Established a millennium family since King Wu defeated Zhou

Chapter 764 Fantasy Extra: The Arrival of the Traveler 1

Chapter 764 Fantasy Extra: The Arrival of the Traveler 1
Ji Zhao frowned, then looked somewhere and chuckled.

Ji Lingjun asked curiously: "Ancestor, what happened?"

Ji Zhao chuckled and said, "A little bug came into the house. It's interesting."

He didn't care, Luo Ling and Xiang Yu could handle everything.


During the reign of the First Emperor, the Qin Dynasty unified the world, and the land of Qin was all over the world. The King of Qin proclaimed himself the emperor and established a system of prefectures and counties. The world entered a new era, and the imperial system replaced the royal system.

Xianyang city.

Fusu, the eldest son of the First Emperor, woke up from his coma, but his eyes were completely different from before, less elegant, more violent, less gentle, and more fierce.

He spread his hands in disbelief and said, "I actually became the eldest son of Great Qin, Fusu?

Is this the reign of the First Emperor?

The Qin Empire was just established? "

An expression of ecstasy suddenly appeared on his face, and he considered himself a fairly rational and objective historical fan.

Zhou, Qin and Han were the three dynasties that established the unification. He felt that the Qin Dynasty had the greatest credit because Qin Shihuang was the first emperor and established the system of prefectures and counties. He believed that many of Qin Shihuang's contributions had been erased in the history books. He has always been quite fond of it. dissatisfied.

He thought to himself: "Since I have become Fusu, Great Qin will definitely not die.

It will also become the most powerful dynasty in the world, far superior to the Han Dynasty and even all subsequent dynasties.

It will be passed down for two, three, and even eternity generations. I am a person who is familiar with the historical knowledge of the next 2000 years.

Liu Bang and Xiang Yu were just ignorant ancient people.

King Zhaosheng.

Those things recorded in the history books that call for wind and rain are all false. I am now the eldest son of the Qin Empire. As long as I kill all the nobles of the various countries, no one will be able to rebel.

Both the Lu family and the Xiang family will die.

Han Xin, Xiao He, and Zhang Liang are all extraordinary talents.

I wonder if the Luo family can let go of their hatred. King Zhaosheng, King Luo Wen, and Marquis Luo Ying are all top talents.

As long as we get these people, why worry about the Qin Dynasty not being able to be consolidated forever? "

Tiannanluo Village.

Luo Ling received the news from Ji Zhao that a person from the future had come to this world.

This surprised Luo Ling and he wanted to ask more, but Ji Zhao only said this and then said nothing again.

Luo Ling then gave up the idea of ​​learning more information and just accelerated the pace of his arrangements, but without too much urgency.

The general trend of the world, like running water, will not change much because of one person, unless that person has a louder voice than everyone else and stands taller than everyone else.

A man from the future.

What can be changed?

What do you know?

It's just a little more twists and turns.

Luo Ling quietly watched his younger brothers and sisters practice martial arts and study in Luo Village. This was Luo's new hope.

It takes a long time to get over the pain of country subjugation, and it will take even longer and more energy to rebuild a huge family.

Luo Shi has lost all power and position in the world, leaving only a little bit of the reputation he once had in that era.

With the advent of the Qin Dynasty, how long can these reputations last?
If the people of the Qin Dynasty could live and work in peace and contentment, would anyone really miss a lost country?
Luo Ling stood in Luo Village with his hands behind his hands, quietly watching the rain fall and listening to the sound of rain hitting the leaves.

The answer to this question he did not know.

But there was one question he knew the answer to.

That is, it is impossible for the Qin Dynasty to let his people, no, it should be called Qianshou in the Qin Dynasty.

It is impossible for the Qin Dynasty to live and work in peace and contentment. A farming and war system whose entire vitality lies in constant wars and a wartime system that will never be disbanded will drive the Qin Dynasty to continue on the path of war.

Never stop!

Until the moment it self-destructs.

A belligerent must die.

No organization has ever been able to escape this law, because the benefits brought by war will eventually fail to cover the profits.

The Qin Dynasty made a profit by conquering the Shandong kingdoms, but after many times, there was no ripe soil around the Xia Dynasty that had been cultivated for thousands of years for the Qin Dynasty to plunder.

In Luo Ling's view, instead of conquering more unproductive land, the Qin Dynasty would be better off using low-cost military rule and instead letting soldiers farm undeveloped land in Chu State.It's a pity that he is not the emperor of the Qin Dynasty, and he cannot understand the obsession of the emperor who unified the world for more achievements.

Luo Ling said slightly: "In this case, how can the general trend not be with me?"

Young Master Fusu's character changed drastically.

There are rumors in Xianyang City that after the young master Fusu was attacked by assassins, his personality changed drastically. The young master who followed Confucianism completely disappeared. Many people said privately that the young master and His Majesty the Emperor looked more and more like each other. They were almost the same person. Carved out of the mold, even Young Master Fu Su is a bit more violent.

At the Great Court Meeting.

After Prime Minister Li Si's speech, Fusu went out to report. Everyone in the palace turned their attention to Fusu. Everyone had heard about the great change in the character of the young master Fusu, and wanted to see what happened.

