Chapter 281 Rules and Regulations
At the same time, granting the temple title and posthumous title to the collapsed emperor was a pioneering work of the imperial court, which made everyone very excited.

Creating a country and establishing a system will produce an indescribable sense of refreshment, and there is also a sense of pride in participating in it.

After discussing about Liu Bang's death, Lu Zhi finally raised the question that he was most concerned about.

Luo Xin said solemnly: "1000 years ago, King Su saw that the states were rude, that they were not respectful enough to meet the emperor, that there were no rules for using utensils, and that there was no etiquette among the states, so he made Zhou Li.

The princes saw the grand etiquette, so they feared the emperor, and the high officials saw the five tripods, so they obeyed his lord.

From then on, the emperor, princes, ministers, officials, scholars, and common people all performed their duties.

Until the ceremony collapses and the joy breaks down.

Now the world belongs to the big man, but the power and responsibility are so chaotic.

The Queen Mother's order went out of Chang'an City, but the local officials did not carry it out.

This is like Tai Ah's upside-down, the earth is higher than the sky, and the flames burn up the river, this is not tolerable.

The county guards fought with the county ministers, and even fought.

How absurd it is for the sheriff to call the magistrate of the county and the country a vassal official, and the magistrate of the county and the country to call the magistrate of the county a subordinate official.

The powers and responsibilities among officials are not clear, and it is not right that a matter cannot be decided within a month.

The rules and regulations are not perfect, and there are many lawbreakers, which should be rectified.

The etiquette system of the big man lacks too much, which urgently needs to be supplemented.

The Empress Dowager's regency is to make the world clear and clear, and the emperor, princes and kings, Chehou, ministers, officials, and common people must all perform their duties and do their best.

You are all intellectuals and should speak freely. "

Although the Han Dynasty has been established for 13 years, it is actually still in the initial stage.

Liu Bang became emperor too quickly, and the last few years of his life were mainly to clean up kings with different surnames, which should actually be counted as the process of founding the country.

After the last Wang Yingbu with a different surname went to the country, the Han Dynasty was truly unified.

Then Liu Bang collapsed directly, and there was no time to formulate the system of the Han Dynasty.

The current Han Dynasty is a hybrid of the official system of the Qin Dynasty and the Zhou Dynasty, including internal and external service and the Sangong Jiuqing.

Luo also brought the ritual system of the Zhou Dynasty.

Then the Han Dynasty combined the enfeoffment system with the prefecture and county system, and created a parallel system of prefectures and states.

So many systems are combined, from the central to the local, it is just one word, chaos!

Lu Zhi said loudly: "Everyone heard what Dong'ahou said clearly. Marquis Bing and Marquis Liu, what do you think?"

Hearing this, Xiao He pondered for a moment and said: "Queen Mother, I think that the most important thing is the rules and regulations, and the current order is due to the lack of laws and regulations.

Laws and decrees are all rules in the world.

Su Wang made the Zhou Rites, which are rituals in name, but in fact they are laws and regulations. If the princes abide by it, they will be safe and sound, and if they disobey it, they will be punished.

The princes then treated the emperor respectfully, and the world was thus stable.

The first emperor's meritorious deeds were great, he defeated those disobedient princes, and established clans with the same surname. Now the imperial court is strong enough to re-order laws and regulations.

The laws of the Qin Dynasty were too strict, and the laws of the Han Dynasty were too lax. If they were too strict, the people would be angry, and if they were too lax, they would lose their awe.

Please order the Queen Mother to stabilize the Dahan community! "

Xiao He's words are really reasonable. In fact, Xiao He had a deep understanding of the laws and regulations of the Han Dynasty in his heart. He had served as a knife and pen official in the Qin Dynasty for many years and was very familiar with Qin laws, so he wanted to use the loose version of Qin laws before. Law came to govern the big man, but Luo Ling's practice of the law completely shattered all his thoughts.

Although Luo Ling did not completely deny everything about Qin Chao, but Xiao He is an extremely shrewd person, and his ability to protect himself is first-rate, so he immediately put his mind to rest.

It was only in the past few years that I gradually felt some wind direction from the wind in Zhaocheng, and realized that I was too cautious before.

Lu Zhi nodded in praise and said: "Laws are the foundation of a country, and Xiao Xiangguo deserves to be the talent of Wang Zuo praised by Duke Zhao.

Dong Ahou, I just heard you say that your fifth younger brother knows three generations and is a great talent capable of overcoming laws and regulations.

Knowing that there are talented people but not recruiting them is not what a sage king should do.

Now that the world is unified and all belong to the great man, I don't know if your son is willing to become an official and help me to prosper this tired world?

I have nothing, so I can only give it to the young master as a high-ranking official. "

In a prosperous and exhausted world, this is the great wish of Lu Zhi's regent. She wants to prove her ability to the whole world, and she wants to leave her name in the history books, just like Ji Lingjun, who was in power in Luo Kingdom in the past.

My name is Luzhi, and my name is Ejin. I am not a dispensable Lu family!

Looking at the high-spirited Lu Zhi, all the officials bowed their heads in admiration. This kind of temperament appeared in the Queen Mother, but the emperor sitting next to him didn't have such a temperament.

Liu Bang is almost a hexagonal emperor. Whether it is war, governing the world, or controlling people, he is not bad at anything.

