Established a millennium family since King Wu defeated Zhou

Chapter 280 Restarting the Temple Name Posthumous Name System

Chapter 280 Restarting the Temple Name Posthumous Name System
Lu Zhi's regency has a huge impact on the situation in the court. The most taboo thing for a country is to have two political centers.

Before Liu Ying succeeded the emperor in Changle Palace, but the Empress Dowager's Weiyang Palace was ordered out. The officials didn't know who was the master of the empire, so the situation inevitably became complicated, and countless evil feelings would breed in it.

With Lu Zhi taking the position of Queen Mother Regent, the situation of the whole world becomes clearer. The master of the empire is the Queen Mother, and everything can be reported to the Queen Mother. The emperor is still young and needs to continue to learn how to govern the country and how to know and employ people.

Weiyang Palace.

Not only Luo Xin is here, Xiao He, Zhang Liang and other important officials are gathered here to discuss the national strategic direction after the Empress Dowager regent.

An old fox like Xiao He, as he grows older, gradually expresses fewer opinions on current affairs, and he will not offend others if he can.

Before serving as prime minister with Luo Yi, he would not fight or grab, and do his own thing well.

Now that Empress Lu is close to Dong Ahou, the reason why she can still serve as the prime minister is because of her high prestige and old age, and she is just for Luo Xin, so Xiao He has adjusted his position even more.

After Zhang Liang had seen Luo Ling, a peerless figure who basically suppressed himself in terms of wisdom, he stopped paying attention to many political matters, and focused his energy on cultivating immortals. For him, as long as he could Keep the wealth of the family.

With all the ministers present, it is naturally impossible for Lu Zhi to sit next to Luo Xin. She sits at the top, and Liu Ying sits next to her, her little face is a little pale. When he was an infant, he experienced Too many bumps, which made him a little weak, but fortunately he was not sick.

However, Luoxin is planning ahead. Although Liu Ying is still young, he has already begun to pay attention to Liu Ying's queen candidate. After Liu Ying is crowned, he will start to marry him and have children earlier, so as to stabilize Lu Zhi's heart.

Lu Zhi opened his mouth and said: "Masters, the first emperor Bintian, to explain the merits and demerits to King Su, that is beyond our reach, but the deeds of the world need to be publicized. Name is important.

The late emperor had great merit and virtue, how should we praise him?Marquis Liu, your wisdom is superb, and Duke Zhao once praised you for being unique, so let me tell you about it first. "

Zhang Liang was named, and after a little thought, he said: "If you don't order to the counties and states to compose poems and songs about the deeds of the late emperor, then you will be able to publicize the deeds of the late emperor."

This is also a way, and it is already very extraordinary to be able to come up with such a method that can be accepted by both scholars and common people in such a short period of time.

Lu Zhi looked at Luo Xin again, and asked softly, "Does Dong'a Hou have any ideas?"

"Liuhou's idea is very good. It can spread the benevolence of the late emperor among the common people."

First he affirmed Zhang Liang's thoughts, and then he said: "When the first emperor was here, he named the elder brother Zhao Gong, and avoided taboos on the word Zhao, and even the posthumous title, such as King Qin Zhaoxiang and King Yan Zhao, etc. In the middle, it was changed to Cheng, and it was called Qin Chengxiang King, Yan Cheng King and so on.

The posthumous title is a very important thing, which was approved by the first emperor.

During the Zhou Dynasty, the emperor died, and the princes died, all of them had posthumous titles to judge the merits and demerits of their lives.

When the first emperor came, he thought that the ministers criticized the monarch, and the son criticized the father, so he abolished the posthumous title. How absurd it is.

Could it be that without his posthumous title, wouldn't he be called an only husband?

Wouldn't he be called a tyrant without his posthumous title?

Bangzhou has experienced 1000 years, but there has never been a problem with the posthumous titles that have been repeatedly confirmed by the princes.

King Li almost destroyed Bangzhou Sheji, so he got the posthumous title of Li.

Is this because Duke Wen and even many ministers are dissatisfied with him?

It is recorded in the history books, "The posthumous posthumous title is severe, and the people of Zhou are happy to sing about it for more than ten days." '

When King Li got this bad posthumous posthumous title, the families of those Chinese who died tragically because of him rejoiced.

If a king like Li Wang can still receive offerings of blood and food, and get good evaluations, where should those loyal ministers and good generals who died tragically because of the stupid and tyrants go to express their grievances?
The minister thought that the posthumous title system should be reactivated, not only the king, but also the important officials of the court, such as Sangong Jiuqing and Chehou, should be included in this evaluation system.

The king's posthumous title must be reported to heaven.

The posthumous titles of the princes and princes are determined first, and every other year, the names of the deceased officials and the posthumous titles prepared by the court are engraved on the bamboo slips, and they will be announced together when the emperor sacrifices to heaven. "

Posthumous title!

People like Xiao He and Zhang Liang looked at Luo Xin excitedly. They never expected Luo Xin to bring up this matter. The key is to extend their posthumous titles to important officials like them.

Bang Zhou's posthumous title was firstly selected by Su Wang with hundreds of words, and then gave them an explanation. At the beginning, it was not used after death. Since Wen Gong, it has completely become a posthumous judgment.

