Established a millennium family since King Wu defeated Zhou

Chapter 765: Luo Family’s Modern Extra: The Life of a Genius Orphan in Luo Country

Chapter 765 Luo Family’s Modern Extra: The Life of a Genius Orphan in Luo Country

I'm an orphan.

I have lived in an orphanage for as long as I can remember.

But the dean’s grandma told me that I was sent here when I was three years old. The grandma with whom I depended on each other passed away. I wandered around in ignorance and was discovered by the government.

It is said that even the city lord broke into a cold sweat that day.

According to the laws of the empire, he must bear no small fault.

The city I live in is not very big, so the finances are naturally not very wealthy.

But it doesn't matter, the orphanage is not funded by the local area, but is run by a special fund.

When I was five years old, a group of well-dressed people came to the orphanage in a car with a Phoenix logo.

They met all the kids and I was in the middle.

I remember when I walked in, there were three people inside, two men and one woman. I can’t remember their appearance clearly.

The gentle woman calmed my emotions and then asked me many questions.

For example, have I been beaten, have people often scolded me, have adults done some weird things to me.

Eventually the woman left the house, I took off my clothes, and they wrote something down in a notebook.

I later learned that they were recording whether there were any wounds, needle holes or other signs of abuse on my body.

These people come here once a year in my memory.

In fact, they were here before I was five years old, but I don’t remember it.

The director of the orphanage where I am is a very good person, and I live very happily here.

These memories ended abruptly when I was seven years old, when I was adopted.

I remember that day, the director told me that a pair of parents wanted to come and see me, and I knew what they wanted to do. I was not the only adopted child in this orphanage.

I'm good-looking, quiet and don't cause trouble, and I'm always clean. Some infertile parents have come to adopt children, and I'm the most popular one.

But I refused. I was very happy in the orphanage and didn't want to change my environment. The rescue organization and the government would take care of me until I reached adulthood. I didn't have any pressure to survive.

"Kid, would you like to come home with us?"

I was going to refuse, but when I saw the girl holding the doll hiding behind them, I agreed to their request.

That girl was my friend, my only friend outside the orphanage.

My adoptive father is a businessman, my adoptive mother is a doctor, and my family is relatively wealthy.

Without such a family, it would be difficult to adopt a child.

The conditions of orphanages in Luo Country are not bad, so families who want to adopt children have higher requirements.

The most important thing is that the dean, the government, and the adopter need to be present at the same time, and I need to agree before the adoption can be confirmed.

The reason why I was adopted is simple. I saved their only daughter, my current sister, by chance.

I thought I was just helping my friend, but the adults felt it was a great favor and could even be said to have saved their family.

After learning about my situation, they thought I was a kind and good child and quickly decided to adopt me.

So from that year on, the people who came back to check on me every year became government servants.

I love this new home, it's bigger and more spacious than the orphanage, but most importantly, there's more food, I'm a kid and that's my nature.

I have never told anyone that I love the atmosphere in this home, like colorful bubbles blowing in the clear sky.

My parents are very good to me. They love my sister very much and are grateful to me. I am very obedient and well-behaved and never make mistakes. Children like me will be liked even if they see them on the street.

The most important thing is that my sister is very well-behaved. This is the reason why she has been my friend. I like her very much.

When I was seven years old, I went to primary school with my sister. Children are the kindest and most lovely creatures in the world, but they are also the most vicious and terrifying creatures.

I was a transfer student who suddenly appeared, and my sister was a very popular little princess, which caused me a lot of trouble.

The government and school are trying hard to prevent me from being affected by my status as an orphan, but this kind of thing is inevitable.

My sister and those naive primary school students shouted: "You don't have parents. My brother's parents are my parents."

The final result of this matter was that my sister and I transferred to a school where no one knew us, and everyone thought we were siblings.

The original school held three student lectures, and officials from the school department gave educational lectures to all teachers and students in the school.