Lu Zhi is also well versed in the way of governing the country and controlling people, but the two of them actually gave birth to a son with such a kind personality.

It is really strange that it is not like a father or a mother.

Luo Xin said straightly: "When you return to the Queen Mother, my younger brother is naturally willing to become an official. He already has a plan in his heart, and with the joint efforts of all the officials, he will definitely be able to make laws for you that are in line with the world. It is by no means as strict as Qin Law, but It is enough to make the great Han prosperous."

Lu Zhi laughed and said, "Then I will make a decision after your son arrives in Chang'an, and I will talk with you."

The selection of officials in the Qin and Han Dynasties is vividly shown here. The prime minister personally recommends them. Today they are still dressed in white, but tomorrow they can serve Zhu Peizi.

Originally, Lu Zhi was planning to directly formulate the general rules and regulations at this meeting, but with this matter, it can only be postponed.

Xiao He originally thought that he would be able to shine at the end of his life, but he did not expect that the Luo family had such a son who was good at regulations and classics.

He couldn't help but shook his head helplessly. The Luo family has too many classics and talents, so he is naturally much better than him in this respect. Perhaps the drafts in his heart are full of leaks in front of this young master of the Luo family.

He continues to prepare for cooperation. He believes that his years of grassroots experience and years of experience in governing state affairs are still very useful.

It is enough to be proud of a person who can make a great contribution in this life. Xiao He is already very satisfied with his life. Recognition of Xiao He.

He doesn't need to add any merits to prove himself, the only thing he wants to do now is to establish a good relationship with Luo Shi, so that he can speak well for himself in the history books in the future.

Xiao He has read "Luogong Spring and Autumn", but he knows the same thing too well. The praise and criticism in the history books are completely different. The historian only guarantees the truth of the matter, but does not guarantee that there will be no personal emotions.

This matter is temporarily over, Luo Xin said: "Queen, since ancient times, the holy kings will make calendars. Since the Suwang calendar made by the family with great painstaking efforts, the rest of the world's calendars have gradually been eliminated. However, after countless years of wars, the world's The calendar has long been out of date.

There are no rules in the calendar to teach farming and mulberry. Without the guidance of the calendar, when to sow and when to harvest is in chaos. The urgent task now is to send envoys to the various counties and states in the world to adjust the calendar time. "

Lu Zhi frowned slightly and said sadly: "Hou Dong, this calendar is of course the most important thing, but the project of adjusting the calendar is really too huge.

After continuous wars, the national treasury is now even empty, and recruiting a group of astronomers and mathematicians now costs a lot of money, and there is no output in a short period of time. The court really can't afford it. "

The astronomers are listed separately, which can be regarded as Luo's contributions to the prosperity of the various schools of thought when he came to this world. There are also mathematicians, who are also listed separately. of.

In fact, Confucianism also has numerology, which is one of the six arts of a gentleman, but Luo Shi has long discovered that the Confucian practice of simply treating numerology as an appendage of a gentleman will eventually destroy numerology.

Because with the increase of Confucian classics, if you want to become a great Confucian, you have to learn more classics, and numerology will definitely be abandoned in the end.

The governing theories of the four schools of Confucianism, Taoism, Fa and Mohism are too strong in essence, they are metaphysical thoughts, and numerology is a complete tool.

Those who work hard govern others, and those who work hard govern others. This is the truth.

Luo Xin immediately said: "Empress Dowager, when the Luo Kingdom was destroyed in the past, the Luo family fled and took away a large amount of materials.

The Suwang calendar is really important, even related to the well-being of the people, so the Luo family has never given up on the calculation and adjustment of the Suwang calendar in various places over the years.

You don't need to spend a lot of money to recalculate, there are ready-made numbers in Zhaocheng, just copy them to each county.

Within three months, whether it is Chang'an, the Liaodong Kingdom of Yan, or the Lingnan Kingdom, Su Wangli will guide all the people to cultivate in all the lands of Xia.

You only need to write a letter to Zhaocheng, you have great ambitions to prosper and exhaust the world, this is the character of ancient sage kings, I believe that big brother will be willing to send those materials to you. "

Lu Zhi's eyes lit up, and with a look of joy, he couldn't help admiring: "The Luo family really deserves to be the descendants of King Su. Your family's virtues are as high as the sun in the sky, and your family's talents are so important. Just like the majestic Mount Tai.

The great man cannot lack the assistance of the Luo family, and I cannot lack the assistance of the Luo family. When will we be able to call Yinghou back from South Korea?
Sanluo Fuzheng, and all the heroes in this palace are all heroes for a while, presumably the world of the big man is enough to prosper. "

A court meeting ended amidst the joy of the monarch and his subjects, but everyone knew that the real storm would not come until the Luo family son came to Chang'an.

The fifth member of the Luo family received Luo Xin's letter, tidied up a bit, and left Luo Village, heading towards Chang'an.


Empress Dowager Lu is also a strange woman. Historians recorded it in this book and praised it: the posture of a holy king.

In my opinion, the praise is too much, but I can see it with filial piety, Sanluo assists the government, follow the same step, and the mediocre master can also make meritorious service. ——"Miscellaneous Talks on Reading History"

 Start to implement the system of the Han Dynasty, what Sanyang cabinet, look at me, the big Han Sanluo
(End of this chapter)

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