Established a millennium family since King Wu defeated Zhou

Chapter 509 This subclass of me should be Yao and Shun

Chapter 509 This subclass of me should be Yao and Shun

After leaving Changle Palace, Huo Guang drank some wine with some people, and inadvertently revealed the emperor's plan when he was drunk, so the news spread quickly as if he had grown legs.

People's thinking is too different.

Liu Xun used his superb level of power and tactics, and considered almost all aspects, to make the Western Regions achieve the appearance he wanted. As a result, after the news spread through unofficial channels, not many people cared about it except for the Luo family.

This surprised Liu Xun.

The Western Regions are just a barren and dark place where prisoners are exiled. Many people even call the Western Regions outside the region, and they do not feel that it is the land of Zhu Xia from the bottom of their hearts.

This is the impression of the people of the world on the Western Regions, which cannot be reversed in a short period of time. The Han people in the Western Regions themselves think so, and many generals and soldiers who have made contributions to the raid on the Huns' royal court want to be transferred back to the Central Plains.

The princes traveled around in many ways. Everyone knew that it was impossible for the queen's sons to go to the feudal clan, so only the concubine princes would go. The problem was that it was the Western Regions, where the sun was said to not set until the hour of Hai.

I would rather have a county in the Central Plains than be a king in the Western Regions!
These princes are not running because they don’t want to go. With the character of their father, if they see them pushing back and forth, they will definitely be angry. The goal of these princes is to recommend their brothers to go.

"Brother Huang is talented and talented, and he will definitely entrust him with a great responsibility. This is something that my younger brother cannot compare to. If Brother Huang is in charge of a country in the Western Regions, it will be safe."

"Who doesn't know that my father has repeatedly praised my sixth brother for his talent. He is a unicorn in my family. The vast Western Regions, with thousands of miles of territory, is the perfect place for my sixth brother to display his talents."

Each of these princes turned into Kua Kua Dang, desperately praising their brothers, and even mobilized the ministers to do the same. On the surface, they seemed to have a sense of brotherhood and respect.

But how could it be possible to hide this from Liu Xun?

In Changle Palace.

Liu Xun was sitting at the top, and next to him was a child who was playing. He looked only five or six years old, and he was the second son of the queen who was born in the 14th year of Yuanfeng.

Sitting in the hall were servant Huo Guang, Marquis Hanli of Anyang, Taixue Jijiu Luo Qing, and doctor Liu Xiang, all watching the emperor playing with the children in the hall.

After Gong'e refilled tea for a few people, Liu Xun looked at Marquis Anyang and said, "Marquis Anyang, I am going to appoint you as the Grand Protector of the Western Regions. The previous two Governors of the Western Regions have achieved great military exploits and are famous far and wide. Do you have confidence?"

The Marquis of Anyang bowed and said, "I report to Your Majesty.

During Emperor Xiaowu's reign, he once praised Lord Zhaowu Weiwei as the divine sword bestowed by King Su from the heavens to a great man. The minister is nothing but a mortal, dare to compare with Lord Zhaowu Weiwei?
Marquis Wuxiang stepped on the Xiongnu and killed Shanyu. For decades, the Western Regions were peaceful. This is also not something that my ministers dare to compare.

But the subject knows that the king has given a heavy burden, and the subject should complete it.

The king has given him trust, and his subjects cannot live up to it.

Even though I don't have the talent of my ancestors, I have a loyal heart for His Majesty. Only by doing my best can I repay your kindness.

If there is chaos in the Western Regions, just step over the body of the minister.

Your Majesty, please sit quietly in Chang'an.

This is the promise I can make to His Majesty. "

Marquis Anyang knew why the emperor asked him to go to the Western Regions. Although he didn't want to go from the bottom of his heart, he had to do it because of the responsibilities on his body.

After listening to these words, Liu Xun was quite emotional, and said: "The Marquis of Anyang is really a loyal minister. A minister like you is the pillar of my man. With what you said, how could I not sit in Changle Palace? How about peace of mind?"

As he spoke, he seemed to have thought of something, and turned to say angrily: "Look at those good sons of mine again!

One by one, in order not to go to the Western Regions, they even made a show of brotherhood and brotherhood, which is really ridiculous.

I don't have the country of a big man in my heart, how can I make such princes kings, how can I make them princes of a place?

You are really a descendant of my Liu family! "

Liu Xun was angry from the bottom of his heart, and he even gritted his teeth when he said it. The people below were watching his nose, listening to his heart, and did not make any reaction. This kind of matter is completely the emperor's family business and has nothing to do with them.

The prince Liu She was very angry when he saw his father. He put down the toy in his hand and ran over, hugged Liu Xun, and said in a childish voice: "Father, don't be angry. My child is willing to go to the Western Regions. Royal father guards."

Liu She's appearance was originally crystal clear, very cute, and people couldn't help but feel good about him. He said this again, which made Liu Xun's father's love burst. He never thought that Liu She would say such a thing So he asked, "She'er, who taught you these words?"