Students who cause trouble receive eighteen classes of psychological education, and each class class comes with an examination report.

Adhere to the moral concept that if the son does not teach, it is the father's fault.

The student's parents, as guardians, were sentenced to 48 hours of voluntary labor and were also recorded as having poor supervision.

This is a very serious charge. If the score is too low, the guardianship will be revoked and the child will be sent to a government-designated institution.

There is no test when you give birth to a child, but after you give birth, there will really be a test.

There are only 3000 million people in a land of [-] million square kilometers. The country will protect every kind child.

I went through an uneventful primary school period. Since I started school, I have shown great talent. I can learn many other skills while studying, such as calligraphy, music theory, etc. I have mastered almost every one of them. Much better than my sister, I can even serve as her tutor.

My parents couldn't stop praising me and I became their pride. Every teacher liked me. The principal asked me to skip a grade, but I didn't want to because my sister always opened her big bright eyes and clapped her hands happily. Smiling sweetly: "Brother is so awesome, I like him the most."

I seem to be born different from many people. I have no obsession with getting perfect scores. I don’t care about victory or defeat. If I lose No. 1, I will lose it. It doesn’t matter. I just want to grow up quietly and forever. Be safe and sound.

During the six years of elementary school, people from the government came every year for the first two years, and then as I grew up, it became once every two years. I am very happy in my new family, and my adoptive parents were filled in on the score sheet. Excellent, so the number of official appearances is getting less and less.

When I graduated from elementary school, I took the exam for a six-year aristocratic middle school. Naturally, my sister failed the exam, so my father directly paid a large amount of tuition for her.

With the expectations of my whole family, I passed the test easily.

My sister cheered loudly for me. She was wearing that foreign fluffy princess dress, but she put the crown from the birthday cake on my head.

My parents laughed heartily and said that all my tuition fees were free. So they used all the saved tuition fees to buy me a fund run by the Luo family, and they could all withdraw it after I was born.

I received every scholarship for young talents from the school. My father told me to save all the scholarship money. Before I could start a family and start a business, he should be responsible for my life. This was a father’s wish.

My father and I looked at each other, and my mother looked at me tenderly. I smiled and nodded. This is my family. I am no longer an orphan. I have a father and a mother.

After I entered middle school, the government only came once when I received the Youth Talent Scholarship. They disappeared from my life, and it was the academic department that started contacting me instead.

The Academic Department is a very special department in the empire. It is split from the Ministry of Rites and is responsible for education and various personnel related to education, such as students like me who have special family circumstances and excellent academic performance.

The academic department has been paying attention to me since I was young. If I am still so good after entering a higher education institution, I will enter the academic department's elite talent pool, and the benefits are countless.

The Ministry of Education is also in charge of financial transactions related to education, such as various scholarships in the empire. In the next ten years of my life, the Ministry of Education is probably the government agency that I will have the most contact with.

With the development of puberty, my sister is like a sprouting spring branch, growing more and more fresh. When she was in elementary school, she was a little princess surrounded by stars. Her skin was as white as snow, her eyes seemed to be able to talk, and she sparkled at the school party.

I don't know how many people liked her, but I could often find love letters in her drawer.

The ignorant love of adolescence has been shown on the screen countless times. Schools and parents have never banned these. I just asked calmly: "Do I need to throw these away?"

She is not a child anymore and has the right to decide her own things.

She always smiled, dangling her little feet in exquisite embroidered shoes, and said: "Brother, throw them away, I don't want to fall in love.

Brother, where is your love letter? "

I pointed to the trash can behind me and said calmly: "It's all there. Falling in love will only affect my study."

Well, she is still a child and does not understand what love is. These things should not pollute her.

I understand love very well. It is an illusion caused by the secretion of dopamine. Human beings call it love. I am dismissive of this kind of thing.

The three years of junior middle school were still uneventful. I was still ranked among the best in the best middle school in the province. I was used to it.