This set of procedures lasted for a full 1000 years, and only the rulers of the princes can obtain it, not the princes, not even the regents who are in charge of the state affairs of the big country.

Among the dozen or so people in the palace, whoever is not a meritorious service to the founding of the country, and whoever does not have the title of Marquis Che, can all get a posthumous title.

The most important thing is that these people all think that their achievements can definitely get a posthumous posthumous title,

Naturally, Lu Zhi had known about this for a long time, and with an excited look on his face, he said, "What Dong Ahou said is really true.

Only a single husband in this world does not allow criticism, because he has too many faults and sins, and the water of the East China Sea cannot be washed away.

The first emperor had great merit and virtue, so he deserved the highest posthumous title. I heard that the kings, emperors, Yao, Shun and Yutang are all posthumous titles.

The late emperor was the first emperor to have a posthumous title, and he deserved an unprecedented posthumous title. The late emperor's virtue overwhelmed all things and his merits were grand, so he was posthumously named 'Gao', called Emperor Gao. "

The two of you have agreed to co-author, so let me say first, Zhang Liang complained secretly in his heart, and then he heard Lu Zhi ask: "Dong Ahou's method is good, it can be implemented, but there are still suggestions. ?”

Luo Xinshi Shi Ran took out a piece of cloth from the wide sleeve of his robe, and said in a clear voice: "Queen Mother, this is what I asked my fifth younger brother to bring here when I knew about the late Emperor Bintian and I was going to Chang'an.

The fifth younger brother of the minister is familiar with all the rules and regulations of the three dynasties. He has read thousands of volumes of books. He is a great talent who can overcome laws and regulations. Wang's. "

The history before the Zhou Dynasty, the Luo family is the most clear, especially after the first emperor burned books, the position of the Luo family's academic leaders became more and more prominent.

For example, the name of the temple, maybe some of the other hundred schools are a little bit clearer, but definitely not as clear as the Luo Family, Lu Zhi asked curiously: "What is the name of the temple?"

"The ancestors have meritorious deeds and the ancestors have virtues. The temple name is based on the ancestor or the ancestor. As a kind of praise to the ancestors, it is different from the posthumous title. achievements."

People nowadays still have to face, after all, Bang Zhou did not hesitate to give the emperor a bad posthumous posthumous title, Lu Zhi frowned and said: "If you just blindly praise, how can you warn future generations?"


Everyone in the hall is thinking this way, how can you bring out the good without the bad?
Just like posthumous titles, how can we set off the greatness of Wenwu Kangzhao without Jie Zhou and You Li?
Of course, there is no posthumous title now, but the reason is this.

Luo Xin said with a smile: "The temple name follows the principle that ancestors have merit and ancestors have virtue. Ancestors without merit will not be belittled, but they will not be given temple names."

That makes sense.

If you don’t have a temple name, isn’t this a kind of derogation? Everyone has a temple name, but you don’t. It means that you are not as good as other emperors.

Considering the two aspects comprehensively, it is basically possible to judge the achievements of a king, but the premise is that the courtiers must have integrity.

Officials in this era are naturally virtuous in this regard, and no one wants to ruin their reputation in history just because they want to praise a dead king.

However, Luo Shi's proposal is naturally not that simple, and he will not pin these on human integrity.

Whether it is a temple name or a posthumous title, the most important thing is actually the step of telling the heavens.

My respect to God?

Su Wang is heaven, if there is a mediocre king who dares to shamelessly name himself a temple, his temple will be demolished on the spot.

If the posthumous name of God is too outrageous, no matter whether it is deliberately raised or belittled, a small thunderbolt will directly burn the bamboo slip with the name to ashes on the spot.

When God got angry, he asked you if you were afraid?
At least when the family background is still rich, this system can continue to operate steadily, which is a deterrent to those kings and courtiers who are scruples about face.

The Mohist's will of heaven and the thought of enlightening ghosts have had a huge impact on the Luo family. People are doing it, and the sky is watching, which is the foundation of this set of policies.

This is clearly said, the Luo family may not be able to stop the treacherous people from causing disasters to the society every time.

But it's impossible for you to have a good reputation, it will leave you with a bad reputation forever.

Now everyone understands that the temple name is like an additional seal, and this arrangement is very appropriate.

"The first emperor made great achievements in creating the country, so it is naturally beyond the reach of future generations. It seems that it should be the temple name of the ancestor."

Luo Xin nodded and said: "Yes, the most honorable temple title, that is, Taizu, can only be used by the holy king who established the foundation of the dynasty. "

Emperor Taizu Gao!
Everyone murmured about this title slightly, and felt their scalps tingling. This feeling of carrying history and merit makes people want to stop.


The great Chang'an and Luoyang were not built in a day, and the great civilization and splendid culture cannot be achieved overnight. The re-establishment of the system of temple names and posthumous names is another contribution of the Han Dynasty, which is of great significance to historical research. Changes in temple names and posthumous names can even reveal changes in the dynasty's ideology. ——"History of the Rise and Fall of the Han Dynasty"

(End of this chapter)

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