disappeared in front of everyone. In a moment, he carried hares, pheasants, etc. Appearing again, he cut off his head, ripped open his chest, ate his heart and liver, and tore his flesh and blood. His ferocity and bloodthirsty made people fear him.

When the first ray of cold wind appeared between Luo Chen's brows, he knew that winter was coming. The beginning of winter had arrived. When he was in Zhaocheng, there was no snow at this time of year, but this is Liaodong. The fluttering snowflakes would appear at this time. After the world turned white, Luo Chen knew the Yan people's need for warmth.

Luo Chen still remembers that in the family history books, his ancestor Wenjun "put his bare feet in the white crystal and danced gracefully, never feeling cold".

The descendants' ability to resist the cold naturally does not have such exaggerated magic. At least Luo Chen is now standing in the cold wind, frost and snow wearing only a brocade fur coat. He feels extremely cold. The wind coming from the extreme north seems to be able to pass through the brocade fur coat. It pierces the muscles and bones, causing a sudden chill. Only by wearing clothes made of animal fur can one feel that the blood is still flowing through the meridians, roaring like mercury. How can the Luoshi still be half romantic? Elegant, almost like a barbarian in the mountains, looking like he is drinking blood from his hair.

At this time, thousands of miles of mountains and rivers in Liaodong are full of birds, mountains and forests are all white, and everything is quiet. Haidongqing cannot travel in the cold sky for a long time. With heavy snowfalls in Liaodong, Luo's traveling speed is greatly reduced, Zhaocheng The snow in the Yellow River can freeze the Yellow River and freeze people to death, but the snow in Liaodong, the whistling cold wind rolls up the crystal white snow, and can freeze people into ice crystals. He couldn't, because within a few moments chilblains had appeared, and the pain and itching were unbearable.

In the heavy snow in the sky, everyone in the Luo family had one foot deep and one foot shallow, tightly wrapped in leather clothes and thick brocade fur, walking in the white and clean sky and earth, covered with snow and frost on their bodies, occasionally there were the roars of jackals, tigers and leopards, but When they saw groups of soldiers, they hid in the forest. The sky and the earth were completely white, except for the traces of travelers.In the palace of the Wei Dynasty, there was a warm dragon paving the floor, and red burning charcoal was placed in a brazier. The rising heat enveloped the palace. Cao Rui and other monarchs and ministers were dressed in single clothes and drank fine wine. The heated venison, the dancers dancing gracefully in the hall, the sound of silk and bamboo could not be heard, Cao Rui laughed loudly, drank the wine and said to a rather elegant man in the hall: "Uncle Wang, I heard that during the Han Dynasty, Dong'amhou You often write poems for Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty to congratulate the world. You are now the crown of Wenzong in the world. It is snowing heavily and such beautiful scenery is really refreshing. Uncle Wang, can you write a snow poem for me, the Great Wei Dynasty, to praise the prosperity of our Great Wei Dynasty? ?”

Cao Zhi didn't expect Cao Rui to have such thoughts, and he responded after pondering for a while. He had long wanted to chant for such a beautiful snowy scenery, "Your Majesty, please drink. After thinking for a moment, I presented to Your Majesty the "Ode to the Snow Scenery of Chang'an in the Great Wei Dynasty" "."

The palace is full of joy and joy again, with heavy snow falling, mellow wine, delicate beauties, and literary poems. Is there anything in this world that is more intoxicating than this?
How long did you walk in the snow?

No one knows, only that the sun rises and sets, that the heavy snow has fallen but has not melted, and is accumulating more and more. The Luo family moved to the white mountains and black waters, but at this moment, Liaodong is full of white mountains, and the snow is not enough to describe. A vast expanse of white is most appropriate.


The cold and almost stiff hand held the slightly hot rabbit leg, which caused a pain like a needle. The dare warrior couldn't help but throw the steaming rabbit leg on the snow. He hurriedly picked it up, and his steps were a little inconvenient. , his feet also felt a little stiff due to the cold, and then he saw another hand picking up the rabbit leg. He looked up and saw that it was the head of the family, Luo Chen. Just as he was about to salute, Luo Chen pressed him down and said with a smile. : "Some of the hot food is not easy to eat. The boys worked hard to get it. Next time, be careful and don't eat the mud on it."

As he spoke, Luo Chen used the knife on his waist to cut off the part of the rabbit leg that was stained with slush, rubbed it on his body and ate it, then handed the remaining rabbit leg back to the brave warrior and took out a piece of spicy food. Said: "Put it on it and your body will be warmer."