In the third year, the school organized us to go on a vacation trip. It was a wonderful trip. We chartered a plane and flew to Dongli Province. Due to the geography, many of the places here are traditional wooden houses. Then we took a boat and passed through various places. Provinces and palaces, and finally reached the three major provinces of Nanyang.

A grand banquet was being held here, and I saw a woman with a stigmata carved between her eyebrows. She was really beautiful, the most beautiful woman I had ever seen in my life.

My sister exclaimed and asked me to look at her, "Brother, she is so beautiful, even more beautiful than my mother."

Seeing our group of students looking at her, she waved and smiled at us, and there was another exclamation. I rubbed my sister's little head and whispered: "Mom is the most beautiful woman in the world."

Later I found out that the woman who was a direct descendant of the Luo family was a real princess and the governor of Nanyang. During the years when the royal family disappeared, only a few of her descendants would appear in front of the stage.

Legend has it that they all secretly watched every move of the imperial officials.

After I entered high school, I thought it would be like when I was in junior high school, the government would send someone to visit me.

But no, it seems that I have completely escaped the attention of the government.

Probably the biggest difference after I entered high school was that I received three scholarships. In addition to the Imperial Talent Award, there was also the Royal Blue Cloud Award and a scholarship from the local government.

As a private school, why does it not have internal scholarships within the school, but all official scholarships?
There are scholarships offered by schools in other countries around the world.

This has to mention a decree of the empire, the "Prohibition of Personal Charity Law".

Yes, in this day and age, personal acts of charity are prohibited.

Naturally, you will not be punished for doing charity, but you will be stopped. If you continue to do charity after being stopped, you will be fined.

The reason for this provision depends on a major case a hundred years ago, which caused a huge ideological turmoil.Whether the recipient can maintain his or her personality independence when facing the donor.

Kindness is as heavy as a mountain, kindness is as deep as the sea, and repaying kindness with kindness is an idea that has been passed down since ancient times.

How to maintain equal status when one person is the benefactor of another person, especially those donors whose social status far exceeds that of the recipients.

Just because of short-term difficulties, you may be suppressed for the rest of your life. This is really inappropriate.

Therefore, under the decree, this kind of individual-to-individual donation was completely cut off.

In the empire, there is a tax for certain people and organizations, called the "charitable tax". This tax is earmarked for various people or organizations that need to receive donations due to unexpected circumstances.

The orphanage is one of them.

If the people must be grateful to one person, then it is better to thank the abstract existence of the country.

My high school years are still as uneventful and uneventful as the past ten years.

I still learn those amazing arts and sports, but I seldom show them, only my academic performance, and I am unwilling to do the point-controlling behavior of the protagonists in novels.

So I always rank at the top of that list.

My life is very ordinary.

The younger sister is very unusual. Her academic performance is neither top-notch nor outstanding. She is quite average. However, compared with her popularity in school, this performance is somewhat unmatched.

She is still popular among boys, but to my surprise, she is equally popular among girls.

Ever since her sophomore year in high school, something was wrong with her. She was always mysterious and would whisper with her few good friends. When her mother asked her what happened, she would always prevaricate and say nothing.

This made my parents very worried, thinking that my sister's youthful rebellious period had finally arrived.

So one afternoon, they found me, and my father said very worriedly: "Son, my sister has listened to you since she was a child. Now she doesn't tell us anything. Do you know what's wrong with her recently?"

I put down the book in my hand, recalled my sister's movements, and said softly: "Mom, Dad, I don't think you need to worry too much now. Ling'er will go home before eight o'clock every night. The only time she is out of my sight is in the afternoon. Two hours between six and eight o'clock.

According to my understanding, she basically spent the past two hours at her best friend's house, and she never went to any place she shouldn't have gone.

If there is something wrong, I will tell you. Ling'er is a very sensible child, so you don't have to worry too much. "

I decided to go talk to her best friend.