As an excellent emperor, Liu Xun remained suspicious of all unreasonable things. Liu She still replied in a childlike voice: "The mother said that the father wants the prince to go to the Western Regions, and that the brothers are not willing to go. So not happy.

Ah Sheh wants to make her father happy, Ah Sheh can go to the Western Regions. "

Liu Xun didn't have any doubts anymore, he hugged Liu She's small body in his arms, then let go, carefully looked at Liu She's face, and said with emotion: "I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it to be my last The filial son turned out to be this five-year-old doll.

I heard that people in this world are born different, and my Sheer must be born filial.

The big man ruled the world with filial piety, such a good child is enough to take on any great responsibility.

Such a good child, can't he become a person like Yao and Shun in the future?
This is what my Prince Liu should look like, how similar to me. "

He sighed here, Liu She was a child, and he only thought his father was praising him, so he shyly slipped into Liu Xun's arms.

But the few people in the hall trembled once, twice, and couldn't stop shaking.

Liu Xun's words are not too long, but the information contained in them is really amazing.

"Most filial" means that other princes are not so filial. On the surface, it is referring to those princes who are unwilling to go to the Western Regions, but what about the prince?
Be like Yao and Shun!

This sentence is really famous. It was said when King Wu of Zhou wanted to pass on the throne of Emperor Su to King Su—my younger brother should be Yao and Shun!
Just like the political meaning of bearing the king's back, the meaning represented by this sentence is extremely thought-provoking.

Who is the current emperor?

Could he not know?

Or did he do it on purpose!
In the end, the emperor also said that Liu She was like himself.

This subclass me!

This is almost the highest evaluation of the emperor. Of these three items, one may be accidental or careless, but if the three appear at the same time, whoever thinks it was not premeditated is a fool!
Who among the four people in the palace is stupid?
The emperor's thoughts were immediately guessed by these people. The emperor had the idea of ​​changing the prince, not necessarily implementing it, at least he had ideas in this regard.

Several people exchanged glances with each other, but they didn't know what to say.

Because politics is complicated, no one knows whether the emperor really wants to change the prince, or uses the matter of changing the prince to put pressure on the somewhat domineering prince.

After all, the incident last time was very embarrassing. The emperor didn't even say that he wanted to change the crown prince. How could this idea suddenly arise this time?

Of course Liu Xun knew what the four people below were thinking, but instead of saying anything, he started talking about something else.

"Gong Ziqing, Marquis Wuxiang has passed away, and his position of Peerless Marquis will be inherited by Gongzi Lan, but I have some ideas, I don't know if it is suitable, I want to confirm with you, if you can't make up your mind, go back to Zhaocheng and Zhao Gong illustrate."

Luo Qing was puzzled, but he bowed directly and said, "Please speak, Your Majesty."

Liu Xun pondered for a while and then said: "After experiencing the matter of conferring the king in the Western Regions this time, I am very worried. The nobles of this big man still don't pay enough attention to the Western Regions and regard it as a place outside the region.

With such an attitude, how can I believe that these people can guarantee that the Western Regions will always be in the hands of the big man in the future?

The Wushuang Marquis occupies almost a quarter of the land in the Yishui River Valley. Although it appears to be a Marquis, it is actually no worse than a kingdom.

If such a powerful Marquis is in the hands of a loyal Marquis, it will be safe and invincible. If there is any accident, collusion with some traitors will cause great harm.

Time and distance are the scariest things in this world, they will make people become strangers.

Young Master Lan is a direct descendant of the Luo family, so I can rest assured.

But according to the inheritance law, I remember that the next two generations will lose the stigmata, right?

Is there any way for the Luo family to ensure that the future Wushuanghou will always have a heart for the Central Plains and not separate the Western Regions? "

Luo Qing never expected that the emperor would think about this issue. In fact, this issue was thought of by the Luo family before. After all, the Western Regions are more important to the Luo family. It is the Luo family that must always maintain the influence of Zhaocheng. of.

Luo Qing immediately said: "Your Majesty, the family has considered this issue a long time ago. After all, the Luo family has a history of thousands of years. It is not uncommon for the Xiaozong to counterattack the Dazong after it is separated.

At present, the family has two ways to solve this problem.

The first way is to adopt the sons from generation to generation to be under the contemporary Wushuanghou, and then inherit the title as a matter of course. The family members are all relatives, and the children don't care about this.

The second way is that Wushuanghou other than Wufu can marry the daughter of the family. As you know, almost [-]% of Zhaocheng is from the Luo clan. We don't have the habit of not intermarrying between clans.

Otherwise, men and women in the whole city will be unmarried.

As long as he is not in the fifth server, he can marry his prostitute daughter to a member of the Luo family, and the stigmata will reappear for another generation. This is a new discovery of the family, as happened in the previous generation of Yinghou Luosi. "

(End of this chapter)

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