Established a millennium family since King Wu defeated Zhou

Chapter 508 Don't Live Up to My Trust

Chapter 508 Don't Live Up to My Trust
I don't want to make a wedding dress for others!

Huo Guang understood the meaning of the emperor's words. The Wusun Kingdom is thousands of miles away. It can both farm land and raise horses. It is close to the far west, has weapons and armor, and is five thousand miles away from Chang'an. The Central Plains sent troops to the Western Regions, just marching It takes a month or two.

This time is enough for the local ruler to coup, and then completely control the situation. The border of the empire is naturally a place of separatism.

Now the emperor wants to develop the Western Regions and vigorously import population and technology to the Western Regions.

Once these precious resources from the Central Plains enter the Western Regions, the strength of the Wusun Kingdom will expand dramatically.

Now King Wusun is in such awe of the court because of his weak strength.

When Wusun State has a population of one million and tens of thousands of armored soldiers, they will definitely provoke the court and even refuse to be ministers. The lessons of the princes of Bangzhou are not far away.

It is impossible for Liu Xun to make such a low-level mistake by creating enemies for himself.

This is because the Wusun country in the Han Dynasty was not strong enough. In fact, the land of Yishui River Valley can give birth to a super farming and nomadic country with a population of millions. If it really reaches that level, it will be a much more terrifying opponent than Goguryeo. .

It can even be said that the war potential of the Huns cannot be compared with it.

It is almost impossible for the Central Plains dynasty to attack a large country with a population of millions across thousands of miles, and also want to destroy the country. In the age without firearms, it is almost impossible.

Although there is no such sign yet, based on past data, Liu Xun still has doubts about this place, and is unwilling to let King Wusun continue to enjoy this fertile land alone.

In the final analysis, King Wusun is not Liu Xun's own person, and there is no basis for mutual trust between the two parties. Liu Xun doesn't know the noble officials in the Western Regions, so he can only infer what may happen from the perspective of human nature.

In politics, trusting others at will is suicide.

Huo Guang is a loyal defender of the central court. He heard the words and said directly: "Your Majesty, your descendants are gradually growing up, but most of them have not yet been crowned kings. I suggest that the Western Regions be crowned kings."

The standard routine of the Han Dynasty is to seal the king first where it is uncontrollable.

With the promotion and exile, basically the country will be eliminated in about three or four generations. If it is done well, the title of Marquis of Che will be left behind, and the king of the kingdom will become a marquis. If it is not done well, it will naturally become a state. The idle clan.

Generally speaking, after about three generations, the number of local royal families has been quite large, and at the same time, the number of Han people has also been quite large.

At this time, new princes and kings can be appointed, or they can be changed into counties and counties to increase the land directly under the central court.

The royal family without the title of prince and marquis is naturally the emperor's basic board, because every year the emperor of the Han Dynasty will select and appoint some of these people.

Cooperating with the Marquis of the previous life and the county magistrates who governed people's livelihood, the results have always been very good.

Liu Xun pondered for a few seconds, and then slowly said: "It is true that two kings should be enshrined, but it is not enough, and Jianba Shizhen Liehou is also needed. I plan to confer the title of Shizhen Liehou on the head of a small country in the Western Regions.

Zimeng, I remember that among the nobles of the Western Regions who followed Marquis Wu Xiang to the expedition, there was a lord of the Western Regions who made great contributions and was one of the commanders of the Temple Army, so he was canonized as a Marquis.

Just call him Cheng Enhou.

Let his young heirs come to Chang'an to study the classics of our Han family, and then go back to inherit the position of lieutenant, as one of the examples of the great Han to the barbarians of the Western Regions.

As long as you make meritorious service for the big man, the big man can bestow titles on them. "

This time Huo Guang was really shocked. It's not that the big man has never conferred titles for foreign races. After all, he had recruited so many foreign races when he fought against the Huns, even the kings were canonized.

Moreover, the system of conferring titles on foreign races has a long history, and there has been such a tradition since the Bang and Zhou Dynasties.

The so-called treat, beheading, accepting as a dog.

After the intimidation by force is over, they still have to be recruited. Except for Liu Dan who was really single-minded and killed, the other emperors were good at recruiting foreigners for their own use.

But this is the first time for Liehou Shizhen!
Shizhen Liehou is not a title of title, it is actually an unofficial title.

Generally speaking, it refers to those families who have the emperor's golden order in their hands and have the commanding power in the county during the war. There may be two princes in the same county. One has a golden order and the other does not. The power of having a golden order is great. , there is no gold order, it is pure wealth, this is the difference.

The princes of Jingnan are basically the lords of Shizhen, especially the six major families of Lanling Xiao, Huaiyin Han, Xinzheng Zhang, Jimo Lu, Anyang Han, and Yinghou Luo. They have not moved their nests for a hundred years. , is the cornerstone of the imperial court.

Jing Nan was launched by these six major families, and other world towns and nobles dared to follow because these six major families had the gold medal for avoiding death in the Han Dynasty.

Huo Guang was quite surprised and asked: "Your Majesty, is it true that the Golden Book, the Golden Edict, and the Golden Order have been given to the people of the Western Regions at the same time? This is the first time in the country."