I am a simple girl in high school who is easy to talk to. I have always been cold and in the eyes of many people I am not easy to get close to. My sister’s best friend may be afraid of me. After I frightened her a little, she poured out the beans. He told me everything he could say and couldn't say.

The result of the conversation was somewhat beyond my expectation. My sister has someone she likes.

It turned out that I was in love, so I nodded slightly. The 17-year-old girl will reach the legal age of marriage in one year, so this is not a big deal.

The only thing that surprised me was that I didn't observe who she liked. In my memory, she had never been particularly close to any boy, which made me a little curious.

After I got home, I told my parents about this. My parents breathed a sigh of relief and said to me with a smile: "You still have a way. Now we can rest assured. We have a clue about the person Ling'er likes. He should be a very reliable person.”

I was relatively indifferent to this matter, and just asked casually, "So he seems to have a good character? As long as my parents think he's good, I'll go practice piano first."

In a corner that I didn't know about, my sister was verbally criticizing her best friend, with a look of shame on her face, until her best friend said loudly: "I didn't tell everything!"

The younger sister breathed a sigh of relief.

Before high school ended, I was directly admitted to Luoyang University, one of the best universities in Luoyang, because I had received too many scholarships.

With a history of more than 3000 years since King Su came to the world, Luoyang has been the capital for more than 2000 years and is truly the first capital in the world.

As for the last place in the list, Chang'an was the capital of the two great unified dynasties, and the capitals of other small separatist regimes were further back.

My sister's academic performance is not enough to get into Luoyang University. Admission to these top universities depends entirely on academic performance, and other sports and hobbies are useless.

We have been classmates since elementary school, but now it seems we have to separate.

My sister was happy for me, but behind her back she shed tears and said: "Brother, you must be careful when you go to Luoyang University. I heard that there are many bad women there. You have never been in love. Don't be deceived. There are If you don’t understand anything, just ask me. I have rich experience and will definitely be able to guide you to find true love.”

I, who have always been light-hearted, were shaken by her words and couldn't help laughing: "My parents said they know who you like, but I have never met your little boyfriend. Your rich experience comes from him." Did you get it from your body?"

The younger sister was dumbfounded and said in disbelief: "When did I fall in love? Why didn't I know?"

I frowned, feeling that I seemed to have understood something wrong, but I didn't pay much attention to it and asked, "Since you haven't talked about it yourself, how can you help me?"

My sister wrinkled her nose and hummed: "I have rich experience in identifying green tea. Anyway, brother, if there are girls who approach you with ulterior motives, you have to tell me, okay?"

I touched her head and said softly: "Actually, I don't care about Luoyang University. I have no ambitions in this life. I just want my parents and you to be safe and happy."

If you want, I can enroll in your school. "

The younger sister was very moved when she heard this, but she shook her head like a rattle and said, "I can't hold you back, brother. If you really go to the same university as me, my mother will definitely spank me."

My parents were listening to us brother and sister talking, and my mother looked helplessly like her little sister who had not grown up.

Dad patted me on the shoulder and said, "Don't talk nonsense. How can a man have no ambition? When you finish studying, Dad will leave the company to you."

Although you are not dad’s biological son, your family property will be half of yours in the future. "

Having such parents is enough in this world.

My sister eventually entered the Royal Academy of Fine Arts. This university is located next to Luoyang University and is one of the highest art halls in Luoyang.

Luoyang University is very unusual. It is said that its predecessor was Taixue established during the Eastern Han Dynasty, but several other top universities also said the same.

In today's world, Luoyang University has the world's first-class laboratories. No matter which subject it is, it is at the top level in the world. For the first time in my life, I have seen an endless stream of geniuses. I have finally seen those recent branches. The Luo royal family.

In my eyes, people like Luo Shi are quite low-key. They hardly express their opinions and just do things silently. The teacher once said that the person with the loudest voice will take away all the attention. These people do this on purpose. of.