Looking at the departing figure of the family master, there were tears in the eyes of the brave warrior. He was afraid that they would freeze into ice crystals in this severe cold weather, so he quickly raised his sleeves to wipe them away. He felt that his body seemed to have regained some temperature. This was not an illusion. Luo Chen had cold resistance expansion. The characteristic can make people more resistant to severe cold. He walked tirelessly among the brave warriors to keep the people warmer. I can’t say how effective it is, but at least wearing brocade fur will not freeze to death. When the city is built, he can take care of more people. Too many people.

The winter in the Northeast of Liaoning Province is really too long. When the big cold is still covered by heavy snow, Luo Chen may not be without despair. When the sound of the river resounds in everyone's ears, and when the ice surface is hammered hard, revealing the black water quality, Looking up, the broad and winding river is like a dragon. Although it is frozen and covered with heavy snow, there are no trees on it, and it is winding like a dragon.

Luo Chen felt relaxed all over. After traveling day and night for a whole year, he finally arrived at the Black Water. He had been tightening his strings for a year. He was really tired. All the brave warriors stood on the ice, looking at each other, and then Looking at the head of the family, Luo Chen.

Luo Chen knelt down on the ice with a pop and opened his arms. His voice was already hoarse, but now he roared with all his strength, venting the depression and grief he had been feeling, "Supreme and supreme King Su, since the two of them came out of Zhaocheng 530 , it lasted for a year, and finally arrived at the White Mountain and the Black Water, and the clan members died 27. This was an unworthy speech, and the clan members have already restrained themselves from death. At this moment, the descendants are standing on the Black Water, respectfully requesting sacrifices. King Su, for ten thousand years, please pray to the spiritual altar!"

The brave warriors remained silent and took the 27 altars from the car and placed them on the ice. They all gathered in a group. Luo Chen held the magic staff in his hand. Even though it was freezing cold, he took off his leather jacket and put on the magic robe. On the body, he said solemnly: "All heroic souls and gods, we have fulfilled your wishes and arrived on the black water on Shenhai day. Now I will offer sacrifices to you. You can rest in peace. Our clan will build a city here. All heroic souls and gods." Will be established in the new city, the heroic souls will return, and the heroic souls will be happy."

There are countless ancient etiquette and sacrificial methods in Luo Kingdom. All the brave warriors performed the oldest etiquette of crossing their hands and bowing their heads, and chanted in unison: "The heroic souls have returned, and the heroic souls are at peace!"

The sound of wind swayed and whimpered, ringing in everyone's ears. The pines, cypresses and poplars in the distant mountains on both sides of the river swayed in the wind, and the snowflakes on them fluttered down. Looking at this vivid scene, Luo Chen tightened his grip on the hand. Divine Scepter, all the brave warriors are kneeling on the ground. Are the heroic souls of the departed tribesmen really returning?
After the short, simple but solemn ceremony, the biggest problem was placed in front of everyone, which was to choose a suitable place to build the city. It must be easy to defend and difficult to attack, must have an inexhaustible water source, and must have the ability to build a city. Along the way, Luo Chen had an idea of ​​the land that could sustain food for tens of thousands of people. The most suitable thing was to build a mountain city to protect the Luo family, and then build a connected city at the foot of the mountain. It was difficult to build a mountain city. The first person to build a city should be a city that can gather tribesmen. This is also the ultimate goal of everyone moving first.

Luo's migration is so far that ordinary people can't imagine. The Yan Kingdom has never been here in the 50 years since its founding in Liaodong. There are only endless wild beasts and Hu people who eat hair and drink blood. The Hu people here rely on fishing and hunting. To survive, every one of them is extremely strong, and even those with a weak constitution would not be able to survive.

Migrating along the tributaries of the Black River, Luo Chen finally selected the location to build the city. It was close to mountains and rivers. He took out a large number of tools from the ring and the cart. At this moment, Liaodong was still covered with snow, so naturally he could not start construction. Dare to The soldiers set up military tents to keep out the cold, which was a short break from the cold. One group went hunting, another group went to dig through the ice to catch fish, and another group went to collect dry firewood to make a fire.

A city, with a wall surrounded by wooden fences, was less than one person tall, and hundreds of wooden houses stood on the land behind the clear snow. Luo Chen told everyone that this city was called - Winter.


At the end of the Han Dynasty, the world had four poles: the extreme north of Liaodong, the extreme south of Qiongzhou, the extreme east of Binhai, and the extreme west of the Western Regions. His splendid achievements and majestic brilliance are unparalleled in the past and present. There are two or three disciples who look up to him. He is also ranked among the best in history! ——"Learning about the Countries at the End of Han Dynasty"

(End of this chapter)

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