Liu Xun smiled slightly and said: "The holy king wants to be what others cannot, and to follow the rules, how can he surpass the predecessors?

After the Wusun Kingdom was divided into three parts, there would be four princes and kings of the Liu family in the Western Regions, and four guarding princes would be enough.

But the Western Regions are foreign regions after all, rashly transferring people from the Central Plains will cause a backlash from the Western Regions, and Marquis Wu Xiang's dying words hope that we can reward the troops of the Western Regions normally.

He personally beheaded the Xiongnu Shanyu, and the [-] armies of the Western Regions suffered more than half of the casualties. I can't chill the hearts of these heroes.

The princes of Shizhen must be appointed from among the locals. A local king of the Western Regions will serve as the prince of Shizhen, as well as the existing Wushuanghou, and then choose the one who has made great contributions from the Han army that participated in the raid on the Huns. , the town is in Dawandong Kingdom.

The last position to guard the lieutenant should be vacant first, and the appointment will be made when the population increases. "

Where there is a county, there must be a lord, and where there is a king, there must be a lord. This is the political iron law of the Han Dynasty. The establishment of each county and the appointment of each vassal king will involve at least one position of lord at the same time.

Huo Guang didn't care about these details. He heard some key information from Liu Xun, "it will cause a rebound in the Western Regions", "normally reward the Western Regions", and "cannot chill the hearts of heroes."

These unintentional words prove that although the emperor is starting to weaken the power of the position of Daduhu, he is not ready to kill the donkey.

On the contrary, he cut down the power of the military and government of the generals, and dispersed these powers to the guarding princes, kings, and court officials. The Western Regions lost an undoubted master, but the overall power of the Han people in the Western Regions is growing. .

The reason why this can be done is because the Xiongnu were beaten to the ground, the Western Regions lost the greatest external threat, and a high degree of military condensation is no longer the first choice to deal with the Western Regions issue.

If you want to resist the Huns, you still need to implement the previous highly integrated military and political regime.

"I am going to send the Marquis of Anyang over as the candidate for the Protectorate."


Huo Guang was full of questions when he heard the words, thinking that he had heard it wrong, and sending Anyang Hou over there, what is the difference between that and letting Wushuang Hou continue to hold him?
The relationship between the Han family and the Luo family in Huaiyin is getting farther and farther, but although the Marquis of Anyang belongs to the Han family, he can change it at any time. The Luo family still has the legal principle of this title, and how many members of the Luo family are there in the Marquis of Anyang, don’t you know, Your Majesty? ?

Seeing Huo Guang's bewildered expression, Liu Xun couldn't help but burst out laughing, "Zimeng, Zimeng, you are a wise man, don't you see my intentions?"

After all, Huo Guang was smart. A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he said in surprise: "Your Majesty, are you trying to change the way to let the Luo family continue to rule the Western Regions?"

Liu Xun nodded with a smile: "The two kings and one prince of the Western Regions, if I were to choose one whom I can trust, then I would definitely choose Wushuanghou.

If there is a rebellion in the Western Regions, I still believe that Wushuanghou will be put down, and everyone in the Western Regions will feel at ease.

The meritorious ministers get the rewards they deserve, let them be honored and rich, and the monarch's world will be stable.

Zimeng, do you think it's right for me to do this? "

Huo Guang immediately bowed down and said: "Your Majesty is wise, the sage said that a scholar will die for his confidant, and his majesty will show kindness to his confidant, and the minister will repay his kindness. This is the principle between heaven and earth."

Human beings are too complicated, even Liu Xun is not exempt, he will still put his hope on human beings in the end of playing tricks to achieve balance.

There is no perfect system in this world, but there are trustworthy people. All divisions are for the stability of power, but in the deepest part, the brilliance of human nature covers everything.

Liu Xun stared closely at Huo Guang, staring at Huo Guang like a light on his back, wondering what happened to the emperor.

Then I heard Youyou's voice, "Zimeng, I may have to do something big, you are the person I trust the most, and I hope you will always remember this trust.

Go down first and spread my meaning. "

Huo Guang withdrew in cold sweat and walked all the way outside the hall. When the cold wind blew, he came back to his senses and recalled the last words the emperor said.


Huo Guang was very puzzled, the emperor held great power, and he didn't want to go to war with the Luo family, so what in this world was a big deal for him?
I'm afraid even this attack on the Huns is not a big deal, is it?


Huo Guang couldn't figure it out and had to give up. The most important thing now is to reveal the adjustment of the Western Regions and see everyone's reaction.


Whenever the author studies Liu Xun, Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty, one word always flashes through, and that is caution.

During his 20 years in power, the author has hardly seen any violent behavior. He is always cautious and cautious. The political wisdom proposed by Lao Tzu, "Governing a big country is like cooking a small fish", is vividly reflected in him.

Starting from dealing with the princes of Jingnan, he can always deal with those heroes who have made great contributions reasonably, without affecting the operation of the imperial power, and can make the heroes get rewards, which is probably what a great king can do.

All kinds of talents can display their abilities wantonly without worrying about being liquidated by the king, which is why Liu Xun is called one of the greatest emperors of the Han Dynasty. ——"Han Xuandi Biography"

(End of this chapter)

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