I have a good friend from Luo who answered this question for me. People with louder voices will get more resources, and they will also get fame, prestige and aura.

But Luo Shi has reached the pinnacle of everything. In this world, Luo Shi will only be fairer than everyone else. There is no need to say anything, as long as they do it steadily, those things will naturally fall on them.

I understood this and asked my friend why he told me these things. He said it was because I didn't care about these things.


I do not care.

I am a relatively well-known eccentric among the students and teachers of Luoyang University. I do not lose my mind with things, and even my grades in my major are still in the middle. Even among geniuses, I am not one of the worst, but I am not like other people who strive to move forward and be aggressive. They think that I am free and easy and want nothing.

My younger sister often comes to my school. When she sees me always alone, she teases me: "Brother, I think you are going to be alone all your life."

I gently tilted her head with the book and said angrily: "Nothing big or small."

I miss my obedient and well-behaved sister when I was little. Now this sister is really naughty and mischievous. She is getting more and more naughty as she grows up. This is something I did not expect.

My sister said I was a piece of wood, and my friend said I was a piece of wood. I said angrily: "Wood can't solve problems. If you read a question from a book, there's nothing I can't do."

I'm really a piece of wood.

It turns out that I am really not good at anything. I looked at my parents who were laughing and my sister who was holding my arms, and looked up at the sky.

So it's just me who doesn't know?
I am a top student at Luoyang University. I live in a small city. From the moment I went to university, I entered Qingyunku in this city. After graduation, I can directly choose any government department with a position. Practice.

But I did not choose to join the local government department, and my father did not let me take over his company. He knew that was not my ambition.

My friend from Lowe introduced me to the Widows and Loneliness Aid Society, and I became the person in charge of a large fund. In a sense, I was working for Lowe.

One of the most meaningful things in my life is probably that after my income increased significantly, I was finally qualified to pay charity tax. For the first time in my life, I felt that I must do something.

That is to allow more children like me to go out into society physically and mentally healthy. They may not meet parents like me, but a more complete system will definitely make most children live a better life.

My sister is not as stupid as I thought. At least in the work of the rescue society, she is meticulous, conscientious, and empathetic. She can always detect subtle problems and has given me a lot of help.

My Luo Clan friend has a huge backer. Even within the Luo Clan, he is a very powerful person. They lie in front of the head of the Luo Clan, but outside of the Luo Clan, everyone is extremely powerful.

I have this kind of relationship, and every achievement can be turned into help. Soon I am rising in the ranks of the relief organization, and more and more foundations are under my control.

These foundations are spread far and wide, and the farthest ones are even in Australia. I became very busy, and I was not even able to come back immediately after my sister gave birth to her child.

My sister has returned to her childhood sweetness, or rather she has never changed. She is the most beautiful woman in the world besides her mother.

I like this quiet life now, I am not always at the headquarters looking at those investigative reports.

I also took my sister to the orphanage to see the children, see their psychological conditions, and see if anything bad had happened to them.

I went back to the orphanage where I had lived for several years, and met the director's grandmother. She was already very old, but she still recognized me when she saw me. She happily held my hand.

I responded with a smile. While we were talking, several cars with a phoenix logo appeared outside the door. Several people got out of the car. The leader was a young woman who looked familiar. When she saw me, her eyes lit up. He quickly came over and said hello to me.

I told her that I had come from this orphanage. Of course she knew that. Her mother was the one who came to inquire about my situation when she was five years old.

That's an excellent psychologist.

Her mother and I met quite often when we were young and young, and now that her mother has retired, she has also embarked on this path.

Also in this city, when she saw me, I was no longer the little boy her mother had seen back then.

In the eyes of many, I am now a powerful person.

This is her opportunity. Her future achievements may be greater than her mother's, as long as she maintains her current enthusiastic heart.

The sun shines down, a reincarnation, a big dream.

 A big dream, report on progress, more than 3000 words have been written in the text.

(End of this chapter)

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