Fusu felt the eyes of everyone in the palace and felt a little proud in his heart. He just used a little trick to make many ministers change their views. This is the confidence that time travel has brought him, and this is the advantage that comes from the later generations.

After Fusu bowed his head, he said loudly: "Father, my son got some news a few days ago that there are rebels in Shandong who are colluding to cause chaos.

These thieves miss their homeland and are unwilling to obey the prosperous age of the Qin Dynasty. My son believes that these people cannot be tolerated and should use thunderous means to deter all those who rebel against the party. "

Qin Shihuang's expression did not change at all, and he just asked lightly: "Tell me how you plan to scare the rebels?"

Everyone in the palace was too calm in the face of rebellion against the party, but Fusu didn't realize anything was wrong at all.

He did not think about it. The First Emperor did not stay in the capital Xianyang, but he went on many tours. Could it be for traveling?

In fact, it was because of the chaos among the countries in Shandong that they had to go on patrol to suppress it.

A man as talented as the First Emperor had been thinking for so long and still couldn't find a complete solution. How could Fusu, a dead student, still find one?
Fusu said enthusiastically: "Father, my son believes that everything is done by human beings. In other words, those who cause trouble are all human beings.

As long as the human problem is solved, the matter problem is solved.

The reason why the Shandong countries were able to cause chaos was because their nobles still ruled locally.

In particular, the Lu family ruled Qi for 1000 years. Although the main branch perished, the nearby branch clans did not migrate.

Although the Xiong family, a royal family in Chu State, was destroyed, the Xiang family, a prominent family in Chu State for 800 years, had a high status in Chu State, even as high as that of the royal Xiong family, and could call upon the nobles of Chu State.

The son also received news from passing businessmen that direct descendants of the Luo Kingdom had appeared in Tiannan.

The Duke of Luo Kingdom has always been a bit mysterious. They couldn't have died in a fire. There must be some who survived. Aren't you worried, Father? "

The First Emperor was able to remain calm when he heard the previous words, but at the last sentence his face suddenly changed and he asked: "Are you sure there is still someone in the Luo Kingdom's office?"

Fusu came from later generations, and of course he knew that many people had escaped from the Luo Kingdom Office. He immediately said categorically: "Father, the goal of the Luo Kingdom Office is quite obvious. My son believes that it is better to believe that it is there than to believe that it is not."

The First Emperor and everyone in the palace were inexplicably horrified. Finally, they no longer had the previous indifferent expression and began to listen carefully to Fusu's words.

A smile appeared on Fusu's lips, and he added: "Father, you are building a huge imperial mausoleum in Guanzhong, but there is no one who can come to watch the tomb.

My son thinks that all the old nobles from Shandong countries should be moved to the vicinity of your imperial mausoleum, so that they can guard your grave from generation to generation. This is also a supreme honor for those nobles. "

As soon as Fusu said these words, all the officials in the palace immediately grinned. This was indeed a bit cruel, but the feasibility was not very high.

The First Emperor looked at Fusu and asked: "Fusu, do you know how many old nobles there are in the various countries?

You probably don’t know, but do you know how many old nobles there are in Chu State alone? "

Fusu was stunned. The First Emperor's reaction was wrong. Didn't he praise me for coming up with a brilliant idea?

Why did you ask me such an irrelevant question?
Fusu shook his head. He knew that his mother was a noble daughter of Chu State. Qin State and Chu State had been married to each other for many generations, and the power of Chu relatives was extremely powerful.

But that’s all in the past tense now.

In the current Qin Dynasty, there is only the emperor and no other chaotic forces.

Seeing Fusu's reaction, Li Si said in a slightly higher voice: "Sir, [-]% of the literate people in the old lands of Shandong are descendants of the nobles of those countries, and they control everything in the place.

Today, my master, your relocation order is issued, and tomorrow there will be wars in Shandong, and the countries that have just been pacified will need to be fought again by the Qin cavalry. "

Fusu finally came to his senses. Even when the First Emperor was assassinated in Guanzhong, he could not catch Zhang Liang. One can imagine his control over the grassroots.

The Han Dynasty was able to implement the relocation order because the anti-Qin war and the Chu-Han war swept the nobles into the garbage heap.
In the land of Zhuxia, there were only ordinary landlords and powerful people, who were naturally unable to fight against the powerful central government.

The Qin Dynasty did not have such conditions at all, and productivity could not meet the conditions for refined management.

Now the Qin Dynasty's rule over the grassroots is completely superficial. On the surface, it seems that it can do anything. It can organize hundreds of thousands or millions of people to build large buildings and go on expeditions to foreign lands.

But if the interests of the rich and powerful are triggered, there is no way to push it forward. There will be rebels everywhere.


I stayed in the Qin Dynasty Bar for a long time and was influenced by those brainless Qin Chui. I actually felt that the imperial power of the Qin Dynasty could reach the county.

Fusu naturally refused to admit that he was a little too proud and ignored this problem. He scolded those bar friends who were ignorant and could only brag.

(End of this chapter)

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